Chapter 36: Sir, That’s Not How You Use a Bad Woman

And Yuno also saw a few familiar faces—the children from the slums!

“The children from the slums are living in the new town?!”

Yuno immediately informed the executioner of the differences between the two visits to the border of the Dead Sea, so as not to give away Chu Yan’s secrets later.

Although the executioner had already gone over the “testimony” with Tiffany beforehand, Yuno noticed that the situation had changed too much.

The news of the executioner’s arrival was quickly passed on to Chu Yan by those children.

Chu Yan, discussing the matter of the nuns with his fellow inmates, felt nervous upon hearing of the executioner’s arrival.

But it was something that had to be faced. After locking the nuns’ rooms, he personally went out of the city to welcome the final visit of the examiner.

“Lady Executioner, and Miss Yuno, greetings to you both!”

He greeted them warmly, trying not to reveal his inner unease.

The executioner nodded slightly, and the maid beside her took out a notebook to start the inspection record.

“Hello, the trial must have been tough. This small town in front of us is newly built, isn’t it? What’s the story?”

“Yes, this is part of my initiative to create the Dead Sea Civilization City, transforming the original slum area into a line of defense against monsters. The new town in front gives the original residents a place to live, now called Elysium Outskirts, and the inner part is called Elysium Inner City.”

As Chu Yan explained, the maid responsible for recording the conversation was furiously taking notes, then paused, looking puzzledly at Chu Yan.

Like a model student, she raised her hand to ask:

“Lord, there’s a point in the records that needs confirmation, I hope you can elaborate. With the completion of this project, what is the opinion of the Dead Sea nobility?”

Chu Yan took out a handkerchief from his bosom and wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling a bit of sweat trickling down his back:

“Cough cough, the Dead Sea nobility have no objections, they’re all dead…”

Chapter Thirty-Five: The Key to Sustaining the Dead Sea’s Operation

Outside the city of Paradise, at the city gates.

For a moment, there was silence, with only the distant sound of the waves. Both Soxya and Bird Feather fell silent.

They knew about the slaughter of the Pico Baron’s family; Bird Feather was a witness at the time. But just half a month ago, it was only the Pico family that had died.

How could it be that half a month later… they’re all dead?

After Bird Feather regained her ability to speak, she asked repeatedly for confirmation:

“All of the Dead Sea nobility? Lord, could you have misspoken?”

Seeing their reaction, Chu Yan felt that further explanation was pointless and chose to lead them directly to the inner city to see for themselves.

The three walked together, passing through the most luxurious Pico estate, and then strolled through the residences of other nobles.

Nine out of ten homes were empty!

Compared to the outer city, composed of residents from the original slums, this place was as quiet as a city of the dead, a graveyard, with only some startled elderly clerks walking around warily.

Are they really all dead?

Chu Yan covered his eyes, pretending to cry in sorrow, although not a single tear could actually fall. But he managed to convey a sense of “despair so deep, tears cannot flow.”

Through the gaps in his fingers, he occasionally stole glances at the executioner and her servant’s reactions.

After they had also walked the desolate defensive line.

Soxya finally confirmed that the indigenous nobles who once roamed here were indeed all dead…

The dire conditions of the Dead Sea borderlands were known even to those in the inland areas, a murky stream from top to bottom.

The only commendable thing was that the Dead Sea monsters had not broken through here, all the malice stopped at this point, perhaps the greatest contribution of the Dead Sea nobility.

Chu Yan, the little lamb in the executioner’s eyes, had been in this place for several months. Even with Tiffany’s help once, he had actually managed to cleanse all the troublemakers!

After a long silence, Chu Yan took the initiative to say something:

From noble mtl dot come

“Just a week ago, an elite monster from the Dead Sea appeared. This time it was the siren, Siren, stronger than ever before. The control in her song directly affected the nobles’ minds.

They no longer recognized their companions, seeing everyone around them as monsters, and a slaughter began.

At that time, I was still on the front lines resisting the monsters. By the time I returned, only one swordsman, a taboo breaker, remained among the nobility. He won the slaughter, and I executed him.”

The handkerchief that had just been used to wipe sweat was now used by Chu Yan to wipe his eyes, erasing the non-existent tears of sorrow.

He wrung it out, squeezing the sweat, but it could be pretended to be tears.

Soxya and Bird Feather were really at a loss for words. The nobles died in such a “coincidence,” and it all seemed problematic.

But… this is the Dead Sea, and as long as the problem is attributed to the monsters, everything can be understood.

Suo Xiya adjusted the black steel dragon mask on her face and pressed for a point:

“Lord, you said you were on the frontlines resisting demons? Elite-level demons?”


Chu Yan had to nod; it was his alibi—even though his strength was nowhere near capable of dealing with the Sirens.

If Xia Nuoya’s initial probing strike against the Siren could be described as bone-scraping but not fatal, then Chu Yan’s magical attack on the Siren was merely skin-scratching and ticklish.

“What did you do in the frontline battle?”

“I provided tremendous support to the Tabooed!”

“Be more specific.”

Can you not ask so hysterically? It’s hard for me to answer… Chu Yan stammered:

“Uh… cheering and shouting.”

Niaoyu was scribbling away beside him, and upon hearing Chu Yan’s words, her pen suddenly snapped in her hand.

She uttered an “I’m sorry,” revealing a polite yet awkward smile, took out a new pen, and continued her record.

It was really hard for her, because of the “dirty deal” between the master and Tiffany, Niaoyu had to make the records a bit more beautiful, naturally embellishing them a bit.

[In the elite-level demons’ re-emergence, ravaging the borders and threatening the inland, Lord Chu Yan arrived at the frontline with the Tabooed.

The battle was perilous, even the Tabooed began to harbor thoughts of retreat, but fortunately, with the Lord fighting shoulder to shoulder, sharing life and death, advancing and retreating together, he inspired their morale throughout, ultimately defeating the Siren that appeared this time .]

Chu Yan raised his hand to speak, obediently saying:

“That… at this moment, I am still, after all, the Lord of the Dead Sea, with the nobles suffering such heavy casualties, may I apply for some kind of subsidy?”

“?” Suo Xiya.

“” Niaoyu.

Seeing the atmosphere wasn’t good, Chu Yan quickly changed his tune: “It’s not urgent, I was just asking.”


Suo Xiya sighed deeply in her heart.

She really wondered if these subsequent matters were secretly done by Tiffany, but these days, Tiffany had been harassing her in her office, without the time to commit the act.

Is this little guy so “capable”?

The maid’s voice brought Suo Xiya back to her thoughts:

“Master, how should the matter of the Dead Sea nobles be recorded?”

“Collective death in the line of duty.”


The maid continued to write vigorously, and it was unknown why she could write so long on the simple words “death in the line of duty,” Chu Yan became curious about the content of her records.

At that moment, the executioner lady moved on to the next phase of inspection and asked:

The demise of the Dead Sea nobility is a foregone conclusion, irreversible. What about the chain reaction that follows?

It’s as if an entire city’s worth of bureaucrats have vanished, positions left unmanned, ordinary monsters unattended. How will these issues be resolved?

Chu Yan responded:

“There’s no problem in that regard. Initially, I was quite worried; the nobles’ deaths were a huge blow to me as their lord.

But I quickly realized that whether they are at the Dead Sea border or not, it doesn’t affect normal operations.”

Just then, it was time for the daily routine of clearing monsters.

A few children from the outer city came over, armed with Dead Sea weapons, hopping and skipping, even greeting Chu Yan.

Thus, Sosia witnessed those children effortlessly vanquishing the monsters on the desolate beachfront.

That was undoubtedly the previously reported “Dead Sea Armament.”

This scene was the most surprising to Sosia, or rather — it was dazzling!

The current Dead Sea has indeed been turned upside down by Chu Yan; he eradicated the nobles, abolished all the old personnel positions, and misused tainted weapons.

His methods were extreme.

However, just as the original Dead Sea border maintained a delicate balance, now that the old balance has been disrupted, a new, strange equilibrium sustains the operation!

It’s truly unbelievable!

There’s just one concern: once Chu Yan leaves this place, who will manage it?

The Tabooed Ones? Wouldn’t that turn this place into a den for the fallen?

But this issue is minor; the Dragonflame family can send subordinates here again.

The new minor nobles will find it hard to reach the level of Baron Pigo’s absolute control because the local residents of the Dead Sea can now handle various monster crises.

Before coming here, Sosia thought Tiffany was too demanding, directly requiring a perfect score.

But after inspecting the site, even excluding Tiffany’s part, the answer sheet Chu Yan presented is still perfect.

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