Chapter 32: Adults, That’s Not How You Use a Bad Woman

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“The incomplete key to control power, I give to you…”

The woman spoke, her language ancient and obscure, her syllables foreign and difficult to comprehend.

Yet, in Chu Yan’s mind emerged the strange characters of that sentence, wriggling like tadpoles, eventually transforming into meanings he understood.

It wasn’t that Chu Yan had previously grasped this language, but rather the woman was making him comprehend its meaning.

Afterward, the woman disappeared.

A key materialized in Chu Yan’s palm, its handle engraved with unfamiliar runes, but only the edges were illuminated, the rest dim and lightless.

“What’s this thing? Shouldn’t there at least be a manual?”

Chu Yan looked around bewilderedly, reigniting the flame, attempting to see that shadow again, to confirm the woman’s current whereabouts.

But as the fire brightened, the previous shadow had vanished.

Fortunately, Chu Yan’s body was also fading away.

“It seems I should be able to return now.”

“How should we deal with these nobles? I think during this delicate period, we should eliminate them all, or they’ll become a future threat.”

The female officer asked, then offered a prudent suggestion.

On the main streets of Elysium City, several taboo bearers were discussing matters.

The Blood Moon had ended its third day, and everything had returned to its usual rhythm.

The sea breeze was briny, occasionally bringing the frenzy of the void sea.

The sky was gloomy, eternally casting the despair of the world’s end.

Yet, thinking back to the clarity before the Blood Moon’s arrival, the distinctive scenery of the Dead Sea’s border seemed much more pleasing to the eye.

Shanoa was undecided, pondering:

“If we keep these nobles, the news of the Black Ice Dragonkin’s death here will leak out, indeed they should be killed.”

In truth, the leak was inevitable, but there couldn’t be any human evidence pointing out it was their doing.

Janet sighed:

“If only the young lord could wake up normally, he’s been worried about the Dead Sea’s hierarchy of obedience, and now there’s a real chance to unite everyone.”

The female officer, Omija, remained unchanging in her stern expression, she inquired:

“Didn’t we have that necromancer check his soul?”

I’ve seen it, but the diagnosis says the soul is in good condition. The failure to wake up is due to an accidental cause.

Rather than that, she was more curious about the runes that appeared on the young lord’s face, which era they belonged to. She’s now researching in the underground library, having put the young lord’s matter out of her mind.”


Xia Nuoya thought of Chu Yan, that guy, and could only sigh.

Ever since their encounter in the nightmare realm, she managed to leave and woke up to find herself on a desolate beach.

But after waiting most of the day without seeing Chu Yan wake up, until the blood moon disappeared, she had no choice but to carry Chu Yan back to the castle.

After multiple confirmations, everything about this guy was fine.

Even the reclusive nuns were dragged out by Xia Nuoya to check on him.

But still, nothing was found.

His unending slumber became a puzzle.

Xia Nuoya had no choice but to deal with the simple affairs of Elysium City along with the “prison mates” in the castle.

All the surviving nobles are now being held together.

Just waiting for Chu Yan to wake up, to give a decisive word, to determine these people’s life and death.

She said, “Everyone has been active outside for a long time today, let’s go back and rest.”

Everyone returned to the castle together, each to their own room.

Xia Nuoya took off her light and tight knight’s attire, put on a nightgown, and lay down in bed.

She turned her head and stared at Chu Yan for a while, but he still showed no signs of waking up.

Xia Nuoya pulled his head over and buried it in her bosom, which she found to be the most comfortable way to sleep these past few days.

Suddenly, she felt herself being sipped twice, and her voluptuous body stiffened.

After a long time of hazy sleep, the fog in my brain cleared, and my consciousness returned to normal.

Xianoya thought something was wrong and asked anxiously:

“What’s wrong? Is there anything uncomfortable?”

Chuyu brushed his hair and looked worried:

“There’s nothing wrong, I just woke up to my own awesomeness.”


Xianoya wanted to scold him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so, thinking that he was just being his usual reckless and crazy self.

Chuyu wasn’t entirely trying to scare Xianoya; he was just relieved to see that his face was normal, and the weight on his mind had been lifted.

He was worried that if he looked into the mirror, he would still see the face of a ten-year-old child, which would be a big problem.

This meant that the dream had left him with a lingering influence.

But now, nothing was happening, and Xianoya hadn’t mentioned the symbol, which probably had already disappeared.

However, that symbol was likely related to the “key” given by the big chariot woman in the dream.

“Related to the dream induced by the Blood Moon, and it’s pointless to worry about it now. I’ll take care of the matters in Elysium City first.”

“Can I come with you in the evening?”

Xianoya was essentially inviting him to take a nap.

“I have to go out for a walk, I’ll be crazy if I don’t. You can rest for now, Xianoya.”


Chuyu went downstairs, and when he passed by the second floor, he found that the doors to the rooms of the priestesses were all open.

This was a strange thing, weren’t these people supposed to be self-contained?

Chuyu walked over to take a look, and his eyebrows jumped in surprise.

In the room, the priestess was bound to the bed, with the rope pressing out the feminine curves of her body.

When she saw the leader’s puzzled and astonished gaze, the priestess wriggled her slender body, trying to ask for help, but her small mouth was blocked by a ball, making it difficult for her to speak.

Chuyu checked all the rooms, and all the priestesses were in the same situation!

“What’s going on?”

He wanted to ask someone, but the tabooed ones were all fast asleep, quiet and motionless, and didn’t want to be disturbed.

And Chuyu didn’t have the idea of releasing the priestesses, maybe this was just a special preference of theirs?

Leaving the castle, Chuyu found a task list on a stone table in the courtyard.

It seemed to be a record of the tasks that needed to be handled after the Blood Moon in Elysium City, and many of them had already been solved by the tabooed ones.

But there were many blank tasks, which needed Chuyu, the leader, to take care of.

With this, Chuyu’s actions became more targeted, and he was relieved of many worries.


The New Slums.

The original slums had been equipped with makeshift outposts and other basic infrastructure. They were a bit crude, but they served as a defensive line.

The new slums, however, were shanties constructed on the vacant land outside the wealthy district. The name wasn’t very appealing, but no one cared about that.

Even the lord’s castle, connected to the prison, was part of this. What the living area of the Dead Sea’s people was called didn’t matter, as long as it was comfortable and safe—that was the truth.

Chu Yan had just arrived at the new slums when a group of children surrounded him.

Little girl Dula, acting as the team’s loudspeaker, fearless and with a booming voice, greeted him:

“Lord Brother, you’re awake!”

“Hmm, why haven’t you continued building the houses here? Just setting up tents, even though you already have the building materials?”

“Sister Janette says that building houses must be orderly. We must leave space for the main roads, and we can’t build toilets next to someone else’s kitchen, so it needs Lord Brother’s approval.”

Dula handed over a rough sketch, which roughly showed the current layout and where each household was located.

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