This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 205: new way of trading


Huo Meng put an animal skin bag on the table, then opened the mouth of the bag, revealing the animal teeth inside, and said to Jiang Xuan, "Leader Teng, how many knives can these animal teeth be exchanged for?"

Jiang Xuan said to the soldier beside him: "Pour it out and count it."


The warrior immediately poured out all the tusks, and then sorted them one by one. Some tusks were larger, some were smaller, some were of good quality, and some were different, and they had to be sorted out.

After classifying it, Jiang Xuan estimated its value according to the size and appearance of the animal teeth.

In fact, although Huo Meng brought a lot of animal teeth, because of the limited strength of the frog tribe, most of the animals they hunted were ordinary beasts. These animal teeth were just ordinary animal teeth. Although they were numerous, their value was not high.

After the estimation was completed, Jiang Xuan said to Huo Meng, "Boss Huo Meng, these animal teeth can be exchanged for eight small knife coins."

Huo Meng was stunned, because the small knife coin in Jiang Xuan's hand was too small. With so many animal teeth, can't even a large knife coin be exchanged?

Jiang Xuan guessed what he was thinking, so he smiled and said, "Boss Huomeng, don't underestimate these eight small knife coins. They can be exchanged for two large bags of food, or you can exchange them for things like salt and pottery."

Huo Meng's eyes lit up and said, "Then change it for me right away."

Jiang Xuan smiled, then counted out eight small knife coins and handed them to Huo Meng.

"Ding dong ding dong..."

Huo Meng tossed the knives a few times, listened to their crisp sounds, and walked to the trading area with the knives.

Next, there are many outsiders and tourists who trust the Veng tribe more, holding various things, and going to Jiang Xuan to exchange small knife coins.

Still, most people are watching.

Because they are poor, they dare not gamble with the goods they have finally obtained. They all want to see if other people can really buy goods in the trading area after taking the small knife coins.


In the trading area, Huo Meng held eight small knife coins and walked to the shop while looking over and over.

He looked at the various shops, hesitated for a moment, and then walked into the grain and salt shop.

"Welcome, Chief Huo Meng, what do you want to buy?"

According to Jiang Xuanjiao's words, Mallow warmly welcomed the first guest today.

Huo Meng looked at the knife coin in his hand, then looked at the salt jar in the shop, and asked, "How do you trade salt?"

"Boss Huomeng, three small knife coins can be exchanged for a pound of salt."

"How much is a pound of salt?"

Huo Meng had never heard of the weight unit "jin", so he was a little confused.

Mallow picked up a steel scale, then put half a bag of salt in a small animal skin bag and put it on the weighing pan. When she turned the weighing rope to the "one pound" position, the weighing rod rose quickly.

Mallow took another small shovel, shoveled some of the salt out of the hide bag, and weighed it twice more, until the scales were balanced.

Huo Meng looked blankly at her operation, but didn't know what she was doing.

Fortunately, after Mallow finished weighing, he took the steel scale and explained it to him immediately.

"Chief Huomeng, this thing is called a steelyard. It was made by our leader and can be used to weigh the goods."

"Look, we put the salt on the scale pan, and then slide the scale weight to know the weight of the salt. For example, if the scale weight slides to this position, it means one kilogram, and this position means two kilograms..."

After Mallow finished explaining, she handed the salt in the small animal skin bag to Huo Meng, and said, "Here is a pound of salt, and you can buy it for three small knife coins."

After Huo Meng heard it, although he still didn't quite understand it, he knew that three small knife coins could be exchanged for that bag of salt.

He picked up the salt and weighed it with a look of joy on his face. From experience, he could know that it was absolutely not a loss to exchange three small knife coins for a pound of salt, and it was even more convenient than trading with animal teeth.

"I'll give you six knives and two pounds of salt for me."

Huo Meng lined up the six small knife coins and placed them on the counter.


Mallow weighed another pound of salt for him, put it in the same small animal skin bag, and handed it to Huo Meng with both hands.

"Boss Huomeng, today is the day when the trading area uses a new method to trade. You are the first customer of our store, and this little animal skin bag is given to you as a gift."

"Thank you very much!"

Huo Meng took the small animal skin bag with a smile on his face, because the value of a small animal skin bag is not low. Usually they bring the animal skin bag by themselves, otherwise they have to use goods to trade. Get the hide bag.

Afterwards, Huo Meng went to the utensil shop and exchanged a small knife coin for a pottery bowl.

"There is one last pocket knife left."

Huo Meng lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then said, "It's a little too small, but it should be fine to use for peeling animal skins and cutting animal meat. Take it back to try it first, if it doesn't work well, then take it back for something else."

Huo Meng made up his mind, so he put the small knife coin into the animal skin bag he had at hand, and even wrapped it in a broken animal skin. After all, this is a treasure.

When Huo Meng walked to the door of the trading area, he was immediately surrounded by a group of people, because he was the first to exchange knife coins and the first to come out after completing the transaction.

"Boss Huomeng, how is it, can that knife coin really be used for transactions?"

"Boss Huomeng, is the knife coin any good?"

"Leader of Huomeng..."


Everyone asked in a lot of tongues. Many of them knew Huo Meng, and they all hoped to know from Huo Meng whether this knife coin was as good as the Teng tribe said.

"Knife coins can indeed be used for transactions, and it's very convenient. Everyone, look, these salts, this pottery bowl, I just bought with knife coins."

Because this is the rattan tribe, Huomeng was not afraid of being robbed of the salt and the pottery bowl, so he took it out for everyone to see.

"It can really be used for trading!"

"Why don't we change some knives and coins?"

"Don't worry, wait a minute, aren't there other people who went in with knives and coins? Let's take a look."

"Yes, the Frog Tribe is a subsidiary tribe of the Vine Tribe. What if they collude to deceive?"


The crowd was chatting again and again, but they obviously wouldn't listen to Huo Meng's words, and they planned to see if other people could also trade goods with knives.

Not long after, several other people who exchanged knife coins also came out of the trading area.

They were also surrounded by people and questioned one by one.

When everyone learned that all those who exchanged knife coins could exchange goods from the trading area, many people finally began to believe that knife coins were indeed a good thing.

Soon, more and more people brought goods to exchange knives and coins.

There are also some people who are unwilling to exchange knife coins, and the Veng tribe is not reluctant, allowing them to carry the goods and go inside to do transactions as before.

In this way, the gap is quickly reflected.

Those who did not exchange knife coins carried heavy goods into the shops of the Veng tribe, took great pains to count them, and then exchanged for the goods they needed.

Those who have exchanged the knife coins can easily hold the small knife coins, stroll around the various shops in the trading area, and see the goods they want, and they can exchange the knife coins directly without waiting.

Those who did not exchange knife coins, after seeing this situation, secretly regretted in their hearts, and decided to exchange knife coins next time before coming in.

However, there are also some people who are more stubborn and insist on carrying the goods for barter, because the small knife coins are very insecure in their hands, and it is only safe to carry a lot of goods on their shoulders.

In the evening, the trading area was closed, and Jiang Xuan asked Mallow to count the number of knife coins again.

Mallow carefully counted the three kinds of knife coins, and then raised his head.

"Boss, only eleven small knife coins were taken away, and most of the knife coins were exchanged for goods."

Jiang Xuan nodded and said: "As expected, most people don't have a sense of trust in knife coins, and they don't dare to leave the Veng tribe with knife coins, for fear that this thing will be useless in the future."

"Don't worry, sooner or later, someone will find out that knife coins are not only money, but also very sharp knives. At that time, more people will choose to exchange knife coins and bring them back."

"When they start to trust the knife coins, and even use knife coins to trade with each other, at that time, our Vine tribe will be able to rely on the knife coins system to obtain a lot of resources!"

It was actually quite difficult for Mallow to understand what Jiang Xuan said.

But she trusts Jiang Xuan very much, and even worships it fervently, so as long as Jiang Xuan says, she believes that it will be realized in the future.

The next day, the Vine tribe continued to recommend to the people who came to trade that they should exchange the goods for knives, and then take the knives to the trading area to buy things.

After half a month of selling like this, the tribes and tourists near the Teng tribe knew that the knife coins of the Teng tribe were treasures.

At the same time, they learned several new words, such as "money", "buy things", "steelscale" and so on.

There are also units such as "jin", "liter", "dou" and "meter", and some people are beginning to understand.

What's even more absurd is that after a long time, some people who have been to the Veng tribe trading area began to feel an inexplicable sense of because they learned a lot of new things in the trading area, and these things are Other tribes don't have it.

Whenever they return to the tribe and tell others about the new things in the Veng tribe trading area vividly, they always get some adoring eyes.


On the eighth day of the third month, when the Teng tribe was in full swing developing the trading area and strengthening the tribe's strength, something happened that surprised Jiang Xuan.

The old witch is back!


A loud eagle chirp sounded in the distance, and many of the Vine tribe raised their heads.

Because they are so familiar with this kind of eagle chirping!


Among the vine tribes, a purple ominous bird immediately flew into the sky excitedly after hearing the sound of an eagle chirping.

"It's the giant eagle of the old witch!"

Jiang Xuan, who was planting things in the yard, raised his head in surprise, then put down his hoe, opened the yard door, and ran to the house where the old witch lived.

"The old witch is back!"

In another yard, Chi Shao, who was teaching the apprentices to identify herbs, also put down the herbs, quickly left the yard, and rushed to the old witch's residence in the Teng tribe with Jiang Xuan.

Soon, in the sky to the south of the Vine Tribe, the silhouette of a black giant eagle appeared. It slowly descended to the height and fell towards the Vine Tribe.

The dumplings flew a few times around the giant eagle excitedly, expressing their thoughts about it.



Finally, the giant eagle fell to the ground, and it still landed on the open space beside the house where the witch lived.

"came back!"

On the back of the giant eagle, the old witch looked at the familiar vine tribe and felt very happy.

"Old witch, you are finally back, hahaha..."

Jiang Xuan ran over first, followed by Chi Shao, both of them were very excited.

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