Arthur, who hopes for peace in the world and creates a better future, is working hard for it.

But even the general trend cannot be reversed. Most things are powerless. In fact, it can be attributed to the fact that the golden finger is not against the sky. Except for the time when Joffrey burned the witch to death, the attribute panel was activated. For so long, it has been nothing. No reaction.

Can't upgrade, can't add points, can't learn skills, can't post tasks, can't communicate...

Fortunately, he is a down-to-earth person, and the golden finger is a decoration You can also learn everything you need with your heart, and strengthen yourself with your own efforts.

Individual strength is not enough, so the group will come together. He has recruited 300 mercenaries under the money offensive that almost spent all the money he earned!

Although it is an external force, it is a force capable of coping with crises!

Every day, we basically maintain a two-point line from the bedroom to the Tower of the Hand and the workshop outside the city. Arthur silently reads books, practices swords, researches and produces items that can determine the future, and carries out the dormant that is most conducive to development!


The prosperity of King's Landing can easily fascinate people.

Sansa Stark, who likes beautiful clothes, moving songs, heroic deeds and handsome knight, has reached puberty. As a traditional Westeros lady, she admires the handsome Joffrey Crown Prince and dreams of becoming the woman next to King in the future. The noble Queen.

The life of Royal Capital is colorful. House Stark Eldest Young Lady, who lost the little wolf, was unconsciously blinded by the glitz here.


There are a lot of troubles caused by tourney, as Hand of the King, taking over the mess of kingdom, Eddard Stark every time Small Council is unprecedented Irritable.

Since the attack on Arthur, King's Landing has become more and more chaotic. The King's Landing security team, the head of Golden Robe, Jenos, has reported the bad things that have happened because of Tourney.

"It's the tourney of'King'!" Eddard really annoyed Robert's tourney, "I promise, Hand of the King has nothing to do with this!"

Jenos Slinter said in business: "Lord Stark, you can call it whatever you want. The city is already full of people, and more people come in every day. There was a sao action in a tavern last night. A brothel caught fire, three battles with knives and weapons, and a drunk horse rushed to the nun’s street."

Varys: "True terrifying."

Renly has seen Jie a long time ago. North was not pleasing to the eye, and said contemptuously: "If you can't maintain the order of King's Landing, maybe you should change to a competent person to be the head of the city management"

However, Jenos is King Robert promoted to the head of golden robe, he Not afraid of Renly's threat: "I need more manpower."

Eddard helplessly said: "You will get 50 people, Baelish adults will pay the bill."

Littlefinger hearing this froze. Frozen, it was clearly that House Stark had made a lot of money recently, so why let me pay the bill: "Me?"

"If you find the money to fill the champion's pocket, you will definitely find money to maintain order. "When it comes to money, Eddard is upset. He borrowed huge sums of money from Iron Bank and Lannister. "I'm drawing 20 people from my private guard for you until the crowd disperses."

"Master Hand of the King, I am grateful, they will definitely come in handy." Janos bowed and left.

Eddard is very disgusted with Tourney: "The sooner this thing ends, the better."

Varys stated powerfully: "My lord, these events can make the kingdom more prosperous, and for the nobles This is a great opportunity to claim glory. For the common people, I will take a rest for the time being, so that every hotel in the city will be full of guests."

Littlefinger laughed: "The girls are tired. I can’t stand up straight."

Hearing the words of a love rival who still likes his wife, the tough The North man Eddard said with displeasure: "I am sure that the conference will fill the pockets of individual people with gold coins."


Nothing else, the meeting ended. Renly, Varys, and Littlefinger one after another greeted and left, but Eddard stopped Grand Maester Pycelle, who was complaining about the hot weather and staggering, and asked him about the former Hand of the King Jon. About Arryn,

"Well... his death was a heavy blow to us. I personally participated in his treatment, but failed to save him. The attack on him was too cruel. And it was too fast. I saw him in the room the night before his death. Lord Jon often came to consult with me."

Lannister has long been voted for. It seems old and confused, but actually very cunning. Pycelle is perfunctory.

But Eddard also said to catch the key points that he deliberately concealed in his words and let the pretended Pycelle rely on age to show of age fail. He hesitated and told him Jon Arryn, the night before his death, I found a book specially.

Then Grand Maester, who was forced to ask helplessly, had to take out the book, which contained a description of many high lords, their ladies and their descendants-"The Genealogy and History of Kingdoms Seven Great Lords"!

Eddard Stark is a pure soldier. He is also an upright, loyal, and honorable knight. But in terms of intrigue, he misses the Messy Old Man too much. He puts Jon Arryn’s sentence before his death, "It was revealed that it induced him to tell the speculation that Jon Arryn was poisoned.

Pycelle hearing this quickly denied: "This idea is really chilling, no no no. I don’t think it’s possible. Everyone respects Master Hand of the King. Who dares to... ."

Eddard never dispelled Lannister's suspicion: "I've heard people say that poison is a woman's weapon."

"Yes, woman...coward.. . And eunuch." Pycelle tried to use the Kingdom Master of Whisperers to confuse the audience: "Do you know that Lord Varys is eunuch?"

The things he believed were not that easy to shake, but Eddard still did what Pycelle wanted Suspected the octopus spider.


The workshop outside the city arranged work for the workers, completed the improvement of the paper, and ordered the people to buy food and tools to prepare wine, and observed Mouldy rotten bread for a moment, with nothing to do, Arthur was at a loss for a moment.

"You seem to be quite free today, do you want to go for a walk?" Bastard Chris of Annie Uncle, who looked at Arthur sitting in a daze, said, "Come on to tourney, the city is very lively."


"Forget it." Arthur doesn't like being too busy, otherwise he would not choose the career of librarian in his previous life.

"Why don't we practice swords for a while?"

"Do you want to learn swordsmanship?" Chris hearing this was stunned, nodded and said, "No problem."

As the business grows, all this area is bought, 300 people guarding around, basically don’t be afraid of anyone with ulterior motives, find a relatively clean open space and two practice swords, Arthur will do it with the sword. Get ready.

Chris looked at him with a serious look and a decent posture, which was very different from the image of the versatile future Maester he saw.

the thoughts got to this point, you have to try Arthur's skills: "Come here."

"You are careful!"

Arthur Although He is a young boy less than 13 years old. He used to be weak in writing, but during this period of development, he ate well and exercised regularly, his body grew very fast, and he had reached a height of six meters and six meters.

After Annie's patient teaching and good learning ability, the swordsmanship has now reached the primary level. When the imposing manner comes up, there will be aggressive attacks.

"Yes, but you don't have enough power." As soon as he played, Chris knew Arthur's shortcomings. He easily blocked his slash, improved a collision, and knocked him to the ground.

Then asked: "Your swordsmanship was taught by Annie, right?"

Arthur got up and replied: "Yes, I often practice with her."

Chris shook his head: "No wonder the power is not enough. You have to know that the enemy is impossible. You are always a weak girl. Skills are not enough."

"Now it's my turn to attack. Take a good look at what you lack Brave." be continued...

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