Just like the usual, Yuki did all the things he always does in the morning before he proceeds to do all the things he wanted to do.

After all that, he proceeds to go to his Gaming Room and dive into his NNI machine.

He logged-in into the game that he always play. The "Shadow Battle". A game where you can fight different players in one arena. You can fight using any weapon that you want or just by nothing but your fists.

Yuki has been playing this for three weeks already and he is genuinely enjoying this game. He is not only playing this game because he just needs to learn how to fight but because he also enjoyed playing it.

He can fight freely in this game, can do some stunts that he can't do in real life, and he gets to fight with someone, literally for nothing but just pure fun. Or maybe not since he has yet to fight a real person.

This day was the day that Yuki is going to fight at a PVP battle for the very first time. He did some warm-ups in the training ground for about a couple of minutes and finally decided to do it after a bunch of shenanigans.

"... Alright, let's freaking do this!"

He opens up the console and press the [ PVP ] and choose the battle mode where they are Both Unarmed, him and his enemy. After that, multiple conditions has also popped up.

There are so many ways to win a round. You can choose a condition that you will win if you make your enemy fall to the ground, the same condition on Yuki's first battle with a bit, or if you manage to land a solid hit to the head first before your opponent, there are so many types of conditions.

But even though there's so many of them, only one condition is commonly used in PVP battle types and that is, an HP based battle condition.

Just like what the name implied, Both the player will be given an equal amount of 100 HP. Each successful attack will decrease the HP based on the part where they landed the hit on. For the Head, the hp will be reduced by 20 for each landed attacks. The Upper body has 8, the lower body has 5 and 3 for the arm.

And also, throughout the weeks that Yuki played this game, he discovered that the only avatar that you can use in this game is a Black Shadow. Basically the same appearance that the bots has. So you wouldn't see the real appearance of your opponent and the same for you to them.

Yuki chooses the same Condition and press [ Play ] after it. A queuing time pops out in front of him and it only lasted for three seconds to finally found a match. Yuki was suddenly teleported in the same circle arena that has a lot of bamboo trees around it.

In front of him, a shadow man was standing, but unlike the bot that was just there standing still, the shadow in front of him is making a bunch of gestures. Yuki didn't quite understand the meaning of the gestures so he decided to just wave towards his opponent. Not long after that, a notification pops out above them.


Conditions to win

- First to make their

opponent's HP to



[ Enemy: I'll beat the shit out of your ȧss you f*cking weaktard. ]

Yuki smiled and thought. "... Yeah I knew it, I'll definitely encounter something like this at least once in a while. It's an inevitable decease in every community, what did I even expect? *sigh* these kids, really." Yuki just shook his and thought how silly this is as he replied in the most mȧturė way he could.

[ You: Yeah keep barking for me dog.]

[ Enemy: Motherf*cker! ]

[ You: Yeah, I just did your Mom last night. ]

Immediately after exchanging some intellectual words, the voice that will signal for for them to start, has been heard.

[ Get Ready! ]

[ 3 ]

[ 2 ]

[ Fight! ]

( AN: I'll be calling his opponent "Shadow" as well here.)

Yuki this time, takes the lead and rush towards his opponent. When he got closer enough, he throws a light punch, but the Shadow dodge it by leaning backward and throw a counter punch towards Yuki. Yuki saw this and immediately crouch to avoid the punch. He uses his position to rush towards the Shadow and tackle him on the ground and position himself above to pin the Shadow down on the floor.

He took advantage of being at the top to immediately deliver a barrage of punches in the body and face of the shadow. The shadow tried to block the punches with his arms but he failed to block some of the punches as he was focusing to cover his face to avoid getting hit there.














The shadow keeps taking a barrage of punches and his HP was continuously decreasing. His HP was already near at 50 and still decreasing as time goes by. The Shadow knows that he needs to get out of this position to avoid the further loss of his HP.

The Shadow didn't waste this chance and immediately use his left hand to grab Yuki's arm and the right arm to grab Yuki's Shoulder. The shadow rolled his body and throw Yuki aside, although this is just a light throw and Yuki didn't receive any damage from it, it was enough for him to break out on his position and rolled towards the opposite direction and jump back to create distance between himself and Yuki.

But Yuki didn't let him go as he please as he immediately stands up and rushes towards the Shadow to immediately close the distance, seemingly to not give him any time to even breathe.

The shadow was surprised by Yuki as he sees that Yuki was like a wild animal that keeps on attacking without rest. When the Shadow saw that Yuki was already closing to him, he tried to meet him head-on with a throw of punch.

The shadow tried to fake a punch by throwing a light punch then if Yuki dodges it, then he will immediately follow it up with a heavy punch to Yuki's face.


- 3

But instead of dodging his punch, Yuki blocked it with his right arm, and counter a punch with his left arm towards the Shadow's face. The shadow didn't have time to think as he immediately blocks it with his other arm.


- 3


- 8

This made the shadow took a step back,

But Yuki didn't give him time to rest up as he immediately follows it up with a Reverse Roundhouse kick that successfully hit the shadow in its head and throws him off to the ground


- 20


As he was thrown to the ground, Yuki immediately pins him down again to the ground and deliver a couple of punches but this time.


- 20


- 3


- 20

But this time, the shadow was not fast enough and failed to block the punches as Yuki manage to hit his head two times which causes his HP to decrease down to a flat zero.

The moment that the Shadow's HP reached down to zero, Yuki and the shadow was suddenly teleported back to their starting positions.

Suddenly above him, a screen appears that had a [ Winner ] written on it and a [ Loser ] on the other side. While he was looking at it, a chat box appears in front of him again.


[ Enemy Player has been Disconnected ]

Yuki laughs while reading.

"... What a sore Loser."

After that, he just shrugged this off while focusing back his attention on the performance chart.

After that, Yuki was teleported back to the training ground.

"... *Sigh* Looks like I perform quite a bit well than to be expected. Now I have one win on my [ Match History ]. I think i will be able to fight stronger opponents as I play so I should play PVP from now on until I'm confident enough. Yosh, let's do this again."

Yuki enters again for another round of PVP match. He entered a few more times after each round and decided to end the day after that. He immediately logs out after that and goes towards the bed as he feels like he needs to sleep cause Playing MMORPGs was really mentally exhausting.

After he lazily slams his body on the bed, not long after that, he fell asleep.


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