After all, it is a farce of child fighting.

King will not severely punish the wolf girl Arya who bit Prince Joffrey’s little wolf girl. The handling of this matter is just raised high, and then gently put it down, poor butcher apprentice Mycah, and Sansa’s wolf lady , It is insignificant.

The Direwolf who contacted House Stark's fate was the first to die, and Bran, who was unconscious in Winterfell, finally awakened and was about to become Skinchanger and Greenseer.

After more than a month of have endured the hardships of a long journey, I finally arrived at Westeros eastern coast, overlooking Blackwater Bay. The buildings are densely packed, and the city spreads and extends several li, surrounded by high walls and messy. King's Landing is ugly and smelly.

The King's Landing in my memory is not beautiful at all. There is only the smell of disgusting and retching, but Arthur feels inexplicably kind.

"Welcome Lord Stark, Grand Maester Pycelle convened the Small Council."

Back to the city where the original owner was born, enter the Red Keep with Eddard Stark, the dedicated Hand of the King heard the rumor and told his subordinates to settle their daughter, and immediately went to the Small Council held in Grand Maester Pycelle.

"Annie, I'll go back to put my luggage, and we will go shopping together later."

Swordsmanship has barely been upgraded to the primary level for nearly two months after practicing swordsmanship. Arthur can't wait. Want to own a sword.

In such a dangerous world, one cannot do without a self-defense weapon. Men like swords and weapons. Even if they will become Maester in the future, wearing a longsword around the waist will make people feel a bit nondescript, but they are not allowed.

Annie: "Okay, see you later."

For now, there is nothing Arthur has to do, so I said goodbye to Annie and returned to his room in the Red Keep.

Even a lowly bastard has royal blood on him, so there is no need to squeeze with the servants who live in the Red Keep.

The original owner has no friends. After all, his energy is focused on learning, his personality is relatively withdrawn, he has a cold relationship with people living around him, and basically ignores the servants and maids in the Red Keep, causing others to ignore them. How to pay attention to him.

This makes Arthur less worried about what will be exposed.

Take the money rewarded by Lannister, go outside the Red Keep, and see the beautiful girl in the old armor still wearing the old armor.

Arthur: "I don't know much about swords, you have to teach me."

"No problem, most of the blacksmith's workshops are in Street of Steel, we Go to Visenya's Hill." Annie said with a smile.

"I heard that in the Street of Steel in Visenya's Hill, the higher the store, the more luxurious the goods are sold in?" Arthur touched the coin bag.

Annie nodded: "Yes, but the workshop I took you to is cheap and good value for money, don’t worry about not having enough money."

Someone who is quite familiar with Street of Steel Annie recommended, and the two quickly walked into a blacksmith's workshop.

Annie: "The swords here are ready-made, and you can also make them by the master blacksmith here, but it will be more expensive to make them specially."

Since the blacksmith specializes in making a sword, it needs no With less money and other plans, Arthur thought for a while and said: "Let’s take a look at the ready-made swords."

With the help of Annie, Arthur picked one that looked good in a short time. Longsword is also very smooth. Then, because I had studied Wing Chun Kuen for three years in my previous life, and practiced butterfly sword for one year, I asked the blacksmith to create two butterfly swords according to his own requirements.

The knight and soldier of Westeros wear armor when fighting. The knives used for chopping are difficult to armor piercing, so people here rarely make special knives.

Especially the peculiar short blade like butterfly sword.

"What's the use of such daggers?" Annie was puzzled, and she couldn't understand why Arthur made two such short blades specially.

Arthur also couldn't explain how to use this short blade in his previous life, so he could only show an awkward and polite smile.

Furthermore, a frail boy who will become Maester in the future will go to Citadel to study in about half a year. In Red Keep, he will basically help Hand of the King with the clerical work. Get into trouble.

Don’t forget that in this cruel world, the innocent and poor butcher boy will die, just because he is practicing swords with Arya with a stick, and Joffrey thinks he wants knight.

"By the way, Annie, what gift do you want? Let's say yes, I can't afford it if it is too expensive." Let the blacksmith build two butterfly swords according to his own requirements, and there is not much money left on him , But Annie has taken care of herself for so long, and Arthur would be very sorry if she didn't give some gifts.

Feeling Arthur’s kindness, Annie’s eyes showed a clear happy color, said with a slight smile: "No, as long as you often give me good food."

"You can make something delicious anytime, but you have to give it as a gift, and I don’t know if I have any money to give you a gift in the future."

In Song of Ice and Fire In the dangerous world, there is no military force to guarantee its own safety. If there is no force of its own in the future, I am afraid that it will never be free from the destiny of being slaughtered by others.

So Arthur must leave part of the money as the entrepreneurial capital.

Business is like a battlefield. In his previous life, he understood the difficulty of starting a business, so he couldn’t guarantee that he would make a lot of money, and the capital needed to build a power would definitely not be small. Even if he makes money in the future, I don't know how much liquidity will be used as spare money.

Fortunately, Annie is accustomed to simplicity. She is not a girl who admires Xirong, so she doesn't care how expensive the gifts Arthur gives. She is very happy to have this heart.


Arthur and Annie are shopping happily while shopping in King's Landing.

At the Small Council held by the Grand Maester Pycelle, I exchanged greetings with Grand Maester, Master of Whisperers Varys the Spider, Master of Coin Littlefinger Petyr Baelish and Master of Laws, King’s younger brother Renly, and then began to be important The Small Council, the new Hand of the King Lord Eddard Stark is very uncomfortable.

King did not participate!

Hand the King's decree to Hand of the King Eddard, Renly said: "My big brother instructed to hold a tourney to celebrate Lord Stark's appointment as the new Hand of the King"

"How much will it cost?" Littlefinger asked.

Eddard said according to the number on the decree: "The winner will reward 40,000 golden dragons, the second will reward 20,000, and the winning shooter will reward 20,000."

Grand Maester Pycelle: "Can the treasury afford the money?"

Littlefinger truthfully replied: "I can only reach out and borrow it.] Lannisters will help out. Anyway, they owe Lord Tywin over 3 million. How about 80,000?"

This figure made Warden of the North Eddard Stark from The North couldn't believe it and suspected that there was a problem with his ears: "You mean the Royal Family has a debt of up to 3 million?"

Littlefinger corrected and said: "The Royal Family’s debt is as high as 6 million right now."

"Why is there such a thing?" The kingdom is financially distressed and debt is as high as 6 million. The Hand of the King was terrified, and suddenly lost self-control.

Littlefinger explained: "Master of Coin is in debt to find money, King and Hand of the King are in debt to spend money."

"I don't believe Jon Arryn will allow Robert to spend money like this." Eddard road.

However, King’s extravagance was beyond his expectation. Renly, Littlefinger, Varys and Pycelle, who were the councillors, did not manage the country well, just wipe the king's ass, indulge his extravagance also makes him speechless to the extreme.


Red Keep, in the gorgeous room, Queen Cersei is applying medicine to treasured son Joffrey's injured arm.

Cersei only favors his son: "No matter how much you bear it, you will be almost healed."

"It's ugly." Joffrey looked at his injured arm with disgust.

"The king should have scars." Cersei roared, "You won a Direwolf. You are a warrior, just like your father."

Joffrey shook his head:" I’m not like him. I’ve never beaten anything. It bit me and I just scream. Both of Stark’s daughters have seen it."

Cersei tried to hypnotize and brainwash him. Forget this unhappy experience: "No, you killed Direwolf, you let go of that girl, just because your father respects her father."

Joffrey still shook his head: "I didn't, I... ."

Cersei interrupted: "When Aerys Targaryen was in power, your father was a traitor and a rebel. In the future, you will ascend to the throne, and history will be written by you."


Joffrey: "do i have to marry her?"

"Yes." Cersei nodded, "She is young and beautiful. If you don't like her, just treat her as a decoration. When the time is right, let her inherit your clan for you. If you want to go to brothel to have fun, go to brothel to have fun. If you look at other good girls, you can also do it. You are my son. In the future, everything in this world will obey your summon. "

Thinking of the beauty of being King, Joffrey couldn't help showing joy.

"Be nice to Starks girl."

Happy to happy, Joffrey is still the wayward Joffrey: "I don't want to."

"You must be so Do, appropriate small favors, will clear the way for you in the future." Cersei taught.

He didn’t want to listen to any reasoning, and because of his prejudice and his dissatisfaction with the people of House Stark, Joffrey made no secret of his malice: “We gave Northman too much power, and they thought they could follow We are on the same level."

Cersei asked: "What will you do if you change it?"

Joffrey: "Double their taxes and order them to recruit 10,000 new recruits for the Royal Family." Play."

"Play for the Royal Family?" Cersei showed a serious listening look.

"Why do every lord have so many private armies? All of them have more armies than City Watch of King's Landing, kingdom Legion, Royal Guards and Royal Knights!" Joffrey angrily said. "This is too backward, mountain clans will be like this. We should have more troops loyal to the Royal Family, trained by experienced soldiers, rather than a group of farmers who have never touched the long spear."

Cersei was very satisfied that treasured sons had their own opinions, and asked: "What if Northman rebels?"

Joffrey blurted out without even thinking: "Destroy them."

Nodded and said: "Take Winterfell and arrange a Royal Family member of the Warden of the North, such as Uncle Kevan."

"Whoever the 10,000 Northern Army works for, you are still them Lord?" Cersei asked again.

Joffrey: "For me, I am their king."

"But you invaded their home." Cersei said: "Order them to fratricide."

Joffrey: "I'm not an order."

Cersei taught him: "The north is difficult to win, and there is no internal response. Wherever the region is vast and the weather is bad, in winter, even The Seven can't save you and your Royal Army, a wise monarch who knows when to conserve strength and store up energy and when to destroy the enemy."

"So you also agree..." Joffrey: "House Stark is the enemy?"

Cersei laughed: "Everything except ourselves is an enemy." be continued... .

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