When I heard Varys and Illyrio Mopatis talking under the Red Keep underground, Arya, who ran out of the Red Keep from the secret road, returned to the Tower of the Hand, and was reprimanded by the worried father Eddard. Then speak out the danger heard.

Unfortunately, her retelling was intermittent and very vague, so that Eddard could not understand it, which led to once again lost the opportunity to clarify the truth and understand the crisis.

Then, Ulun the Crow flew to King's Landing and hurriedly found him and told him that his Lady had captured Imp.

For the remnants of the previous dynasty across the Narrow Sea, King urgently convened the Small Council in the small chamber to discuss with the officials about the assassination of Daenerys who was pregnant with a child.

Worried about his wife’s safety, and even more worried about the possible outbreak of war, Eddard, a noble, glorious, and Gu family, unintentionally discussed the assassination with King, and directly fired Boss and wanted to return to The North’s hometown.


Eddard still thinks of the death of the former Hand of the King, Joan You·Aylin.

Littlefinger made a special visit to him, and he listened to the conspirator and went to the last person Jon Arryn saw before he fell ill.

From Varys, Night's Watch Ulen, to the Small Council urgently convened by King, Arthur is very clear about what happened today.

Looking at Lord Stark hurriedly packing up his things and instructing Jory to prepare to leave King's Landing, Littlefinger arrived suddenly. He knew that the preparations he had made during this period of time were about to come in handy.

The people of Winterfell took care of packing and leaving.

"Where are you going?"

I was riding on my horse to go to the workshop. Tourney was over and I was still in the same room*|Brother had a temper and didn't go home. He lives in a hotel in the city, Hein Li Kai just took the horse and appeared outside the Red Keep, stopping him: "Don't say going to the workshop."

"en?" See through.

Heinlikai said indifferently: "Don't mix things up with the nobles too much."

Hearing this, Arthur was shocked, and quickly pulled her to the side and no one disturbed her. Place: "What do you know?"

Heinlikai looked at him, coldly snorted and said: "What do you think I should know, and what shouldn't you know?"

Be silent for a moment. Seeing that Arthur couldn't ask, he didn't want to waste any more time, and planned to come back and talk to her again.

Heinlikai said: "Hand of the King and Master of Coin just went out, you are so hurried to chase, don't you think you are stupid?"

"I didn't Time to quarrel with you." As Arthur said, he started running.

Heinlikai sighed, helplessly riding a horse to keep up: "Do you know that you can't hide the secret? Now everyone in Westeros knows that you are on the Hand of the King side."


"So what?" Arthur didn't understand her reminder at all.

This caused Hein Likai to give a big roll of eyes, and hit the horse to stop him: "Since Annie asks you to take care of me, I won't look at you as stupid. You don't know what you are doing. What a stupid thing?"

A stupid thing? Silly?

The anxious Arthur is sensible, and when he thinks about it calmly, he realizes that his behavior is a bit reckless.

Heinlikai: "Let’s talk back to Red Keep."


For the naive Arthur, Hein Likai became a little impatient: "Stop it, do you want to court death? Go back to Red Keep if you don't want it!"

"Okay." Speaking so seriously, Arthur hesitated for a moment and turned his head helplessly. Back to Red Keep.

At this time, King Robert has already had a showdown with Queen, indicating that he has no feelings for his wife and helped Cersei make up his mind to assassinate.

King's Landing is a turbulent world, showing the hustle and bustle of Westeros, and setting off how elegant and magnificent the Red Keep towering on Aegon's High Hill is.

After this fortress became the Royal Palace, the luxury and the power of representation have fascinated many people.

Living in the center of the kingdom's power struggle, Arthur was so naive that Heinrich felt sad for him.

Go to Arthur’s room, close the doors and windows, Heinlikai sat down and poured herself a glass of water, looked at him lightly and asked, "Being a squire by the Hand of the King, I’m standing on his side. It's not wrong, but have you considered other things?"

"What else?" After her reminder, Arthur began to think about what was wrong with him.

Heyin Likai rolled his eyes when he saw this: "Do you think that when you do business with a nobleman, you really become their partner?"

Arthur: " But..."

"This is only the first point." Heinlikai said resolutely: "Do you think the nobles in King's Landing are clowns?"

"They can What about me?" He really thought about it, but he couldn't think of any threats or troubles those royal nobles could cause him.

Heinlikai is frowned, no longer expressionless: "They can do too much to you. Ignore them and you will die miserably. Nothing right now does not mean nothing will happen in the future."


Listening to her words, Arthur feels that standing is not, sitting is not, very embarrassing: "Well, I will pay attention to it later, thank you for reminding."

hearing this, Haiyin Li Kai took a sip and asked independently: "Arthur, you will realize that your mistakes are very good, which means that you are not too stupid to be hopeless, but I hope you are not just nothing serious, because this is the second point, and Third, fourth, fifth..."

"Heinlikai, listen, I am very grateful for you to tell me this..." Arthur groaned and interrupted her. : "But the situation is really critical now."

Heinlikai was silent for a moment, looked straight into his eyes and asked: "Will you die?"

"Uh. .. It's not me, it's Lord Eddard," he said.

"Oh, it turns out to be Kingdom Hand of the King, Lord Paramount of the North, Lord of Winterfell, Lord Eddard Stark." Hein Rikai hearing this was full of contempt: "How is he? Will he? Death? Still want to kill you?"

Arthur: "This...he didn't want to kill me..."

"Then you are trying to stop the war?" The color of contempt on Heinlikai’s face became stronger, and the tone of mockery in his words, "Who do you think you are? God?"

Not much care about her contempt and mockery, Arthur Replied loudly and loudly: "No, but I hope I can stop Stark and Lannister from starting a war."

Heinlikai sneered: "For what? World peace?"

Arthur looked at him. Said: "Do you want to see the loss of life in the kingdom?"

"No, no one wants war, but who do you think you are? You are just a lowly bastard. What is your ability and qualification to stop the war? Happened?" Heinlikai: "Rely on those mercenaries, archers and knights hired for money?"

"Now I want to tell you the third *|point, Golden Dragon can't buy loyalty. There are many people richer than you. You can hire them with money, and they will betray you because of the money."

Arthur knows this.

But does he have other options?

Taejo said that power came out of the gun barrel. He thought he was a little clever, but he was very self-aware. He knew that he was not smart enough to compete with conspirators like Littlefinger and Varys.

Because of bastard status, there is no noble support.

The golden finger is abolished again. Besides mastering a mercenary, what better way?


"Don't hesitate when talking." Hein Rikai hates his mother-in-law's performance, "You have to use your brain to prevent wars. There are actually many ways to do it, there is no need to take such a silly adventure."

Arthur was really out of temper by her words, and asked depressed: "Then what should I do?"

Hai Yinlikai's beautiful face became serious, and he looked at him and said, "Tell me something first and don't hide it."

The silence hesitated for a while, helpless Arthur leaned over, He whispered in the ear: "Catherine Lady caught Tyrion-sama."

"Hand of the King's Lady?"

Arthur nodded: "Yes."

"So Kingslayer will go to trouble with Hand of the King? Lord Paramount of the North is dangerous. He has his guards to protect him. You don't need to worry about it." Hein Likai said differently.

"But he only took three people..." Arthur said, knowing what she meant to remind herself of the guards of The North.

"I understand."

"No, you don't understand enough."

......to be continued..... .

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