Becoming a robber and plundering is more or less certain to have hurt or even killed someone. It is really too light to punish a hand as a thief.

Hearing the female mercenary’s cold objection, Alonthos sighed: "I know, but I also know that if they had nowhere else, they would not choose to be robbers."

Arthur shook his head and said: "This choice is wrong, and you must pay a price if you do it wrong."

Selena pulls the sword dao: "Behead your head."

" Our leader is the messenger of the beast god, you can't kill me!"

Seeing the killing intent of the female mercenary carrying a tall sword, the robbers who clamored loudly suddenly backed away in fright.

"Don't worry, talk about your leader of the beast god messenger." Arthur stopped Selena, who was holding the sword.

"Right, right, right, our leader and you are the beloved, with power beyond ordinary people, you must have something to talk about."

"Then where is your leader ??"

"The leader is not far from here, I can take you to see him!"

Arthur hearing this looks at the businessman who has been a long-time merchant: "Mr. Alonthos, you I should know a lot about this area. Are there any robbers around?" Alonthos shook his head: "Sorry, my lord, I'm not quite clear."

Arthur thought for a while. , Said: "First find a rope to tie them up, wait until the town, and then hand it over to the nobleman in charge."

In addition to sentence, these robbers have another option-to become Night's Watch.

In contrast to the great war will approach of Others, Wall of Extremis needs people. Rather than being hacked to death with a few swords by Selena, it is better to use everything to contribute life to mankind.

Of course, the wicked person, Arthur, who possesses holy light and masters spiritual charm magic, can be sure that he gets the punishment he deserves.

Hearing that there is no need to die, the injured robber gradually calmed down.

It is not difficult to detect the surroundings with spirit strength.

Arthur knew that these guys had a companion who didn't rush out of the darkness with them. After seeing the holy light arrow fall down among them, he decided to turn around and escape.

There really needs to be a leader of the beast god messenger.

The guy almost fled back to report the situation at this time.

"That...Your Highness, the rope is not enough." Alonthos tied up two people and found that there was no rope in the carriage.

No rope?

Hearing what the old businessman said, looking at the remaining four who were not tied up, stupid*|stupid*|lust*|The robber who wanted to run away, Arthur suddenly didn't know whether to cry or laugh up.

Selena hearing this coldly snorted, raised a big sword to warn the four who wanted to run, unhappy to the old businessman: "Is there no rope to speak so loudly?"

The female mercenaries raised their swords at the four of them, and Alonthos also understood that they wanted to be tall and small when they heard what they said, so they quickly apologized.

For the old businessman’s apology, Selena did not accept much: "If there is no rope, hurry up and find other things to tie them."

Alonthos: "I will immediately Look in the woods to see if there are any vines that can be used."

"Don't go now." Arthur stopped him, "they are more than these people."

The merchant is hearing. This was taken aback, and then immediately said: "Then let's get out of here."

"Don't worry." Arthur said with a smile, "We feel they are coming."

"Then we should leave as soon as possible?"

Selena shook her head to the old businessman: "I have seen Holy Light Power, do you think your Highness needs to be afraid of a few thieves? But I agree with you The idea of ​​leaving as soon as possible."

"Because I can't take care of you for a while."

The four people who want to run are hearing this mutually glanced at each other, and then stay together temporarily So, they had known that a companion had not been caught, but they were not sure that the leader would come to save people.

The bonfire crackled and burned the wood, and the night wind blew the branches and leaves, and across the invisible flames, the silhouette was shaky.

Drinking poor quality ale.

Arthur, who slightly released his sense of spirit strength, found a group of people approaching.

A total of 37 people, and a brown bear!

Discovering them, the young man immediately put away his contempt, put down the wine glass and drew the knife to get up. Using the flame enchanted spell is very expensive. If the steel sword is burned, it will soften due to the high temperature, and then it will be cut and scrapped.

So, he only has two butterfly swords left.

"Selina, protect Mr. Alonthos."


The dark shadow brought from the dim woods outside the campfire. The bad wind rushed out.

It's a brown bear!

Its reminder is three times that of Arthur!

Feeling the bad wind and having a lot of fighting experience, he immediately put on a shield and blessed him, and the butterfly sword fiercely stabbed*|into the abdomen of this wild beast.


As the brown bear roared in anger, two knife marks made a wound on the arm.

The bad wind hits fiercely again.

Faced with the slap of this wild beast's bear paw, Arthur, who blessed the blessing of power, couldn't hold it. After a few steps, the holy shield technique of the body protection became dim and was about to dissipate!

The Holy Shield cannot stop the second!

"His Royal Highness!" Seeing this, Selena wanted to run with a sword to help.

But with only blessings and no shields, Arthur did not dare to let her take the risk: "Don't come over, I can handle it!"

Speaking, two butterfly swords flew, immediately Create two wounds on the brown bear again.

Bears are famous for skin is rough, flesh is thick.

The fur is cut, and there is thick fat on it!

The two small knives didn’t reach the handles to barely injure the wild beast’s muscles, even the internal organs.

So, we must attack the key!

The two knives became as slippery and very ruthless as a poisonous snake in Arthur's hands, and both stabbed into the eyes of the brown bear.


Blind with his eyes, the brown bear roared in pain.

At this time, the bad wind started, and Arthur was slapped by the terrifying force!

"Crack it~"

The shield of the body shattered!

This shocked Arthur, and quickly put himself on the shield again, quickly backing away seven or eight steps.

Dare to be in waves all the time because he has the Holy Shield Art.

When encountering danger, you can open invincible immunity to physical damage!

However, the root of Holy Shield is holy light, which is controlled by him to form a defense. If the density is not enough, the structure will be broken if it is not strong enough.

Knowing that his current Divine Shield technique is not invincible, he cannot avoid all damage, but he completely didn't expect the proud holy light defense skills to be broken by a wild beast.

Don't dare to be careless.

Arthur immediately changed the battle method and gave up the adventurous style of direct double-sword melee combat.

To attack with holy light skills and magic.


However, two holy light arrows shot at the brown bear, and the robbers hiding in the dark waved their weapons and rushed over.

"His Royal Highness, give us the Holy Shield Technique!" Selena immediately swung her sword to fight.

Even elite soldiers and sword-wielding female mercenaries can chop up melons and vegetables, and the enemies who rush in are only robbers with simple equipment.

A face-to-face, she immediately cut down three people.

There is still a huge threat when the brown bear loses his eyes. This cumbersome big guy is easy to avoid. Considering that the kind old businessman may be dangerous when encountering a robber, Arthur immediately joined Selena.

"No, the leader, he is too strong, we are not opponents!"

Looking at each companion falling down, the frightened robber shouted, holding double knives in each other’s hands. The two of them are full of fear.

"Surrender and not kill!"


For the prince’s persuasion, the robber hesitated, but the robber leader hiding in the dark woods, He would not allow himself to lose all his men and immediately throw a javelin that was lightning fast.

It's just a javelin.

The power of the bandit leader, Arthur, is not in his eyes at all. Raising his hand, the butterfly sword can easily block it. With the tip of the knife, he can immediately launch a holy light arrow to counterattack.

"Damn it!"

Faced with continuous lasing, the bandit leader was frightened and wasted to roll and evade.

"You will die if you don't surrender!"

His warning is useless. Arthur is a good man and he doesn't want to do more fearless killings.

But he will not put his life in danger!

Seeing that the remaining robbers didn't mean to stop, they didn't bother to waste time anymore.

Selina, who cooperated with the big sword to dance like a killing angel with silver wings, solved the last few fearless robbers in twos and threes.

"Want to run?"

Lost all of his subordinates, embarrassed to avoid the holy light arrow and climbed up. Seeing the two powerful robber leaders trembled in their hearts, they turned and ran.

"Can you run?" be continued...

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