This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 102: A year of hard work

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The glutinous rice **** grew so fast that they surprised everyone, almost the same every day.

In just one month, its size has doubled, and it is already as tall as Jiang Xuan when standing up.

This growth rate is terrifying.

Along with its size, it also has its food intake. If it hadn't slowly learned to hunt some small prey by itself, I'm afraid Jiang Xuan would not be able to support it.

At the same time, almost all of its feathers turned purple, with only a circle of blue feathers on its neck, like wearing a blue scarf.

Coupled with its sharp beak and sturdy claws, the glutinous rice ball has begun to have the temperament of a fierce bird.

The snakes caught by the dumplings are also getting bigger and bigger.

Even the poisonous snakes, which the tribespeople could not avoid, could only be reduced to food after encountering glutinous rice balls.

Its running speed is also getting faster and faster. The only pity is that its wings are not yet full, and it cannot fly.

On September 15, Jiang Xuan took Dajiao and a few soldiers to drain the water in the pond where the fry were grown.

In the spring, Jiang Xuan put many female fish in the pond, which produced a large number of eggs and grew into fry.

Half a year has passed, and these fry have grown to the size of a palm and are swimming happily in the pool.

Jiang Xuan picked up all these palm-sized fish, put half of them into other ponds to continue raising, and carried the other half to the creek, ready to pour into the stream.

The reason why the fry are placed now is because these fish usually only eat grass and grow slowly. If they are put into the water too early, they may be eaten by other carnivorous fish.

Now that they have grown larger and have a certain self-protection ability, the survival rate will be higher when they enter the water.

Dajiao looked at the lively fish in the rattan basket and said reluctantly, "Boss, do you really want to pour it in?"

"Of course, didn't I tell you? If we don't put fish fry and keep fishing, the fish in the river will become less and less, and sooner or later, the fish in the river will be caught."

Dajiao understands the truth, but he takes good care of these fishes and grows up little by little.


Jiang Xuan took the lead in pouring a whole basket of fish into the creek, watching them quickly swim to the depths of the water until they disappeared.

"Come on, these fish can't be out of the water for too long or they'll die."

Under Jiang Xuan's urging, Dajiao and the soldiers could only pour baskets of fish into the stream and watch them swim away eagerly.

Some of these fish may live in the creek, some will swim into the wider lobster river, in short, from this moment on, they are free.

Jiang Xuan patted Dajiao's shoulder and said, "Don't be reluctant, trust me, these fry will bring us more fish in the future."

"Let's go, go back."

Jiang Xuan took the lead in picking up the empty rattan basket and walked back. Dajiao and the soldiers could only keep up and returned to the breeding area to continue working.

But what they just dumped into the creek was seen by many people who were working nearby.

They don't understand it.

In their eyes, those fish are edible meat, how can they pour the meat into the creek?

Of course, it was the leader who took the lead in doing this, and they didn't dare to raise any questions, so they could only say a few pity in private.

After putting the rattan basket back, Jiang Xuan walked into the crops again to check the red crystal rice. Gan Song, the leader of the planting team who was working nearby, also ran over.

With the advent of autumn, the end of the leaves of the red crystal rice plant gradually dried up, turned golden yellow, and gradually spread to the whole plant.

The red crystal rice in the shape of ears of wheat has become full and crystal clear, like red crystals, very beautiful.

Standing under the red crystal rice plant three or four meters high, Jiang Xuan looked at the heavy red ear, and only felt that his mood became more comfortable.

Jiang Xuan said with satisfaction: "In seven or eight days, these red crystal rice should be mature."

Jiang Xuan planted about fifty or sixty grains of red crystal rice. After these red crystal rice plants mature, each plant can condense hundreds of red crystal rice the size of pigeon eggs, and the yield is astonishingly high.

If the harvested red crystal rice is planted again next year, it will only take a year for the Vine Tribe to emerge as a staple food that can truly be eaten by everyone!

There was also a bright smile on Gan Song's dark face. He has carefully taken care of these red crystal rice this year, fertilizing, watering, loosening the soil, and weeding.

Jiang Xuan said again: "Let's go to the other places where red crystal rice is grown."

Because the Veng tribe did not know anything about these red crystal rice before, Jiang Xuan planted these red crystal rice in different fields to be on the safe side.

Some are drier, some are wetter, some are well-lit, some are not so bright.

Jiang Xuan and Gan Song walked through all the red crystal rice plantations.

He found that the red crystal rice that grows best in the flat land with moist soil and full sun, and the red crystal rice that grows in the dry, shady mountain is the worst.

Jiang Xuandao: "It seems that these red crystal rice are suitable for growing in the flat land with sufficient sunlight and moist soil. You should write this down and don't plant red crystal rice in those mountains next year."

"Okay, I'll take it down."

Gan Song nodded solemnly, because this matter is related to the production of red crystal rice, and the output of red crystal rice is related to whether everyone can fill their stomachs through planting.

Such an important matter must be kept in his mind.

The two went to the crop field to check the growth of other grains and vegetables. Some of them are almost mature, and some need to grow for a while.

This year is a good year, the crops and vegetables are growing well, and it is another bumper year.

On September 22, the red crystal rice finally fully matured, and the vine tribe also started the autumn harvest.

After a year of hard work, the day of harvest finally arrived, and everyone was very excited.

Jiang Xuan took a stone knife and chopped down the tallest tree of red crystal rice, then raised a bunch of heavy red ears over his head, and shouted in a loud voice, "Autumn harvest!"

Under the sun, those red crystal rice shone like jewels, very beautiful and very festive.

Gan Song cut off another bunch of red ears, and also shouted loudly: "Autumn harvest!"

"Autumn harvest!"

"Autumn harvest!"


In the field of crops, the people of the Veng tribe burst into cheers like a tsunami, and the whole tribe was immersed in the joy of harvesting.

The soldiers of the planting team took the lead in picking up all kinds of primitive agricultural tools and walked into the fields, with the scorching sun overhead, and started the busy autumn harvest.

Those mature vegetables need to twist off the rhizomes one by one, and round potatoes and stone eggs also need to cut off all the vines first, and then dig up the soil, which is not an easy job.

But even if the sweat is pouring down, everyone has a smile on their faces, because these are food!

The tall red crystal rice was harvested by Jiang Xuan and Gan Song himself. Jiang Xuan plucked the red crystal rice from the ears one by one with his bare hands, and put them into the animal skin bag.

When all the red crystal rice was collected, there were actually five big animal skin bags, and the output was quite astonishing.

With such a high yield of food, even Jiang Xuan was shocked, followed by a burst of ecstasy.

With such a high yield of food, are you afraid that there will be no food for the population in the future?

Jiang Xuan carried all these red crystal rice back to the tribe.

Afterwards, he weaved several large mats with reed poles, spread them on the open space, and spread the red crystal rice on the mats to dry.

Jiang Xuan is very clear that if the water is not dried, these red crystal rice may be mildewed in animal skin bags.

If the red crystal rice that has been planted so hard is broken, there is no place to cry.


When Jiang Xuan was drying the red crystal rice, the dumplings also came over. It looked curiously at the red crystal rice on the ground, and would stretch its neck to peck one to taste it.

"Hey, it's not meat."

Jiang Xuan hurriedly hugged the thick neck of the dumpling and pushed it aside.

Tangyuan did not insist on making troubles in the past, because it likes eating meat, not vegetarian, and is just curious about red crystal rice.

Jiang Xuan called the soldiers of the two guards and told them to take good care of these precious red crystal rice, and don't be harmed by those animals raised in the tribe.

The two soldiers of the guard team also knew that this thing was very important, so they stood guard beside these red crystal rice, not leaving an inch.

Jiang Xuan returned to the crops and continued to work with everyone, harvesting the grain and vegetables bit by bit, and then transporting them back to the tribe.

Thanks to the efforts of everyone in the Veng tribe, the food and vegetables of the Veng tribe soon piled up like a mountain.

These grains and vegetables must be kept well and should not be left in disorder.

Especially those leafy vegetables, if they are not kept well, they will rot very quickly.

Jiang Xuan carefully recalled the experience of his previous life, and then fired a batch of sauerkraut jars, boiled some leafy vegetables, dried them, rubbed salt, and put them into jars to turn them into delicious sauerkraut.

Some vegetables are boiled in water, then dried directly into dried vegetables, and stored in a relatively sealed animal skin bag.

Some vegetables were eaten while they were fresh, and even the rotten leaves and roots were not wasted, and were thrown to the domesticated animals to eat.

As for tuber grains such as round potatoes, stone eggs, sweet potatoes, and Huang Jing, they are relatively easy to store. After drying the soil on the epidermis, you can directly find a dry place to stack them.

But Jiang Xuan soon found out that there was too much grain to harvest, so he couldn't pile some in each room, right? In that case, I am afraid that some people will get up in the middle of the night to steal food.

The tribal people are afraid of have no resistance to food.

In order to avoid this situation, Jiang Xuan could only build two granaries.

The granary is all made of sturdy and dry wood, and unlike other houses, it is paved with stones and wooden boards to isolate the ground.

These extremely thick wooden boards were cut bit by bit by the warriors of the Vine tribe with stone axes, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Moreover, the roof of the granary is fully covered with three layers of tough bark, which can effectively prevent water leakage.

When the tall granary was built, all the processed grains and vegetables were put into the granary and piled up like a mountain.

Many clansmen of the Teng tribe have another hobby, that is, to visit the granary every day, even if they cannot go in, as long as they know that it is full of food, they will have a sense of satisfaction in their hearts.

Jiang Xuan asked the soldiers of the guard team to take turns on duty at the granary day and night to prevent accidents.

After all, this place is so important.


Vine tribe, farming area.

This year, Bighorn has raised a new animal, a long-tailed rabbit brought back by the soldiers of the second hunting team.

The biggest feature of this kind of rabbit is that they have a long hairy tail, which is completely different from other short-tailed rabbits.

The size of the long-tailed rabbit is also much larger than that of ordinary rabbits. The adult long-tailed rabbit weighs more than one hundred pounds and is very fat.

Not only that, except in winter, long-tailed rabbits can give birth every two months, and each time they can give birth to two to six rabbits, and the reproductive capacity is quite high.

Therefore, after raising Dajiao for a few months, he was surprised to find that he already owned a group of long-tailed rabbits.

He excitedly reported the results to Jiang Xuan, and led Jiang Xuan to see these long-tailed rabbits.

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