This is not mechanical ascension.

Chapter 104: Going against the flow, one against three, I want to take first, second, and third plac

Seeing that Roser had walked out before him, Li Ming paused, which was something he had not expected.

Many people looked at Roser with a little expectation, and no one paid too much attention to Li Ming wearing sunglasses behind him.

Only a few people moved their eyelids.

Li Ming naturally did not think that Roser was trying to steal his limelight. Roser was just exploring the way for him, or really did not want him to go on stage.

If Li Ming went on stage and lost again, the public opinion offensive created by the other party would not be flawless.

"He wanted to use his failure to warn me." Li Ming shook his head and simply stayed where he was. He did not need to steal Roser's step.

On the other side, Yuko walked slowly and stepped on the metal stairs to the ring. After Roser went up, the referee also came on stage. The tutor from the Polytechnic University was the referee. He explained some rules and then left the stage.

The four corners of the ring shot out a bright blue light, and with a buzzing sound, an energy barrier was outlined.

The destructive power of D-class life forms is already considerable. If there is no restriction, the entire stadium may be demolished by them.

Yuko and Roser were speechless. To outsiders, they seemed to be looking at each other.

However, due to the angle, Li Ming could clearly feel that Yuko was looking at him, not Roser.

The other party already knew that he was coming.

"Don't let him come up?" Yuko spoke. The two did not turn on the microphone. No one could hear what they were saying through the energy barrier.

Roser looked solemn, "E-class life form, what are you doing here?"

Yuko smiled, and his curly green hair fluttered beside his ears: "The public opinion was surging before, and he didn't say a word. What a coincidence that he came to the scene today, E-class life form... huh?"

"Are you paving the way for him?"

Roser was expressionless, "Too much nonsense."

Yuko restrained his smile, with a faint contempt in his eyes, which was the condescending look of a civilized ruler, and the indifference after the secular desires were satisfied.

"If you say one more word, you can stay on this stage for one more second. Since you don't want to." He paused, "Then get off!"

When the voice fell, Yuko moved, his pupils turned blue in an instant, even the ends of his green hair were lingering with cold air, and his body was covered with a layer of ice crystal armor.

Water and ice, this is the elemental power that Yuko mastered. It looks like two elements, but in fact they belong to the same system and complement each other.


On the stage, the two people collided, but the sound that came was not the dull sound of physical collision, but extremely crisp.

There was golden light between Rosser's fingers, and his fists seemed to be wearing beam gloves. The collision of fists and arms splashed ice chips.

Both were quite cautious at the beginning and did not exert their destructive power on a large scale, because the gap was not large enough to crush them easily.

Yuko has been receiving rigorous training since he was a child, and even has fighting skills tailored for him. His shoulders rise and fall, his punches and kicks are unpredictable, and his movements are accompanied by ice mist.

Roser's defense is standard, but his movements gradually become slower. Every time he collides with Yuko, his skin will be cut by ice chips, and then covered with a layer of ice mist.

This kind of competition naturally does not allow the carrying of lethal weapons, so only this simplest fighting method can be used.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Roser is already in a losing situation. Due to the difference in gene seeds and development progress, Yuko always has the advantage.

It would be fine if he underestimated the enemy and made mistakes, but Yuko was always steady and cautious.

Soon, Roser also noticed that his joints were frozen, and knew that this was not a solution. He gritted his teeth, threw a punch forward, and then pierced his ears with both palms, and the palms burst into dazzling light.

Yuko's eyes were slightly condensed, but he was not in a hurry. He opened his mouth and gently exhaled a breath of cold air, and went towards Roser.

It seemed like just a light spit, but when it reached Rosser's eyes, it turned into cold air covering his entire body.

The heavy ice shell condensed on the surface of his skin, moving slower and slower, and finally wrapped him up completely. Yuko raised his foot and kicked Rosser, and Rosser flew out.

The ice shell hit the energy barrier around him and exploded into pieces. Rosser fell on the ring and barely stood up. His face was extremely ugly, but he did not fight back. He spit out a few words: "I give up."

Continuing would only waste time. Excessive ice erosion might cause permanent damage to the body.

There was a sense of melancholy all around, and the people from the Polytechnic University sighed. Even if they had predicted it, seeing this unexpected result still made people sigh.

Needless to say, the Sera Royal College was happy and seemed to smile.

The battle between the two was uneventful, and could even be called boring, but it showed the suppression power of Yuko even more.

After Rosser left, the referee came on stage. His face was not good either, but he said in a deep voice: "After half an hour, if someone challenges you, you can come up..."

"Referee, no need." Yuko interrupted: "I voluntarily cancel the rest time. I don't need half an hour. If you want to challenge me, you can do it now."

As soon as this was said, there was a commotion. Isn't it equivalent to saying that it didn't take any effort to defeat Rosser.

Although he didn't say anything contemptuous, this attitude was more insulting.

The referee's face turned black, but he could only say: "The contestant voluntarily canceled the rest time, but there is..."

"Can't you come up?" Yuko interrupted the referee before he finished speaking.

Hmm? Everyone was surprised and looked in the direction of his gaze.

Is it Rosser?

No, he has already lost. It was the guy next to him wearing sunglasses.

Why does he look so familiar?

Sunglasses obviously cannot prevent careful observation, Li Ming simply took them off, and the audience was immediately more in an uproar, and it was obvious that they recognized the first place in the assessment.

Since Li Ming had never appeared or spoken in the surging public opinion offensive some time ago, his appearance this time was even more surprising.

"This stinky boy, he has no interest in eating out, but he is very active in fighting with others." In the surrounding media reporters camp, Xu Wei complained a few words, raised his hand, and signaled the staff to focus on Li Ming.

Bian Heng in the crowd had a gloomy face and sneered: "I really thought you could be as still as a mountain."

"This is the stage for D-level life forms, why would E-level life forms go up?" Rosser said in a deep voice.

"E-class life form?" Yuko said calmly, "He didn't show up for such a long time before. I don't believe he came here just to watch the show."

"You should have been working hard silently. I guess you must have become a D-class life form. You are eager to try now. Come on!"

Yuko stared at Li Ming. This time he had to beat this guy to vomit blood and complete the task taught by Teacher Sain.

What did this guy imagine again... Li Ming was helpless. Why does everyone like to imagine?

After Yuko finished speaking, he slowly added: "Or, you say I guessed wrong and admit that you are still an E-class life form?"

Rosser's face was ugly. Yuko was a smart man. If Li Ming insisted that he was an E-class life form, he would have no choice.

But he first made an assumption, saying that Li Ming worked hard silently and had become a D-class life form, waiting to defeat him, giving people a false sense of expectation.

Then, he expressed that he might have guessed wrong and Li Ming was still an E-class life form.

But even if Li Ming said he was an E-class life form, it would still be easy to be considered as a coward, blocking all of Li Ming's retreat routes. This was an open conspiracy.

"A sharp-tongued boy." Dean Chen said lightly after hearing this. Many instructors present frowned. They could all hear Yuko's sinister intentions.

Saiyin beside him smiled: "After all, he is a member of the royal family, and he has been influenced by it since he was a child."

"I am indeed a D-class life form." Li Ming said, and Rosser sighed. In this situation, there is no possibility of retreating.

When Li Ming appeared here, there was no retreat.

"Ha..." Yuko laughed from the bottom of his heart, "Then what are you waiting for?"

"Wait for the referee to finish speaking." Li Ming said as a matter of course.

"Oh oh..." The referee on the ring woke up from a dream, "Now you can challenge on stage."

In order to maximize the public opinion offensive, these three battles were not carried out simultaneously, but in reverse order.

This also led to almost everyone watching the ring. The live broadcast media was originally very interested, but now they were a little more excited.

Li Ming stepped onto the ring, and the energy barrier around him was activated. Yuko was completely relieved.

He didn't have any other attitude towards Li Ming. He just wanted to complete the teacher's task. After this battle was over and Li Ming's blood was obtained, this person and him had nothing to do.

Of course, there was another point. He was inexplicably knocked unconscious in Wu Yanqing's laboratory last time, which made him very unhappy.

After all, he was a guest, but he was treated like this, and was dragged on the ground by this guy, causing his face to hurt for several days. This time, he might have the idea of ​​revenge.

"Last time I went..." Yuko habitually said a few words.

"You talk too much nonsense." Li Ming interrupted: "Can we start?"

Yuko's face sank, his eyes slightly condensed, and he was a reckless man if he came up and fought. He was a nobleman after all.

However, after all, they were both D-level life forms. Although his development progress was much higher than Li Ming, he would not underestimate the enemy and go all out.

Adjusting his body posture and preparing to go, Yuko said, "Since you are so anxious, let's start..."

Just as the word "start" fell, his eyes suddenly blurred, and Li Ming appeared in front of him without any warning.

His eyes shrank, and he felt sore and painful. At some point, Li Ming's index finger and middle finger, which were wrapped in lightning and flames, had stopped in front of his eyes.

If he went one step further, he would pierce his eyes.

What... when! ?

Yuko's face was stiff, and his hands were raised, surrounded by cold air. He had already set up a posture, but he couldn't advance or retreat.

He was extremely shocked. How could Li Ming have such a terrifying speed?

The heat and burning pain came, and the subtle arc of electricity was agitated. His eyes turned scarlet, tears kept flowing down, and his eyelids twitched.

He suppressed the urge to close his eyes to prove that he still had a chance to fight, but he still couldn't suppress his body instinct.

In other words, if he didn't close his eyes, it might really cause damage to his eyeballs.

As Yuko closed his eyes and stepped back.

Under the ring, everyone stared at Li Ming blankly. Things happened too fast, and everyone was still in a daze.

Rosser's face was tense. He had anticipated many results, and he did boldly anticipate that Li Ming had a chance to win.

But this way of winning still briefly shocked his brain.

Those people from Sera Royal Academy couldn't accept it, and some even shouted: "Cheating, he cheated!"

"Bullshit, it's normal for you to win, but it's cheating for us to win? Get out of here!" Of course, someone from the Polytechnic University refuted, and then gradually became turbulent.

Bian Heng was stunned, and then cursed: "What a waste Yuko, and the prince, he just lost like this?"

"That's right, a waste." Someone next to him echoed, excited, Bian Heng was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Xu Wei clenched her fists, her eyes shining: "Good brother, you made another big news!"

She made up her mind to do an interview later, which must be worth writing about.

First and second place can't compete, and it's already quite good to get third place.

"Silence!" A shout came from the loudspeaker, and the sound gradually calmed down.

Sai Yin frowned, his eyes fell on Li Ming, as if he wanted to see through something.

Dean Chen glanced at Sai Yin, "What do you say, Sir Sai Yin, do you suspect Li Ming of cheating? If you suspect, you can suspend the game."

"No need, I believe in Lan Xing and you." Sai Yin forced a smile.

He has realized that it was probably Li Ming who knocked Yu Ke unconscious last time, not anyone else in the laboratory.

But, how could he be so fast, it is puzzling.

Even if it is a genetic evolution route that is known for its speed, F, E, and D levels all incorporate genetic seeds that increase speed.

After developing to more than 90% and awakening the core ability, it may be barely comparable, or even inferior.

"Don't you want to admit defeat?" Li Ming looked at Youke and frowned slightly.

Youke hesitated to speak, and seemed very unwilling. Those spectators found it difficult to accept the reversal of the situation, not to mention him.

But in the end, he said dejectedly: "I admit defeat."

Li Ming retracted his fingers, his expression was still indifferent, and Youke smiled bitterly: "That day, it was you who knocked me out in the laboratory,"

"I don't know." Li Ming shook his head, and Youke couldn't help asking: "How can your speed be so fast? Thunder Flame Fighting Ape is not known for its speed."

"You are gifted, just like you were born with green hair, I was born fast." Li Ming perfunctorily said a few words, blocking Youke from saying a word.

After Yuko went down, the referee came up again, looking like a spring breeze, "After half an hour, if there are challengers, they can challenge."

"I don't need to rest, if you want to challenge, come up." Li Ming said the same thing.

The situation reversed, Rosser smiled knowingly, thought about it, turned on the smart terminal, and sent a message to the other guys who didn't come.

There was a commotion over at the Sera Royal Academy, and many people glared at them. After a discussion, Yuko stood up again.

"I take up a challenge quota and challenge Li Ming again, is it okay?" he asked.

There is no prohibition in this regard in the rules, but the referee subconsciously wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he turned his head and looked at Li Ming. The middle-aged man had a look of inquiry on his face.

"Okay." Li Ming nodded, no opinion.

Yuko jumped onto the ring again. He was defeated too quickly before, and he didn't even have time to react, but he didn't believe that the gap between the two would be so big.


"Slow, too slow." Li Ming's figure flickered, and Yuko continued to attack, his eyes were firm, punching, slamming, elbowing and kicking, and the cold air was overflowing.

But Li Ming's figure was always just right, disappearing a moment before his attack fell, and then appearing on the other side, his voice poured into Yuko's ears.

"Almost, just a little bit."

"Faster, faster."

He was at ease, as if teasing a child, or teaching a disciple.

Yuko's mind can be said to be firm, after all, he has been trained by various elites since he was a child.

But this feeling of powerlessness, coupled with Li Ming's whispers in his ears, became a sharp knife attacking his mind.

The determined eyes gradually became bloodshot, and the attack was unsystematic, and a beast-like roar came from his throat.

"Enough, I admit defeat on his behalf!" Saiyin stood up suddenly in the spectator seat, his face solemn.

The next moment, the energy barrier disappeared, and Yuko was caught by Saiyin, and he still seemed to have not reacted, punching randomly.

It was not until a long time later that he stopped attacking, his expression was wooden.

"Do you want to destroy him!" Saiyin was angry. After all, Yuko was still young and had received elite education since childhood.

It's not that he can't kowtow to a stronger person, but he believes from the bottom of his heart that if the roles are reversed, he will not be worse than the other party.

But facing Li Ming, this kind of powerlessness that is almost like the abyss really hurt him psychologically, and Li Ming deliberately tortured him. Over time, the possibility of being disabled is not small.

"Since he is on the stage for the second time, he must be prepared." Li Ming watched on the stage and said lightly: "Are there any others?"

The Sera Royal Academy side gnashed their teeth, but they were helpless.

"You won." Saiyin said coldly. This session, no one can beat Li Ming.

"Well." Li Ming nodded, and did not step down. Instead, he continued: "Then I want to challenge the second place."

The noise in the audience gradually became noisy.

"Second?" Saiyin instantly understood Li Ming's thoughts, and then his face became even uglier.

He wanted to defeat two or even three people at once. With his speed, even if he couldn't win, it would be difficult for him to lose.

"There is no such rule." Saiyin refused immediately. If Li Ming really defeated him, the public opinion offensive that had been brewing for such a long time would be wasted.

What's more troublesome is that it may cause a chain reaction. The prestige and momentum of this reversal from the bottom of the valley are enough to radiate to his teacher Wu Yanqing!

"There is no prohibition. When Yuko stepped onto the ring for the second time, I didn't refuse." Li Ming said slowly, and Saiyin took a deep breath.

The referee standing next to Li Ming looked incredible. Brother, you are waiting for them here?

Dean Chen smiled.

Sein's sudden change of mind was broadcast live by many media outlets, including their reporters from Sera Civilization.

If he continues to argue with Li Ming, he will only put himself at a disadvantage. On the surface, his status is higher than Li Ming.

It was even said that when Li Ming said these words, he had already won.

Even if you lose, you can call it glory despite defeat.

Sein once again felt the depression he had when he was teased by Li Ming in the laboratory that day, and even felt a sense of powerlessness.

That's all, Sai Yin's heart settled. Although Li Ming was fast, his lethality was not enough. If there was a way to restrain his speed, he might still be able to fight.

"Okay, since you have the confidence, let's continue." Saiyin returned to the spectators' seat. The name of the man originally prepared to play by Polytechnic University was Zhang Peixian.

He was the first in the assessment last year and is now Professor Bai's student. It is said that the development progress is over 80%.

He didn't have any reaction. Instead, he secretly sighed that Li Ming's speed was terrifying. In terms of speed alone, he couldn't match it.

"I'll do it." Sera Mingfang stepped onto the ring alone. He had a short and fat figure and seemed to be named Nathan Mountain.

He didn't say anything, as if he was afraid of Li Ming's sneak attack. Gray-black stone shells immediately gathered on the surface of his skin, spreading quickly, covering his whole body, and then formed a thick stone ball, standing in the center of the ring.

Seeing him like this, there was a burst of ridicule.

But Zhang Peixian's expression was solemn, as if he had thought of something.

Then, a mud-like liquid overflowed from under the stone ball, quickly moving in all directions like a tide.

The mud is rolling and looks extremely sticky. If it covers the entire arena, it will definitely have a great impact on Li Ming's speed, and perhaps other abilities.

The mocking gradually disappeared, and he glared angrily, "Cheating, this is cheating!"

Rosser was helpless. The arena was too small and it was easy to create an environment that affected Li Ming's speed. In other words, Yuko's development progress was too low.

When developed to an advanced level, a similar environment should be created.

The only way to win is to defeat that guy before the mud spreads throughout the arena.

But the opponent has already prepared a complete defense, and should be good at defense. It's difficult.

Li Ming frowned and was surprised, but these people were also the elites of Sera civilization, so it was normal for them to think of a way to deal with it in a short period of time.

He changed out a pair of D-level shoes and switched to the [Prismatic Plasma Long Sword]. He stood there and charged up. When three seconds passed, Li Ming grinned slightly.

Since it only has 300% speed blessing, it is far inferior to the 400% ability blessing of C-level shoes, and can only increase the fragmentation ability.

But what Li Ming wants is also the ability to separate.

There were ripples in the air all around, and Li Ming disappeared on the spot. Without a pair of D-class shoes, his speed was a bit slower, but it didn't matter.

Although the guy was completely wrapped in a stone ball, it seemed that changes in the outside world could still be observed. The bubbling mud rolled up from the ground, forming a countercurrent waterfall-like scene.

If you get stuck, it may be difficult to escape.

But everyone in Sera Royal Academy was not happy for a moment, and their expressions froze again.

I saw that one of the mud waterfalls seemed to be cut open by an invisible force, and the mud spreading on the ground also seemed to be cut open.

Along the cut road, at some point, Li Ming arrived in front of the stone ball in the center.

Not only that, both of his hands were inserted into the stone balls, and his left hand remained stable.

The right hand goes from top to bottom. Where the hand falls, the stone shell opens.

The entire stone ball was cut open smoothly, like cutting a cake, revealing the short fat man with a frightened face inside.

The reason why he was so frightened was because the first half of Li Ming's left hand had already sunk into his chest.

A slight movement could tear his chest open.

It's neat and tidy, from start to finish in just a few seconds.

"I'll count to three." Li Ming whispered.

"I give up!" The pressure on his heart made him blurt out.

Li Ming withdrew his palm. Surprisingly, there was no trace of blood left on it.

Zhang Peixian couldn't help but be surprised, "How far is his development progress?"

"No matter how much, the Thunder Flame Fighting Ape still has this ability?" Someone who knew some information about Li Ming couldn't help but said, his hands were like knives, no, they were simply sharper than the blade.

Nathan Shan walked off the stage in a daze, feeling what Yuko felt, losing so quickly that it felt unreal.

It even feels like I actually have more to fight for.

Li Ming stood on the ring, looking down, "Is there anyone else? Hurry up."

"Why don't you waste time and let your strongest man come up."

"Is he afraid of wheel battles?" Some of the Serra people couldn't help but sneer.

Someone next to him shook his head: "Are you really going to beat him in a wheel battle? Even if you win, do you have the nerve to go home?"

This is not a life and death battle, just a kind of communication and discussion.

We are not blind. We won the victory by fighting on the wheel, and the shame was brought to grandma's house.

By now, this exchange and discussion has completely changed.

Li Ming stood on the stage, making everyone in Sera Royal Academy feel a deep pressure, like a black hole, unfathomable.

"I'll do it." A tall man stepped onto the ring.

"Are you called Balkan, the strongest?" Li Ming asked.

Balkan was silent. He didn't know whether Li Ming really didn't pay attention to their relevant information, or whether he deliberately put such pressure on him.

"Yes, I am the strongest. One battle will determine victory or defeat. There is no point in wasting time." Balkan glanced at Sein.

There is no need for the people from the previous term to challenge Li Ming. Li Ming is gathering momentum and rising step by step.

It would be better to directly engage in the final battle to restore the decline.

Yes, to restore the decline, because of Li Ming's appearance, this exchange conference has no effect on attacking Blue Star Civilization.

What the Serra people have to do is to defeat Li Ming as soon as possible and lose less reputation.

The ring gradually became silent, and Rosser looked completely relaxed.

"Balkan, at least 95% of the development progress, the core ability has long been awakened, the ability is like an arm, and it is not far away from a C-level life form."

This person is considered to have a high probability of becoming a C-class life form before graduation, and is highly valued by Sera civilization.

It was normal for Li Ming to lose to him, and the longer he persisted, the more he earned.

What surprised everyone even more was that Sai Yin and Dean Chen greeted each other and also entered the ring.

Then he controlled the surrounding energy barriers and stood under the ring.

"Both of them are rare good seeds. If there is an accident, they can rescue them in time." Everyone was amazed. The students from the Polytechnic University had long lost their initial dejection.

The situation is now clear. Li Ming lost, but it was a great honor even though he lost.


Not much nonsense in Balkan, the surging blazing ring of fire suddenly exploded, and a rolling heat wave hit, causing a burst of exclamations.

It is also mixed with red swimming ions, which look like electric arcs, but not quite like them. They are pure lethal gene seeds.

Li Ming's expression was faint and he didn't dare to underestimate him. He swung his left leg through a half-arc, using his cutting ability to cut through the incoming fire ring.

But Balkan has changed a lot now, with a height of nearly three meters.

His eyes were spitting fire, his skin was covered with red lines, his whole body was burning with blazing flames, and his chest was almost transparent, as if there was a red giant star about to explode.

The aura of life from the top management filled the entire arena, and the most eye-catching thing was the pair of curved horns above his head.

"In terms of battery life, I am no match for him. His core ability has increased too much. I only have the power of one blow. Otherwise, in close contact, he can defeat me with one blow."

Li Ming's eyes flickered, assessing the gap between the two. In this case, he just wanted to give it a try...


The calves tightened, and then the whole body ejaculated.

But this time the attack was completely different. Halfway through, his speed suddenly slowed down and there was an obvious trend of deceleration.

But what was different was that there was a strong wind all around him, the muscles on his arms visibly bulged, thunder and flames rolled around, and the sound of bursting energy was clearly audible.

Balkan's expression was solemn. Only when he faced it in person did he realize how fast Li Ming was, but his development progress was over 90%, so he could at least react.

He suddenly took a step forward, and used his waist to drive his upper limbs into a punching motion, raging flames and the sound of thunder.

However, he was still a step too slow, and Li Ming's attack landed on his chest first, and the punch fell like a star, bang! The violent power was released in a surging manner!

Balkan looked at Li Ming who was close at hand, but felt that he was far away. His ears were ringing, his eyes were red, and his eyes were about to explode in his sockets, and his back bulged.

This was a power he had never expected.

There was a muffled sound on the spot, and the air wave was like a ring. The whole person flew out upside down without hitting the energy barrier. Saiin did not know when he appeared behind him and stopped his decline.

Li Ming stood there, grinning. He was also feeling uncomfortable. His entire right arm was bent at an inverse ninety degrees, with stubble on the bones and blood dripping down into a pool.

He himself couldn't bear such terrifying force, his muscles all over his body were trembling slightly, and his shoulder blades were even torn.

At that moment, after he rushed out, he instantly replaced the two pairs of D-class shoes in the control column with [Justice Gloves] and [Thunder Exoskeleton] items.

Although the speed blessing has been reduced a lot, his speed will not stop immediately. With this speed, he has been blessed with many abilities to control objects.

With five times the strength and kinetic energy assistance brought by speed, this explosion is unimaginable.

To a certain extent, he used this to exert the power of seven or eight control objects. Of course, this is a big move that can only be used once every two hours.

And the reaction is fast, it is difficult to have such an opportunity in actual combat.

At the same time, the reaction caused by this was extremely exaggerated, because he did not have any ability to support defense, which made him miserable now, with almost no ability to continue fighting.

However, it was Sein who took the lead.

Balkan spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his body shrank rapidly. There was a large hole in his chest, and blood gushed out like a waterfall.

The blessing of the severing ability was still there, and that punch not only killed with power, but also almost touched the heart of Balkan. He was even worse than Li Ming.

The energy barrier disappeared, and medical staff at the scene quickly came to stop the bleeding and treat the injury.

Sein stood on the ring, staring at Li Ming, his eyes gradually filled with murderous intent, wondering what kind of monster Wu Yanqing had pulled out.

However, Dean Chen was already standing beside Li Ming and seemed to be aware of his thoughts.

Their eyes met, Sein's expression calmed down, and he looked at the pool of blood under Li Ming on the ring, his eyes flashing.

There was already silence in the audience.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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