This is not mechanical ascension.

Chapter 106 Eliminating hidden dangers, the mother mine arrives

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→🆃🆆🅺♦🅽.🅲♦🅼]

In the evening, there was a constant flow of people in the medical room. Zhang Huaiyuan and Yin Huixing came to visit. Yang Yu had tears in his eyes and was very worried.

He comforted Zhang Huaiyuan for a while, and then told Zhang Huaiyuan a few things, mainly about purchasing flame blue alloy. Fifteen million has been received, and naturally it must be turned into metal energy as soon as possible to make him feel at ease.

Another party, Rosser told him that the school would hold a banquet that evening.

"Well, this is something worth celebrating after all. The school has been under pressure for so many days, and just a little catharsis during the day is not enough." Rosser explained, and then said:

"The main venue is in the stadium. If you don't want to participate, just say that the injury is serious. No one will blame you anyway."

Li Ming wanted to refuse, but then he thought of something and said, "In that case, I'll go. I'm just idle here."

There are people watching here 24 hours a day, making it inconvenient to do anything.

There is a small matter that should be dealt with.

Rosser informed him and left.

At seven o'clock, amid the concerns of the medical staff, Li Ming left the medical room with his right hand still wrapped in a bandage.

Someone tried to escort him, but he excused himself as someone was already waiting for him.

At night, the stadium was brightly lit, with dazzling beams of light reaching straight into the sky, and the holographic projection was unpredictable.

Li Ming glanced at it, stepped lightly, then turned around and headed in the other direction, his speed getting faster and faster, and he gradually disappeared into the shadows.

Li Ming was rarely happy with the strong wind blowing in his face. Under the night, the Polytechnic University was quite quiet, and most of the people were in the gymnasium at the moment.

Lined with trees, Li Ming followed the surveillance blind spots. He had just purchased this on the black hole network. The price was not expensive, perhaps because the main customers were students.

Stopping in front of a tall building, six robotic arms extended from behind, attached to the wall, and slowly climbed to the top floor.

The building was not very high. He was lying on the top floor, looking at the rows of tall buildings not far away.

His eyes fell on the dormitory building with the "C-12" logo, his pupils shrank, his field of vision expanded, and he stopped in front of a small window.

"You will definitely not attend this banquet..." Li Ming pondered in a low voice.

The room was brightly lit, with food on the table and several bottles of colorful wine.

Bian Heng picked up a glass and poured a large bottle into his mouth.

Bang! The bottom of the bottle hit the table, Bian Heng's face turned pale, "Damn it, they are all ruthless and unjust people!"

He gnashed his teeth and cursed angrily. The slim girl beside him, wearing a navel-baring dress, didn't dare to breathe and lowered her head.

After the exchange conference ended today, he tried to contact Sein, but he couldn't contact him anymore. It was obvious that the other party believed that he had no value.

"A bunch of losers, they can't even win against Li Ming, they deserve it!" he angrily shouted.

Originally he didn't live in the school, but since his father died and his second uncle took over the family.

He was marginalized and had all sources of income cut off. He had no choice but to return to the school to stay.

Several people in the same dormitory have been kicked out by him and turned into his single room.

"Hmph, a moment of prosperity cannot guarantee a lifetime of prosperity!" His face was gloomy and he kept pouring wine into his mouth, and his palms were carelessly touching the girl beside him.

The takeaway on the table tasted the same as anything he had eaten in the past.

"That's right, this is just a temporary victory or defeat, don't worry about it so much." The girl came over cautiously and forced a smile.

"You will become a C-class life form in a few years, and you can still be popular and drink spicy food."

"What do you know?" Bian Heng looked ugly. Without the family's resources, his development speed would be reduced a lot.

Moreover, C-level gene seeds are a big trouble. He has no way to obtain them by himself.

Thinking of his plummeting treatment and recent dissatisfaction, he felt angry.

"If you push me hard, I will go to Sera Civilization. Aren't they interested in that Li Ming?" Bian Heng thought, but what was more in his heart was fear.

Although he seemed to speak for Li Ming some time ago, everyone with a discerning eye knew that he was just using this method to push Li Ming to the forefront.

And now, Li Ming has become famous as soon as he wears three. He was already buffed, and now he has a golden body.

Thinking of his brother's death and his father's death, he was terrified, for fear of being reckoned with by his queen.

Coupled with the effect of alcohol, he was a little dizzy: "Damn it, strike first and be stronger. I can't beat him head-on. I'll attack the head office secretly. Kill him and get a certificate of surrender!"

The girl next to her was frightened and wanted to get up and leave, but was grabbed.

"What are you doing?" Bian Heng looked cold.

"There's no more wine, I'll go down and buy some." The girl hurriedly explained.

"Fart, even you have to leave me, bitch!" Bian Heng cursed angrily, pulled the girl back, and began to tear her clothes off, his pupils were scarlet.

The girl pursed her lips tightly, but did not dare to resist. Two lines of tears fell, and she had no choice but to turn her head to the side and close her eyes.

Soon, there was an inexplicable muffled sound, as if something broke, and then warm liquid fell down.

Bian Heng trembled and his whole body fell on her.

The girl felt a little confused, her eyelashes trembled, and she slowly opened her eyes. After a moment of daze, her eyes suddenly widened.

I saw Bian Heng, with a big hole exploding in his forehead, his eyes wide open, and he couldn't be more dead.

"Ah——" A piercing scream pierced the night sky.

"Tsk, are the bullets with the blessing ability so powerful? It's just a matter of seconds." Li Ming put away the sniper rifle, looking very satisfied.

Bian Heng is neither a big nor a small guy. He is considered a hidden danger. He might make some noise at some point. Let's eliminate it first.

The current head of the Bian family is the younger brother who was ostracized by Bian Jiyun. Luochuan had already reached an agreement with him, and there would be no problems with the Bian family, and he would even be happy to see him die.

The atmosphere in the gymnasium was lively. As soon as the door opened, there was a wave of heat, the music was melodious, and there were people performing on the stage, spitting fire and spraying water. It was so fun.

"Li Ming is here!"

The few people closest to the door shouted, which immediately triggered a wave of enthusiasm. It was Qi Xing and others who took him out from the crowd.

"You really did such a big thing quietly." Qi Xing looked unkind, "One wears three, how can you be so fierce?"

He was so envious that he wished he was the one standing in the ring, how cool it would be.

Walking to a corner, there were not many people here, and ordinary students consciously stayed away from here.

Li Ming saw Zhang Peixian during the day, who ranked first in the last assessment, and Zhu Yu, who ranked first in the last assessment and should have fought against Balkan.

Zhu Yu raised his glass: "Our great hero is here, come on, come on, give him a toast."

Those who can be in this small circle are basically elite children. At this moment, they are all smiling and toasting to each other.

"You're welcome." Li Ming responded, picking up a glass of wine from the side.

"How polite is that?" Zhu Yu, wearing white plain clothes, sat down, crossed his legs, and joked: "I haven't thanked you yet, but Balkan's core abilities are used very proficiently."

"Although my development progress is not far behind his, my core abilities have not yet been fully awakened. I am no match for him."

"If you go up and get defeated, you will definitely be scolded to death, haha..."

Several people were drinking here, during which Dean Chen came forward and said a few words.

In the middle of the night, someone hurriedly squeezed over and spoke in Zhu Yu's ear. Zhu Yu's expression moved slightly and he confirmed again and again, and then whispered: "Everyone, something happened. Bian Heng died in the dormitory and was beaten by someone. The gun shot off the head."

He comes from a City Guard family, and his father was once the top manager of City Guard.

"Huh?" The relaxed and lazy atmosphere was broken, and several people couldn't help but sit up straight.

Zhang Peixian frowned, "Someone dares to kill someone in school?"

"Bian Heng, his father was assassinated not long ago..." Zhu Yu paused here, glanced at Li Ming, and continued: "Then he was marginalized. How could anyone want to kill him."

"Just cut the grass and get rid of the root." Qi Xing said casually, "It should be the Bian family members. There are many such things."

A few people didn't care. Bian Heng might have had dinner with them and was even treated with a smile like Li Ming, but now he didn't even make any waves.

Zhu Yu continued to add: "Interestingly, the bullet was said to have penetrated the entire building and was found in another building. It was incredibly powerful."

"But after detailed inspection, it was found to be just an ordinary sniper rifle bullet. Logically speaking, it can kill even E-class life forms."

This is relatively detailed information.

"A person with superpowers?" Zhang Peixian couldn't help but ask: "Some people with superpowers can attach superpowers to objects, causing them to explode with far more lethality than conventional ones."

Rosser frowned. This kind of assassination is impossible to guard against. Is there such a powerful killer in the Bian family?

Zhu Yu reminded: "The dean is going to activate the "eyes of the sky". Please don't go out recently."

"You have to be careful. If you let those Sera people lose face, they might try some tricks." Qi Xing whispered to Li Ming.

"I understand." Li Ming nodded. He was not interested in the conversation that followed and looked at the Star Network.

Discussions about him on the Internet are still lively. An exclusive interview by Blue Star Times topped the list of discussions in the afternoon - "The ultimate brilliance of heroism!"

The interview is question-and-answer format——

"Some time ago, when public opinion intensified and we believed that we had no hope of winning, why didn't you stand up and respond directly?"

“Because I was developing gene seeds, I didn’t pay much attention (scratching my head)”

"...Why can you think of one person challenging the second and first place in a row?"

“Because I don’t think they are too strong (shy face)”


"Victory is destined and inevitable (honest and cheeky)"

When Li Ming saw Xu Wei's corrected interview, he felt that it was a bit too arrogant. The seemingly bland response concealed deep sarcasm, which really didn't fit with him.

But Xu Wei told him not to care. From the perspective of Sera Civilization, no one would think he was arrogant. They would only praise him and put him on the altar.

It has to be said that Xu Wei is very keen on this aspect and realized that many Blue Star people had been holding back the previous public opinion for too long.

The more heartily they vent, the more excited they are.

In addition, this is indeed a personal show of heroism, which is bound to arouse public opinion.

Almost everyone on the Blue Star network is discussing Li Ming. This is different from the last time he won the first place in the assessment. This time, it is mixed with a sense of belonging to a civilization and feelings.

In a certain room of Serra's embassy in Blue Star, Sein looked down at the data on the virtual screen and asked in a deep voice:

"Are you sure there's nothing strange in his blood?"

"No." The gray-haired researcher responded carefully.

Sein frowned and suddenly asked again: "Why is his development potential so low?"

He hurriedly explained: "When his blood sample was sent, it was almost an hour later. The cell activity was too severely attenuated. The error in the calculation of development potential was very large and it cannot be used as a reference."

Sein took a deep breath. Did he really guess wrong?

"Has he undergone a genetic mutation?" He asked further.

The researcher said in embarrassment: "The Kanles Institute only has paper data. As for what data can be used to identify genetic mutations, it is not given at all."

"It cannot be detected."

"Sir, the head of the envoy is here." Someone knocked on the door to report, and Sein's face changed slightly.

He was in charge of the exchange conference, but now something went wrong. The preparations for many days have helped the other party, and the public opinion offensive has been backfired.

The people of the Sera civilization who have been drinking champagne for nearly half a month have been stunned. They don't need to think about it. They all know how terrible the criticism within the civilization is.

The only thing to be thankful for is that they have a different system. They are a civilization with a royal family. They enjoy certain privileges in the local star network, and public opinion is easier to control.

But there are many users who have climbed over the wall from Blue Star and mocked them, just like what Sera civilization did in the past.

More importantly, because of their operation, the exchange conference is related to the face of civilization, which has almost covered the referendum of the Heluo Galaxy, causing a chain reaction.

It seems that no one cares whether the Heluo Galaxy will be independent.

It is no exaggeration to say that because of Li Ming's one-on-three, most of their plans are almost collapsed.

After sorting out his emotions, Sein breathed a sigh of relief. This is not a complete failure, but just an accident.

Looking at the time, he said lightly: "It's time to send food to His Highness Yuko. I'm going to see the head of the envoy."

He seemed to calm down. Everyone in the room looked at each other and secretly admired that he was worthy of being His Excellency Sein.


The violent noise scared them. Looking at the sound, they saw Sein pulling back his right arm, and there was a fist hole on the wall beside the door.

It was almost midnight, the banquet was over, Luo Chuan came to pick him up in person to avoid accidents, and the other people were also escorted by advanced life forms, and the atmosphere was much more solemn.

In the school, there were many more guys in uniforms, exploring everywhere.

"Good boy, one against three, quite impressive." Luo Chuan's eyes were strange, and every time he thought he saw Li Ming's limit, Li Ming would always give him a big surprise.

"Brother, you don't need to say it, I'm tired of hearing it after listening to it all day." Li Ming laughed.

"Haha... Then you must not be tired of hearing the next words." Luo Chuan laughed: "The regional president of Xunying Company came in the afternoon and has been waiting for you."

"Oh, come to give money again?" Li Ming became interested.

Luo Chuan shook his head: "It's not money, it's a mother ore, they seem to think that you will like this thing."

Li Ming's eyes brightened.

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