Flicking a knife in a panic to drive away the crowd of onlookers, Arthur, who was afraid of being caught, had a cloud of mud in his mind, and only the idea of ​​fleeing to the Red Keep to stay away from the danger was left.

Everyday all the body for exercise gave him extraordinary physical strength, and he was able to rush all the way back to the Red Keep.

Until he was stopped by Golden Robe and sent to Tower of the Hand to see Eddard Stark, he regained his senses amidst his repeated inquiries and being shaken roughly*| by Jory.

"Arthur, tell me what happened!"

The first time he killed someone with his own hands, Arthur, who was afraid of being taken away by the gangsters, had a blank mind and couldn’t even remember himself. Specifically how to return to Red Keep, people stand here but don't know where to go.

Jenos Slint, the commander of the golden robe guard, walked over and said to the Hand of the King Eddard Stark: "My lord, in the city*|There has been an attack on this kid and he is dead. Five people."

Hearing this, Eddard frowned suddenly: "Our people?"

"No." Janos shook his head, looking at it, still in shock, his face was full Frightened and scared Arthur: "It's someone who wants to catch him."

"Arthur killed them?" Eddard asked.

Jenos nodded and said: "According to witnesses, a boy holding two short blades killed five gangsters." Obviously this boy was still holding the butterfly sword tightly in his hand and was dressed in blood. Arthur.

Jory immediately patted Arthur's shoulder and asked the guard to hand him a wine pouch: "Yes, kid, I actually killed five people, come for a drink, and you will feel much better after drinking. Then go back and have a good night’s sleep."

Arthur was in a trance. He was in a daze. He didn't know how to take the wine pouch, how much he drank, or what happened afterwards. I was dizzy and sent back to the room by Jory and the others.


In a dark, quiet room.

Arthur, who slept in the middle of the night, was awakened by a nightmare. In his dream, he saw the five gangsters who wanted to catch him. They showed horror, amazement, anger or resentment when they were hit by the knife. They were dying. His face appeared in front of him as deep as a brand, and he was so startled that he was sweating profusely, and even the blood clothes that had fallen asleep without changing were soaked.

Arthur, who was awakened from the nightmare, sat silently on the bed. Apart from being afraid of the attack, he gradually recovered his sanity. He found a lot of strangeness in this incident.

King's Landing, no matter how dragons and snakes mingle, ordinary robbers and bandits, it is absolutely impossible to dare to act blatantly in the city. Moreover, at that time there were people who did not know where they were hiding, shouting commands, trying to order the five gangsters to capture themselves alive!

Who is this person who wants to catch me?

Queen Cersei Lannister of wild ambition?


She paid special interest, cooperated with Lannister in the soap making method to do business, and gave gifts in a low profile. She wanted to just say a word, there was no need to do so.

The vicious and vengeful Joffrey?

Not right!

If he is sure to kill the killer directly, impossible will catch him alive.

House Stark?

With Eddard Stark's integrity, it is impossible to do anything to business partners, even though there is a risk of revealing Jon Snow's life experience.

Varys the Spider?

Littlefinger Petyr Baelish?

The two top conspirators in Song of Ice and Fire World are completely unable to afford to offend!

But if they want to control themselves, why not let those gangsters catch them alive, let alone be stupid enough to start blatantly in King's Landing.

Renly is too impossible.

Although he didn't share his share in the soap business, he is not a man of greed, he has his own pursuits and ideals, and there is no conflict of interest. Moreover, House Tyrell whom he has handed in has also become my business partner. How could something happen suddenly for no reason?

As for other nobles, they don’t understand the situation at all, so it’s hard to tell if they have any plans.

And what really makes me feel suspicious...

The bastard big brother Ryan Waters who invited me to a dinner party, and they suddenly went to the workshop yesterday. Citadel, who has reached a cooperation agreement by himself...

Thinking is flying.

Time unconsciously came to dawn.

"Arthur, you woke up so early, didn't you get hurt yesterday?" Annie, who was on duty, didn't find Arthur in the room, so she went straight to the kitchen. As expected, he was making a delicious breakfast.

Arthur consciously made an extra breakfast for her, and said: "It's lucky, nothing happened."

Seeing that he did not suffer any injuries, Annie also got rid of him safely. Danger, killing the bad guy and growing from a boy to a man and happy: "That's good, but you can kill five people, really didn't expect you brat so powerful."

He laughed:" You teach well."

"don't say this, I know you used those two short blades against them."

Annie is very pleased that Arthur's skills are OK The finished apprenticeship didn’t forget himself, but he turned his head and looked around, he looked back when he saw no who, and asked in a low voice: "Do you know who is trying to catch you?"

Arthur shook his head helplessly: "No I know."

Annie looked at him with concern and asked, "Then why do you think those people want to catch you?"

He bitterly laughed: "I don't know either."

Annie sighed and said in a deep and earnest low voice: "Arthur, King's Landing not simple, counsellors are not simple, the nobles are not simple, you are indeed very smart, but Hein Rikai thinks you are still too Innocent and childish, no matter how restless I am, I’m afraid I don’t even know how I died!"


When I heard this, Arthur looked a little ugly. , It's not a taste in my heart.

For a moment of silence, I had to change the subject awkwardly and asked: "Who is Heinlikai?"

Annie said: "Heinlikai Weiting, she is Weiting The eldest daughter of the family."

With the memory of the original owner, Arthur knew who it was after a little thought: "Kingsguard Baron Waiting's granddaughter?"

Annie looked serious Nodded and said: "Yes, Heinlikai is smarter, smarter than you, you should listen to her admonition."

The loyalty is against your ears, although Arthur's words made Arthur not convinced, But he also admitted that he was too waved and did not choose a safe and wretched development.

"Thank you."

This is a sincere thanks. Annie accepted it with a smile, and after having breakfast, she couldn't wait to enjoy the delicious food Arthur made for her.

"By the way, do you know where to recruit mercenaries? Trustworthy mercenaries." Arthur asked.

hearing this, she stopped eating, frowning and asked: "Do you want to recruit mercenaries?"


Annie suddenly became a little displeased: "Don’t you understand Heinrich’s words?"

"I have to recruit mercenaries." Arthur said resolutely, he was busy making money when he arrived at King's Landing, and he did it for Having the ability to protect yourself when the crisis comes, without the ability of one enemy and one hundred, spending money to recruit mercenaries is the best choice.

Annie: "It looks like a beautiful scenery for you to walk among the nobles like this, but the danger you have learned yesterday, why not take a long lesson?"

Arthur Hearing this can only be bitterly replied: "Annie, you don't understand."

"No, you don't understand!" This time she was really angry. She didn't even finish eating the delicacy she liked earlier. Go, and leave without looking back.

Looking at Annie's leaving back, Arthur could not tell her anything except a helpless sigh, and then casually leaked the plot of Song of Ice and Fire World, he would definitely die ugly.

The sky is still clear.

The sun doesn't dry the excrement and urine in King's Landing. The sun smells so bad that God can smell it, and it doesn't stop.

The Red Keep on Aegon's High Hill, the highest of the three high hills in King's Landing, can also smell the smell of the city.

Go to Tower of the Hand to continue processing the paperwork arranged by Eddard Stark. Arthur meets his cheap big brother Ryan Waters again.

"I heard that you were attacked yesterday night?"

Arthur hid his vigilance in his heart and smiled reluctantly, nodded and said: "Yes."

Ryan Waters asked: "Is there anything I can do for you?"

After hesitating for a while, Arthur still asked: "I want to find out where to recruit mercenaries."


...to be continued...

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