This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 201: corruption

Since getting the red crystal from the leader of the small tribe, the earth bone has been worried for several days, for fear of being discovered, and comforted himself that the tribe did not suffer any loss.

After a period of time, the trading area was still calm, and no one noticed that a batch of Digu was sold cheaply, and no one noticed that something was wrong.

Over time, Digu's mentality has undergone some changes. By chance, he received another gift from a small tribe warrior.

This time, he was still a little nervous, but his mentality was much better than before, and he didn't fall asleep because of worry like before.

By the third time, he was relatively calm, and even cultivated some self-confidence, because the first two times were not discovered, and this time it should not be discovered.

What's more, he didn't directly take the tribe's things, but just took a little thing, and then lowered the price of the goods to be sold a little bit.

By the fourth time, Di Gu was completely relieved, and confident that there would be no problem in doing so. It was completely reasonable for people from outside the tribe to come to trade and give him something.

The fifth time, Di Gu saw what he wanted, and even began to hint that the person who came to trade would be able to exchange more goods as long as he gave it to him.

Just like this, Di Gu became the first person in the trading area to accept bribes.

Because he did not directly take the goods in the shop, and he did not accept bribes for every transaction, when Mallow took stock of the goods, he just felt that some of the goods he received were overvalued, and some of the goods he sold were undervalued, so he could only make him Pay attention next time.

People's ambitions began to expand step by step, especially after they did not get punished for wrongdoing, but instead gained benefits, the ambitions of the earth bone expanded even faster.

Until one day, Lan walked into the trading area with a piece of animal skin, came to the appliance store, and wanted to exchange some weapons.

Although he joined the thorn vines, because his identity was kept secret, Lan Ping's behavior was still the same as that of other tourists.

Naturally, Di Gu didn’t know Lan. He thought that Lan was no different from other tourists, so he began to ask for benefits when trading.

"Fairy Wood"

"The hide is not bad, but there are many flaws."

Lan frowned and said, "Where is the flaw?"

The earth bone blew a few breaths on the animal skin and blew away the animal hair: "Look, here... here, and here, there are scars."

Lan's brows furrowed even tighter, because fighting between beasts was a common occurrence in order to survive, and it was inevitable to leave some relatively small scars on the body, and the behavior of blowing hair on the bones was too much.

Di Gu's eyes swept around Lan's body, and finally stopped on a beast tooth necklace hanging around her neck.

"This beast tooth necklace of yours is quite nice."

Lan continued to look at him, wondering what the **** he was going to do.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Earth Gu said in a low voice, "If you can give me the beast tooth necklace, I'll assume that I didn't see those flaws, and I can give you an extra weapon."

After listening to Ji Gu's words, Lan looked at him in disbelief, obviously not expecting him to say such a thing.

Di Gu Jian Lan did not immediately agree, so he said solemnly: "If you don't want it, forget it, but with these flaws, it will be difficult for this animal skin to exchange weapons."

When Lan heard this, she almost wanted to kill the scum, but she finally held back.

After being a tourist for so long, she has seen many sinister people, and it is not only once or twice that she has been made trouble.

She was silent for a moment, and then said to the earth bone: "This animal tooth necklace is very important to me, so let's go back and think about it, and I'll come back after thinking about it."

When Ji Gu heard this, he was not very happy and his face sank.

"If that's the case, then you should go back first. It's best to think about it sooner, otherwise I may change my mind next time."

"Don't be angry, I'll try my best to think about it."

Lan accompanied him with a smile, then took the animal skin, turned and left the trading area.

After she got outside, she immediately found Feng Cao through a special contact method, and told the story again.

After listening to Feng Cao, she said to her: "Don't talk about this matter for the time being, I will go to the leader and let the leader decide."

Lan nodded, then waited patiently in the wooden house.

Feng Cao immediately returned to the tribe, found Jiang Xuan, and told him the matter.

Hearing this kind of thing, Jiang Xuan only felt a surge of anger rising from the bottom of his heart, straight to the sky.

"Wow, very good!"

"The tribe has not yet developed, there are crises everywhere, and some worms have begun to embezzle and accept bribes. It's very good!"

Although Jiang Xuan is not a person who hates evil, but the Veng tribe was created by him, and it has just developed a little. It has not been a few good days when such a thing happened. How can you not be angry?

"Boss, do you want to arrest him now?"

"No, if you want to arrest someone, you will get all the stolen goods, otherwise it will chill the hearts of other clansmen."

Jiang Xuan thought for a moment and said, "You ask Lan to go to the trading area again, agree to Digu's request, and I will follow quietly."


The wind grass hurried away.

Jiang Xuan paced back and forth in the room, and after suppressing the anger in his heart a little, he immediately found Chi Shao, and then went to the trading area with her.

Besides, in the trading area, Di Gu completed a few more transactions, but he was a little absent-minded, always thinking about the animal tooth necklace on Lan's neck.

This is the first time he has been rejected, and this feeling makes him very uncomfortable, and even has a strange mentality of losing something.

Therefore, when Lan appeared at the door of the shop again, Di Gu's eyes lit up, and then he pretended to be reserved and stood in place without moving.

Lan entered the utensil shop, put the animal skin on the counter, untied the animal tooth necklace, and placed it on the animal skin: "I've thought about it, I'll give you the animal tooth necklace."

Di Gu's heart was overjoyed, but he pretended to be nonchalant and said, "I've seen a lot of good things. If I didn't see you being pitiful, I would have asked for your animal tooth necklace?"

"Yes, yes, then what we said before counts? I'll give you the animal tooth necklace, and you can give me another good weapon."

"Of course it counts."

"That's good, I hope you remember what you said."

After Lan finished speaking, she consciously stepped aside and looked out the door.

Di Gu was very dissatisfied with her words, and was puzzled by her performance. What was she looking at?

Soon, Earth Gu knew what she was looking at.

Jiang Xuan, Chi Shao, Mallow, and Nan Xing, the leader of the guard, all appeared at the door of the shop, and everyone's eyes were full of anger.

"Chief... chief, witch... witch..."


The animal tooth necklace that the earth bone was holding fell to the ground, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

Jiang Xuan stared at the bones coldly: "Tell me, what are you doing?"

"Chief... Chief, listen... listen to my explanation..."

Earth Bone trembled, and he tried to find a reason to explain.

Jiang Xuan shouted: "How dare you argue, we can hear what you said just now!"

Mallow also said angrily: "No wonder the quantity of the goods often does not match. I thought it was because you misunderstood the value when you traded, so you are taking the opportunity to benefit yourself!"

Chi Shao shook her head and said, "Digu, you have disappointed us too much."

Nan Xing gritted his teeth and said, "Boss, let me kill this scum!"


Hearing these words, Ji Gu was extremely frightened, his knees softened, and he suddenly knelt on the ground.

"I was wrong, the leader, I was really wrong. I was obsessed for a while, I'm not human, please give me another chance..."

Earth Bone and wept bitterly. Until this moment, when his life was threatened, he suddenly realized that what he had done was an unbearable mistake for the tribe.

Lan on the side did not speak, but she was very happy. She had joined the Vine tribe, and she was a member of the Vine tribe. Naturally, she could not tolerate such scum digging the foundation of the Vine tribe.

She can't wait for the leader to execute Ji Gu immediately.

Jiang Xuan was actually very disgusted when he looked at Earth Gu when he begged for mercy, but killing the Earth Gu directly is not the best way.

Jiang Xuan waved his hand and said, "Take him up and tie him to the front of the altar!"


Nan Xing immediately rushed in with two guardian soldiers, ignoring the earth's bones' plea for mercy, pinned him to the ground, tied him tightly with ropes, and escorted him out.

The movement here attracted many people from the trading area to watch, including the clansmen of the Vine tribe, as well as people from the outer tribes, or tourists.

They surrounded the utensil shop from a distance, pointing and talking.

Some of the people who had given things to Earth Gu were also a little flustered at this time, for fear that the Goto tribe would not let them come over to do business.

Jiang Xuan turned around and said to everyone: "The Veng tribe has made a scum, which makes everyone laugh. If there is any benefit from the earth bones, you can tell me, the Veng tribe will definitely be responsible."

Those people look at me, I look at you, and no one stands up.

"Since there is none, please go back first. The trading area is temporarily closed. After this matter is dealt with, the trading area will be opened again. Please everyone."

After Jiang Xuan finished speaking, he turned and left the trading area.

The soldiers of the guards entered the trading area, asked outsiders and tourists to leave, and then temporarily closed the trading area.

For a time, the Vine tribe was not calm inside and outside, and everyone was waiting for a result.

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