This is not mechanical ascension.

Chapter 259 The Charm of This Shot

While thinking, his heart moved, his eyes went dark, he looked up, and saw a burly figure stopped in front of him.

What caught his eye was the sharp-edged metal armor.

Ulrich frowned, he recognized this mecha, it seemed to be Deyes's.

But then, he sensed the frightening threat coming from the other party.

"Brot?" He was quite surprised. He confirmed his identity through the other party's unconcealed breath, and was secretly surprised when he saw the metal fist armor covering his arms.

"Ulrich, please make way." Brot's already dull voice, echoing through the cavity of the mecha, was even more profound.

If it was Sandro, he might be indignant, but Ulrich just turned sideways and showed an inquiring look: "Sir Brot, what are you doing?"

"Nothing." Brot said perfunctorily and walked straight past.

"Ape bone mecha, this is Deyes's mecha, the Fist of the Violent Tiger, it is a Class A weapon that Deyes customized for him, it's fully armed..."

Ulrich pondered secretly, staring at the other's back.

Wearing this set of weapons and equipment on his body, Brot's strength is not a little bit increased.

"It's great to have a great mechanic as a friend." Ulrich sighed secretly, but smelled a hint of unusual meaning.

He did not return to his room, but followed him silently.

"What is he doing?"

After following for more than ten minutes, Ulrich was a little confused.

Fully armed Brot just circled in this area, and even passed by Qinglong's door several times.

He thought the other party might break in, but it turned out to be just passing by.

Ulrich stared at him and almost thought Brot was having a seizure.

Suddenly, his eyes moved slightly, and a familiar figure came from the corner of the metal corridor in front of him, a bright blue metal structure.

Is it the mechanical body under Qinglong, it seems to be called Thunder?

Ulrich's face was strange, this Thunder often circled in the base, he was used to it.

Then, his expression changed slightly, watching two figures, one big and one small, collide in the middle of the corridor, neither giving way.


The collision sound of the metal shell was very crisp, Brot stood still, but the Thunder staggered back two steps.

"Ha..." Brot was happy in his heart, MD, this mechanical body finally started to wander around, he was waiting for this moment.

"You don't have..." Just as the words came out, before he could make trouble, he saw Thunder burst out with dazzling lightning arcs all over his body, and his energy level skyrocketed.

Crackling, the real lightning poured out from the energy engine and from all the joints.

The two slender mechanical arms of Thunder closed together, and the dazzling lightning shot out, fast and fast, heading straight for Brot's cheek.

Brot's reaction was slow again when it was so close, and the beam of light hit the helmet of the mecha, exploding a ball of electromagnetic light.

Brot was furious. He didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative before he started to attack.

And it was a sneak attack, and it went straight to his cheek. The scene of being slapped last time came to his mind, although he was isolated by the mecha this time and was not hurt.

But he still felt a burning pain on his cheek, and his anger surged up, and his pupils were full of bloodshot.

"Looking for death!"


The terrifying energy gushed out, and the black liquid-like energy gushed out from the gaps in the mecha, like a spider web, covering the metal on the surface of the mecha,

the overall height was more than one level, as if it had undergone genetic liberation, and the power was even more compelling.

This mecha can also adapt to his genetic liberation form.


The ground cracked, and the aftermath of energy spread like a tide, turning everything into ashes.

Brot shot out like an arrow from a bow, invisible to the naked eye, and the metal armor on his arms burst into dazzling energy.

He raised his right fist, gathering terrifying power to form an air vortex. This time he used all his strength and had already killed Lei Ting.

Lei Ting only had time to close his arms to form a half-metal shield.


With just one punch, Lei Ting flew backwards and crashed into the end of the corridor, making a dull explosion.

From the outside, a corner of the rest area was suddenly torn apart, and the dazzling blue light flew far away.

Behind Brot, the sonic boom ripples spread out, causing a strong wind.

"Heh..." Brot snorted coldly under the mecha helmet, his eyes swept across with contempt, this was his true level of strength.

Last time, he didn't perform at all. He was ambushed at the beginning. When he was about to attack, Connet suppressed him with a slap.

Even without this mecha and weapons, these two mechanical bodies can only compete with him for a moment.

One alone is not his opponent at all.

The lights in this area flickered. The materials used in the second-reconstructed area were fragile. They had already collapsed under the aftermath of a slight collision. The familiar alarm sounded in the corridor.

Ulrich, who witnessed all this, was full of disbelief in his eyes: "A fight started now?"

It was too weird. He was refreshed and quickly realized that there must be something unusual.

Brot was probably going for Qinglong. Wasn't he afraid that Connet would beat him to death?

Or did he think that he could compete with Connet with this weapon and equipment?

Many thoughts subconsciously emerged in his mind.

Sparks burst out in the field, and Thunder returned, his arms bent and rotten beyond recognition, turning into lightning and escaping to another metal corridor.

"Run, run!" Brot's grim laugh echoed in the corridor, followed closely by a burly figure.

Ulrich also hurriedly followed.

All of them were A-level life forms, and their movements were extremely fast. As his thoughts turned, Ulrich suddenly stopped and hurriedly turned sideways.


The ground was blown away, and Brot's two thick thighs split the broken metal floor.

Even though both sides had not really let go, these metal materials were as fragile as paper in front of them.

In front, the burly Tepper stood in place, his two thick metal arms had been twisted like twists, and were slowly repairing.

"Heh..." Brot sneered, with only a few charred marks on the outer shell of his mecha, "Another sneak attack."

He slowly stood up, the black mecha creaked, the black liquid energy on the surface surged, a sense of urgency came over him, and his voice was high-pitched: "I've been wanting to dismantle you for a long time!"

"Tsk... Brot, fully armed, is quite powerful." Ulrich was secretly surprised, and after a slight estimate, he thought he was not his opponent.

It was difficult for his own ability to deal with such a large piece of iron.

"Qinglong may be in trouble..." Ulrich frowned, Brot was obviously prepared, and it was unknown whether Connit would have time to take action.

But Qinglong's life must not be threatened at the moment.

"But there's no rush now." Ulrich thought, it would not be a bad thing for him and Theo to wait until the two mechanical bodies were dismantled.

"Wait until Qinglong is really threatened before taking action." He made up his mind.

At the moment of thinking, the situation in the field has changed again. Lei Ting and Tepper intend to reproduce the scene of the last siege, and they rush forward at the same time.

Tepper's mechanical fists and feet are powerful and heavy, causing a roar, hitting Brot's chest and abdomen, and then his hands merge into a giant cannon, emitting a dazzling blue beam, but Brot's punch deflected it and tore the ceiling.

And Lei Ting's body is like a phantom, forming a thunderstorm around him, crushing Brot.

But this time, Brot did not hide at all, relying on the mecha.

Just sneered, the metal fists of both arms roared, and red energy fluids evaporated from the metal armor plates, like steam

Both fists were raised suddenly, and the roaring energy gathered on the giant fists, wrapped in an unstoppable momentum, and then slammed into the ground.


Suddenly, the red shock wave spread out around him, and the rest area was torn like white paper.

The foundation was directly pierced, and the entire area sank, turning into a ruin again.

The ground also cracked and spread, forming a rift valley.

The purple energy barrier at the edge emerged, stopping the trend of the destruction from spreading further.

Ulrich's face darkened slightly, and he withdrew. The thunderstorm in the field was directly torn apart by the red shock wave, raising dust all over the sky.

Two figures, one large and one small, were smashed out one after another, and they could be clearly seen.

The metal shell on its surface was rotten beyond recognition, and various internal structures were turned inside out.

"Why are they fighting again?" Theo's figure appeared beside Ulrich at some point, frowning.

"I don't know." Ulrich shook his head, not knowing how to explain.

"Where's the Azure Dragon?" Theo asked.

"I didn't see it." Ulrich also hesitated, looking around, the area became a ruin again, and the desolate surface of the planet was clearly visible.

Theo's face was solemn.

Suddenly, his heart jumped suddenly, as if he had a sense of impending disaster.

He suddenly looked up, his pupils condensed, and saw a familiar figure floating in the sky, it was Qinglong's mecha.

The metal shell on the surface was flashing with a light golden luster, emitting electric light, and one hand pointed to the sky.

Above his head, silver nano-flows surged, forming gun muzzles, the five outer gun muzzles rotated clockwise, and the three inner ones rotated counterclockwise.

Eight black gun muzzles have been formed, and each gun muzzle flashes with different energy luster.

"Eight guns!?"

Theo's face changed drastically, and one palm was already on Ulrich's shoulder.

Then it almost turned into a barely perceptible black shadow and floated away from the original place.


Ulrich was stunned, and only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and his vision was infinitely withdrawn. Before he could react, he only saw the light golden figure in the sky pointing down.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling beam of light fell from the sky.

No, not one!

There are many!

"Who is fighting again?"

In the distance, Sandro stood up from the ruins, cursing, shook off the dust on his body, and looked up, and saw several pillars of light that penetrated the sky and the earth falling down.

"What the hell?"

This was almost the only thought in his mind, and then his vision was covered by a vast expanse of white.

In the center of the field, Brot sneered in his heart, and felt extremely happy in his heart. He finally got his revenge for the slap in the face.

If he was slapped by a life form of the same level, or a more powerful life form, he would not remember it for so long.

But the problem is that the two mechanical bodies only relied on sneak attacks and were not that powerful.

This made him feel even more ashamed. When he thought about it, he felt a little depressed, and even felt that other people looked at him with strange eyes.

Today, he finally got his revenge!

He was about to pursue the victory and completely crush the two mechanical bodies, not giving them any chance to repair them.

However, the combat system inside the mecha suddenly screamed non-stop.

"Warning, detect super-specification energy burst, please hide as soon as possible..." This warning has not been played yet.

Immediately followed, "Alert! Warning! Super-specification energy attack is approaching, please pay attention to defense!"

"What attack?" Brot was puzzled. The warning came too suddenly, and he didn't even have time to think.

Just relying on instinct, he subconsciously looked up, his face was suddenly horrified, and the dazzling light column filled his vision, and then covered him.

Brot was directly slapped to the ground. He subconsciously squeezed the power in his cells and tried to stand up, but he only felt the terrifying power hitting him and it was difficult to resist.

His heart was horrified, his eyes were red.

How could this energy attack come so quickly?

The intensity was too terrifying. He hadn't used it yet, and he still had the ability to fight. He...

Faster than him was the surging energy, which pressed heavily on his body. He vaguely felt his back melting and severe pain swept through his nerves.

"It's much easier than I thought." Li Ming looked down. Although there were eight cannons floating around him, only the five outside ones actually launched attacks.

The three inside ones were just used to cover up the truth.

The energy colors were different. The Torch Organization had three fewer main cannons, while he had three more, and the energy characteristics were very similar, which inevitably aroused suspicion.

Although according to his estimate, the Torch Organization would only notice something wrong with the main cannon during the sea trial, but accidents must be avoided.

The sneak attack was simpler than he thought, because his main cannon bombardment did not have the signal lock of the real warship main cannon in advance.

The mecha on Brot's body could not give an early warning. It would only warn when it sensed that the energy was approaching, but it was too late.

His main cannon attack did not require a lot of time to store energy.

The energy poured out continuously, and the thickest one was the golden light column from [Sunshine Split Star].

The energy light column bombarded the same position, the energy was continuous, the high temperature distorted the air, and the energy wave burst out, lifting the ground.

It also formed an expanding energy ball. Various chain reactions did not explode immediately, which made people more nervous.

The energy ball with ripples continued to expand, and the ground at the edge continued to pile up. It had already touched the purple barrier on one side, and suddenly there were more violent energy ripples.

"I don't know if I can tear this energy barrier. Will it implode later?" Li Ming looked down and suddenly felt a little worried.

The purple energy barrier limited the power of the explosion to this area, and the power might be a little greater than expected.

Energy does not recognize its owner. It hurts to hit him.

But the next moment, the purple barriers around him suddenly disappeared.

Li Ming grinned, his figure flashed, and he flew higher.

Ten seconds later, the last ray of energy fell.

Boom! ! !

The sound was so loud that Li Ming had entered the vacuum zone at this height. He could not hear anything and could only imagine it.

The colorful energy sphere exploded with great momentum, and the energy wave spread at a high speed. Wherever it passed, it raised thousands of meters of dust on the ground, and light and heat were released.

A layer of purple light appeared on the surface of the Torch Organization's main base, which was close at hand, flickering.

On the land of the desolate planet, continuous explosions spread rapidly, and the ground cracked, forming a wide canyon-like crack. From the distant orbit, it looked like a deep knife mark.

…It's out, please vote.

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