Chapter 61: Sir, That’s Not How You Use a Bad Woman Chapter 61


Chu Yan was startled, unable to comprehend.

This is clearly the information you, Evelyn, told Josephine, a sting operation, right!

Fortunately, Josephine sold you out without a word, revealing your deeds first, otherwise, I would have really been confused and dizzy.

But Chu Yan still didn’t grasp her intention, what was she trying to achieve?

To make Chu Yan trust, or even rely on her?

“What else do you want to say?”

“It’s time to reinforce the contract again, otherwise, the little dragon lord will be terrified and restless.”

Evelyn spoke seductively and assertively, her delicate slender hand gently took out the scepter of the contract master from Chu Yan, provocatively and affectionately it.

Under Chu Yan’s peculiar gaze, Evelyn slowly sat down in front of him, her fragrant scent briefly thrown into disarray, the tremble of her fine eyebrows fleeting.

But these reactions were quickly concealed, the mature and assertive blonde beauty, with her voluptuous figure and radiant face flushed with pleasure, her eyes filled with satisfied pride and playful provocation.

Looking at the big boy who couldn’t move and was at her mercy, Evelyn finally found her satisfying dominant position.

Although the same contract reinforcement ritual was being performed, this time Evelyn’s experience was exceptionally good, as if avenging a past humiliation.

She could not accept the humiliation she had felt before, her pride too wounded. So, in a show of defiance, she seized control, initiating the contract to solidify her position.

After all, once the half-month deadline arrived, he, Chu Yan, would always issue commands through the contract. It was better to do so from a position she was comfortable with.

The outcome of solidifying the contract was unchanging, but she would choose the process. She wanted the queen’s throne above…

It would likely be this way from now on, for Chu Yan couldn’t guard against her “harmless” magic.

And Evelyne, deliberately baiting the high priestess with a sting operation—could it be she was trying to capture him, to turn Chu Yan into her own spawn…?


The high priestess, within the lord’s castle, noticed that Chu Yan and Evelyne were missing from the returning party.

From noble mtl dot come

She addressed Janet, the smuggler who was more capable of normal conversation.

“Where has the lord gone?”

“Why do you care about that?”

Janet was surprised. It was one thing for someone from the church to strike up a conversation, but to inquire about Chu Yan right away?

“He is still the lord guarding this place; it’s necessary to be clear about his safety.”

“The young lord is quite well, only the demons are a bit unusual. He’s in the watchtower on the front lines, with a black ice dragonkin as his guard. Very safe.”

Evelyne and Chu Yan, alone together?!

This was not good news. Josephine didn’t understand why Evelyne had leaked that information before.

But one thing was certain: Evelyne intended to deal with the lord!

She had said before that she would help deal with Evelyne.

Without further explanation, the high priestess hurriedly left the castle, speeding towards the watchtower room.

Upon opening the door,

Chu Yan was sitting there, unharmed, though his expression was subtly vacant and dazed.

Evelyne, notorious among the dragonkin for her pride and ruthlessness, stood by, casually adjusting her dress. Her complexion was rosy and charming, her demeanor content and pleased.

“Has something happened?” Josephine asked.

“Apart from the unusual situation with the demons, all is well~!”

The dragonkin beauty was in high spirits, her lips curling into a smile as she responded.


(The image has been captured)

High Priestess Josephine.jpg

Author’s note: It took a lot of time to find the image, I hope it’s okay

(Praying) (Starting prayer)

Chapter Sixty-Five: The Sword of Demonic Blood

In the time that followed, Mother Superior Josephine and Evelyne kept a wary eye on each other, accompanying Chu Yan as sentinels in the watchtower, observing the state of the Void Sea.

A woman’s intuition is strong, especially for a cleric of Josephine’s exceptional caliber, who is particularly sensitive to certain “inspirations” and “revelations.”

She always felt that something had transpired between Evelyne and Chu Yan inside the watchtower, something discussed, and it was no ordinary matter!

Yet, she could find no trace, no clue, and had to let it be.

If Chu Yan were to confess, the floor should have been a mess, for Lady Evelyne, uncivilized in her excitement, had… spilled some water on the ground.

Alas, ice magic is the best at covering up traces of a deed, leaving behind no water stains or scorch marks of destruction.

The water stains turned to ice, and then thrown into the sea, erasing all evidence, just like the treatment her son Connie had received…

Chu Yan even wondered if Evelyne harbored some vengeful sentiment in this matter.

In any case, his overall situation was still safe.

For now, the mutual vigilance between Evelyne and Josephine was actually a boon for him!

Time continues to pass.

Chu Yan would occasionally step out onto the barren beach, looking around.

He was searching for nightmare bubbles, a treasure in the Blood Moon for him, certainly worth exploring.

But this time, those bubbles did not appear.

“Why aren’t they here?” Chu Yan muttered, puzzled and annoyed.

Without those bubbles, the grand promises made to Josephine would be hard to fulfill, and for Chu Yan, it was also a loss in terms of power enhancement.

The Blood Moon was becoming more and more anomaly, but the expected “pleasant surprises” were gone.

“What worries you?”

Josephine’s dignified face was somber and calm, but her tone was anything but, her questioning words carrying a strong interrogative force.

Because Evelyne was nearby, she naturally wouldn’t act too familiar or close with Chu Yan.

“I mean, after the elite monsters are vanquished, the nearby sea should have a period of calm, why not this time?”

“Let’s wait for this night to pass, the strange moon belongs to the night, the day is not its domain.”

“I’m afraid this night might be a bit long, look at my pocket watch.”

The dragonkin beauty picked up a pocket watch strung with a silver chain, the hands pointing to a time when morning was almost over.

Yet outside, the sky showed no signs of the moon setting or dawn breaking.

The Blood Moon lingered.

Chu Yan held his forehead in pain, this truly wasn’t good news.

He had thought this time, with ample experience, he would handle it with ease, but instead, the difficulty had been directly escalated!

“Seeing this trend, there will probably be elite monsters bubbling up later, I’ll go back and arrange for some people.”

Chu Yan had no time to ponder over Josephine and Evelyne’s affairs, swiftly returning to the castle to report the situation.

This change was worrisome, mainly because it was unknown how many more elite monsters would appear.

The Taboo Ones did not fear a tough fight; what they feared was this kind of slow-boiling frog strategy.

Janet, usually talkative and optimistic, couldn’t help but sigh:

“With the young lord, things have indeed improved in all aspects, and we even have a Dragonkin enforcer to help us. But this ocean is relentless.

Next time, or the time after, could it be that the blood moon will stay in the sky forever, and elite monsters from the sea will emerge endlessly?”

Although these were words of despair, they were not entirely without reason.

Perhaps, this was also a reason why they had to migrate to a higher world.

Monsters from this exile land could no longer be contained, gradually spreading towards the land.

Even the vast expansion of earth would be completely ravaged by monsters in just a few years.

This would have the greatest impact on the Taboo Ones; the miraculous arrays could not be taken along, and they could no longer continue to guard Elysium City. Even if they left this place of exile and lived a few years of carefree life, their reason and will gradually be eroded by their own power.

At this moment, the female officer Omija spoke up, seemingly blind to these distant worries, like a reliable elder brother, she said in a deep voice:

“In anxious times, thinking only deepens the anxiety and pessimism, leading to a bunch of bad ideas. Let’s deal with the matter at hand first.

Shanoa, Janet, you two rest. I’ll call someone else out to prepare for the next wave of monsters.”

Shanoa knew she still had strength to contribute, and even just a visit to the house with Chu Yan would allow her to exert even more power.

She pulled Chu Yan aside and whispered:

“Should we… come clean to them? I still have plenty of energy; there’s no need to hide in the castle pretending to be tired, letting the companions exert themselves.”

Chu Yan saw that on ordinary days, Shanoa didn’t interact much with the “prison mates,” just a normal chat when they met, not particularly eager. But at times like these, she was willing to step forward. This had to be a relationship forged through life-and-death situations, right?

In the past, Chu Yan had met many affable people outside, always greeting with a smile, never turning away newcomers. But when real trouble arose, they would disappear without a trace.

“Shanoa, don’t be hasty. We can’t just say that the blood…

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