Chapter 64: Sir, That’s Not How You Use a Bad Woman

Not far away, Omega and her group arrived. After the death of the “Deep Sea Overlord,” they had rushed over immediately, only to be delayed by the blast wave and sudden collapses on the ground.

Chu Yan was about to enter the Nightmare World, it wasn’t possible to keep them waiting on the sidelines.

Just seeing Josephine’s mild loss of control was enough to worry him that similar situations would continue to arise, fearing unknown influences still present during the Blood Moon.

The Lord’s Castle was where they should be now.

After briefly explaining the situation, Omega, learning of the Demon Blood Sword, could only heed Chu Yan’s advice and temporarily lead everyone back to the Lord’s Castle to regroup.

“Lord, are you sure you can use those mysterious bubbles to stabilize the Demon Blood Sword?”

“We have to try; this was an accidental discovery by me and Xianoya last time. There’s still much we don’t understand and many unknowns, I can’t explain, but right now, it’s the best way to control the Demon Blood Sword .”

“Alright, I’ll take everyone back first. After a brief rest, I’ll come over immediately to check on your safety, whether the Blood Moon has ended or not.”

The female officer exuded an efficient and sharp aura.

Elphine, unaffected by the Blood Moon, actually wanted to stay, but her usual haughty arrogance made Omega and the others wary.

Fearing she might find some way to throw Chu Yan into the sea, they were determined to take her back.

Chu Yan didn’t want to waste time in a standoff, so she could only use the contract to command the dragonkin beauty to return.

“Isn’t that church woman leaving?” Elphine was not at ease with Josephine staying behind.

“I need to set up another seal, to ensure that the Blood Demon Essence doesn’t go berserk. I can also help the young lord set up a protective barrier. The church’s methods are much more reliable against these creatures!

I’ll return once I’ve finished setting up, Mrs. Elphine, do you think I want to stay here?”

And so, the main force went back to rest, while Josephine temporarily stayed with Chu Yan.

Chu Yan didn’t want to waste time explaining, she hurriedly said:

“In a moment, I’ll fall into a deep sleep, Josephine, set up the seal and then leave. Your condition isn’t good either, try not to stay in the Blood Moon for too long, and remember not to sleep when you get back, okay?”

“This isn’t the tone for a child to give orders to an adult, you need to add a title and call her Mrs. Josephine!”


Chu Yan and the abbess locked eyes, looking puzzled, then suddenly enlightened, was it the influence of emotional instability brought on by a slight loss of control?

“…Mrs. Josephine?”

Upon seeing the abbess had no further requests, Chu Yan immediately touched the dream bubble.

His body suddenly became heavy and gradually lay down.

The abbess with a beautiful and elegant appearance, gazed at the dragon-blood boy on the ground, gently stroking his face with her hand, as her disheveled hair, scattered from the battle, covered his angular face.

This sleeping pose evoked a gradual expansion of maternal love in a woman’s heart.

The abbess’s strictly preserved habit, quietly slid down to the delicate, snow-white thighs beside him, and the woman used it as a pillow, placing it under Chu Yan’s head.

The red moonlight fell on the abbess’s radiant, snow-white skin, radiating a saintly, pure light.

In a daze, her eyes seemed to possess an additional strand of mysterious, alluring magic.

“It’s hard to get a peaceful night without disturbance, now it’s time to try the child’s abilities~!”

Author’s note: Tonight, no one, tomorrow, try to get up early.

Chapter 68: Lieutenant and Vice Officer

Just like a young boy entering the green building, once upon a time, twice familiar, three times full of joy.

When Chu Yan opened his eyes, he found himself in a dream world that was both bizarre and unfamiliar, and his heart was slightly more at ease than before.

The world around him was distorted and changing, with a beauty reminiscent of a soup with fungi.

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“According to my previous experience, this space will reflect some deep memories of the Mystic Sword, and she herself is relatively calm here.”

Chu Yan muttered to himself, using his voice to dispel the silence in his ears.

It’s too quiet here, too quiet to be comfortable.

“Try to seize the opportunity to talk to her properly, and maybe I can stabilize the unstable situation like Shana.”

After a while, the world around him began to change, like ripples disappearing on the water’s surface, and the reflected scenery became clear.

However, the first thing that appeared in his field of vision was not the Mystic Sword, but the female officer, Omeja!

“What’s going on? Is Omeja returning to the original route and touching the bubble as well? Why is she appearing in the memories of the Mystic Sword?”

Chu Yan was taken back by Omeja.

This Omeja looked even younger than the one he was familiar with, with a youthful energy and vitality, radiating a vibrant and majestic beauty, unlike the gloomy and taciturn atmosphere of the Extreme Joy City.


The Yamato Empire is an independent nation on the continent, with various magic highly militarized and integrated into the country’s power system.

Every Yamato person, from birth, if they possess magical powers or martial arts, they become a reserve soldier, with almost no civilian magicians.

Omeja grew up in such a nation, fulfilling her duties as a military officer until an incident occurred…

The army that ventured to explore the Tower of Heaven unexpectedly discovered a treasure heavily “protected” by magical barriers.

After enduring countless hardships, the army finally obtained the treasure, only to find it was an ancient martial tome, the Demonic Blood Sword.

Given the extent of its “protection,” the higher-ups believed it to be an extremely precious combat technique, otherwise, it wouldn’t have been so rigorously guarded—only later did everyone realize it wasn’t “protection” at all, but a seal!

It was a clear afternoon when Omeika received instructions from her direct superior to attend a meeting.

This meeting was to commend those who had acquired this power and to announce the research and use of this power.

All power must serve the Yama Empire, becoming part of the army under the great Emperor Yama!

“Lieutenant Omeika, just for attending a meeting, do we really need to change out of our combat uniforms into these clerical suits?”

A brown-haired woman asked, she was Omeika’s adjutant.

In her mind, combat uniforms were already military attire, sufficient for formal occasions. Was there really a need to switch to stiff formal skirt wear and put on a pencil?

“You’ll understand the difference once you’re promoted. You can’t exactly go to a meeting fully armed; that would be called rebellion.”

Omeika explained somewhat helplessly.

The car for the pickup downstairs was ready, and Omeika stood in front of the mirror for one last check of her appearance, ensuring she wouldn’t embarrass herself over any minor detail.

Her gray hair was neatly pinned up, not a single strand out of place. Her black, form-fitting ladies’ suit was ironed to crisp perfection, except for the full curve her bust created, and the pencil skirt made walking unfamiliar to her, always feeling her hips tightly encased. Glancing sideways at the mirror, she felt she could see the entire outline of her buttocks.

This made Omeika worry that her skirt was perhaps a size too small. What if it burst accidentally…

She quickly changed into a larger skirt, which gave her legs some room, but the tightness around her hips remained unchanged. Omeika could only control her stride, trying not to take too big steps.

The vehicle set off, and she went to the meeting with several officers.

The higher-ups demanded the formation of a team named “Demonic Blood Sword,” selecting talented orphans from the orphanage to join and be trained from a young age.

Omeika didn’t want her adjutant to always be under her shadow, so she sought a transfer opportunity for her, assigning her to the newly formed team as the commanding officer.

“Belsa, I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is you’re leaving me; you have a chance for promotion!

The bad news is, after going to the new camp and becoming the commanding officer there, if you maintain your current diligence and precision, you will be honored with a medal, and then you’ll understand why you have to wear formal attire to meetings .”

“Lieutenant Omeika, why is that considered bad news?”

“Because then you’ll personally experience just how uncomfortable that kind of skirt is to wear!”

“Is it really that terrible? Then I’d rather continue as your adjutant.”

“Just kidding. I hope to see you at the award ceremony next time!”

Omeika wished her sincerely.


Half a year later,

Omeika, stationed at the front lines of the Tower of Heaven, received an urgent order. Her superior commanded her to rush back to the Yama Empire immediately to participate in the suppression of the rebellion!

And it was only then that Omeika learned the true nature of the “Demonic Blood Sword” knowledge—it was a faith contract of a mysterious great demon.

Practicing this knowledge was akin to signing a contract, exchanging it for rapidly growing formidable power, but it also meant becoming a servant to the contract’s master, no longer a soldier who follows orders.

Once the Imperial Military grasped this power, it was immediately deemed taboo, and suppression and liquidation became imminent.

A power that cannot heed the Emperor of Yama’s commands cannot exist within the Empire; it’s akin to the military tolerating soldiers who overstep the rules!

Omicar’s mind went blank. Initially, his superior had said this was a power urgently in need of cultivation. Yet, in just a few short months, it was declared a forbidden power, and the “Bloodsword” team wasn’t even given a chance to prove their loyalty before being purged!

“Commander, can’t we give them a chance? They are the Empire’s most loyal soldiers; perhaps there’s an opportunity to annul the contract!”

“Omicar, this is a training cessation order personally signed by the Emperor. Destroy all facilities and content related to this power immediately. Please comply with the order; it is your duty as an Imperial soldier!”


Did I cause Belsha’s fall?

When Omicar met his former deputy again, it was a confrontation with blades drawn.


“Is your real name Belsha?”

Chu Yan found the Bloodsword in the nightmare world, the white-haired, red-eyed woman lying on the ground, seemingly realizing she couldn’t escape from here, decided to rest on the spot.

“My real name isn’t Belsha; that’s just Omicar shortening it because he can’t pronounce the trilled sounds in my name.”

The woman responded but made no move to sit up, discontent with the nightmare world’s wanton exposure of her privacy, yet without means to protest.

She added, “It’s strange, isn’t it? This place isn’t bound by the contract. In the ‘Bloodsword’ contract, I must conceal my real name, or it would be a betrayal of the ‘Deadblood Demon.’ My former name would forcibly trigger my hostility.”

Chu Yan couldn’t clarify this; he was more interested in the continuation of that memory.

Perhaps after resolving some issues and knots in Belsha’s life, sending her soul away from this world, the woman from his previous dreams would appear.

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