This is not mechanical ascension.

Chapter 67: “Excellent” evaluation, everyone is surprised!

"Everyone..." Professor Wu walked out of the door on the other side of the room. The boys and girls who were already seated stood up immediately. Ji Ya, who was a little slow to react, was pulled up by Yang Yu.

"Professor Wu..."

"You don't have to be so polite." Professor Wu was very kind. "This is just an ordinary meal. You are all students from Capital Institute of Technology. Today is just a casual chat between teachers and students."

His kindness put everyone at ease.


There was a loud noise from behind, and everyone couldn't help but startled.

The burly figure who followed Professor Wu put down some kind of equipment. He was about half a person tall, and was completely blue. There was only a silver-white metal plate on the top slope.

"Of course, I also hope that all students can do me a little favor. It's very simple, just put your hands on it." Professor Wu said warmly.

The hearts of boys and girls are beating fast. Being admitted to the Capital Institute of Technology means that there is no problem with physical fitness, which to some extent reflects the family background.

There are basically no children from poor families.

Even if they don't understand it, their parents, school leaders, and officials from the Ministry of Education do.

Professor Wu could not simply invite them to dinner.

There is no doubt that this is some kind of assessment. If they meet the requirements, what awaits them will be a meteoric rise!

"You come first." Professor Wu looked at the boy on his left, "Zhang Huaiyuan."

Zhang Huaiyuan's face turned red, and you could see that his hands were shaking with excitement and anxiety.

Under the attention of everyone, he walked to the instrument, took a deep breath, and put his trembling hands on it.

"Dip - ordinary"

The device's bright blue light flashes, reporting a standard that no one quite understands.

Zhang Huaiyuan looked at Professor Wu with some confusion.

"This is a side effect. It can detect a person's deep metabolism." Professor Wu pushed up his glasses: "Just as a person's metabolism can be fast or slow, the efficiency of a living body in developing gene seeds is not a constant value."

"Some life forms are born to develop gene seeds very quickly. Of course, this kind of development speed is not noticeable in the early stages of evolution."

"But in the later stages, a slight gap will take several years or even longer to make up for it."

The boys and girls were listening to a book from heaven. These things were still too far away for them. Li Ming's eyes flashed in the corner.

"Just saying casually, you will understand later, ordinary means the average level of human beings." Professor Wu's attitude did not change at all, and he said gently: "Next."

Zhang Huaiyuan was a little lost.

The others walked up one after another, and they were basically on the same level as Zhang Huaiyuan. There was only one person - Diplodocus.

This is a dark-skinned young man with evasive eyes. He is obviously not used to being noticed. He is not from Silver Gray City, but from Star Vault City.

It can be seen from his clothes that his family background is not good, but he has an "excellent" rating.

"It's okay." Professor Wu nodded, "When you enter the Capital Institute of Technology, you will be eligible to enter the special training class."

An uncontrollable smile suddenly appeared on Diplodocus's face, and he was very excited.

Others, especially the boys, had different expressions, ranging from dissatisfaction to jealousy, and they seemed to be planning something.

When you are too young, all your thoughts are on your face.

"Okay, let's sit down and eat. In fact, we will be tested again after we enter school. Fang Biao, take it away." Professor Wu said casually.

"Okay." Fang Biao was not surprised. The small place was like this, and it was quite a surprise for him to have a Diplodocus appear.

As soon as Professor Wu finished speaking, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and suddenly said: "Fang Biao, wait a minute."

Immediately afterwards, Professor Wu looked at a corner of the room - "You should try it too."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but follow Professor Wu's gaze. It was in a corner, and the lights were dim. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see the person there.

He walked forward, and the light gradually illuminated his face, which looked too young.

"Your name is... Li Ming, right?"

"Yes, Professor." Li Ming nodded, and was surprised. He didn't expect that the professor would let him try it.

Yang Yu looked very excited. If Li Ming could be favored by Professor Wu, he would naturally go to Capital Star.

Wang Zhiheng in the other corner was also surprised, and couldn't help but feel a little envious, even though the people being tested were all mediocre.

But more people don't even have the opportunity to test, but Professor Wu is willing to give Li Ming this opportunity.

Just blocking a shot, is it so valuable? he muttered to himself.

"Come and try." Professor Wu pointed out his hand.

Li Ming hesitated slightly, but still walked up and put his hand on the metal panel, feeling a sudden burning sensation.


Fang Biao, who was a little careless at first, suddenly froze.

Wang Zhiheng's face was full of astonishment. Those little guys who were admitted to the Capital University of Technology were already top-notch talents.

The result was a Diplodocus.

What the hell is this Li Ming, excellent, higher than Diplodocus?

The boys and girls didn't react at first, and then their faces were filled with astonishment.

Zhang Huaiyuan was confused, Liang Long's eyes widened, Yang Yu looked at Li Ming blankly, and Jiya's eyes shone.

Professor Wu's expression paused slightly and he looked Li Ming up and down.

And Li Ming was equally surprised at this moment, because in his eyes -

[Gene purification detector - consumable type: a special detection instrument with many functions, mainly used to detect whether a living body has purification potential.

Control conditions: 20,000 points of metal energy

Control ability - Gene purification: Consuming control objects can give the host the initial potential to purify gene seeds. 】

The theory of gene seed purification is the academic theory that Professor Wu is famous for. Li Ming later checked it on the Star Network.

It roughly means that when the gene seed is developed to the extreme and integrated with the life form, it still has the potential to become stronger.

In short, it is evolution and evolution, making the life form stronger.

At the beginning, this theory was very popular, and Professor Wu became famous because of it, but soon all researchers found that ordinary life forms could not pass this so-called purification.

Professor Wu explained that only a very small number of life forms have this potential.

Until this time, the major laboratories and research institutes in the interstellar space did not take it seriously, because the universe is so vast, and there are countless life forms. If you fish in a net, you can always catch it.

In the late stage of evolution, it is extremely difficult to make any progress. If you can open up a path of horizontal development, it can also be regarded as an evolutionary branch.

But, the problem is here. After five or six years, the major laboratories and research institutes have not found even one life form with the potential for gene purification, so it has been falsified.

Now it seems that Professor Wu still hasn't given up the search and is secretly testing.

The development speed of the detector is 100%, which is already "excellent". If the active ability is turned on, it will probably be even more amazing.

But Professor Wu is not looking for a life form with extremely high development efficiency.

Twenty thousand metal energy points, this is not a small number, he thought.

"How old are you?" Professor Wu asked.


"Can you take the star test?"


Professor Wu frowned slightly, "Why?"

"Because of some reasons." Li Ming skipped it. There are many reasons and it is impossible to explain in detail.

Yang Yu looked nervously and stopped talking.

"What a pity." Professor Wu shook his head and said: "You don't have to worry about your qualifications. After today, there will be schools that will recruit you."

"You are a city guard, and the Guard University should be happy to accept you."

Hearing him say this, Yang Yu looked at Professor Wu. It was obvious that even if it was an excellent evaluation, it was not favored by Professor Wu.

Other students secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Their own failure was not tragic, but the success of others made them sleepless.

Wang Zhiheng finally understood what "being valued by a big shot" meant. Originally, Li Ming could only succeed Yang Peng at best. If he was lucky, he might be promoted to the position of section chief.

But if he was specially recruited by the Security Academy and became a professional, if he worked harder, he might be promoted to the position of director.

Only then did Fang Biao put away the equipment, and Professor Wu asked Li Ming to sit down and eat, but Li Ming refused on the grounds of official business.


Professor Wu was approachable and could tell some jokes. He was not arrogant.

About 40 minutes later, the dinner ended, and everyone stood up and filed out.

They, the security personnel, walked at the end.

Hmm? Li Ming paused slightly and stood side by side with the Blue Star security personnel. It was at the elevator entrance that he bumped into Wang Zhiheng.

The two walked towards the door at the same time and stopped at the same time. Li Ming did not want to cause any trouble and wanted to let this person pass first.

Who would have thought that this person would also stop, and a stiff smile appeared on his arrogant face, "You go first."

Wang Zhiheng, who was finishing the inspection, glared and smiled self-deprecatingly.

Li Ming said nothing more and stepped out.

Everyone was sent back, and Professor Wu also returned to the spaceship, and the city guards finally relaxed their tight strings.

"I'm really afraid that another bullet will be fired from somewhere." Wang Zhiheng complained and moved his shoulders. To Li Ming, he said enviously: "You are successful, and the excellent evaluation makes Professor Wu pay much attention to you."

"No wonder you didn't consider your brother's shortcut, it turns out that you have hard power."

Why does this sound so weird? Li Ming smiled, "Captain Wang is joking, Professor Wu just said it casually, among these six people, there is one excellent, not to mention the billions of people in the Blue Star civilization."

"The universe is so vast, I am just a drop in the ocean."

Wang Zhiheng looked at Li Ming and sighed slightly: "Those children of your age have their emotions on their faces, and Liang Long got an excellent evaluation, and the whole dinner was dizzy."

"But you can think of the vastness of the universe, you will be a talent." Wang Zhiheng said very seriously, without a smile.


"Uncle Lame, help me steal something." In the toilet, Li Ming's face was reflected with black light.

"What is it? Where is it?"

"A device next to Professor Wu."

The message box didn't reply for a long time, so Li Ming typed "?"

"If you want me to die, just say it!!!"

Three exclamation marks expressed the cripple's rage.

"We'll see what happens." Li Ming said, "That thing can't be carried with him. His bodyguards have to follow him at all times. He can't stay at home these days."

"If it doesn't work, I'll think of another way."

"How important is it?" the cripple asked.

"A talisman." Li Ming thought for a while, and added: "Even a ticket for revenge."

Staring at these two lines of words, especially the word "revenge", the cripple's face was uncertain, and he cursed: "This bastard is definitely not Lao Li's son!"

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