It's another beautiful day.

On Aegon's High Hill in King's Landing, it is built of shallow red stones and surrounded by heavy city walls. In the Red Keep, although Arthur has no inheritance rights, no status, or noble prince, everyday all can be gorgeous Woke up in his castle, but his childhood dream in a previous life.

Carry out morning exercises in the room, sweat all over, wipe your body after a short break, put on cumbersome clothes, and then go to the kitchen to make a good breakfast for yourself and start a busy day. He likes such a simple, ordinary and peaceful life.

After all, this is Song of Ice and Fire World. Westeros will be raged in the future due to the invasion of Others. Loss of life, so you can be safe and stable, and try to make yourself comfortable and happy.

Feeling the warm sunshine in the morning, walking through the flower promenade, before reaching the Tower of the Hand, Arthur encountered a tall, heroic appearance, six or seventy-seven black haired youth like King Robert.

He is the bastard of King Robert and Maria Arnold, the second daughter of House Arnold-Ryan Waters.

At the age of eighteen, he is already a non-commissioned officer of Kingdoms 1st Infantry, and he has been promoted to the Captain of a squad with more than 30 people.

The Commander of the Kingdoms 1st Infantry served by Ryan is Francis Arnold, his grandfather. House Arnold played for House Baratheon when House Baratheon was founded. After War of the Usurper, House Arnold He was a hero of the dragon, so he was much better than Arthur.

In terms of blood relationship, he and Arthur are half-brothers, but bloodline is different from high and low. Think about Arthur even Waters bastard surname is not qualified to have, you know that bastard is also divided into high and low.

So Ryan and Arthur have a very ordinary relationship. They only meet so many times a year, and they are not even familiar with each other.

"Arthur, long time no see." He came over and greeted friendly.

Arthur asked with some confusion: "Brother Ryan, why are you here?"

Ryan Waters has the boldness of King Robert, but not much of his vulgarity, laughed said with a smile: "I came back with the quartermaster to replenish them. By the way, I took a few days off. I heard that you brat is doing a good job now, and I have made a lot of money in doing business with House Stark."

Arthur smiled shyly "It's okay, it's barely enough for me to go to Citadel to buy books."

Ryan: "So you still want to be Maester? I thought you succeeded in doing business, and you would change your mind to become a businessman."

Speaking, he shook his head slightly and sighed: "But it is, you have to be a Maester to have status after all....Forget it, don't talk about it, how about eating at my house later?"

"Uh...I'm afraid I don't have time." Arthur was very busy, so busy he didn't even have time for lunch to sit down and eat. After helping Eddard Stark with the paperwork, he went to teach the workers how to make paper and the craftsmen how to make printing plates.

Ryan: "There is no time for lunch. Why are you so busy?"

"Handling business." Arthur said: "After all, I have to work with House Stark. I You must come up with attractive products."

Ryan hearing this nodded, expressing understanding: "It’s right to focus on career, but the body is the root of everything you must eat, and you’re too skinny. Now it’s time to eat more when you grow up. Be sure to eat regularly."

Arthur: "..."

He is a bold big brother, How did the style of painting suddenly become a long-winded aunt?

"Arthur." At this time, Eddard's Guard Captain Jory came out of the Tower of the Hand and told him: "My lord is going to join the Small Council later. You don't need to go up and go out with me. Right."

"This is?"

Arthur introduced: "He is my half-brother Ryan."

Jory said with a look on his face: " Kingdoms 1st Infantry Commander Arnold’s grandson? I know you, I used to fight with Kingdoms 1st Infantry in Pyke."

Ryan hearing this somewhat sighed: "Unfortunately I was born too late to catch up. In the last battle, I couldn’t see your style."

Jory said with a laugh: "It’s okay, young man, you will see it later. Let’s go, let’s have a drink."


"Aren't you going to do errands?" Ryan asked.

Jory: "Things are all handled by Arthur. I used to help to see the store. Don’t let anyone make trouble. I won’t do the calculations."

"Well, But I can drink it very much."

"Enough wine tube!"

In this way, Ryan and Jory, who had a good chat, were about to lift their shoulders and walk out of Red. Keep, first go to the workshop on the outskirts of the city, Arthur is ignored by them gorgeously.

The various buildings in King's Landing are densely packed, with a population of more than 500,000. Because the tourney is about to take place, this crowded city has become more densely populated.

It's still early, most people have not yet taken to the street, so the pedestrians on the street have not reached the point where they are in full swing, but there are still a lot of people.

Passing through the sparse crowds on the street, they smell great!

heaven knows how often do these guys take a bath?

plus the shit and piss all over the ground, the smell drove Jory and Ryan directly on horseback, and soon they lost their riding skills, fearing that they would not dare to ride on the street too much. Quick Arthur.

Obviously it is a western medieval-style building that is rarely seen in the previous life, but Arthur is so stinky that he has no appreciative mood, which leads to a hurry every time he goes out of Red Keep.

Go to the workshop outside the city.

The two elders, Jory and Ryan, have happily drank.

"Come on, Arthur, quench your thirst with a drink." Ryan held up the wooden wine glass to pass it.

Arthur, who was about to start work, shook his head depressed and helplessly: "No, I want to work."

Ryan waved his hand when he saw it: "Well, you are so boring."

This is not boring, but great!

Papermaking and printing will lay the foundation for the spread of civilization and knowledge, a great cause for the benefit of the world!

In Westeros, bamboo is a bit difficult to deal with, but after reading so many books, he can easily find other materials instead, and then successfully use hemp, bark, rice sheets, straw, reeds, weeds, etc. The first piece of paper made by something.

It's the kind of ugly straw paper with a rough texture.

So his current job is to research better paper and supervise the craftsmen to get the text printing plate.


Being busy in the workshop, it was noon unconsciously.

"Arthur, come to my house for dinner."

Ryan is really good at drinking. Drink Jory and the two guards of The North who take care of the workshop. He still faces doesn’t. 't change, I don't see any drunkenness.

The cheap big brother was so enthusiastic that Arthur couldn't refuse to pick him up. He ordered the three drunk Jory to be sent back for a shift, and he rode with Ryan to his house.

Ryan does not live in Red Keep, nor does he live in King's Landing. His mother has a villa specially rewarded by King Robert outside the city.

Away from King's Landing and smelling the fresh air will make people feel better.

I arrived at the cozy suburban villa. The charming hostess Maria Arnold has asked the servants to have a banquet. Her other son, Ryan’s younger brother, and King Robert bastard’s Varian Waters, has already Eat it up.

Lianna Elizabeth and her daughter Aisara Waters also came to the dinner party.

Lianna Elizabeth, who is over thirty but looks only in her early twenties, comes from her allegiance to House Tyrell House Elizabeth, a branch of House Windsor, is also a mistress of King Robert.

"Arthur, long time no see."

Like the big brother, Varian is also very good at drinking and likes to drink. When we meet, he and Ryan will each offer a glass of wine. .

"Hello." Arthur took the wine glass somewhat cautiously and greeted everyone politely.

Aisara Waters asked: "younger brother, are you holding a meeting ceremony?"

"Yes, yes, just a little bit of heart." Arthur reacted immediately and turned him off. The prepared basket of soap was placed on the table.

"I have the heart." Maria Arnold smiled nodded and greeted: "Sit down and taste these foods."

As the only bastard daughter recognized by King Robert, inherited The beauty of her mother, Aisara has never lacked love since she was a child, not much worse than Princess Myrcella, but not much worse. Curiously glanced at his gift basket, she opened the mouth and said unearthly: "Is there only one basket? I'm afraid not enough points~"

It was said that there were too few gifts, Arthur felt a little embarrassed: "Uh...I'll give you another one."

Aisara hearing this was satisfied, and then said:" I heard that you still make perfume? I’m your elder sister, and I won’t be polite to you. I will give me a bottle of soap by the way tomorrow."

Arthur: "... .I’m afraid not. It’s very troublesome to make perfume."

He barely made a bottle of perfume in three days. The only finished product was given to Queen Cersei to ease the relationship, so the perfume only accepts orders. Do, if I give you a bottle of special fragrance, I'm afraid that vicious Queen will be unhappy after knowing it, and then he will be unlucky.

"Then I will allow you to owe it first." It is not the Princess who is in one body, but Aisara is still regarded as the jewel by King King, so her personality is quite brutal and domineering.

Her mother Lianna Elizabeth shook the head when she saw it, said ill-humoredly: "Okay, Aisara, don't bully Arthur."

Seeing Arthur still behaved very cautiously, Maria Arnold whispered: "Arthur, you may have some doubts about our sudden invitation to you, but we have no other intentions. Don't be cautious. Today is just a simple dinner."

He knows the truth of nothing but courtesy. The original owner was born and raised in King's Landing. After so many years, it was the first time that Ryan was invited to dinner. How could he be casual?

The food is first, Ryan sits down and eats shouted, no matter what, he looks like King Robert very much, Varian is a little better, and he will greet the guests and cut the barbecue into large pieces. And then handed it to Arthur: "Come and eat it open. Don't be polite, or we will finish eating." be continued...

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