
YGGDRASIL's Players Death count.

Cadiz Etrama Di Raizel: 0


Yuki currently holds the record of the player that has the least Death in the whole YGGDRASIL.

The number of his recorded death ever since he played the game, was only, none.

Meaning, ever since he played the game on day one till now, he never died.

Which is pretty mind-blowing given the nature of the game, since dying in this game is pretty much normal for all the players of YGGDRASIL.

Fighting a lot of Monsters. Exploring the vast unknown and hazardous lands of every nine worlds. Raiding Dungeons. And also, fighting your fellow Players.

This event is what happens in the everyday lives of every Player in YGGDRASIL. With this kind of event, it is really not weird to have at least a 100 death count and above after playing the game for three years.

But Yuki's number on that criteria is pretty empty.

Many players might or have to ask Yuki. How and Why?

It's already given that Yuki is a strong Player, so being killed easily by any normal monsters is pretty much unlikely.

He was a known World Champion. A high Ranking Player. Obviously, a much stronger Player compare to the Players that have the same level as him. Or in all Players in general. It was recorded that he can even fight 10 Level 100 players at the same time. ALONE. And still win of course.

So unless he was Hunted down by a Legion of level 100 Players and forced to fight them all with no means of escape. Then no one can pretty much beat him.

And there's still his sealed Stats and MP. No one can also ignore the fact that unlike others that have a cap in their growth, Yuki has none. He only grows stronger as days go by. As long as he plays, his strength and utilities keep getting stacked.

Though throughout the year that Yuki played YGGDRASIL, he didn't even have a single moment where he can finally unleash all his sealed stuff and go crazy.

In short, he doesn't know how it feels to go all out.

One might say that if that's the case, how about fighting Top-ranked Players? Surely they'll offer a good fight.

Well, at first, Yuki thought the same thing, but he realized that in his perspective, everyone only has two types of distinction... The very weak ones, and The less Weak ones.

For reference, one can use the comical scene that Yuki made at the finals of The World Champion Tournament.

The Magic Caster that he managed to defeat, or more like, trashed over, is the current Third Rank player at that time.

Speaking of that Magic caster that Yuki fought in the finals. That Player's rank right now was just below 50. How? Well, due to how furious he was at Yuki. A couple of days after the World's Tournament, he set up a party and hunted down Yuki at his lovely home, Niflheim.

He planned to Hunt down Yuki and strip him off till nothing is left anymore. This is his supposed to be "way" of getting back at Yuki to what he had done to him on the Finals of the World Tournament.

He really hugged the Young Master troupe on this one.

First of all, no one knows this piece of information but fighting Yuki in his own turf is probably the worst thing that any Hunters could even think of.

Plus to that was Yuki's overall strength at that time.

It was a really poor decision for the Magic Caster's side since he should have known that after gaining the World Champion class, Yuki will be more stronger compared to the Yuki he fought at the Finals, where he's still got trashed nonetheless.

What the Magic Caster planned to do to Yuki, about stripping him off clean, was also done to him Instead. Well, at that time, it was pretty much a ritual for Yuki to strip every PKers and Hunter he came across.

But probably, the most unfortunate and sad part about all of this is that, the Magic Caster has a World Item in hand.

It's called, The Crius Glyph.

It was a sealing type of World Item. It almost had the same effect as the World item, Depiction of Nature and Society.

But this item can literally isolate or trap any chosen player in a dimension-like space as much as the Caster wants. The Player that had been targeted by this, can only be released if the Caster wills it or the current Caster's Player data have been removed. Which is only possible if it was done by using another world item "Longinus" or that particular Player(caster) had quit and stopped playing the game.

Yes. This very item was used on Yuki by the Magic caster out of desperation. But since Yuki had a World Champion class, he had the skill to deflect the effects of this kind of World item. Although it requires great accuracy and game sense to successfully do, which is not a problem for Yuki.

His accuracy in-game and Game sense is so high, he can dodge attacks and hit someone even if his eyes are close. That's a skill Yuki developed in real life due to him, gaming for almost every day in this past four years.

So basically, he pretty much deflected the World Item's effect with ease.

A void might say that for a guy that is pretty paranoid about his safety, he's pretty calm about the fact that if he failed to deflect that, he is pretty much doomed for good.

To answer that, well, that's the point. He is a paranoid guy that he wouldn't be doing this kind of stuff if he wasn't sure of his outcome in the first place.

Even if he failed to deflect it and the World Item reached him, Yuki still had a bunch of hidden trump cards and fail-safes just in case this kind of thing, happens.

But actually, Yuki can protect himself in the first place. He can apply a certain barrier to himself that'll protect him from being reached by the World Item's effect. But given by Yuki's edginess, deflecting something that is supposed to be the most powerful thing in the whole YGGDRASIL with a flick of his arm will certainly make him look cool as f*ck. At least that's his own opinion.

But since he successfully deflected the skill, he doesn't have to worry about those things anymore.

So in the end, to make the story short. The Magic Caster's party, which he ȧssembled just to hunt Yuki down, and consisted of high-ranking Players at that, was trashed horribly by Yuki. The happenings after that were pretty much obvious already.

The Magic Caster and his "Friends" were stripped off clean until they had nothing left. Yuki plundered all their Items, of course, including the World Item as well.

Though the Crius Glyph is a bit tricky. It's like Momonga's Red orb back in the original story. It was named and can only be used by its first User, meaning, the Magic Caster.

It's could be problematic for others, but not for Yuki.

By using a "Certain item", Yuki managed to change the ownership of the World and take it for himself.

After all that, Yuki didn't see the Magic caster anymore. Yuki thought at first that he will come back again to take revenge and try to take back the World Item that he stole from him but it's been a year now and even a shadow of that Magic Caster has yet to appear before Yuki.

Well, going back to the Question about Yuki's death count.


Well, if one were to look at his alignment of skills and the majority of the item he had, they'll surely notice that it was all to prevent him from dying easily.

Just to give anyone a peek at what does it take if someone wants to kill Yuki, for good.

Welp, to start off, Yuki had a certain skill that if activated, it would turn all his Status back to normal. And by Normal means, the state when everything is literally unscathed.

Even if he only had a remaining 1 HP and 0 MP. If he activated this skill, all will be back to being how it was before the fight started.

He also has a bunch of self-healing spells and skills. It was a variety of Active and Passive types. The Active isn't much, but the Passive ones, which is the Majority of Yuki's arsenal in these criteria, are what made killing Yuki, a loophole of a nightmare.

Just for a reference. 3 Seconds after receiving a damage, Yuki's HP will start regenerating. From 1 HP, Yuki will only need 6 seconds before his HP's back to full again. Not to mention that this is just the work of his Passives.

Speaking of Rings. Yuki has so much of it, and the majority of those Rings have something to do with the same criteria of survivability.

One of those is a Ring that activates whenever Yuki's HP reaches down to Zero. The effects of it once activated are pretty simple and straightforward unlike the other Rings on Yuki's hand. What is it? Well. It just immediately restore Yuki's HP back to 100 percent. Simple right?

There's still more to where these things came from. But all of these are already enough to make the Job of everyone that wants to kill Yuki like hell.

So in a nutshell. Yuki had a lot of ways to prevent himself from dying. He has a lot of Items, Spells, Skills, etc, to support himself from doing all that.


"... Hmm, I think that they finally found it huh?"

Yuki was currently walking in the Waiting Area. He was going to a place where his Clanmates are supposed to be.

Today, Yuki received a message from Touch me that they will have a meeting today. Touch me also said that Nishikienrai found something.

".. Oi, Raizel. We're here~" Peroroncino waved towards him to catch his attention.

Yuki saw his Clanmates, gathering in some corner. He walks towards them and greets them.

After a couple of minutes after that, they rented a Private Room and proceed to have their weekly "Clan sharing information".

The majority of them have not much to tell since this week, there's not much that had happened. Or more like, there are no new things to tell, everything they did is being done over and over again anyway.

".. Alright, now that's settled. Nishikienrai, can you tell the others about the thing that you discovered?" Touch me said as he signaled for Nishikienrai to go in front.

".. Yeah, Of course." Nishikienrai agreed as he stood up from his seat and walk towards the front to face all his Clanmates.

He seemed to take a deep breath before speaking slowly with a hint of excitement in his tone.

"... I discovered. A new dungeon. And of course, it's still fresh... What do y'all think?Amazing right? This could be our chance." Said by Nishikienrai enthusiastically.

The whole clan was truly amazed by this as they all voiced out their excitement.

".. Alright, where did you find it?" Asked by Touch me.

"... Around Helheim. About 100 meters away from the Piercing Crystal Plains. The place where it's in is called Grenbera Swamp if my memory serves me right."

After that, the whole clan discussed about this.

After an hour of discussions, they finally made their decisions.

"... Alright, it's settled. We'll investigate later." Said by Touch me as he stands up from the chair he's sitting on.

The whole clan was about to burst in excitement but pause when they suddenly heard Touch Me say something again.

"... But before that, I have something else to say."

The whole clan members faced Touch me as they all noticed the change in his voice and the air of seriousness around him.


Though Touch me said that he wants to say something, he didn't say anything for a couple of moments. The others can't say anything too given by the weird tension they feel around them.

*Clears throat*

After a moment of silence, Touch Me seems ready to finally speak as he clears his throat and raises his head to meet the gaze of his Clan Members that are starting to worry.

With a seemingly passive tone, he speaks...

"... I'm thinking of dissolving the clan."


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