This is not mechanical ascension.

Chapter 199 [Gun Master], going to be locked up in the small dark room

Walking around the small dark room and chatting with Rob for a while, which took up most of the day, his room was almost cleaned up.

Huo Tan brought him here. It was quite big, with all the necessary things, of course, monitoring equipment was indispensable.

[Intelligent Assistance] A scan.

Wow - there are in every corner, all-round, no dead angle.

Li Ming didn't care. After sending Huo Tan away, he put his hand into his arms, immediately controlled the [Gun Badge], and then consumed it.

In the control page, the profession [Gunsmith] trembled, and a layer of flame-like light emerged, with the text flashing, and finally fixed as - [Gun Master]

[Gun Master: A master who plays with gunpowder and energy weapons, and has the [Heart of Guns] and [Strategic Support] abilities.

[Heart of Guns: Can synchronize its own blessing to the bullet and control its trajectory. ]

[Strategic Support: Special control objects can be arranged in advance to provide support at critical moments, and do not occupy the main control column. 】

【Heart of the Gun】 is a comprehensive and enhanced version of the original ability. The one-a-day limit of 【Bullet Sacrifice】 is directly erased, and ammunition can be used directly, but this thing consumes a lot of physical strength.

However, this 【Strategic Support】 surprised him and instantly thought of the ship-level main gun.

So this is how it is used. I can use the 【Strategic Support】 ability to charge the main gun in advance and then attack the target without occupying the main control column.

Li Ming pondered, and various pictures suddenly appeared in his mind. The promotion of the profession will bring quite strange abilities every time.

This 【Strategic Support】 is also very good. Originally, he didn't have any idea about the main gun. It looked too bloated and not rare, but now it is completely different.

The power should be good. If you get eight or nine guns and fire them at once, even an A-level life form can't stand it.

Tsk... Although the professional abilities seem to be varied, they are essentially related to the controlled objects, and the power of the controlled objects is related to his own strength. Everything is closely related.

There were about two million metal energies left. Li Ming's body burst with elemental energy. He continued to develop gene seeds. Multiple evolution theories worked together. The outside world could not see him, and it didn't matter if he was monitored.

He thought of Theo unconsciously. This A-level life form definitely did not attack him because of the Casablan Flower.

The search for Serrad did not stop, but became more urgent. Bloody conflicts often occurred in the Land of Stars.

I heard from Hortan before that Theo even suspected that Serrad had escaped to the territory of the other two A-level life forms, or left the Land of Stars.

He and Theo had no intersection. If he really wanted to take action, there was no need to wait until now. There must be something wrong that caused this A-level life form to have ideas about him.

Itlan civilization? No, judging from Ford's performance, they obviously had no contact with Theo.

Judge? Even more wrong, Kai is the target. He is no longer by my side, and there is no point in attacking me again.

Torch? Li Ming frowned slightly. They really need me, and the many great mechanics who were invited to go must at least be protected by A-level life forms before they dare to touch the Torch.

Jessia himself is an A-level mechanical transformation body. Their headquarters are all advanced life forms. The leader cannot move easily, and can only find external means.

They reached a deal with Theo?

Li Ming thought about it. At present, among the information he has, only the Torch Organization has this possibility.

He tends to think that his speculation is correct. Although he has created an unpredictable appearance, he knows that he has never offended others.

If it is the Torch, Theo will not harm his life.

Li Ming relaxed a lot. At present, these forces that have plotted against him have no intention of killing him, which is also the main reason why he is not so urgent.

If there really is an A-level life form that wants to kill him, he will run away without saying a word.

"This identity of a great mechanic is really useful." Li Ming sighed secretly, and was a little uncertain: "And I am now under Ulrich's nose, I wonder if Theo will take action..."


Two days later, Saber landed on the floating island, carefully holding the metal box in his arms.

However, this time no familiar guard came to stop him. He looked around on the floating island, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. He walked quickly towards the center, looking anxious, and muttered: "Don't, don't..."

However, things still slipped in the direction he least wanted to see.

The door of the studio was open, and it was empty inside. Except for the wreckage on the left and right, and the mechanical bodies in standby mode, there was no trace of any living creature.

Saber staggered back, his face was dazed, and Lord Qinglong left?

No, he would not leave without saying goodbye, it must be intentional. He looked back at the huge "Collector's Cabinet" and clenched his teeth.

Buzz--The metal door opened, and Monroe couldn't help but say: "It seems to be a little faster today, less than half a day."

Saber smiled bitterly, "Lord Star King, Lord Qinglong was taken to the castle by the collector."

"What?" Monroe was surprised and asked hurriedly, "Why was he taken away suddenly?"

Saber shook his head and said helplessly: "I don't know, I just know that he was taken away by the collector. I don't know what happened, and I don't dare to go to the castle to find him."

He lamented in his heart that the hope of Lord Star King's recovery was just around the corner, but...but...

The helplessness and bitterness turned into the flame of hatred, "Ulrich, he...too much."

"It's troublesome..." Monroe's tone became more serious, "Ulrich must have asked him to repair that thing. Once it's repaired, there's no way he can survive."

"I have to save him."

The data on the electronic screen soared.

"No... No, it's troublesome for you to move in your current state, let alone save people." Saber hurriedly dissuaded him.

Monroe was anxious, this was his hope of rebirth, how could he not be anxious.

Suddenly, he said again: "So, you spread a message in the Land of Stars, saying that the [Matter Reorganization Maker] is on Ulrich."

"If everyone knows about it, he may have a chance to survive."

Saber didn't know what that thing was, but he knew it must be something extremely important. He hesitated a little because Lord Monroe was irrational now.

At this moment, a harsh warning sounded from the screen on one side. The lobby on the first floor was very noisy. There was a scarred interstellar predator, looking panicked, shouting to find him.

The staff in the store couldn't stop him at all, and were about to rush in.

Saber became more and more anxious, but he still comforted him: "Lord Star King, please wait a moment, I'll go down and deal with it."

After leaving the door, Saber hurried downstairs, his heart full of resentment and anger, and shouted: "Who dares to make trouble here, are you tired of living!?"

The hall was quiet, only the scarred predator looked anxious, and mixed with fear and panic, "Quick, find a secret place, I have an emergency, an emergency!"

Saber's face was cold, "Emergency, how urgent is it? The man under your mother's bed has severely injured your father, and now he is waiting for me to save him?"

Even at this time, the scarred man was still stunned, his face flushed, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I say again, I have an emergency, it's about...upstairs!"

Saber's pupils contracted, and he subconsciously surged with murderous intent, but then he suddenly remembered something and dragged him to the small room for surgery.

Before he could speak, he said in a deep voice, "There is no surveillance equipment here. What do you know?"

The scarred man hurriedly said, "Someone asked me to tell you to rest assured that he will not have any problems. Don't make any abrupt movements. Just wait."

Saber's heart trembled, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. His hanging heart was finally put down a little, and then he said apologetically, "Sorry, I was too anxious just now, so what I said was too..."


Before he finished speaking, he was stunned in place, and saw the scarred man's head suddenly exploded, like a watermelon, red and white things splashed, smashing his face.


The body fell, and Saber still didn't react, and then looked around in horror. It was not until a long time later that he moved with difficulty.

He called a few apprentices in and moved the headless body out. The many interstellar predators who were waiting to watch the excitement looked at each other in surprise.

Saber struggled to climb up to the second floor and entered the room. He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but say, "Lord Star King, Lord Qinglong..."

"He's fine." Monroe interrupted, seeming to calm down.

"How do you know?" Saber was stunned.

Monroe's voice became much calmer, "I guessed from your look that the predator should have been sent by him."

"Yes... He said that everything was safe and asked us to rest assured and not to act suddenly." Saber explained, and couldn't help but say, "It's just that the predator died too strangely. His head exploded. I checked it and there were no bomb fragments or other things inside."

"Besides, how did Lord Qinglong guarantee that he was willing to pass on the message honestly..."

"Dead? Didn't find the reason?" Monroe was silent, and then said leisurely, "He seems to be more powerful than I thought. Ulrich, you let the wolf into the house."

At the window of a room in Ulrich's castle, Li Ming put down his wine glass and smiled slightly.

After the upgrade, [Telepathy] is enough to cover Saber's shop. Just find a few low-level predators to threaten them and show the power of the explosion, and they will be obedient.

Directly transmitting the sound to Saber might remind him of something, but Li Ming is still used to hiding it.

A few hours later, Huo Tan took him to see Ulrich, who came straight to the point, "The laboratory used for repairs has been built almost, let me go and have a look."

Li Ming's heart also rose with some interest, "I have the same idea."

Ulrich led the way in front, and Li Ming asked, "Where is the laboratory, on the fifth floor?"

"Ha..." Ulrich shook his head, "How can that place be worthy of your identity."

What you said... Li Ming shook his head secretly, followed Ulrich forward, and his eyes gradually became surprised.

Because he remembered this road, this is clearly the road to the underground safe.

It won't be in the underground safe, right? Li Ming is more and more looking forward to it. What's the difference between this and throwing a mouse into a rice mill?

Don't mention surveillance. Even if you install surveillance cameras in all 360 degrees, I can still find a way.

Unfortunately, Ulrich was not crazy enough to do that. The hidden elevator did not reach the deepest part and stopped at the upper floor of the underground safe.

The elevator door opened, revealing a metal corridor with a smooth black door at the end.

It really was a safe... Rob guessed it right.

Ulrich introduced: "Cold nuclear black gold, a special alloy that can only be produced under high-energy nuclear reactions, is enough to withstand the attacks of A-level life forms."

"The entire safe is made of this alloy."

Li Ming exclaimed: "What a big deal, what a big deal."

How much metal energy is this? It's just here, waiting for me to absorb it.

Ulrich smiled. After going through layers of verification, he opened the door and a not very spacious room appeared in front of him. In the middle was a metal table filled with various instruments.

"Over-the-horizon optical cutter" Ulrich pointed to an instrument on the table: "The precision reaches the nanometer level..."

In the center is a circular silver-white workbench with dozens of multifunctional mechanical manufacturing arms extending from both sides.


The instruments in this room are all extremely precious. Not only are the technologies used extremely high-end, but the materials are also very good.

And on the silver-white workbench is the [Material Reorganization Maker].


Ulrich opened the anti-gravity storage cabinet on one side, and the black restraint belt pulled pieces of white alloy materials, which were only a few in total.

"Korvana alloy-the glory that will never be damaged, extremely precious, and there are only a handful of civilizations that have the synthesis technology." Ulrich's eyes flashed with pain, and obviously, the price should also be very beautiful.

"There is still a batch of graded materials on the way, which may take some time."

Li Ming stroked the smooth alloy table. Ulrich's preparation was really comprehensive.

"When can you start working?" Ulrich restrained his expression and asked.

"Any time is fine." Li Ming said immediately.

Ulrich nodded and said solemnly: "I have a request. Once you start working, you are not allowed to leave here. I will send someone to deliver all the things you need."

Li Ming pondered for a moment. The current situation is almost what he expected.

But the back-up plan has been prepared. Rob and the others have been preparing for a long time. There should be no problems. I just need to wait for the troubled waters to fish.

He is not really repairing things for Ulrich. He glanced at Ulrich. His face was silent. There was obviously no room for negotiation on this matter.

There will be accidents if you go in and out at will, and Ulrich will never tolerate it.

"No problem." He nodded, without making things difficult. By now, there are some things that the two of them have tacitly understood.

Ulrich had a blank expression on his face. Qinglong was definitely not as simple as he looked, especially since he took the initiative to move to the castle. Perhaps he really came for the [Matter Reorganization Maker].

The other party was not stupid. How could he not think of the situation he might face after the repair? But he never mentioned it, and until now, he still hadn't put forward any conditions.

When the [Matter Reorganization Maker] was repaired, perhaps the real purpose would be revealed, but this was his home ground after all, and he would prepare everything.

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