This is not mechanical ascension.

Chapter 264 New A-level control object [Magnetic Crystal Heavy Domain] Unexpected effect

It was not until the evening that Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, holding a piece of mechanical equipment in his hand. It looked like a metal disc with a diameter of about one meter, which was divided into several pieces from the center.

Put it on the ground, and the central triangular metal iron sheet cracked in all directions, emitting a bright blue glow from the inside, spreading an invisible field.

[Gravity field blocking device-C level: a specially designed gravity field adjustment device.

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Control effect: Strength blessing--200%

Control ability-gravity field adjustment: within a coverage range of ten meters, it can increase gravity tenfold. 】

This is the basic model, which can suppress gravity tenfold.

The reason why he did not use the free gravity adjustment device is that its gravity field is adjusted up and down, which can not only double the gravity, but also reduce the gravity.

B-level items can adjust up and down tenfold. Even if it is upgraded to a-level, it can only adjust up and down a hundredfold at most.

Hundred times of gravity suppression is not so threatening to A-level life forms.

That's why he made this blockade device specifically for strengthening gravity suppression.

Continuing to upgrade, Li Ming hesitated a little, but still gritted his teeth and pulled it to A-level, consuming a mother ore called "Zirconium Energy Element Magnetism".

It has gained the ability to interfere with magnetic energy within the coverage of the gravity field, and can form additional suppression on metal mechanical structures.

The gravity blockade device designed by Li Ming has been pulled to the top in all aspects, so it can reach the limit multiple.

Therefore, when it was pulled to A-level, he not only consumed an alienation energy, but also 10 million metal energy, which really made him grin.

After all, the improvement of strength by this thing is not so obvious in nature.

But he still upgraded it to A-level after all. Although it hurts to see the metal energy bottom out again, this thing is also used for consumption.

Due to the particularity of the force field generating device, if it is used in a materialized way, it can only be fixed in a certain area.

Therefore, Li Ming chose to strengthen the control in the choice of evolutionary route.

After the upgrade, the blockade device did not become more bloated. Instead, it turned into a slender white crystal column, emitting a faint glow, about two meters long.

[Magnetic Crystal Heavy Domain--A-level: Specially designed gravity field blocker, be careful not to be crushed.


Control effect: Super Energy Crystal Domain

Control ability-gravity field adjustment: Within a kilometer range of the body, a gravity blockade area of ​​100 square meters can be formed in any area, with a maximum increase of 1,000 times the conventional gravity. ]

[Super Energy Crystal Domain: Within the blocked range, the cost of all individual activities increases by 25%]

What a [Super Energy Crystal Domain]!

Li Ming's eyes were full of brilliance. The gravity field suppression of up to 1,000 times, combined with the [Super Energy Crystal Domain], can form a very terrifying suppression effect.

The suppression of 1,000 times gravity is not the so-called carrying a thousand times of one's own weight.

All parts of the body, organs, bones, flesh and blood cells, and even fragile capillaries must bear this suppression.

Switching the control object, he looked at the table not far away, and his mind moved slightly.

With a "pop" sound, the metal table seemed to be covered from top to bottom by an invisible force, and suddenly flattened into a thin iron sheet, close to the ground.

"It's like Ulrich's ability, but not so arbitrary." Li Ming pondered, "But in terms of gravity suppression alone, it should exceed Ulrich's suppression limit."

After all, this thing is a top-level A-level control object that consumed 10 million metal energies to upgrade.

Then he looked at his body, eager to try.

[Magnetic Crystal Heavy Domain] can achieve a maximum of 1,000 times gravity. Within this range, he can adjust it freely.

At his current life level, 10 times is nothing and there is no pressure, just faster blood circulation.

He did not directly increase to 100 times, but slowly increased, 20 times, 30 times...

When it reached 50 times, he could already feel obvious pressure, shortness of breath, and faster heartbeat.

When it exceeded 80 times, his face flushed, his whole body was tense, and his heart beat hard and slowly, which also led to insufficient blood supply and various resistance reactions all over his body.

When it reached 100 times, this situation was relieved and the overall feeling was much better. This was because the body adjusted itself and reduced various consumption.

But at the same time, two streams of blood came out of his nose.

"It can be increased, but I'm afraid it can't last 150 times." Li Ming made a slight estimate, stopped this behavior of eating without suffering, and then gradually reduced the gravity to let the body adapt.

Sudden increase or decrease in gravity will cause great damage to the body.

Until it was completely restored to normal, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and a sense of lightness from the inside out filled his body.

"By the way, training under multiple gravity seems to be able to assist in the development of gene seeds." Li Ming suddenly remembered.

In order to improve development efficiency, interstellar evolutionary bodies have come up with a variety of methods, and development training under gravity suppression is one of them.

Thinking of this, Li Ming had some expectations again, and quickly adjusted his physical state to increase the regional gravity within the range to 50 times.

After taking a few breaths, Li Ming switched the evolution system. He could clearly feel that the activity of the cells had decreased a lot.

But out of cellular instinct, they are trying to break through the suppression of gravity and strive to return to their original level of activity. Their skin is covered with ripples and their muscle fibers are trembling.

"The general principle is to improve development efficiency by stimulating cell activity." Li Ming muttered to himself and understood it carefully.

Although the activity of cells is suppressed under the influence of the gravity field, that is only a superficial phenomenon.

In fact, the level of activity has increased a lot, which has also led to an increase in development efficiency.

It was difficult to see anything in a short period of time. Li Ming persisted for twelve hours before the gravity field was lifted.

He was breathing heavily, and it was obvious that his fair skin had turned red. This was the effect of burst capillaries.

Being under fifty times the gravity will have a subtle effect on his body. It will not be noticeable for a short time, but it will be obvious as time goes by.

When [Battlefield Medical Care] is activated, the development speed blessing is converted into a recovery blessing, and the capillaries are quickly repaired. In less than a minute, they are back to normal.

"It has almost reached the development speed before the decline." Li Ming felt surprised after feeling it carefully.

Some time ago, after his development progress reached 30%, the development speed slowed down again.

According to his habits, with more than 18 hours of development per day, it would be difficult to reach 1% in two days, and it would take three days.

However, under the pressure of gravity, the development speed has almost returned to before, with a rate of 0.6% to 0.7% per day.

"It's almost doubled. Is it so obvious?" Li Ming was a little suspicious. The effect of exercise under gravity suppression is so obvious, so it should be widely promoted.

He pondered for a moment and realized what he thought was natural.

The adaptability of living organisms to harsh environments is an instinct engraved in genes, which is why gravity suppression can improve development efficiency.

But once you gradually adapt to this environment, this improvement will not be so great.

If you want to maintain this gain, you can only continue to increase gravity, but the problem is that there is an upper limit for the endurance of the living body itself.

Just like the water output of a bucket depends not on the highest board, but on the lowest board.

The fragile eye nerves and capillaries can withstand far less pressure than bones, flesh and the like.

If it's too high, it can really crush you to death.

Moreover, it also depends on an extremely important point, which is the development potential of the living body itself.

Not everyone has this obvious effect, except for the first time they try it.

The more reason is that the development speed is blessed and will not decrease due to the increase in gravity.

Using gravity to squeeze the potential of cells can achieve the effect of increasing their own development potential in disguised form, and this effect is amplified by the blessing of development speed.

Li Ming figured out what was going on and cheered up, "It's tailor-made for me. I have a [Battlefield Doctor], which can constantly repair minor damage caused by being in a gravity environment, and always keep myself at the limit of gravity." ”

"Why didn't I think of it before?" Li Ming muttered, then shook his head.

In the past, the life level was relatively weak, and the gravity suppression it could withstand was also very low, so the effect was actually not that obvious.

[Magnetic Crystal Heavy Domain] was originally created because of Theo, an imaginary enemy.

Its effect is very powerful, and it can definitely not only deal with Theo, but Li Ming still feels a little painful.

But now, he found that it can also increase the development speed, which immediately made him feel that it was worth the money.

"The only trouble is the physical exertion. Fortunately, the [Magnetic Crystal Heavy Domain] can still be used, otherwise it may not be possible." Li Ming was in a good mood, so he simply struck while the iron was hot and continued to develop gene seeds.

Of course, he can also choose not to activate the [Super Crystal Domain] feature that comes with it to avoid extra consumption.

After trying it for a while, not only the physical strength is like a flood, but also the mobilization of one's own energy will consume extra money. It is really powerful.

While developing, I was thinking, "The next step is to empty that warehouse."

"That is the top priority of the Torch Organization. If it is really emptied, they will definitely go crazy. Regardless of the evidence, they will take down all of us as soon as possible."

"Run away..." Li Ming shook his head: "We can find opportunities to hide in the shadows and follow the people out of here."

"But if I clear the warehouse with my front foot, they will block it with my back foot."

"Besides, I also want to borrow their power to fish in troubled waters. The metal energy alone in the core ruins is a huge wealth..."

"Many people and horses mixed together..."

He has a unique advantage as the core relic of the Ascended Civilization. It would be too arrogant to think of it as something in his pocket, but he is not prepared to let go of this piece of meat.

"We still have to wait..." Li Ming suppressed his anxious thoughts and thought of another thing.

"Deyes, it's time to wrap things up. Regardless of whether Konite succeeds or fails, there is a high probability that he will meet Asmara. When he comes back, he will definitely investigate the leakage of internal information."

"Being scapegoated has to be done without proof." Li Ming's eyes were dark, and he could clearly see Deyes's malicious eyes.

If it weren't for the completion of the overall plan, he would have taken action at that time.


At the same time, in the gorgeously decorated office, oil paintings with majestic faces hung on the reddish-brown walls.

"Still haven't found Serad?" Behind the large mahogany table, Horndil frowned.

The armored man on the opposite side lowered his head, "I didn't find any clues."

"Four or five months have passed, and a B-level life form can actually disappear without a trace?" Horndil said indifferently.

The subordinate lowered his head even further and said hesitantly: "Your Excellency..."

"Say what you have to say." Horndil looked unhappy.

"When we hired Serad, we had already fully penetrated his network of contacts. His Black Hole Network account was even under our control. However, during this period, we did not find any A little clue about him."

After hesitating for a moment, the subordinate finally concluded, "He is probably dead."

Although he didn't like to hear the word "probably", Horndil crossed his hands and placed them on his chin, his eyes twinkling.

"Since you chose to speak out, there should be more than one inference." Horndil said calmly.

"In the Land of Stars, Serad followed our instructions and stole the [Flower of Casablan], and then escaped briefly."

"The last place it appeared was the spaceship of the Inquisitor civilization. We previously speculated that Serad wanted to use the identity of the Inquisitor civilization to escape from the land of stars, but was discovered and had no choice but to kill them and escape again. ”

"But if there was someone else who killed those judges, and Serad was actually killed, then there would be an explanation."

"Oh?" Horndil reacted briefly, sorted out the information in his mind, and said in a deep voice: "Suspect."

"Three." His subordinates quickly projected three virtual images and reported:

"Gray Eyes - Theo, he may have discovered our plan and knew that he could not get the Flower of Casablan, so he killed us."

"Collector - Ulrich, the incident happened in his territory. Even if there are no other clues to support it, his suspicion is still high."

"The Great Mechanic Qinglong, the judge's B-level life forms, had just come into contact with him before his death, and even made rude remarks to him."

"His suspicions were not high at first, but judging from the actual combat effectiveness and methods he later showed, the suspicions gradually increased. It is even possible that Serad hidden among the judges was discovered on the spot."

Horndil's eyes glanced left and right at the portraits of the three people, and he pondered:

"Theo wants to become an S-class life form and take revenge on the advanced civilization that destroyed his home planet. If he gets the Flower of Casablan, the best choice is to hide it and become an S-class life form. It won't be him."

"The Collector is a person with special abilities. Holding the Flower of Casablan is not only useless, but also a hot potato. The best option is to sell it to Theo or others."

"As for this Qinglong..." He hesitated. The amount of information was too little to analyze.

"When Theo comes out, tell him the news and see his reaction." Horndil frowned and was in a bad mood.

The Flower of Casablan is an absolutely good thing. He has no intention of actually making Theo become an S-class life form, it is just a condition to tempt him.

So I sent someone to steal it back, but I didn't expect an accident.

"Yes..." The subordinate nodded, and when he was about to speak, there was a knock on the door, and a man who looked like a housekeeper poked his head in and whispered:

"Master, Mr. Reina is here."

Horndil's expression changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down and said solemnly: "Leave through the side door, don't let him find out."

"Yes." His subordinates responded hurriedly.

Horndil stood up, straightened his collar, and then left the office.

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