Struggling to move forward in the snow over the knees, Torch flashed light and dark due to the wind and snow, and his eyes were completely dark, and the fog shrouded him and he couldn't see anything at all.

No matter what happened, Lancelot suggested: "His Royal Highness, this is not the way to go, should we act separately?"

"No, separation is too dangerous ."

Arthur has watched too many horror movies in his previous life, and most of the reasons for the extinction of those groups were scattered, and he didn't want everyone to be destroyed by Others and ghouls one by one.

"Let’s go for a while, I will use spirit strength to sense."

Jaina and Ambrosius hearing this is also nodded, together with Arthur, cautiously Release spirit strength to check the situation.

Howling wind, heavy snow, and dim environment.

Everyone proceeded cautiously for more than ten minutes, and Arthur stopped again, because he felt that they had lost their way in the thick fog and couldn’t distinguish East, South, West, North. No footprints!

"What did your Highness find?"

Hearing Barristan's inquiry, Arthur brows tightly knit said: "Nothing was found, and we have been lost in the fog. "

Heinlikai nodded: "The footprints we walked were covered by the wind and snow in a blink of an eye."

Ambrosius: "I still can't feel any Others Magical power."

In this area where fog and blizzard coexist, only the wind is raging, and other elements become silent and difficult to touch, including ice.

I don't understand what is going on.

But it is really what the Others do. If they don't want to solve it, if they try their old tricks again, the coalition forces will only end in annihilation.

What humans are afraid of is still unknown.

"Mr. Ambrosius, can you use the strong wind and try to blow away the dense fog?"

The white beard old man who is hearing this starts to release without saying a word Magic power, chanting summon, a violent gust of wind appeared.


The squally wind blows, in addition to making everyone feel even colder, the thick fog is still there, and it is completely motionless!

"If I can create such thick fog and blizzards, if I were Others, I would not have to confront the coalition forces at all, nor would the ghouls wield one blade one sword. I only need to trap them for three days, more than 10,000 coalition forces. It will all freeze to death."

Heinlikai groaned and said: "But with such a powerful spell, why don't Others cast spells during our march or on the line of defense?"

Jaina surely said: "This spell is very limited."

Ambrosius also speculated: "Others may be in the fog and blizzard."

Lan Mallok: "But we can't see anything in the thick fog and wind and snow."

"His Royal Highness has a way?" Barristan looked at the prince who brought them in.

Brows tightly knit's Arthur has been deliberate, and finally chose violence. The Holy Light Power in the body is condensed, and the Fire Element is controlled to merge with it. He opened the mouth and said in a deep voice: "Jaina, Ambu Rosius, I need your help."

Ambrosius: "What do you want me to do?"

"I need your magic."

The two slowly conveyed magic power and mana to the prince without saying a word. Feeling the different energies of the attribute, Arthur was rudely integrated into the condensed Holy Light Power.


Light is pouring out from the young man!

Light up the dark night, disperse dense fog, and block the wind and snow!

The soft light of pale-gold has become extremely dazzling and daunting this time, and the vast divine aura of Supreme is suddenly revealed!

But humans cannot compete with nature. Blizzards are not all made by the magic of Others, but led by the magic they cast.

The holy light shines in a radius of 100 meters, dispersing the fog here, forming a light shield to block the wind and snow, but it cannot completely calm the wind and snowstorm.

Arthur has reached the limit.

The magic power is exhausted, and only Holy Light Power can be provided. The magic and mana are all supported by Jaina and Ambrosius.

"I found an anomaly, Others may be there." Ambrosius spoke hard, and reached out another finger.

Barristan hearing this hesitated for a moment, and drew *|The Valyrian Steel sword from the waist of the prince came out, and said to Annie, Heinrich and Gawain: "Let's go!"


"Don't worry." Heinlikai stopped Kingsguard Captain, "Arthur said we can't be separated."

"But we can't waste the opportunity created by His Highness."

Barristan tone barely fell, Jaina opened the mouth and said: "Others are not in the blizzard, they should be outside the blizzard, at least three miles away, only you can go, we must be together."

"Okay." Seeing Ambrosius and Jaina walking slowly with Arthur, Barristan immediately opened the way.

"Your Highness, your Holy Light Power consumption is too great." Perceiving the prince's energy consumption, Ambrosius quickly reminded, "You must change the method."

Perhaps, I should change the holy light to impact release!

With the divine light flashed in his mind, Arthur immediately put this idea into action, condensing the holy light that illuminates all around, and suddenly released the moved towards Ambrosius in the direction in which he perceives the abnormality.

The dazzling golden holy light instantly turns into a Changhong.

There is a trend of torrent tilt!

The terrifying impact pushes away the snow, disperses the dense fog, and the wind and snow are stagnant!

He hit a golden rainbow channel that was 100 meters wide and three miles long directly in this dense fog and blizzard-covered area.

On the other side, there are resurrected dead ghouls, even dozens or hundreds, and they are turned into ashes by the impact of the holy light!

"I didn't see General Others over there." Heinlikai forcibly endured the dazzling golden light, and looked at the situation that was hit by the holy light without blinking.

Barristan's footsteps didn't stop at all: "But I know your Highness doesn't have much Holy Light Power for the second time."

"Then I can only fight for it." Lan Sloterbull*| came out of the indestructible lake and followed the famous Kingsguard Captain of Westeros.

Annie glanced at the prince: "I believe in Arthur."

Selena moved her frozen fingers and lifted her great sword to explode into a cheetah: "Then we will rush Right."

When seeing this, Ambrosius quickly said: "We need to maintain the mask, we can't run fast."

Looking at Lancelot who charged with Selena With Lan Mallok, as well as Barristan and Heinrich who kept their pace, Annie shook the head: "It's okay, let them go first."

Gawain is still with the prince, There are two of them, enough to deal with any danger, and Arthur can move.

A few miles, not far away.

The impact of the holy light dispelled the dense fog, pushed away the snow, blocked the wind and snow, and a large number of resurrected ghouls also surged.

The fierce and unafraid of death will launch a surge attack, but they will turn into fly ash when they touch the holy light.

Arthur and Jaina Haambrosius only walked one-fifth of the distance, and Selena, who was as vigorous as a cheetah, swept up with a big sword.

Compared to looking stupidly in the thick fog and standing and watching them perform magic, she prefers simplicity, roughness, and directness.

That is to use a sword to slash!

Under the background of golden holy light, Selena, who wields a big sword, looks like a violent War Goddess!

Lancelot and Lan Mullok were not far behind when they saw it, and they rushed to the densely packed group of ghouls with their sword skills and marksmanship.

Barristan’s impulse for the three youngsters shook the head, his right foot stomped the ground fiercely, and the whole person jumped high, and he merged with the Valyrian Steel sword borrowed from the prince in his hand and turned into a silver meteor. .

Sword light flashed, there are stumps flying around!

Heinlikai ran and opened the bow, and the Dragon Crystal arrows shot in a row.

Ambrosius has not much mana in his body. For the next battle, he decisively stopped sending mana to the prince and used Wind Element spell instead.

Let the fierce wind push him, Arthur, Jaina, Annie, and Gawain quickly*| to send, and also pick Shanghai Yinlikai directly to the group of ghouls.

"The most important thing is to find Others!"

When the white beard old man said, Heinly Kay nodded, stop wasting the few Dragon Crystal arrows in the quiver: " As long as the Others are here, I will find them."

"They are definitely there." Ambrosius believed in his own feelings.

Annie and Gawain held swords in front of the three of them, and continued to behead the ghouls, and then the old man and the female archer used Dragon Crystal daggers to make up their swords.

Jaina suddenly said: "Probably one mile in front of the right, I found that there is an abnormal magic."

Arthur no longer maintains the light mask made by the holy light impact. Panting and saying: "Others are there!" be continued...

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