This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 178: 1st bronze hammer

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On the day when the furnace was opened to smelt bronze, Chishao also came, and together with Uncaria, Shiloach, Nanxing, and two warriors who were in charge of assisting, they witnessed the birth of the bronze wares of the rattan tribe.


Jiang Xuan poured half a bag of broken charcoal into the smelting furnace, and then spread a layer of broken malachite and azurite.

In this way, a layer of copper ore and a layer of charcoal are slowly stacked until the entire smelting furnace is filled.

He then followed suit, filling another smelting furnace with charcoal and tin ore.

After doing all this, Jiang Xuan rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "Okay, fire it up!"

Jiang Xuan put some dry wood at the air inlet of the smelting furnace, and then lit it with a torch.

After the dry wood is burned, it is easy to ignite the charcoal at the bottom of the smelting furnace, and the more it burns, the more prosperous it is.

The two soldiers each took a fan made of palm leaves and were responsible for fanning the air into the air inlet.


The continuous wind quickly ignited the charcoal in the entire smelting furnace, and jumping flames appeared above the smelting furnace.

Nan Xing curiously looked at the smelting furnace with a hot wave, and asked Jiang Xuan, "Boss, these broken stones can really be burned into that... metal?"

The others also looked at Jiang Xuan, apparently thinking this was too incredible.

Because of their limited knowledge, they had never heard that broken stones could stick together to make large tools.

This goes against their common sense.

For example, when grinding stone tools, if you are not careful, you will knock down a good stone, and you can only get a defective product in the end.

Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "Will you know when it's done burning?"

Everyone had to wait patiently. From time to time, they went to take a look at the smelting furnace, but they could only see the white fire.

Because of the long time, Chishao, Uncaria and others went to work separately.

Time passed quickly.

Under the fanning of the two warriors, the charcoal in the two smelting furnaces became less and less, and all the ore inside melted.

After half a day, the charcoal was burned into a pile of white ashes, and the ore in the smelting furnace also condensed into a large mass, bright red, still exuding high temperature.

Until evening, Chi Shao and others received a notice and came to the wooden house again.

Jiang Xuan used the bottom inlets of the two smelting furnaces to dig wide, and then pulled out a large lump of copper and a large lump of tin from the inside.

"Boss, this is... metal?"

Nan Xing's face was full of astonishment. He really couldn't connect the two big unruly and dirty things on the ground with what Jiang Xuan said, the metal that can be used to make sharp weapons and tools.

Uncaria and loach, as well as the two warriors who fanned the wind for a long time, also felt that this thing did not look like a treasure.

Only Chi Shao's face remained calm, and she still knew that Jiang Xuan would give them a reasonable explanation.

Jiang Xuan fiddled with the lump of slag-like copper and said, "These two lumps are indeed metal, but they are now stuck together with soot and soil, and they look rather ugly."

"When I wash them, then go back to the furnace again to remove excess impurities, and you'll see strong, beautiful metal."

Jiang Xuan asked the two warriors to pour a few jugs of water with a large clay pot, and then knocked off some ash and dirt on the surface of the copper and tin, and washed them with water.

Then, he took out a stone axe made of high-quality stone.

Tin is relatively soft, and a stone axe made of fine stone can easily chop it into pieces.

Jiang Xuan chopped the ball of tin into seven or eight pieces, and put it into a large amphora.

Then, he took the amphorae filled with tin blocks to another house.

There is also a smelting furnace in this room, but this smelting furnace has a wider diameter than the previous smelting furnace, and can easily fit the amphora.

Jiang Xuan also poured a large amount of charcoal into the smelting furnace, then placed the amphora on top of the charcoal, and then set it on fire.

The two soldiers squatted next to the inlet wind of the smelting furnace, and started to fan the wind desperately with their fans.

Chi Shao and the others watched Jiang Xuan's actions intently. They wanted to know if these ugly "metals" could surprise them.

Soon, all the charcoal in the smelting furnace was ignited, the temperature rose sharply, and even the bottom of the pot was gradually burning red.

The tin in the pot began to slowly melt into tin water.

When all the tin in the pot was melted, Jiang Xuan took out a pottery fan with many rectangular grooves.

Then, he hooked the ears of the pot with two hooked wooden sticks, quickly lifted it, put it on the ground, and then dumped the pot so that the tin water inside would flow into the groove of the pot. .

When he filled the three rectangular grooves, there was only a small amount of tin water and some impurities left in the pot.

"Wait patiently for a while until it cools down."

After waiting for a long time, everyone was hungry, and a soldier brought food, and everyone ate first.

After they had eaten and drank enough, the tin in Tao Fanli had solidified from tin water into tin lumps.

Jiang Xuan turned Tao Fan over and threw the rectangular tin block on the ground.

Jiang Xuan put down Tao Fan, picked up the still warm tin nugget, and tapped it in his hand.

"Ding ding ding..."

The tin mines collided, making a crisp metal collision sound.

"Come, let's all see, this is a kind of metal, tin."

Jiang Xuan handed a piece of tin to Chishao, another piece to Uncaria, and another piece to Nanxing.

The tin block was silver-white, and after being reworked and removed impurities, it became very beautiful, shining under the light of the fire.

"This...this is metal!"

Nan Xing looked over and over with the tin block, feeling the unique charm of metal, and the doubts in his heart immediately disappeared.

Others were also shocked, because this thing was originally a broken stone, and then turned into a big mess of dirty things, but now it has a smooth surface, with a silvery-white metallic luster, very beautiful. .

The two fighters in charge of the fan were even more excited because they participated in the metal smelting process and witnessed the transformation of the metal with their own eyes.

This is an honor for them.

Chi Shao was very interested in this miraculous change, and she really wanted to figure out what was going on.

As a witch, the thirst for knowledge is very strong.

However, Jiang Xuan couldn't explain it clearly to her, because he himself only knew what it was and didn't know why.

Uncaria took a tin block and asked, "Boss, you said before that metal can be used for sharp weapons and work. Can this... tin be used as a spearhead?"

Jiang Xuan shook his head and said, "No, because the tin is too soft, look..."

Jiang Xuan picked up a tin block, and when he used his hands hard, the rectangular tin block suddenly became bent.

Uncaria was a little disappointed, and pointed to the lump of copper on the ground, and said, "Can this be used as a spearhead?"

"No, copper is a little harder than tin, but it's still too soft for weapons, not as good as ordinary stone."

Several people were suddenly disappointed. Since copper cannot be used as a weapon, and tin cannot be used as a weapon, what is the use of smelting them with so much effort?

Seeing everyone's disappointed expressions, Jiang Xuan decided not to sell off.

"Pure copper and pure tin are relatively soft, so they are really not suitable for weapons."

"However, when they are fused together, it can be turned into a very hard bronze, which can be made into weapons and various tools, which are much sharper and stronger than the stone tools we use today."

After listening to Jiang Xuan's words, everyone's eyes lit up, and they were looking forward to the appearance of bronze.

"Meat must be eaten bit by bit, and things must be done one by one. Come here first today, and tomorrow, we will strive to smelt a bronze hammer."

At this point, the sky was completely dark and the moon was rising.

Jiang Xuan and others left the wooden house, crossed the river by boat with torches, and then went back to their house to sleep.

Because entertainment activities are relatively expensive, and because they can only rely on fire lighting at night, tribesmen are used to going to bed early.

The next morning, Jiang Xuan washed briefly, ate breakfast, and then crossed the river by boat to the other side, came to the wooden house outside the cave, and began to re-smelt the mass of copper.

He also made the lump of copper into smaller lumps, put it in another clay pot, and put it into the smelting furnace to re-smelt it.

The melting point of copper is much higher than that of tin, so the smelting time is also longer.


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.


Jiang Xuan fiddled with the lump of slag-like copper and said, "These two lumps are indeed metal, but they are now stuck together with soot and soil, and they look rather ugly."

"When I wash them, then go back to the furnace again to remove excess impurities, and you'll see strong, beautiful metal."

Jiang Xuan asked the two warriors to pour a few jugs of water with a large clay pot, and then knocked off some ash and dirt on the surface of the copper and tin, and washed them with water.

Then, he took out a stone axe made of high-quality stone.

Tin is relatively soft, and a stone axe made of fine stone can easily chop it into pieces.

Jiang Xuan chopped the ball of tin into seven or eight pieces, and put it into a large amphora.

Then, he took the amphorae filled with tin blocks to another house.

There is also a smelting furnace in this room, but this smelting furnace has a wider diameter than the previous smelting furnace, and can easily fit the amphora.

Jiang Xuan also poured a large amount of charcoal into the smelting furnace, then placed the amphora on top of the charcoal, and then set it on The two warriors crouched down beside the inlet wind of the smelting furnace, desperately using fans start fanning.

Chi Shao and the others watched Jiang Xuan's actions intently. They wanted to know if these ugly "metals" could surprise them.

Soon, all the charcoal in the smelting furnace was ignited, the temperature rose sharply, and even the bottom of the pot was gradually burning red.

The tin in the pot began to slowly melt into tin water.

When all the tin in the pot was melted, Jiang Xuan took out a pottery fan with many rectangular grooves.

Then, he hooked the ears of the pot with two hooked wooden sticks, quickly lifted it, put it on the ground, and then dumped the pot so that the tin water inside would flow into the groove of the pot. .

When he filled the three rectangular grooves, there was only a small amount of tin water and some impurities left in the pot.

"Wait patiently for a while until it cools down."

After waiting for a long time, everyone was hungry, and a soldier brought food, and everyone ate first.

After they had eaten and drank enough, the tin in Tao Fanli had solidified from tin water into tin lumps.

Jiang Xuan turned Tao Fan over and threw the rectangular tin block on the ground.

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