In a place where anywhere you look you'll see nothing but white space, a black-haired man lying down on the floor while looking unconscious are to be seen.

Of course, this is Unko. He was lying on the floor for a couple of minutes already, and even though he looks like unconscious, he was awake from the very beginning. He was just pretending.

But after a few minutes, he realized that what he's doing is practically pointless so he finally decided to stand up while acting like he just regained his consciousness and also a bit confused.

When he tried to look around, he saw nothing but pure white space. He was all alone, no one can be seen within the range of his eyes. He didn't know whether this space is infinite or not but he didn't dare to know. He just stays still and waits for something to come. If ever there is.

"... I'm not supposed to ask but where the hell am I?"

After a couple of minutes, he finally voices out his Question. But no one answered. He waited for a couple of minutes more but when he got tired of standing and looking around, he decided to just sit still and relax.

"... Hello, How're you doing child?"

When he was about to sit, a voice of a woman suddenly rang out from his back. He was startled by it and immediately turn around to look who it is.

"... Woah! Wait, Who are— I, I mean. Can I ask who are you? ..... P— please~." Unko said with an awkward tone.

The moment he heard a voice, he most likely know his situation already. No, actually, he already know it ever since he arrived in this place, that's why he is waiting for something in the first place. He just let his guard down since the woman that appeared behind him decided to appear when he is already planning to rest and take a break.

So if his Isekai knowledge is right, since all the things that had happened to him till now is pretty much a perfect formula for an isekai story, then right now, the being that appeared in front of him is a God, or at least something like that.

That's why Unko immediately changed his tone the moment he realized this. Both his speech and tone became respectful in an instant. He can't afford to offend this woman by speaking in an informal tone.

So after he throw the question to the woman, she immediately answered back with a slightly amused tone.

"... Well of course you can.... I am, an avatar of the god that was ȧssigned to be your guide until you leave this realm."

She suddenly raises her arms wide and a light suddenly appears around her. She maybe thinks that it makes her look, holy.

Meanwhile, while this is happening, Unko is staring to the so called Avatar of the God, really serious.

"Ah!" He finally realized why.

".. Uuh, Umm, God? Can I call you that?"

"... Yes, You May." The God answered with an unchanging expression.

"... Um, okay.... Then, my question is... Is— Is that, your real form?" Unko throws the question with a nervous tone.

The God look at Unko for a moment before answering his question...

"Hmm... No my child. I don't have a real form. This form of mine was nothing but an image that came from your mind. Before I appeared in front of you, I look into your mind and find the image you adore the most and like and took it as my current form."

"... Uhh, i-is that so? Good thing that it's not."

When God heard this, a confused expression appeared on her face, wondering that maybe, something is wrong with the image she used.

"... What's wrong with the image? I thought that you'll like it." She tilted her head while Questioning him.

The god stares at him for a moment and she suddenly closes her eyes, and once she opens it again. Her eyes are completely different. It looks like you are looking at the stars in the night sky. It was pitched black with a shining dots of lights around it. She stairs at Unko for only a couple of seconds before she closes her eyes again and turns it back to normal.

"... I see, I understand. If that is the case, then." She snaps her fingers and suddenly, a light covered her whole body, it only lasted for a couple of seconds and the light slowly died down. When the light completely died, the look of the one that is standing in front of Unko, changed drastically.

"... Now, Would this be fine?"

The look of what used to be a Woman, changes and is now exactly look like Unko's uncle. Yeah the same Uncle that raised her ever since he was child.

Unko was a bit surprised when he saw this, but it was immediately replaced by a genuine smile on his face. But when remember he just died, he felt a bit sad. He didn't manage to fulfill his promise to his uncle or even say his farewells before he died.

"... Yeah, thank you for your consideration. it's really perfect." Unko replied to God that has the image of his uncle with a smile.

"... That's good. And also, no need to talk politely to me, it's completely fine. Don't worry about it too much. There's a reason why I picked the image of the person you adored and like the most. It's so you can develop a feeling of familiarity with me and converse with me more casually. So you can stop worrying too much now." The God said to Unko like he already noticed the worries he has the moment he spoke towards him.

"... A— Alright. *sigh*" Unko said with a sigh of relief. He finally got a pass to speak more casually right now.

"... So with that, let's start already shall we?"

"... Don't worry, you will not be hurt anymore. So be at ease." Said by the goddess while looking at his slightly worried expression.

"... Uh, no worries. Hah~ I'm totally fine." Unko said with a weird tone as he remember that he was just brutally murdered not so long ago. At least that's how he precept it.

But even so, it's not like he can throw a tantrum here, asking who send those things that killed him. Even though the God told him to speak casually, Unko knows that being rude and informal is still a red line. So even though he has a lot of question about him being killed, he just pushed it all behind his back since it's not like he can do anything about it anymore.

And the event that had happened to him a while ago didn't traumatized him anyway, in fact, he's not bothered at all, like dying for him is just a casual thing to happen every morning, that's how calm he is. So when Unko said that he's fine, he is really fine. Mentally that is.

" Hmm.. Okay, then. To make things official, Let me introduce my self again. Welcome to my very own White space, my child. I'm an avatar of the god that was ȧssigned to be your personal Instructor.

Starting from now on, and until you leave this space. You are not called 'human' anymore. All the creatures that have managed to come here are called, 'The Guarantors'.

They are the ones that have been challenged and tested by the Gods. It is before they died. Do you have any questions?" The God asked Unko.

".. Uh, I'm too speechless."

Everything was too sudden for him, all the information was flooding in his mind. It keeps coming and coming that he was having an imaginary slight headache as he keeps on processing all the new information on his mind.

"... Uuh, If it's the same to the novels that I have read. Then, Reincarnations and Three wishes, maybe?"

"Oh, you are slightly correct about that. But when it comes to the 'Reincarnation', it will be your own decision if you wish to do so as this matter is really complicated. You are correct about the wishes, but it's not exactly three wishes. It can be less or more than that. Sometimes, you won't get wishes as your reward, it can be other stuff as well, it can be different for every other Guarantors, such as yourself. Now, can you guess where the results are being based on?"

"Hmm, is it based on the 'karma' thing?" Unko said as he remembers that, the MC's of the Isekai novels that he has read was usually being judge by their karma on their past or present life. That is the most common thing he can remember. And sometimes, for some reason, they get like a F*ck ton of karma, that resulted in them being so Godamn OP.

"... Actually, we do. But not for every Guarantors we've met. Every Guarantors have different types of challenges that they needed to pass through before they can become an official guarantor. And be rewarded base on their results. For example, let's have a look at yours, shall we?" The god snapped his fingers and a HUD looking screen appears above them and displays a different bunch of text in it, but Unko can't understand any of it.

"... Hmm, that's actually impressive. I have met a lot of guarantors that have face the same challenge. Let me guess, you didn't get any notification first beforehand, right?" Asked by God while still looking in the HUD screen above them.

"... Notification?" Unko was confused about what kind of notification he was talking about. If it was on the phone, he gets a lot of notification every day. He didn't know which notification, the god was referring to.

"... Just what I thought so. It happens a lot actually, sometimes if your race was too weak or doesn't have a single affinity on any type of life energy. You won't be able to sense or even see the notification."

"... Uuuuh... Okay. Life Energy. I have a rough idea. But I will ask anyway. What's a life energy?"

"... Okay. Let's put it in more, 'Humanly-Terms'. For example, smartphones back in your world. Even if you do have a smartphone. No matter how much I e-mailed you, you won't be able to receive it or read it, if you don't even have a Life Energy, or in this case, an internet connection. Now, do you understand it?"

"That's great. Now, since you haven't received any notification, I'm pretty sure that you don't know exactly what's your challenge in the first place." The god snaps his fingers again and the text in the HUD screen changed into Japanese Characters. Now, Unko can finally understand what is written on the screen.



- Survival Challenge


- Survive the incoming

different types of disasters that are coming for your life. Survive as

long as you can before you die.


Time Completion:

- Infinite ( PS: It means, it's non-stop until you die.)


- 1 wish per level achieved.

End Results:

- Five Levels Achieved


"... Five Levels. I was attacked five times if the explosion counts. Is that the level?" Unko said as he realized what was the level is.

"... Yes, you have achieved Five Levels before dying. And that is impressive. I have met a lot of humans already, and most of them only manage to achieve one level or two. Rarely I have seen some who achieved three. But I've only met six humans so far that manage to surpass four levels and above."

Unko thought about it more and agreed to it. Even him, If he was not alert enough, he would have died instantly just from that truck who almost hit him not so long ago.

".. Woah, that was really shocking. I mean, you have met someone who passed that falling satellite? Wow, maybe that man was a legend. I mean, I survived that falling satellite by nothing but pure luck. It still hit me though." Said by Unko, while being amazed that someone had survived that madness. Their luck must have been maxed out.

"... Is that what it is to you? Well, like a said, all the type of challenges that every guarantor have faced was different in its own way. For the Survival type, the only similarities that you, human guarantors have faced was the thing called Truck at the first level. I heard that the Other Gods that have been keeping an eye on your planet loves to send out some Trucks as a Human's guarantor first level."

'... Oh, okay. I guess they are the ones who started that fuss huh?' Unko pondered to himself.

"... Well, with all of that explained. I think we should proceed with the rewards already." Said by God as he waves his hand and makes the HUD screen above them disappear.

"Ah yes, I've been waiting for this. After all the pain i have been through." Said by Unko while looking so excited.

" Someone's excited huh? Well, I can't blame you for that. Alright, since you have reached five levels, you are obviously to be granted an exact five wishes. But before we get on that, I need to tell you something first. Before you used all of your wishes, you need to use at least one of your wishes to choose your type of departure from this realm. It can be either of the three. Reincarnation, Transmigration, or you can just be transported to the place you wanna go. And also, remember that the wishes is not perfect, so some results may not be what you expect them to be, so when using a wish, be direct about it as possible. If you have any questions regarding about any of that, go ahead." Said by God.

".. Okay, I only have two questions. One, can I choose to go back to where I came from? I mean, to Earth? Second, does the option of getting Transported, Reincarnated, Transmigrated, to a fictional world is Possible? I mean, like in anime or movie world." Asked by Unko while hoping that the second question is possible.

"... Honestly. I was actually expecting that kind of question. 90 percent of Human Guarantors I have met have asked the same question and wished almost the same wishes. *Sigh* I believe that you humans called this kind of thing as, Cliche stuff."

"Hehe. Well, what can I say? All those things are too good to be true, that it only exists on the dreams of every ugly fat bastard in the whole Earth. So when they know that you can have a chance to do all that, you can't blame them to ask if that was really possible or not."

"... Alright then. Well, regarding your questions. Yes, All of that was possib-"

"... YES!!"

The god was suddenly interrupted by Unko's sudden outburst.


"Oh, I'm sorry. Just feeling too excited that I can't help myself. P-please, continue." Unko was embarrassed by his actions but the smile hasn't left his face yet as he was extremely happy to know all this.

"As I was saying. Yes, All of that is possible. But, if you choose to go back on Earth where you came from. You can only choose the choice of being Reincarnated back to earth with your memory, completely wipe out. Of course, you can use a wish if you want to keep your memory intact. But still, multiple conditions are still to be met after that. It's not really a wise choice, let me tell you that. But still, your decision is what matters."

" It's fine, I'm just checking if that's possible or not. Especially now that I know that my second question is possible."

"... Alright, let's get on on the wishes already as I still need to go somewhere after this so, shall we?" The god seems to be in a hurry so Unko just immediately nod.

"... Alright, let's get on with this." After saying that. The god clasp his both hands and a big rectangular-glowing-violet crystal appears above them. It looks really majestic and beautiful as it continuously shines above them. The god raises his one hand and suddenly, five magical circles appear on every corner of the glowing crystal.

While all of this is happening. Unko suddenly questioned something in his mind.

'... Wait, why am I called a guarantor if the god in front of me was the one who will grant me a wish? That is so weird.' But of course, he didn't voice it out.

The god that looks like he finished the things he was doing, lowered his hand, and look at Unko with a passive look and said.

"Now, state your wishes, Guarantor."

Unko closes his eyes and started to think about the real things that he will really need and the right world to go to. His dėsɨrė was completely different from what a normal person would want as he was thinking of something much more, appropriate, and will grant him much better things in the long run. After a couple of minutes, he has already thought of the wishes he wants.

After talking to himself like crazy person would do, he opened his eyes and look at the god in front of him, waiting for him to say his wishes.

"Okay, for my first wish...."

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