This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 189: can't get out

In the forest, the allied forces of the Veng tribe were fleeing with all their strength, and the Mengniao tribe was chasing after them.

Whenever the warriors of the Mengniao tribe were about to catch up, they would always be blocked for a moment by the turtle **** and the unicorn god.

Otherwise, at Mengniao's running speed, the allied forces of the Vine Tribe, who were riding on a single mount, would have been caught up long ago.

"Stop chasing, stop!"

After chasing for a long time, the leader of the Mengniao tribe ordered all the soldiers to stop chasing, because they had chased too far and could not catch up.

The Mengniao tribe leader is not stupid, he instinctively felt that if he chased further, there might be an accident.

However, the Mengniao tribe stopped, and the Veng tribe coalition in front also stopped.

Jiang Xuan asked Crescent Moon to turn around, and then rushed back with someone.


The allied forces of the Veng tribe suddenly turned around and rushed to kill, and the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe could only fight.

The Mengniao tribe's fighters are superior in number and their strength is very strong. The Veng tribe's coalition forces collapsed at a touch and ran forward again.

The Mengniao tribe leader hadn't spoken yet, but Wu couldn't bear it any longer.

"Chase, kill all these **** little tribes."

Wu was relatively young, and his temper was also more irritable. He rode a bird and ran forward first, ignoring that he was actually a witch.

Wu Du chased after him. Even if the leader didn't want to chase him, he couldn't do it. He could only continue to chase after him, and protect Wu.

You chased me on both sides and ran for a long time.

At this time, no matter whether it was a Meng bird, a mountain tortoise, a black wind rhinoceros and other mounts, they were all very tired, and their stomachs were very hungry, and their running speed had slowed down significantly.

If it weren't for the fact that the two sides had a tacit rest and ate something on the road, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to run long ago.

Jiang Xuan urged Crescent Moon to run to the front, and asked the mountain garrison who was in charge of leading the way: "Leader of the mountain armor, are you almost there?"

Jiang Xuan was very anxious, because the Mengniao tribe had already given up twice in the process of chasing, and if they hadn't turned around and fought back every time, arousing the anger of the Mengniao tribe, they would have stopped chasing long ago.

It was already afternoon, and it would be dark if we ran further, and the Mengniao tribe would definitely not chase after him.

"It's almost there, just ahead..."

Mountain Jiao was also in a hurry. He observed the surrounding terrain and found that he was very close to the valley.

"Okay, everyone hold on."

Jiang Xuan encouraged the surrounding warriors in a low voice, and then continued to run along with the mountain armor.

In the back, the leader of the Mengniao tribe said to Wu: "Wizard, we can't chase anymore, we have left the tribe a long way, and the gods have not followed."

The young witch was unwilling to give up.

"We've been chasing it for so long, and giving up at this time, didn't the previous warriors die in vain?"

"Besides, if you let them go today, what if they join more tribes to attack our Mengniao tribe next time?"

"Continue chasing, they are about to be unable to hold on, catch up and kill them all, our Mengniao tribe can not only get rid of these scourges, but also gain a larger territory, more food and resources!"

Wu's words made the Mengniao tribe leader very helpless, so he could only bite the bullet and continue to lead people to chase, but he made up his mind that if he hadn't caught up before dark, he couldn't continue chasing him.

In this way, the allied forces of the Veng tribe continued to run in front, and the Mengniao tribe continued to chase. The mounts on both sides were exhausted and were waiting for the other to give up their struggle.

After they passed through a forest again, two mountains finally appeared in front of them, and there was a huge valley in the middle of the mountains.

"We have arrived!"

The mountain gauntlet who ran at the front lit up, and then took the lead in riding the giant tortoise to the entrance of the valley.

At the entrance of the valley, at the bottom of a small tree, the mountain turtle saw the totem pattern of the mountain turtle tribe that had just been carved.

This is the symbol of the Turtle Tribe, which means that the two hundred warriors have arrived here and have finished their work.

Instead of looking for these two hundred mountain turtle tribe warriors, Shan Jia rode the giant tortoise and ran into the valley.

The entrance to the valley is relatively narrow, but after entering, it suddenly opens up. The space inside is very large, and it is not a problem to accommodate several thousand people.

After the mountain armor entered, the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Fuji Tribe also filed in, and everyone knew that the critical moment was coming.

Jiang Xuan rode the crescent moon and entered the valley, and saw a lot of dry wood and hay scattered on the ground.

In fact, because the valley had not been visited for a long time, a very thick layer of hay and dead branches of shrubs had accumulated on the ground.

The hay and dead branches close to the ground have been rotted, the middle layer is in a semi-rotten state, and the upper layer is not rotted, fluffy and relatively dry.

Coupled with the large amount of dry wood brought in from the nearby forest by the 200 warriors of the Mountain Turtle Tribe, once it is burned, it will be ablaze!

"Whether it can be done or not depends on whether the Mengniao Tribe will succeed!"

Jiang Xuan clenched his fists and looked back in Taniguchi's direction, feeling a little nervous.

When all the soldiers of the Veng tribe coalition army entered the valley, the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe also gathered at the entrance of the valley.

The leader instinctively felt that such a place was dangerous, and ordered the soldiers to stop.

"Why don't you chase?"

The witch of the Mengniao tribe stepped forward and questioned the leader.

"Wu, I'm worried that there's a trap inside, so let's not go in."

"We've been chasing for a day. If they set up traps, there will be more places on the road to set them up. Still waiting until now?"

The Mengniao tribe witch looked around and said: "I think this kind of place is the most suitable for annihilating them in one fell swoop."

"Wu, we really can't chase anymore."

The leader was very helpless. In the Mengniao tribe, the shaman had a higher status than the leader, and this shaman was very talented. He took over the position of the old shaman at a young age, and his momentum was even more stable than the leader.

Under such circumstances, once Wu insisted on something, he, the leader, could only give in.

At this moment, Jiang Xuan in the valley saw that the Mengniao tribe did not pursue directly, so he ordered all the soldiers to stop advancing.

Afterwards, he had an idea and asked the unicorn tribe warriors closest to Taniguchi to turn around and occupy the entrance to the valley, and even pulled some thick firewood over to make it look like they were going to block the entrance to the valley.

Outside the valley, after seeing this scene, Mengniao tribe witch immediately said excitedly: "They are blocking the valley, which means that there is no way to go out, haha, they ran into a dead end!"

Seeing this situation, the leader of the Mengniao tribe felt a little stunned for a while. If there is a trap inside, why should the Taniguchi be blocked? Doesn't this make it clear that you don't want them in?

Could it be that, as Wu said, there is no trap at all, these little tribes lost their heads and ran into a dead end?

The firewood at the entrance of the valley is getting higher and higher, and the warriors of the four tribes are all gathered at the position of the valley, with their spears facing the outside of the valley, making a defensive posture.

The Mengniao tribe witch was even more convinced of his guesses. He shouted loudly: "The warriors of the Mengniao tribe, don't let them block the Taniguchi, overwhelm them, and kill them all!"

This time, the leader did not raise any objections, because the situation in front of him seemed to be obvious, and he had no reason to stop it.

"Quack quack..."


The soldiers of the Mengniao tribe had been chasing them all the way, and now they finally had the chance to fight. They all rushed forward as if they had been beaten with blood.

Soon, they rushed into the valley, and the walls made of firewood could not stop them at all, and they collapsed as soon as they rushed.

The soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Vine Tribe were fighting and retreating into the valley, as if they could not stand it.

This made the warriors of the Mengniao tribe even more excited and rushed forward frantically.

Soon, the Allied Forces of the Vine Tribes retreated to the other side of the valley and filed away from the exit of the valley. The Turtle God and the Unicorn God also ran away.

However, the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe all entered the valley in an extremely excited state.

After the Mengniao tribe leader fought for a long time and found that the number of the Teng tribe coalition forces in front was getting smaller and smaller, he finally realized that something was wrong.

"No, there is another exit from this valley!"

The cry of the leader of the Mengniao tribe was like a basin of cold water pouring on the excited witch.

The witch of the Mengniao tribe was not stupid, and he immediately discovered that the situation was not very good.

However, he looked around and found no traps, so he forcibly calmly shouted, "Stop chasing, let's get out of the way!"

The soldiers of the Mengniao tribe also realized that the situation was not good, so the rear team changed to the front team and planned to exit along the original road.

However, this valley is easy to get in, but difficult to get out.

At the Taniguchi, a hundred warriors of the Mountain Turtle Tribe ran out of nowhere, and quickly piled a large amount of dry wood in the narrowest part of the Taniguchi, and collected a large amount of hay, fallen leaves and other kindling materials.

Afterwards, they lit the hay with torches, and a thick plume of smoke rose from the mouth of the valley, and then a huge fire ignited.

"Hurry up!"

"Throw it in!"

The warriors of the mountain turtle tribe took out many temporary torches, put them into the fire, and lit them, and threw them into the valley.

A torch or two, thrown on the ground may go out.

But dozens or hundreds of torches fell on the ground full of hay and dry wood, and soon ignited a raging fire.

It turned out that after the two hundred warriors of the Mountain Turtle tribe came to the valley, they first used the method of drilling wood to make a fire, lit a large bonfire, and burned a lot of wood into charcoal.

Afterwards, they piled up a lot of dry wood at both ends of the valley and in the valley, and made hundreds of simple torches.

When the Mengniao tribe chased after them, their fire had already changed from an open flame to a charcoal fire that didn't emit much The concealment was very good.

When the Mengniao tribe chased into the valley, the warriors of these mountain turtle tribes immediately piled the prepared dry wood to the mouth of the valley, then used the hay to turn the charcoal fire into an open fire, then lit the torches, and finally lit the dry wood pile.

This series of actions can be said to be completed in one go. When the Mengniao tribe reacted and wanted to run, it was too late.

"Fire, the front is on fire!"

In the valley, the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe just wanted to withdraw from the original road, but found that the Taniguchi had already ignited a huge fire and could not get out at all.

When the leader of the Mengniao tribe saw the fire, his head hummed and he almost fell to the ground.

be cheated!

At this moment, the leader of the Mengniao tribe was extremely regretful. If he persisted, maybe they would not chase after him.

The witch of the Mengniao tribe also turned pale, but his reaction was quick, and he immediately thought of another exit.

"There is another exit over the valley, hurry up, rush out!"

The soldiers of the Mengniao tribe turned around again and ran to the exit on the other side of the valley, and were ready to fight again with the Veng tribe coalition forces.

However, before they ran over, they saw thick smoke rising over there too.

"It's over..."

The leader of the Mengniao tribe saw this scene, his eyes darkened, and he fell directly to the ground.

"Leader, leader..."

The Mengniao tribe warrior next to him hurriedly helped him up, but he would not wake up for a while.

"Wu, what should we do?"

The soldiers of the Mengniao tribe looked at the burning fire on both sides, and they were all about to cry.

"How can this happen, how can it be like this..."

The witch of the Mengniao tribe was completely confused. He realized that he had brought the soldiers of the Mengniao tribe into a big pit, and he couldn't even climb.

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