giant dragon spit flames and burn in the night sky. The flames illuminate the dark night and melt the snow on the ground. The steaming water vapor is mixed with black smoke, and the battlefield is filled with smoke and smoke. The giants who stomped on the ground rumblingly, as well as the rotten and ferocious ghouls, the warrior who still clenched their weapons and fought bravely showed sadness.

Sprinkle blood and corpses.

The repeated stabs of the Dragon Crystal spear and the brandishing of the Dragon Crystal dagger let the resurrected dead return to the silence of death.

The battle has numb everyone.


Seeing the chance to win, none of The North people, Valley people, Hejian people, Reach people, royal leaders, storm leaders, or free people are willing to give up!

They want to destroy a hundred thousand ghouls outside the camp!

Keep on living!

To continue to defeat Others!

Go through the winter and return to normal life!

The giant continued to be entangled by the giant dragon, and finally stopped in the middle of the tens of thousands of resurrected dead, and did not get close to the camp anymore. Every step of it affected countless ghouls and trampled them into mud.

For this powerful rock giant with a height of 30 meters, Stannis, Robb and the others who commanded the soldiers to fight back from the retaining wall all chose to avoid the edge.

The spear is like a wall like a forest, and soldiers lined up in formation, advancing steadily with the thrust.

The spearman in front fell, and the one behind was immediately made up. The soldier holding the crystal knife would immediately check the wound of the fallen warrior. If he was killed by a ghoul, he would make up the knife. People treatment.

Division of labor and cooperation.

Tens of thousands of people united and acted together.

Soon, the situation was completely reversed, and mankind once again gained the upper hand.

No accidents happened.

As Daenerys, who entangled giants, controlled Rego to breathe dragon's breath and burn a large number of ghouls from time to time, the coalition's advantage became greater and greater, until the night sky glowing red by the fire gradually brightened, and the dead were resurrected. All the infantry forming the battle formation have been wiped out!

Looking at the two giant dragons who were completely afraid to approach and could only spit out harassment, and the giant wielding a pair of stone fists in anger, Robb groaned and said: "Now, as long as we solve the giant, we will temporarily It’s safe."

"Not so optimistic."

Stannis, who was hearing this, poured cold water: "The Wall collapsed, Castle Black was destroyed, and most of the stored food was buried in Under the ice cube, we might run out of food soon.

And...this is just a future crisis. There is no Wall now, and there is no blocking outside the wall. If there are Others and ghouls attacking, we will There is nowhere to guard...

Don’t forget, there are more than 200,000 ghouls going south, and we only wiped out half of them!"

I heard from the younger brother Frustrated, Robert immediately scolded shouted: "Enough, you don't need to remind us that the situation is not good, but the most important thing now is to control the rock giant, not to blow morale!"

Melisandre Looking at the few people who were trying to sound the horn of Winter, they asked, "Can you show me the horn?"

There is no way to control the giant with the horn.

I heard the red robe female question, even though Ambrosius did not like this sacrificial offering, she still handed the horn to her.

Priestess did not try to sound the horn.

Throw the torch in her hand to the ground and close her eyes to perform the divine technique. When the flames on the torch burst up, she slowly put the Legendary magic horn on the fire to bake.

Several wisps of black smoke appeared, floating on the firelight, appearing illusions in the flames!

Retracting the horn, Melisandre said to everyone: "I have seen the Oracle of Lord of Light.

It is easy to solve the ancient rock giant. The horn cannot be sounded. Because of the lack of power, we can instill the power to sound, and then control the giant to use it for us."


Hearing Melisandre’s words, Robert, Ryan, Varian, Barristan and the others are all happy.

Red robe is nodded, she looked at Penelope and Lorian, and said to them: "Come with me to instill strength for the horn."

In fact, it's not just Meili. Sandra saw the illusion through the flames, and everyone saw it.

But not the priests of the Red God, Robert, Ryan, Barristan, Robb and the others, even if they saw it, they didn't understand what the vague illusion meant.

It can be the same as Lord of Light Priestess. Penelope knows exactly what the illusion means. The Oracle not only told Melisandre how to solve the problem of the rock giant, but also instructed them to take the giant as servants. !

Any power can be instilled to charge the horn, but Melisandre only asks herself and Lorian to help, the meaning is very obvious.

"No problem."

Looking at Penelope and nodded without hesitation, he faintly realized that something was right, but he couldn't tell that there was a problem with Ambrosius. Qingqing frowned, and did not oppose the three Priestess instilling strength into the horn.

"Then what can we do now?" As the Queen Iron Guard, seeing the Queen still controlling the dragon to take an adventure in the sky, Jorah quickly opened the mouth and said, "We can't stand here!"

"Of course not."

Ryan knew Jora was worried about the Dragon Queen.

Although Daenerys is their future enemy of House Baratheon, they are all upright warriors and will not cheat their teammates here.

Varian also said: "We will go over and help immediately."

Forget it, the third son, Arthur, masters Holy Light Power, has a broad mind and has no intention of competing for the Iron Throne, giving up his own rights. .

But Ryan is the Crown Prince, and Varian is the future lord of Stormlands. The two sons who have inheritance rights and were educated by the nobility since childhood both help the enemy. Robert suddenly became unhappy, and the loudly coldly snorted was capricious. Step back to the camp.

Barristan smiled helplessly when he saw this, and quickly explained to Jorah: "Sorry, Your Majesty is a little tired..."

Ryan knows father’s character and knows him. Not wanting to help Daenerys, she immediately said to Jora and Angela: "I'm ready, do you want to go to support together?" The kindness of the three of Rian and Arthur: "Thank You Your Highness very much."

"I think you need help."

At this time, after burning all the things and returning to silence The ghoul, Tormond and the King of Bones came with the remaining three giants.

Ryan laughed immediately: "It's great that you are willing to help."

Speaking, he glanced at the three Priestess who were instilling strength in the Horn of Winter. Take the longsword and take the lead in the battlefield of giants and dragons.

Ambrosius, with old arms and legs, runs a little slow.

He caught up with Jaina, Annie, Selena, Gawain and the others out of breath, and said: "Miss Annie, I heard the soldiers say that Your Royal Highness is back in the camp and is in a coma and needs someone to take care of it. How do you go back and take care of it?"

Hearing this, Annie, Selena, Jaina, and the others stopped, and Gawain and Lancelot hesitated whether to continue to deal with the giants. .

Varian stopped hearing this and said to everyone: "Annie, you and Selena go back to take care of Arthur, you need to rest after fighting all night.

You are Gao Wen, right?"

Gao Wen, who was named by Second Prince, was immediately nodded, indicating he obeyed his orders.

"You guys continue to fight with us against giants."

"Yes." For Varian’s arrangement, Gawain, Lancelot, Ran Mallok will not object to it.

Just to deal with the ghoul, Namelia was a little weak. After a night of fighting, she was really exhausted. Hearing this stopped with Annie and Selena.

Thinking about it with Asha, the girl of the sea monster next to Robb and younger brother Theon, and didn't want to get involved in the battle with the rock giant.

Because the three Priestess were instilling power into the horns, guessing how long they would be able to control the giants with the horns, they felt that there was no need to take risks for Ryan and Varian to express their opinions to their allies.

"Theon, we should take a break."

As a nobleman, even though he grew up in House Stark, Theon knew that the two princes’ supportive behavior was only to express their opinions, but he He shook his head without even thinking about it, and continued to act with Robb.

Asha was speechless.

The battlefield between the giant and the dragon is two miles away.

After the gift of The Seven warrior, everyone's strength has been improved. Under the full speed, they reached the outskirts of the giant and dragon battlefield in a blink of an eye.

For everyone who came to support.

Controlling Rego Daenerys frowned, thinking that they could not help much and might be injured by mistake.

As for the giant outside the Great Wall, which is only four or five meters tall, it will still be trampled to death by the 30-meter tall rock giant. It is useless to come.

The snow is all transpired by the high heat of the dragon flame.

In the misty vapor, Daenerys reluctantly withdrew from the changeable control, and said to the people below who were trying to get close to the giant: "Don't come here!"

"But the Queen Your Majesty, we I want to help you!" Qiao La quickly responded.

Daenerys is very grateful for the support of everyone, but they can't help much, they may be accidentally injured by the dragon, or stepped on by the giant's footsteps: "No! Zhuo Geng is about to breathe, you guys leave!"

Facing a giant with a height of thirty meters, a weight of 1,000 tons, and a body made of hard rocks.

Everyone is actually full of powerlessness.

However, as a warrior, they cannot be afraid!

More fearless!

How strong is it?

Only battle!

Heaven is on the left, and the warrior is on the right!

Black Dragon spews hot dragon's breath hunting and burns the ground, the warrior, holding the weapon, bypasses the dragon flame and rushes out recklessly.

Relying on the three giants, Ryan and Varian, whom Annie borrowed from the dark sisters, were thrown into the scars of the rock giant's leg, and then quickly climbed to the position of the stone giant's chest.

As long as it is a humanoid, the chest and head must be the key!

The two princes showed fearless bravery, and the others were not far behind, trying to climb the sword marks on the legs of the rock giant.


They have not been strengthened by dragon blood, they are only gifted by The Seven warrior. Robb, Theon, Chora, Gawain, Tormund and the others, even with the help of giants, still cannot achieve Ryan and Varian jumped ten meters like that.

Only look at them from the ground, and then get away from the big feet of the rock giant in embarrassment.

Is the Lord of Light divine force instilled in the Horn of Winter? Melisandre, Penelope, and Lorian, their plans to control the rock giant did not go well.

You can charge the horn, but you can't let the mighty power of Lakhlo occupy this Legendary magic item.

As Ryan and Varian climbed onto the chest of the rock giant, they saw the beating heart of the stone deep in the sword scar with their sharp eyes, and suddenly understood what Arthur was going to do to return to the night.

There is no hesitation.

The dark sisters and the emptiness lady immediately moved towards Shixin fiercely and threw them.


As a result, even a scratch can be made on the stone core.

Seeing the healthy beating stone heart in the giant's chest is nothing, Ryan was immediately depressed: "So hard?"

Varian: "No wonder Arthur failed. Kill it."

Ryan looked towards the younger brother who picked up the sword but did not continue to throw it and asked, "You don't want to continue?"

Varian: "Or Wait for the horn."

"Okay." Ryan immediately yelled at Robb, Jorah, Lancelot and the others who were embarrassed and avoided the giant: "We can't hurt the stone giant. You go and urge red robe Priestess to quickly recharge the horn!" be continued...

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