

At a certain part of NIFLHEIM, the Icy Plains, a loud cry had been heard following by a series of explosions in all directions.

Yuki is currently fighting Two ice trolls in the middle of this particular area. These two ice Trolls are actually a group-type of Monsters, they always move in groups. Yuki had actually slain four ice trolls already and these two ice trolls are what's left in their group.

Normally, Yuki wouldn't have that much of a problem defeating two monsters, but the issue within the Group-Type Monsters is, the less their number becomes, the stronger the remaining ones get. So the two remaining Ice trolls are much stronger than they originally were before Yuki hunted them.

But still, it's not at an alarming rate and Yuki knows that he can still manage, defeating them will just take much more time, that's the only issue he currently has.



The Ice trolls are violently swinging and smashing their Ice clubs towards the ground as they try to hit Yuki, but fail as he constantly dodges every one of their attacks.

"... HEHEHE, did you really think that you can hit me with that fat belly of yours!?"


Due to Yuki's high agility and familiarity with the DMMO-RPG's controls, he can dodge all the attacks and move inside the game with ease.

The two Ice trolls are having a hard time landing a hit with their Ice clubs. As Yuki dodges an attack from Ice troll number 1, Ice troll number 2 that's standing at a very far distance, immediately opened its mouth and lunches its long and slick tongue towards Yuki at a very fast pace.

Yuki saw this, but he knows that he won't be able to dodge as he is still on the momentum of dodging the previous attack of Troll number 1. But Yuki is not worried about it.


When the tongue was about to hit Yuki, a Humanoid-shadow-like figure had suddenly appeared in front of the tongue's trajectory, seemingly to block it from reaching Yuki.



The Ice Troll number 2 had noticed this and didn't waste any more time as it immediately retracts its tongue, but, before that could even happen, a spear had suddenly pierced the body of the Shadow-Figure and completely cutting its whole body in half, of course, including the Ice Troll's tongue.

"ARGGHH!!" Ice Troll number two screams after this and retracts its already damaged tongue.

Ice Troll Number 1 saw this and became enraged as it immediately rushes towards Yuki.


It swung down the massive Ice Club towards Yuki and made a loud explosion as it hits the ground.

But, as if it knows that it didn't hit anything at all other than the icy ground, the Ice Troll number one had lifted the Ice Club without even looking at the crater it had made.

The Ice troll number 1 is trying to look for Yuki as it knows that Yuki disappeared before the Ice Club hits him. But as Ice Troll number 1 tries to find Yuki's figure, noise from a far distance had suddenly caught its attention.

".. WAARGKK-K-k!"

After that, Ice troll number two falls on the ground as its HP reached down to zero, then slowly disintegrates into light particles. When the body was completely gone, a green but a little bit bluish line of light from the disappeared body of the troll, suddenly came rushing out towards Yuki and got absorb inside him.

"... Thank you for the Meal!"

Behind the now dead and gone, Ice troll number two, Yuki is standing. While standing, Yuki used the avatar gesture and made his avatar smile, which is really not fit for his avatar since instead of making him look calm and happy, It makes him even more terrifying than he already is.

His blood-colored like eyes squinted and the Lamprey-like mouth of his, formed a U shape like it was supposed to be a smile. It looks so wrong since while he is "smiling", the long tongue he had is swaying side by side outside of his mouth.


The Ice troll number 1 had released a loud roar while swinging its Ice club into a random direction. Probably, due to the death of Ice troll number 2.

"... Oh geez, don't be too angry. You'll eventually follow that guy anyway." Yuki said with a playful tone.


Suddenly, the Ice troll had sprinted towards Yuki while still screaming out loud. While it was rushing towards Yuki, Yuki noticed that the eyes of the swamp troll had become red, and its red hair became completely white.

Yuki realized that it must be some sort of power-up. That's natural since this Ice Troll is the only remaining one in its group that is originally composed of six Ice Trolls.

Yuki doesn't want to fight it upfront so he immediately raised his right hand, opens his palms, and aligned it in the Ice troll's direction.

" [ Maximize Magic: Fireball ] "

From Yuki's palm, a red magic circle had suddenly appeared and flames in a circular pattern had come out from it and immediately flew towards the Ice troll's direction.

When the Ice troll saw this, it immediately positions its big Ice club in front to block the [ Fireball ].



The Ice troll manages to block the [ Fireball ] but when it looks towards the front again, it saw that Yuki is not there anymore.

The Ice troll stopped from running to look for Yuki, but before it could even turn its head, Yuki suddenly appears behind the troll. Brandishing his glowing spear, he shoves it towards the Ice Troll's neck.

The Ice troll was surprised as it was suddenly attacked from behind, but unlike what Yuki thought, that attack wasn't enough to one-shot the Ice Troll. The Ice troll had immediately gripped the Ice club it holds and swung it towards Yuki.

Though surprised, Yuki acts immediately to dodge the Ice Club as he stomps his foot on the Troll's shoulder and launches himself backward to avoid the attack.

"Tch! Tough Bastard."

Yuki landed on the ground perfectly, but he didn't waste any time as he immediately rushes back towards the Ice Troll.

" [ Quick March ] "

Yuki's whole body glowed and his speed had suddenly increased. The Ice troll was clearly not expecting his sudden burst of speed that before it could even lift its Ice club, Yuki already passes through between its legs and cut the Ice Troll's achilles tendon.

This made the Ice troll fall on its knees. Yuki didn't waste this opportunity as he immediately jumps again and landed behind the Ice Troll's neck.

"... GG."

After that, before the troll could even react, Yuki plunges his spear into the Ice Troll's neck.

After that, the Ice troll stopped moving and completely falls to the ground. Like the other one, its body had also started to disintegrate into particles.

When the body is gone, a green but bluish line of light from the disappeared body of the Ice troll had also appeared and was absorbed by Yuki.

After that, a small shiny object that looks like a Crystal and a long Bone tusk were dropped on the ground where the Ice troll's body disappeared.

"Ooh, a Data Crystal. And a high quality at that. Lucky!"

The small-looking crystal that was dropped by the Ice Troll is a Data crystal. Even though it's a small item, it is the second most important and valuable item in the whole YGGDRASIL. Next to the World items.

It is the most sought item by all of the Players because it is one of the fundamental building blocks in YGGDRASIL, these crystals are what make the flexible system of customization in YGGDRASIL possible.

Data crystals can be used in customization for all facets of the game, ranging from changing the qualities of locations, crafting NPCs, designing personal weapons, altering player appearances, changing abilities, etc.

For Reference, items like Shalltear Bloodfallen's Spuit Lance were made by inserting a data crystal into an item skin to give it said abilities. However, harvesting data crystals is difficult as they do not usually come with the same quality as they always do.

That's the reason why Yuki is happy to get a high-quality Data Crystal. Though it's not like he is lacking with it, actually, he has a scary amount of it because he constantly buys some Data Crystal in the Exchange Market. But not all his Data Crystals are high quality, so it's a pretty big deal for him.

"... Yosh, I'm feeling lucky today. I should go and grind some more exp before going out."

Yuki decided to hunt more Monsters before calling it a day, so he started walking towards the next Area where new Monsters should be.

But before he could even leave the Icy Plains, the area where he fought the Ice Trolls, he suddenly sensed something behind the Trees in the far front of him. He sensed two presence.

The moment Yuki saw this, he knows that those 'presence' are Players, and he didn't even need to be an expert to realize that they are waiting for him.

"... Pfft. Is this suppose to be an Ambush?" Yuki thought to himself.

He placed his spear in front of him, just so he can be ready for all the possibilities. He slowly walked forward then stopped at a certain distance between the Tree where the Players he sensed are hiding.

"... Hmm, That's surprising. Using a Tree to ambush someone. Wow. Is that the new Meta?"

After that, two bursts of laughter can be heard behind that said Trees.



After that, two Players that looks to be a pair of Human came out and face Yuki.

One of them is wearing a Robe that's full of fancy designs while holding a piece of equipment that looks to be a staff. Any Player can probably guess that he is a Magic Caster without a doubt. The next guy on the other hand is wearing full silver-colored armor, which might be a Fighter or a Tank.

"... See, told ya that it was a player." Said by the guy that is wearing a robe.

".. Yeah, you're right, and a Heteromorphic one at that. We got lucky." Said the other guy that is wearing an armor.

Yuki, after hearing the Armored-guy remarks, has been intrigued. The fact that they are making it sounds like they are more focused on him being a Heteromorphic rather than he himself, is already enough to catch all his attention.

Yuki wants to know what do they mean by that. But it's not like he can ask it directly.

"... What are you two supposed to be? A party? It's my first time seeing a Human Player here on NIFLHEIM. Mind if ask what a pair of lovebirds doing in this area? Is this supposed to be a place for your honeymoon or something?" Yuki said with a playful tone as a heart emoticon appears above his head.

"... Hahaha, good joke buddy but no. We just heard that there are many Heteromorphic Players in this world, so we decided to take a visit, and can you imagine that? In just a couple of minutes, we found you just by roaming around. The others said that you guys are really good at hiding. Haha, looks like it's just a false rumor." Said by the guy that's wearing silver armor.

".. Oh really? Well, since you found me. What can I do for you two? Do you want a picture or something?" Yuki said as a blushing emoji appears above him.

".. Hahaha, no. Not your autograph but, something better. I don't know if you know it but, PKing a Heteromorphic Player won't give us any kind of punishment. Not just do they give better exp, they also drop items too, and you, my lucky guy, have some pretty damn good equipment on yourself. Haha, not gonna lie, they look expensive as hell." Said by the mage-looking guy while ogling Yuki's Equipment.

"... Feels bad man, but all of that will be ours now." The Armor-guy followed up.

(AN: Hmm... Team rocket?)

They are not wrong, if someone were to look at Yuki's whole Equipment, they'll see that what he had are all high class. From the Weapon, Armor, Accessories, even the Light Armor that Yuki wears had a much higher class than the Armor of the Armor-guy, even though his Armor is much more solid than Yuki's.

Well, Yuki intentionally equipped a Light Armor just so his agility won't be affected since wearing heavy solid armor makes a Player slow, because the weight it had will reduce the agility of the User.

"... Haha, please don't feel bad about this, it's just that, you are so unlucky to meet us today." Said by the Armor guy while pulling out his sword. Taking Yuki's silence as him feeling so miserable and bad.

".. Oh no, it's actually fine." Yuki said while waving his hand, making the two humans so confused about this. Like, who's person would feel fine about getting robbed?

"... But, before we start the fun, can I ask you something? Does hunting Heteromorphics, a trend now?" Asked by Yuki towards the two.

Yuki knows that these kinds of things are bound to happen, but he is so confused since he didn't expect that the discrimination will begin this early. He needs to know how big this issue had become already.

"... Uh no. Not really. I mean, there's some Players who do this kind of thing but I wouldn't say that it's a trend now." Said by the mage-looking guy as he points his staff towards Yuki.

Yuki on the other, couldn't care less about his gesture as he looks even more relieved for some reason.

".. I see, so it hasn't started yet huh? *sigh* Well, that's a relief." Yuki said as he wipes off his imaginary sweat.

After that playful moment, Yuki looks towards the two in front of him.

"... I will feel bad, and I know you guys are idiots, but I'll at least warn you..." Yuki said as he slowly put his helm on.

"... You don't want this fight."

"... Haha, oh we sure do." Said by the Armor guy, while the Mage guy only laughed.

"... Then, don't blame me for this." Yuki said as he raises his spear towards the two.

Hearing this, made the confused duo, even more, confuse.

".. Huh? What are you saying, it's compl-"

But they didn't even manage to finish their line as Yuki lowered his body and suddenly burst forward towards the two of them.

"... Hup!"

Brandishing his already glowing spear, Yuki immediately closes the distance between them and makes the first strike.


IGN: Cadis Etrama Di Raizel

Gender: Male

Race: Undead / Heteromorphic

Level: 70


Hp: 236


Mp: 10 +


Phy Atk: 75


Phy Def: 187


Agility: 80


Mag Atk: 65


Mag Def: 217


Resist: 100


Special: 100


Total Stats: 1,070

Vampire (15)

Arch Vampire (2)

Origin (2)


Weapon Master (7)

Blood Drinker (6)

Fighter (10)

Negator (5)

Slayer (5)

Battle Cleric (5)

Summoner (5)

Battle Mage (8)



[ Living Shadow ]

— Summon a humanoid shadow that will defend the ???????????????????????????????? from any sort of direct attacks.

— The Shadow will have the same amount of ???????? stats as the ????????????????????????????????.

— The Shadow will have the same amount of ???????????? ???????????? stats as the ????????????????????????????????.

— The Shadow will have the same amount of ???????????? ???????????? stats as the ????????????????????????????????.

Type: Passive (Spell)

Duration: 2 minutes

Cooldown: 4 minutes

Mp Cost: 4

Casting Time: 5 seconds


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