The real Winter is Coming has not yet arrived. The severe cold has already hit the earth first, and the wind is more beneficial than a knife, freezing into the bone marrow.

Under the huge fish-beam-wood heart tree, Barristan was standing in front of the fire in front of the cave, rubbing his hands with dignity, observing the densely packed ghouls outside.

Help Wildling retreat south, and was attacked by the Others who were carrying Blizzard. They separated from Night's Watch and most of the Wildlings, and retreated here by chance.

He put his arms around the pretty Wildling spear woman, a strong and burly fatty carefree came out of the cave, looking up at the sky with few dark clouds and sunny, and said: "The weather is pretty good today."

Barristan, who was hearing this, smiled helplessly: "Your Majesty, it’s dangerous here, you shouldn’t come out."

Hearing what Kingsguard Captain said, the big fatty King disdainfully "cut "With a sound, he said uncomfortably: "If we don't come out to breathe, we will all be moldy in the cave."

Speaking, the bored Robert changed his voice and asked: "The number of these ghouls has changed. Is it?"

Barristan shook his head: "There is no change."

"Seven hells, Children of the Forest, I’ve made a fish-beam wood seed paste, I’m already vomiting, Bally Stan, can we eat meat?"

Surrounded by the resurrected dead, trapped in the cave for a few months, the food and living supplies were exhausted, and Robert was full of complaints.

From the snowstorm, you escaped from the encirclement of the Others and escaped here. If it weren’t for the mysterious cold hand who dressed and behaved like a Night’s Watch Ranger, and had the help of Children of the Forest, They absolutely become dead and controlled by Others.

It’s pretty good to be alive.

As for eating meat?

Now I can only dream about it!

Looking at the bitter and helpless Kingsguard Captain, Robert also shook his head and sighed, and said, "Another guard has passed away. Go in and help deal with it. Here we are watching."

The warrior rushed out of the Others in the snowstorm, escaped from the army of the dead, and escaped here with only three or two big cats and kittens. The warrior did not die on the battlefield, but could not bear the cold and hunger and sleep.

Barristan, who was sad and nodded hearing this, resigned to King and went back to the cave to help deal with the body of the dead guard.

The remaining seven guards are all stark and scrawny.

Children of the Forest’s fish-beam wood seed paste, so many people in the cave are not enough.

Because of their identities, Robert and Barristan can eat with Brandon Stark, Leide Jiujian, and Mela Leide, and the Wildling Spearwoman can eat half full as a guard They can barely survive.

The heart was pierced by the Dragon Crystal dagger to prevent the resurrected corpse from being moved out of the cave. It was soon burned to charcoal under the magic of Children of the Forest, and then Balistan led people to dig a grave nearby bury.

Looking at sadness, and even desperate people appeared in his eyes, Li De pondered for a moment, opened the mouth and said: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, the three-eyed crow has seen Lord Eddard , His Royal Highness Ryan, His Highness Varian, and His Highness Arthur will go north to Wall, and they will come and take us back soon."

Robert laughed: "I hope we can still hold on."



I have discussed things about The Seven Church and Lahlo Church. Everyone who has prepared food, Do not stay in this city more and lead the army to leave White Harbor and go north to Wall.

With this opportunity, Mikal of The Seven Church brought Angela and more than a hundred warrior sons to Wall again.

After discussion, a plan was made for The Seven church in wild ambition. The crowd did not stop them from going north. Arthur even acquiesced to Angela's younger sister Liadrin to follow him.

Ambrosius guides his destiny and never really reveals the future.

The three knights, Gawain, Lancelot, and Lan Mullok, chose to be loyal, but unlike Annie, Selena, and Heinriche, they are Arthur’s true recognition and complete trust. Confidant!

Therefore, on the journey north to Wall, the three round table knights were all assigned duties, and each took over a Hundred Men Squad soldier assigned by Lord Eddard.

The war makes the woman who has no power to hold a chicken walk away.

Lianna Elizabeth, in the name of King mistress, as well as the relationship between Ryan and Varian, stubbornly brought Guinivia to the north with the army.

She retrieved the missing King outside the Great Wall!

Arthur is surrounded by women.

Ryan, Varian, and Lord Eddard, who were so happy, had no objection, and arranged Lianna, who wanted to get Robert back, to be taken care of by Arthur.

Three knights are in charge of three hundred people, walking in the back of the army. The young man thinks this is very good.

However, Ambrosius is extremely dissatisfied with this!

Looking at the prince who was chatting with the female knight, the white-bearded old man finally couldn't help but speak: "Your Majesty, is it not good for you to indulge in beauty and fun like this before the war?"

"Indulge in beauty and fun?" Hearing the old man's words, Heinly Kay, the poisonous tongue, suddenly opened up ruthlessly: "Your dog sees us having fun?"

"As for indulging in beauty Luke? Is there a problem with your brain?"

Arthur shook his head: "cough cough, Heinly Kai, don't speak so aggressively."

Ambrosius sees it He groaned and said: "His Royal Highness, don't be angry if I say something bad. Both Miss Heinrich and Miss Annie are infertile. Miss Selena is only a mercenary. If you mix with them like this, there will be nobles. The young lady stumbled upon them."

"Is it Miss Guinievia from House Windsor in the High Court?" Heinrich sneered.

To guide the teenager on the right track of fate, the old man with a mission shook his head and sighed: "Miss Heinrich, you have a prejudice against Guinivia, she is actually the best wife to be your Highness."

Fudge on Gawain, Lancelot, Lan Mallok, and Guinvia. Arthur is too lazy to care. Can you hear that the old man wants to use fate to fool Hein Likai?

He frowned and said: "Mr. Ambrosius, I accept your guidance to the capable knight to be loyal, but it doesn't mean you can talk nonsense."

" I know, you haven’t seen the true picture of the future."

Ambrosius instead asked, "Does your Highness really have no feelings for Guinvia? In fact, I know very well, Your Highness. It’s to alienate Guinivia to oppose fate."

"I have to admit that Miss Guinivia is indeed beautiful." Heinlikai coldly snorted and said, "But do you have I thought, it’s no good for Arthur to do this?"

Being a non-aristocrat and not sensitive enough to politics, Ambrosius was a little puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Arthur Just shook his head, too lazy to explain too much to the old man.

But Heinlikai would not be polite, and asked in a cold voice: "Guinievia comes from House Windsor. You let Arthur marry her because you want Arthur to get high court support to go with Ryan and Wari. Is Ann fighting for the throne?"

When I heard this, Ambrose Xiuston became silent.

"When Others are eliminated and Lannister is put down, you can use Arthur to fight for power in this way, but now there are many crises. If civil unrest leads to tragedy.

Can you say something holy? Lorraine’s extinction was caused by fate to get rid of the relationship?"

Arthur brows tightly knit: "Okay Heinrich, let alone these useless."

Girl coldly snorted: "Is it useful or not? You don't know whether it is useful or not? Or are you too stupid to want brother to smash the wall?"

Arthur: "You know he was kind."

Time mingled with the poisonous tongue girl, Selena, who knows the unpredictability of people and understands the situation of Holy Lorraine, also shook her head and said: "But what he did is bad."

Anything can be involved in crafty plots. and machinations, Arthur is really annoyed: "Don't talk about this, can you?" be continued...

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