
In the middle of a forest-looking area, a giant monster suddenly falls to the ground and slowly disappears. From the area where the monster disappeared, a line of bluish light had suddenly erupted and flown towards the Player who killed the Monster.

Of course, this player is no other than Yuki.

It's been four months already since Yuki arrived here on Helheim, and Yuki's days here are obviously, not peaceful. Just like how it is normally.

He encounters a lot of PKers in this world. Helheim is one of the common PK hunting grounds after all. He also sees a lot of Heteromorphic Players here, most of them are all new in the game, or at least that's how it looks to be.

Helheim is one of the most common hunting grounds for PKers because this is one of the most common choices for Heteromorphic Players.

It's either Muspelheim, Niflheim, or this.

But the usual choice for most Heteromorphics is Niflheim for obvious reasons. In fact, all Heteromorphic players would choose to go to Niflheim if they could, but they can't because they simply cannot.

Each world in YGGDRASIL has its own type of Environment. For example, Niflheim is Extremely cold, Muspelheim is Extremely hot, and Alfheim is filled with greenery, etc. All of those serve as a feature for those who fit in that particular world.

But as there's someone who fits, there's also someone who can not. Not everyone can go to a certain world as they please, or in this scenario, not all types of Heteromorphics cannot go to Niflheim because if they do, they'll die before the PKers could even get them. They won't survive the Environment of that world, let alone the PKers.

So they just don't have any choice but to choose the world that their characters fit the most, and of course, one that has fewer PKers.

During these five months, Yuki made a lot of friends and enemies already. Since this world has a lot of Heteremorphics, surely it also has a lot of PKers, and since Yuki and every PKers are not on good terms, Yuki's enemy list is always rising.

But since this kind of thing happens every single day, which is not a normal occurrence in Helheim, Yuki made himself known.

A very strong Heteromorphic Player that can fight a party of Players with ease and mainly hunts those who only do PKs. If someone were to tell this kind of story to someone without any context, then they'll surely say that this can only happen in Niflheim, a world where Yuki and other strong Heteromorphics reside.

But since this is Helheim, someone will surely connect the dots about what's happening. And that's what exactly happened.

The news about Yuki had started to spread throughout the whole YGGDRASIL's community in just a few weeks of Yuki's madness in Helheim.

After knowing this, many PKers avoided Helheim. They either did this because they're scared of Yuki's presence or just simply because, they prefer going to Niflheim instead since Yuki finally left that World.

But still, even though many players have already avoided Helheim as their target area for PKing, there are still many PKers who did not.

But the only reason why they didn't leave or still comes to Helheim even after hearing Yuki's name is that they either don't care about Yuki at all, or simply because he is there in the first place.

But even though all of that happened, nothing really changed on Yuki's everyday life inside the game. Except for one thing that is.

Ever since Yuki started playing YGGDRASIL, he dont stay in any group or parties for a long amount of time. He just joins some Parties for a single activity and after that, Yuki will immediately leave.

Yuki made himself known as a Lone Wolf. He doesn't ??ssociate himself with anyone for more than what he intended. Even his friends are no exception to these kinds of treatment.

But in Helheim, all of that changed. In Five months of staying and playing in the world of Helheim, Yuki played or partied with someone repeatedly. Something that didn't happen before.

This started happening 1 month ago when Yuki is fighting a group of giants in a particular area near the edges of Helheim.

While Yuki is fighting a group of giants, one of those giants threw an attack towards him, but since Yuki is in an area that a lot would consider as a beginner's area, Yuki doesn't really need to dodge it or felt the need to in the first place.

In his perspective, It's like he's a college student in an elementary school. Everything is so basic. He can stand around in this area for a whole week, tank all the damages he receives, and still won't die.

This might be the case for him, but to others, that isn't how they would see Yuki's situation. For others, this might look like a newbie making mistakes for challenging a group of strong Monsters by accident. And since Yuki is wearing a very basic Equipment at that time, one can't blame anyone for thinking that way.

So when the attack is about to hit Yuki, something suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked the attack.

"... Huh?" Yuki is a bit surprised by this as someone interrupted the attack he's expecting.

When Yuki looked at the thing that suddenly jumps in front of him, he saw a Pink looking weird slime. It had a grotesque feature and a weird shape for a slime.

".. A shield slime?" Yuki muttered to himself after seeing the one who seemingly "protected" him.

But for some odd reason, Yuki felt a strange familiarity with this particular slime. He started going deep inside within his thought as he tries to figure out, why is that.

But while Yuki is in the middle of his thoughts, the slime suddenly looked back at him and said with a high-pitched voice. A voice that sounds like it came out from an Anime Character. To which, surprised Yuki for a bit.

"... I'm okay, Go attack them, I'll hold them off, [ Knight's Challenge ]."

Immediately after that, all the Giants' attention turned towards the blob in front of Yuki. The slime seems to have attracted the Giant's agro on purpose.

".. Ugh! [ Mega Impact ]" Suddenly, the slime jumped from a far distance to get away from Yuki and activated a spell that makes the Slime's body bloated.

".. Now! Attack them!" The slime shouted towards Yuki as all the Giants started throwing punches in every direction.

This scene looks really funny for Yuki since it looks like the Giants were ganging up on a talking Rubber ball.

But Yuki didn't immediately act up because as he watches the comical scene in front of him, he suddenly realized why he felt the hint of familiarity towards the slime earlier.

"... I finally found one of them huh?" Yuki muttered to himself as a smile appeared on his virtual imaginary face.

"... Hurry!!" The slime shouted frustratedly cause while this is happening, the Giants are still throwing punches non-stop.

"... Heh." Yuki chuckled a bit before releasing a defeated sigh while shaking his head lightly.

"... Alright Alright. Hold on a second." Yuki suddenly brought out his inventory and throw away his current spear, after doing so, he pulled out a new one from the same inventory slot.


Immediately after that, the slime heard a strange sound, and the next thing it knew, all the giants around, vanished and turn into a wierd green and bluish light that flew towards Yuki again.

".. Huh? What the hell was that? Wait! You're strong!" The slime said as it suddenly jumps towards Yuki.

The slime looks towards Yuki's spear and scans all over it. And look back towards at him again.

"... Hey, would you like to form a party with me? I'm actually looking for someone to play with, but all the ones that I asked refused. I don't know why though. But I'm a shield slime, I'm very useful. I can aggro some damage and attacks too, and also, I may not look like it, but I'm really experienced at playing MMORPGs so I'm not a complete newbie at all." Said by the slime in a very smug tone as it desperately asks Yuki to form a party. But Yuki on another hand is just standing there. Doing nothing.

The Slime too did nothing as he waited for Yuki's response.

".. Sure. Why not." Yuki said in a very casual way as a smile emoji appeared above him.

"... *sigh* like I thought, you will also refus??? ... Wait? Did you just said, sure?" The slime said while looking so bewildered as it keeps walking around Yuki.

"... Yeah, let's do it."

"... You're sus."

"... You're the one who asked to party, did you not?"

"... Oh yeah you're right. I'm sorry. Anyway. *cough* Yes! I finally managed to form a party. Thank you so much, I promise you that you won't regret this." Said by the Slime in a joyful tone.

".. Yeah, I know." Yuki opens up his console after this and sends a party invitation towards the slime in front of him.

After that, the slime accepted the party invitation, and the party between these two players have officially been made.

"... Oh~ Alright then. By the way, I know that my name is pretty long so you can just call me whatever you want. I don't mind."

"... Well, my name is pretty long too so you can just call me Raizel. Just like how the others call me." Yuki said towards the Slime in front of him.

"... Alrighty. Anyways, It's already shown there but I'll introduce myself anyway. Just for the formalities." The Slime said as it stands in front of Yuki and do some poses, or at least that's what it looks to be doing.

"... Hello~ I'm Bukubukuchagama. Nice to meet you. I know that I'm pretty annoying sometimes, as the others told me, but I hope we can get along. Please take care of me." The Slime said with a joyful and playful tone as it bowed afterward.

".. Yeah, nice to meet you. Chagama-chan."

".. Nice to meet you too Raizel~ nii chan." The Slime said in a completely different tone as a winking emoji appeared above her.

After hearing that, Yuki flinched a bit for some reason. He didn't expect that one to come.

And with this, these two's journey in the world of YGGDRASIL, has finally begun, and Yuki's reason for coming in this world has finally been achieved. A part of it that is, but he'll surely see the full picture of it, and he can feel that it won't take too long before that finally happen.


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