Chapter 45: Sir, That’s Not How You Use a Bad Woman

He waited agonizingly for his wife’s arrival, but she was nowhere to be seen, well past the time he had anticipated.

Having amassed a small fortune over the years among the wealthy Black Ice Dragonkin, Lan Wei’s coffers were nearly depleted.

On Chu Yan’s side, despite a clear advantage, she couldn’t seem to secure victory, which was infuriating.

Nancy, though capable of breaking spells, wasn’t invincible; she too had to cast magic to counteract magic, or else there would be no point in studying it.

As for the powerful Taboo Ones nearby, Chu Yan was reluctant to use their power, given the long recovery time.

It was better to let her aunt struggle a bit more; after all, she had outrageously neglected Chu Yan’s safety last time, and now it was time to make amends.

“Chu Yan, use your lord’s authority to command the Taboo Ones inside to take action!” Nancy grew impatient.

“Just wait a bit longer. They expanded too much during the last Siren attack and are still recovering. Aunt, hold on a little longer, let’s see how much more money Connie’s father can burn!”


Nancy’s eyes sparked with rare vitality as she silently glared at Chu Yan, her inner curses fierce.

Just then, a ripple of spatial magic came through.

Chu Yan’s gaze shifted, and a teleportation rift tore opened.

Out tumbled a lady with golden, wavy hair, her figure curvaceous, her waist slim and hips wide, as graceful as a sensual being.

It was none other than Evelyne!

And Secretary Miss Eve also emerged.

At this sight, the enduring Lan Wei crumbled!

He defended at all costs, stalling for time, just waiting for Evelyne to arrive. How could this be…

“Evelyne, what exactly happened?”

Lan Wei’s astonishment and distraction provided Nancy with the opportunity. Six or seven demon-slaying holy cross swords merged into one, piercing through his body in one fell swoop.


Lan Wei was pinned to the ground, the demon-slaying power spreading through his body, sealing all his magical circuits. He had completely lost the ability to resist.

Chu Yan turned to the mysterious visitor. He didn’t recognize this woman, but since she could tie up Evelyne, she must be reinforcements, right?

At that moment, Nancy’s aunt came over and whispered in his ear:

“The one tied up on the ground is Evelyne, Connie’s mother. The woman standing beside her is named Eve, the youngest elder of the Black Ice Dragonkin, servant of Rosetta.”

“Is this a civil strife within the Black Ice Dragonkin…?”

Chu Yan couldn’t understand the situation.

Eve then approached, extending an invitation to Chu Yan with a respectful attitude and a sense of official business.

“Mr. Chu Yan, would you mind coming with me for a talk?”


Eve picked up the furious noblewoman from the ground and led the way, guiding Chu Yan into the teleportation space.

The rift closed, turning this place into a temporary meeting chamber.

Eve took out a notebook and methodically laid out the matters one by one:

“Firstly, I am here to convey the orders and entrustments of my master. Lady Evelyne will become Mr. Chu Yan’s close servant. As long as her life is not harmed and the reputation of the Black Ice Dragonkin is not affected, you may use her as you wish.”

“Ah…?” Chu Yan was dumbfounded.

“Secondly, it is to clarify some facts, mainly concerning Lady Evelyne.”

Rosetta had inexplicably beaten Evelyne, who must have been confused.

Eve immediately shared the intelligence gathered, including but not limited to “Evelyne and her husband embezzling family assets” and “Lan Wei secretly helping his son Connie contact the Dead Sea nobility,” and so on.

Assigning Evelyne to serve Chu Yan as a close servant was a punishment for embezzlement, but also Rosetta’s ultimate motive—given Evelyne’s A-grade status, the family would at most reprimand her for the embezzlement, not truly punish her severely.

“As for why the young master frequently visits Paradise City, Mr. Chu Yan, please explain.”

Eve handed over the conversation to Chu Yan, who was somewhat puzzled by the current situation but chose to respond.

He removed the gag from the mouth of the magician wife and revealed all of Connie’s actions.

Connie regularly came to the Dead Sea border because he needed special women to satisfy his desire to conquer monsters.

Connie died here because he wanted to stand up for the Dead Sea nobility.

He came with his butler and guards to ambush and encircle, but ended up being counter-killed.

“All I know comes from an accident during the Blood Moon; you don’t have to refute it because you can choose not to believe.”

Chu Yan said, recalling an omission, and added:

“Ah, your husband must die because he destroyed this small town and attempted to kill the civilians here, and this is not negotiable. Wait for me to become a widow!”

The anger in her eyes made them bloodshot, but this anger was not entirely directed at Lois and Chu Yan.

She knew the truth was 90% accurate, as Chu Yan had said.

She had once been puzzled about her son’s situation, but it was due to her overindulgence and lack of investigation, and every time she was about to ask, her husband Lan Wei would help her sweep it under the rug.

This time, she had come to avenge her son, and Lan Wei was clearly aware that the killer was on the border of the Dead Sea, while the fake news was from the Crystal Forest!

Lan Wei was trying to destroy the evidence and avoid revealing that Konisaki had indulged in pleasure here, escaping his inner weakness.

Chu Yan looked at Elara’s eyes flashing with anger, and his anger simmered beneath the surface. He didn’t respond, but instead turned to Eve and said:

“It’s better if you take Elara’s mother back to the Black Ice Dragon Clan. I’m afraid I won’t be able to accept her as a servant, and my current strength is not enough to hold her back. This woman can kill me at any time.”

How to say it, Chu Yan was indeed grateful to Lan Wei.

If he hadn’t driven his wife away, their strength might not be enough to take on the two of them.

Now, with the direct grudge against the Dead Sea border, it was Konisaki and Lan Wei, while Elara had done nothing, and she was here for her own flesh and blood.

Although she was on the opposite side of Chu Yan, if the Black Ice Dragon Clan could confine her on their own, Chu Yan still didn’t want to provoke Elara.

“Rest assured, the master has already applied the slave contract to Elara, and all you need to do is inject your magical essence into her, and the recognition will be complete.”

Eve was already prepared for this question and said, “Yes, but after she is brought back, if Lady Elara decides to continue her revenge, my master will not take notice.”

You can either take her as a temporary servant or face her revenge head-on.”

Chu Yan’s mouth twisted in confusion, this was the most bizarre request he had ever heard, how could he benefit from this stranger?

“That’s why I choose to take advantage of Elara’s current weakness and kill her directly. Is that allowed?”

Eve shook her head: “Not allowed, the master does not want Lady Elara to die, this is a matter of kinship.”

This meant that Chu Yan wanted to sneak up and kill her, and Eve would definitely stop him.

Chu Yan seemed to have a choice, but in reality, he had no choice, and he could only use Elara’s power to make up for the lack of power in the Extreme Joy City, which was limited by the taboo.

Especially the suppressive array was being stolen by the Church’s worms, and they had to be extremely cautious when using their powers.

If they had Elara’s power, their chances of winning against the Church would be much higher!

“I really want to do it?” Chu Yan hesitated, performing a final confirmation.

“Please,” Eve gestured with an emotionless welcome.

Every inch of Aveline’s body was paralyzed, unable to muster any strength.

As the power of the Crimson Demon Dragonkin invaded the depths of her consciousness, Aveline’s delicate jade body trembled, her beautiful eyes widened, and her pupils suddenly contracted.

She couldn’t believe all this was happening, yet she had no choice but to accept the reality.

Chu Yan proceeded with utmost caution throughout, and when he spotted a piercing contradiction, he knew there was deceit in his heart, a disaster of bloodshed!

“She… hasn’t she given birth before? How is she still a virgin?” Chu Yan asked, staring blankly at Eve.

Eve, standing by, said expressionlessly:

“The Black Ice Dragonkin are rather indifferent to reproductive activities. Back then, Lady Aveline was competing in strength with Lord Rosta and had no desire to waste over a year preparing for offspring, so she resorted to some magical techniques.”

Chu Yan had indeed heard of methods like “surrogacy” and “cellular dragon progeny.” Dragonkin had pondered many ways for reproduction, but “surrogacy” would lead to a significant dilution of dragon blood.

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Thus, it was generally considered a “feasible but foolish” method.

If even the exceptional qualities of the Dragonkin’s bloodline couldn’t be preserved, it would be better to adopt a child from another race and treat them as one’s own kin.

Connie, being able to maintain bloodline concentration and recognized by the Black Ice Dragonkin, must be considered a lucky rarity, an extremely rare case.

“Due to the Dragonkin’s formidable power, the binding effect of the slave mark will weaken within a month, and since Lady Aveline is close to S-rank, Mr. Chu Yan, please be conservative and maintain the mark’s strength every fortnight.”

Eve continued to explain, taking the opportunity to pull out a handkerchief and wipe the sweat from Chu Yan’s forehead.

“What I mean is, if such frequent maintenance happens and Lady Aveline accidentally hits the jackpot… what then?”

“The child belongs to the Black Ice Dragonkin, not your current family!” Eve said sternly, leaving no room for negotiation.


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