"Your Majesty!"

Follow the Grand Duke The North out to Winterfell, and meet the silver-haired queen next to the giant dragon, the girl of the sea monster, Aralia ·The three sisters Shad and Sha Snake hurriedly ran over happily.

Seeing the five people, the Dragon Queen glanced dissatisfiedly with Arthur, who tried to reduce her sense of existence.

I cared about several ladies: "How was your time in Winterfell?"

Aralia said: "Everyday all is too cold to wake up!"


Trenee was nodded with a full face of approval: "This ghost place is not for people!"

Asha hearing this shook the head, and then said resolutely to the dragon queen: "Your Majesty, Thank you very much for offering me a ransom for my younger brother Theon, so that I can redeem me."

"This is what I should do."

I went to Wall in a few days during that period, no I saw Theon Greyjoy who was tortured so badly, but after Daenerys returned to Dragonstone, he also heard the Queen's Hand Tyrion say.

"Why didn't you see your younger brother?"

The girl of the sea monster smiled bitterly: "He once attacked Winterfell and committed evil deeds. Now he is in prison."

Daenerys nodded, looked at Eddard who was carrying the item for the ceremony, and asked: "Can the Duke release Theon?"

For betraying his son at a critical moment, he led his troops to attack Winterfell Eddard hearing this frowned, hesitated for a moment, or for the overall situation, said: "You will leave the dungeon."

Just let Theon out of the dungeon, not let it go directly, Daenerys It was understood that Stark had not let go of Winterfell's breach.

Now the most important thing is to bring the dragon back to life, and then talk about the five captives of the three sisters Asha, Aralia and Sand Snake, and finally it’s Theon Greyjoy.

Set up the item, light a bonfire soaring, and Melisandre has begun to resurrect the dragon!

Luo Li'an was also brought over and worked as an assistant for Priestess. He took the dagger to the dragon corpse and used a knife on it, but found that the hard dragon scales ordinary dagger could not be broken at all.

"Queen Your Majesty, we need dragon scales for ceremony, but my dagger can't be cut off."

Hearing what little Priestess said, Daenerys signaled Jorah to let him do it. , But didn't expect longsword to chop with all my strength, only to draw a few sparks.

"Your Majesty, my sword cannot break through the dragon scales."

The girl of the sea monster looked at Arthur, who was a transparent person, and said to the dragon queen: "Your Majesty , Arthur Sacred Lorraine has the Valyrian Steel sword, and he seized the nightfall from Geras Harlow."

"Arthur, go and help them." Eddard said to the prince.

Hand of the King agrees, and the boy is not easy to refute, using the sword edge of the sword to pick a scale, only to find that the dragon scales are harder than he thought.

There is a Valyrian Steel sword, and the holy light must be blessed to cut off the scales.

Receiving the scales, Luo Lian looked towards Daenerys again: "We still need dragon blood, living dragon blood."

hearing this, Daenerys immediately controlled Zhuo Geng to land on the ground and let Arthur Continue to take blood.

The young man thought it would be fine to stab a sword, didn’t expect Luo Lian to bring a jar: "At least half."

Looking at the dragon queen who was controlling, he found the black scales in front of him. giant dragon nodded, Arthur made a cut in the dragon's leg without hesitation.

Looking at the dragon blood flowing into the jar, Arthur was a bit fascinated. He felt an inexplicable feeling for the warm blood. It was a strange attraction and a mysterious resonance!

The Luo Lan Family used to be a branch of House Targaryen. In theory, today’s Sacred Lorrain is also inherited from the dragon blood of the same blood and fire!

This inexplicable feeling resonates strangely...

Ryan also brought Lianna Aunt on horseback at this time.

When I saw the younger brother bleeding the dragon, I suddenly smelled the sweet smell that made his blood boil.

Is it dragon blood?

Because of a ghost, Ryan got off the horse and walked to Arthur's side, opened his mouth and drank two sips of flowing dragon blood.


Breaking the warm dragon blood entrance, Ryan immediately covered his mouth and let out a painful cry, and then squatted to the ground.


"What's the matter?"

Eddard, Arthur, and Lianna who saw this hurriedly came over to check his situation.

Ryan's face became distorted, it seemed very painful, his body was strangely hot, his skin turned red, and his body was sweating.

Dragon blood has almost received it, but Luo Lian was a little frightened by this sudden scene, and she was still holding the jar and wondering what to do.

Eddard moved towards the surrounding guards shouted: "Maester, go and call Maester immediately!"

Thinking of the resurrection ceremony, we can’t be interrupted, and when she hears the voice, Luo Lian immediately came back to his senses, paste the wound on the dragon's leg with ointment, then hurriedly tied the bandage, and ran to Melisandre with the dragon blood.

Feeling that school is over, Daenerys also returned to consciousness.

Zuo Geng flew up into the sky, she also noticed Eddard, Arthur and the others gathered together, and asked Qiao La next to him: "What happened?"

Ira Leah said: "Ryan·Holy Lorrain took a sip of dragon blood."

"What?" Daenerys was stunned.

Luo Liane ran away at this time: "Queen Your Majesty, we need you to pray to Lord of Light Lakhlo."

The Dragon Queen took a deep look and surrounded Ryan. Light golden light shimmering crowd, then nodded walked to Melisandre, opened her prepared divine scripture, and began to sing Lord of Light Lakhlo according to the words on it, praying to him.

Ryan, who was all red, seemed to explode.

Blood flows sharply in his body, and his heart beats like a rapid drum!

Arthur has no way to get him back to normal, he can only continue to perform holy light treatments with little effect.

"Damn it, why is this!" Seeing Eddard who was twitching in pain, Eddard was also panicked, "Why would Ryan suddenly drink dragon blood?!"

Lianna: "Send him back to Winterfell!"

"I found that dragon blood has a strangely attractive and weird resonance!" Arthur holy light kept showing, looked thoughtful, "Maybe Ryan feels this way too."

"What?" Eddard immediately looked towards Daenerys who was praying to the Lord of Light, and Melisandre who was casting a spell for the resurrection ceremony.

"Will it be them?"

"It shouldn't be!"

Arthur guessed the idea of ​​Hand of the King and quickly stopped him from guarding the surroundings Order, so as not to provoke unnecessary wars at the moment when Others is about to strike.

On Daenerys's side, with Melisandre's spellcasting, the bonfire turned into a soaring Flame Dragon, swaying in the fog and snow.

The cold, magically dissipated, leaving only comfortable warmth.

From it, Arthur perceives the boundless power and Supreme majesty.

Is the power of Lord of Light Rahlo? !

I have seen the shadow of Drowned God and The Seven warrior in Oldtown. I was almost imprinted by the Lord of Light. I found this power to confirm that it was the divine force of Lord of Light.

With the appearance of divine force, the painful twitching Ryan became calm, and then he fell asleep with his eyes closed.

Although the body temperature was still extremely high, I couldn't help sweating, and my skin was still red, but the rapid bulging heartbeat eased.

Want to know why this happened to Ryan, divine light flashed in Arthur's mind, and he gave birth to the idea of ​​taking a sip of dragon blood.

The blood in Ryan's body boiled, and the healing effect of holy light was not very helpful. The continuous release of Arthur was a little tired, and he stopped and found that his condition had not deteriorated and suddenly relaxed.

The dragon blood needed for the resurrection ceremony has been used up.

Arthur groaned and walked towards Melisandre, and seeing a few bowls of dragon blood left in the jar, clenched the teeth reached in and took a sip.

"Arthur, what are you doing?" Eddard was terrified when he saw Arthur's actions, and he drew his sword and rushed over.

But when Jorah and the others saw this, they drew their swords to protect their queen.

Just like Ryan drank dragon blood, Arthur felt intense pain, his throat burned, blood boiled in his body, and his body was hot and sweaty.

However, with his powerful physique, he did not fall like Ryan, and he could hold it!

"I'm fine." With a slow step, Jora and the others stepped away, and Arthur walked back towards Eddard and the others.

Eddard hurriedly helped him to care about and asked: "How are you?"

"Dragon blood will make my body heat up, my blood will boil, and my heartbeat will speed up, but for the time being, it is right There is not much harm to my body."


"Take Ryan's clothes off and help you cool down." Arthur untied his thick clothes while Hand of the King said to the safety of the nervous two.

Lianna immediately untied her clothes for her grown-up child. Lord of Light has the power to keep the temperature at room temperature, but the hot heat still makes his World of Ice and Snow bursts of heat!

Eddard looked towards Arthur sitting on the snow and asked: "Is it dragon blood?"




"Perhaps because Holy Lorrain was the blood relative of Dorag."

The other side of Arthur talking to Eddard.

After tedious steps, the babbling Melisandre has completed the resurrection ceremony.

However, the dead White Dragon is still lying motionless on the snow, without any signs of being alive.

Arthur also couldn't feel the breath of life, and never rushed back to Lord of Light to use his power.

Daenerys, who was nervous about Vesselion, stopped praying and looked at Priestess Melisandre: "Would you like to wait a while?"

Melisandre has a complicated expression: "Yes Yes, but I’m not sure how long it will take."

...to be continued...

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