Chapter 67: Sir, this is not how bad women are used. Chapter 67

“Did Chu Yan ask you to do this?”


While Demon Blood Sword was answering, he sensed the hostility of the elder sister and couldn’t help but say:

“I have heard of your name a long time ago. Why did Sister Josephine, who is known for her strictness and strength, show such a decadent and obsessed attitude towards the little dragon lord? Even when he was unconscious.”

“This is care!”

Josephine stood up slowly and reluctantly. As she stood up, her beautiful pair of white silk legs felt numb and swayed, and she almost fell down.

She did not walk far, but put on her nun’s robe again, not caring about the dirtiness of the wet soil on the beach, and knelt on the ground, letting Chu Yan rest his head on her soft thighs.

At the same time, he stared at Ms. Demon Blood Sword with unfriendly eyes, ready to ask her to get up and leave as soon as she finished a “treatment”.

“Why hasn’t he woken up yet? How did you communicate with him when he was unconscious?”

“I don’t know. Wait until the little lord wakes up, then go ask him.”

Demon Blood Sword said this impatiently, but when he saw the power of the little lord, he couldn’t help but feel frightened.

She has a delicate and gentle appearance, but why is there such a big contrast in her body… Well, the person who can govern this hellhole must have some extraordinary qualities.

The big nun was having so much fun that she forgot herself and her body was shaking. I just need to suppress the out-of-control power. I think it shouldn’t be a problem.


This time, Chu Yan woke up very early.

His memory still lingered on the mysterious and powerful Dragon Witch, but when he woke up and regained control of his body, he was instead filled with confusion.

Who is taking advantage of me while I am unconscious? !

Josephine’s cold warning came to my ears: “That’s enough, you should get up!”

Chu Yan tried to get up, but his body was held by someone and he could not move. He could only straighten his neck, and his whole face hit the southern hemisphere of the nun.

The view went dark, and the sweet and rich scent of frankincense hit me in the face.

Noticing Chu Yan’s movement, Josephine shifted her attention away from the Devil Blood Sword and hurriedly helped him up, saying:

“How are you?”

Chu Yan sat up. He didn’t expect that Bertha would be so excessive. In the nightmare memory, you were still a decent female soldier. How come…

He stretched out his hand to pry open the woman’s eyes and found that the red in her eyes had faded a little, and it seemed that her out-of-control condition had eased.


Why did the eyes turn white? Where did the pupils go? Did they turn upwards?!

What kind of out-of-control symptom is this? Has it gotten worse?

Chu Yan was stunned, his mind full of thoughts on how to curb the loss of control. Suddenly he realized that this had nothing to do with losing control, and his mood became very subtle.

A false alarm…

Chu Yan stood up and separated from Belsa, only then he realized that the sea breeze was cold.

He had just woken up and was still a little confused, but when he thought about the possibility that his companions might come to check on the situation in Paradise City, he quickly put on his clothes and helped Belsa tidy up.

The sight was focused on Belsa’s thigh. What appeared there was not an ancient metal leg ring, but a ring-shaped mark of a lavender color.

The runes on it looked somewhat familiar, and the color reminded Chu Yan of the color of the Dragon Witch’s lips.

“Josephine, do you have this mark?”

“Yes, is this what you mean?”

At this time, the head nun did not correct Chu Yan’s address. She rolled up her skirt and slightly raised one of her round thighs.

Through the muddy white silk, one could see a circle of ring-shaped marks on the skin.

“It was a metal ring at first, but it became a mark on the skin at some point. What is this?”

“This is an upgraded efficacy, please don’t worry about it!”

Wait, you had a leg ring at first?!

Sister, did you take action when I just fell unconscious?

Chapter 72 Reconciliation

As the old saying goes, wait until the clouds clear and the moon appears.

But in a weird place like the border of the Dead Sea, it’s better not to see the Blood Moon, but you can leave the Nightmare Bubble.

Chu Yan woke up smoothly and everything was fine. He did not sleep for several days like last time. All he had to do now was to return to the lord’s castle to report that he was safe.

On the seaward edge of the Broken Wasteland, there were a few “fresh” corpses of monsters, presumably cleaned up by Josephine while he was unconscious.

Chu Yan picked up a few monster crystal cores and returned with the nun and Belsa.

The way back was really unfamiliar. Before, I could walk along the coastal beach and go directly back to the monster defense line, but now the wasteland was almost gone and turned into a harbor.

Chu Yan had to make a big circle before he could get back to the defense line.

Taking advantage of the free time on the road, Chu Yan confirmed with the two people:

From noble mtl dot come

“How do you feel now? In addition to the relief of the out-of-control situation, there should be an extra ‘reserve magic’. Do you feel anything else?”

The first two mean the same thing. By using “reserve magic power” to reduce one’s own consumption, one can naturally alleviate the backlash caused by forbidden power.

But Chu Yan has repaired two incomplete runes this time, so there must be some new changes, right?

Josephine walked beside Chu Yan and cast a simple magic. She carefully felt her own condition and said:

“Incredible, casting magic now does not consume any mana… Is this the secret of the female knight named ‘Shanoya’ being able to cast powerful black magic so frequently?”

Chu Yan was afraid that she would get too complacent, so he quickly warned her:

“It’s not that it doesn’t consume magic power. Josephine, you can observe the mark on your thigh. When the mark disappears, you will have to use your own magic power.”

The elder sister reacted quickly and thought further. She fixed her eyes on Chu Yan and confirmed:

“After the mark disappears, can it be replenished if I find you again?”

Chu Yan really didn’t want to answer this question. The look in Josephine’s eyes when she looked at him seemed strange.

He cleared his throat, skipped the topic, turned to look at Bertha who remained silent, and said:

“Can you call your name normally now? Will it cause backlash from the Great Demon Contract?”

“I’m not sure, how about giving it a try?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. This is not something you should try! If things really go wrong, how can I subdue you right now?”

Chu Yan pointed at the sky unhappily, the blood moon had not completely disappeared yet.

But now it is indeed entering a calm period, and the magical environment in the air is not so uncomfortable. But there is no reason to make things boring and provoke another fierce battle, right?

The beautiful nun with blond hair seemed to be unhappy about having her “seat” taken away from her, and suddenly said coldly:

“You can try. If the situation really gets out of control, I will arrange for someone to come and deal with it, and there will be no more trouble!”

“Josephine, don’t take it so seriously, she was just joking…”

Chu Yan was ashamed and felt that the atmosphere was getting tense. Did something happen while he was unconscious?

Chu Yan vaguely guessed a possibility, but did not dare to ask for confirmation.

The woman with white hair and red eyes ignored the hostility of the elder nun. Her emotions were surging. After she calmed down a little, she said to Chu Yan gratefully:

“In fact, I can now call my name normally. Before this, when the syllables of my real name sounded in my consciousness, my mind would go blank, as if someone had covered my memory.

But now, I can remember that my name is ‘Belsa’, and I can also remember the many times when the commander called me that in the Empire.”

“Then I have to congratulate you!”

Chu Yan was happy for her, and then asked further:

“But what is the reason? Is your contract terminated, or is there some other situation? I don’t think I can do this.”

Bertha raised her eyebrows in confusion. She thought it was the lord’s work, and said suspiciously:

“These changes, including the tattoo on my thigh, were all caused by you, little lord. Why do you seem to be unaware of it?”

“I can’t help it. I don’t have the instruction manual for the power. I can only make a judgment based on your actual ‘effectiveness’.”

Chu Yan felt a little guilty, and inexplicably felt like he was giving the patient the wrong medication.

Bertha sighed and stopped complaining about him. She tried to organize her words to describe the feeling in her heart:

“If I must say, I feel that the power contract in my body has been intervened by a force and forcibly suppressed. Through the confrontation, the contract has been temporarily invalidated and cannot restrain me.”

“It’s so blurry, can you make it more vivid?”

Josephine on the side explained at the right time: “Before, the Great Demon Contract gave her power, but this power did not belong entirely to her, so it was also restraining and counteracting her. However, an external force restrained the negative effects of the contract. This is probably the power of the Dragonborn fighting against it.”

As far as Josephine is concerned, Bertha relies on this power and is strong enough to kill the [Overlord of the Deep Sea]. So one can imagine how terrifying the demon who bestowed this power must be!

Not just any kind of power can be a match for this power, and the most obvious thing about Chu Yan is the ancient dragon bloodline as a dragon descendant, which is a very high level of power!

But this requires a certain level of blood concentration. For many years now, no dragon descendant has been heard of being able to influence other people’s contracts by relying on the power of blood.

Because the bloodline of the dragon clan is constantly being diluted and weakened.

When Josephine saw Chu Yan cast those dragon magic spells before, she didn’t feel that his dragon bloodline was so extraordinary.

Above average qualifications, good but not top notch.

“Dragon bloodline, does it have this ability?”

Chu Yan scratched his head, wondering in his heart… Is this an unexpected surprise?

The Dragon Witch helped him to slightly revert to his ancestral bloodline, and the supposed function was to help other dragonborns elevate their bloodlines, but in fact, his ancient dragon bloodline had become richer, which in itself had many direct effects.


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