This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 194: sewage treatment

After Chishao woke up, everyone in the Veng tribe breathed a sigh of relief, and bright smiles reappeared on everyone's faces.

Because the weather this year is not bad, the crops are growing very luxuriantly, and all kinds of wild animals and birds are also breeding very fast.

With just a few more generations, these beasts and birds will, sooner or later, be slowly domesticated into real poultry and livestock.

On the east bank of the Feiyu River, most of the processing workshops have been relocated one after another, and even the breeding area has also moved to the east bank, because Jiang Xuan wants to prevent the domesticated livestock from spreading some diseases in advance.

In doing so, however, an obvious problem arose.

That is sewage.

Whether it is smelting bronze, tanning animal skins, purifying mineral salt, making pottery, etc., a large amount of sewage will be produced.

In the past, the tribes were small, and these workshops were also small and scattered, and the phenomenon of sewage was not particularly obvious.

Now, as the Vine tribe becomes larger and larger, the workshops are also getting bigger, and more and more sewage is produced.

In addition, the sewage from various workshops is almost randomly discharged, resulting in a lot of land being polluted, and a stench can be smelled from a distance.

"It won't work like this. If we discharge it casually like this, sooner or later, the Feiyu River will become a stinky ditch. At that time, we need to pick up water from other places."

Jiang Xuan was walking in the primitive industrial area on the east bank, looking at the polluted soil, smelling all kinds of pungent odors, and feeling very bad.

The leader of the guard team in the second residence, Xan Er, accompanied him and said cautiously, "Leader, is it really that serious?"

The tribal people have never seen what real industrial pollution looks like, and they don't care much about sewage, thinking it's no big deal.

Before that, Xanthium also thought so, although the smell was a little stinky, but it didn't seem to be a big deal.

"If we continue to discharge like this, the situation will be ten times, a hundred times more serious than what I said!"

Jiang Xuan knew that Xanthium didn't believe it, so he asked a guard soldier to catch a few shrimps from the river.

There were a lot of shrimps and crabs next to the Feiyu River, and the warrior soon returned with a few prawns.


Jiang Xuan threw the shrimps into a drain outside a garment workshop.

The soil in this drainage ditch has turned black, and the sewage is even more stinky. The prawns are the most sensitive to water quality. As soon as they enter the water, they crawl out desperately.

Jiang Xuan picked them back into the water with a stick, and they continued to climb out again.

"See? This kind of water can't even hold shrimp. If you put a fish that can't crawl, it will die in a short time."

"Think about it, if one day, the river is full of this kind of sewage, fish, shrimp, crabs, including the water flies that can turn into giant dragonflies, all will die or escape from this area."

"The crops we plant will not grow tall, or even die."

"What shall we do then?"

Jiang Xuan's words finally made Xanthium and others take it seriously. Just thinking about that terrifying scene made one's scalp tingle.

"Leader, what should we do then?" Cocklebur looked at Jiang Xuan, because he knew that Jiang Xuan must have a solution.

"What should I do? Of course it's the sewage treatment."

Jiang Xuan pointed to all the workshops, including the breeding area: "All places that produce sewage should be laid with unified drainage pipes, and the sewage should be collected and cleaned before it can be discharged into the river."

"Boss, what is the drain pipe?"

"Drain pipes, of course, are pipes that can drain water. We can burn ceramic drainage pipes, then bury them in the ground and cover them with soil, so that the place where the sewage flows will not stink and pollute the sky. Lots of land."

After listening to Jiang Xuan's words, Xanthium suddenly realized and nodded. He had seen the tribe use bamboo to catch water from a distance. He thought that this drainage pipe should be similar to the shape of hollow bamboo.

"What about after collecting the sewage?"

"Of course it's filtered and purified."

Xanthium scratched his head, he didn't quite understand what "filtering" and "purification" meant, but he didn't ask much, anyway, he would know when the time came.

Jiang Xuan first chose a place with relatively low terrain for the construction of a sewage treatment plant.

Afterwards, he went to a pottery workshop and kneaded a pottery billet with a circular pipe out of clay.

This kind of round pipe, one end is the outer eaves, the other end is the inner eaves, and the inside and outside are combined, and the two pipes can be spliced ​​together.

Kind of like a clay chimney, but much bigger and thicker than a chimney.

Today's pottery workshops are no longer the two cross-ventilated kilns they used to be, but two earthen kilns as high as two houses, which can fire many large-scale pottery at one time.

After Jiang Xuan made the pottery blank of the first round pipe, he explained the function of the pipe and the splicing method to the craftsmen again.

This thing is not complicated, plus there is already a pottery blank as a model, those craftsmen will understand it as soon as they hear it.

"Leader rest assured, we will try to burn enough pipes as much as possible."

Jiang Xuan nodded and said: "Everyone, work hard, sewage treatment is very important to all of us, and the future clansmen will always be grateful to you."

Those craftsmen felt a sense of mission when Jiang Xuan said this, and they were more motivated.

After leaving the pottery workshop, Jiang Xuan found the newly established engineering team of the Teng tribe.

As the tribe grew larger, building houses, repairing roads, and digging ditches all required a lot of manpower.

Therefore, Jiang Xuan specially set up an engineering team to train a group of clansmen into a professional team in construction.

In this way, whether it is building a house or building a road, the efficiency will be greatly improved, and the quality will be guaranteed.

The leader of the engineering team, named Hongtu, is a middle-aged man who looks very honest and honest.

He is dark-skinned, not tall, but very stout, down-to-earth, hardworking, and doesn't care about people. Jiang Xuan likes such people very much.

"Laterite, I need your engineering team to go to the east bank to build a sewage treatment plant, then dig ditches, lay pipes, and lead all the sewage to the sewage treatment plant."

"Boss, how should this sewage treatment plant be built?"

"Simple, just build two houses and six filter tanks."

Jiang Xuan thought for a while, and then said, "You may not understand what I said here, so let's go there with me, and I will tell you slowly."

"it is good."

Jiang Xuan took the red soil to the east bank, first told him about the harm of sewage, and then told him his ideas little by little.

"Look, we dug a ditch outside each workshop, and then laid ceramic pipes so that we could pass through the pipes and collect all the sewage."

Jiang Xuan squeezed a few small pipes with soil and demonstrated the method of laying pipes to the red soil.

This thing is not complicated. After Jiang Xuan's simple demonstration, Hongtu immediately understood.

Jiang Xuan can always come up with some practical new things, and Red Clay admires him very much.

Later, Jiang Xuan brought the laterite to the location of the sewage treatment plant he selected.

"This place, on the left, can build two houses, a little further away, for the clansmen responsible for this place to live."

"On the right, along this slope, dig six large pools."

"The first pool, covered with large pebbles, is used to filter the relatively large garbage in the sewage."

"The second pool, covered with smaller pebbles."

"The third one is covered with coarser gravel, and the fourth pool is covered with finer gravel."

"The fifth pool is covered with charcoal and fine sand."

"The sixth pool, a layer of sand, a layer of charcoal, and five layers in a row, in this way, the sewage flowing through the six pools should be able to become relatively clean water, which can be discharged into the river. ."

After Jiang Xuan finished speaking, Hongtu nodded frequently. He tried to remember everything Jiang Xuan said. Although he could not fully understand why he did this, he believed in Jiang Xuan's wisdom.

"Well, after I go back, I'll draw a picture for you. Your engineering team can follow the picture. You don't have to bother to memorize it."

Red Earth breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It would be best to have a picture."

"Okay, then I'll send it to you after I draw it."

Jiang Xuan took the red soil and left the East Bank by boat and returned to the West Bank residential area.

Afterwards, he returned to his room, took out a blank animal skin scroll, and began to draw seriously.

He clearly drew the location of each workshop and the location of the drainage pipes on the Then, he added the construction area of ​​the sewage treatment plant and the six filter tanks. The positions are also drawn one by one.

In order to facilitate the understanding of the red soil, he even drew the thickness of the sand and gravel in each filter pool, and the two pools at the back, even several layers of sand and several layers of black charcoal, were clearly drawn.

In this way, when they build with laterite, it is not easy to make mistakes.

After drawing the simple and easy-to-understand drawings, Jiang Xuan personally sent it to the red clay and made sure that he fully understood what was drawn on the drawings.

On the second day after getting the blueprints, Red Earth immediately took the engineering team to start work.

They built the house according to the drawings, then dug ditches. After completing these two tasks, the ceramic pipes were basically fired.

The red clay led the people to move these pottery pipes, and then according to Jiang Xuan's instructions, spliced ​​and laid them one by one, tried to pass water after they were laid, and finally covered them with soil.

After laying all the pipes, the laterite led people to dig six large filter pools, and according to Jiang Xuan's instructions, put different sandstones and charcoal in each filter pool.

These work took the engineering team more than two months.

After more than two months, the simple sewage treatment system of the Teng tribe was finally laid.

"Let the water go!"

On the eighth day of September, with Jiang Xuan's order, all the sewage began to flow into the pipe, and then into the filter tank.

Each time these sewage passes through a filter tank, a part of the impurities will be filtered out. When they pass through the sixth filter tank and are filtered by layers of sand and charcoal, the water has become clear again.

"Great, it worked!"

When Jiang Xuan, the engineering team, and many members of the Teng tribe saw the clear water flowing into the Feiyu River from the sixth filter pond, everyone was boiling.

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