Just when Arthur listened to Bran, talked about Greenseer and Skinchanger inheritance, and went back to worry about how to search for Others.

Among the survivors rescued by the coalition forces who escaped the ghoul butcher knife, there are "little birds" that were once under the command of the Kingdoms Master of Whisperers Varys and are now recruited by the Cobain Grand Maester.

Robert, the Dragon Queen, Stannis, the former King in the North Robb, Asha, the daughter of the sea monster, Namelia, the daughter of the Dorne red poisonous snake, and the others form an alliance with the Vale of Arryn , Riverlands forces, Stormlands forces, some forces of the imperial leader, Legion the Unsullied, and Dothraki formed a coalition to pursue the Others and the dead army going south.

Being a spy, how can you not report such important news?

However, the coalition forces have Skinchanger, and all the ravens are under their control, and they can’t send any letters at all.

Even if it is a spy, it must be an unremarkable civilian, so impossible is specially equipped with a raven, even if it is hidden and used.

Air dominance is in the hands of Skinchanger.

A strange raven will be spotted by Greenseer when it flies, and then it will become its own eyes and ears.

If you want to deliver a message, you can only rely on manual delivery.

But in the winter of World of Ice and Snow, there is no food and supplies, and no strength to protect yourself from ghouls. If you leave the coalition and run into the wild, you will die.

However, how can someone who can be trained as a spy not have half-ability?

They pretend to be civilians and cannot deliver letters, but the nobles in the coalition have the right to deliver letters to their families and can call the ravens taken over by Skinchanger.

And the nobles with complicated minds, especially those who are unremarkable and the little aristocrats in distress, are always easily moved by their interests!


After some twists and turns, "little birds" promised the Golden Dragon and bought a little nobleman to send a letter to King's Landing.

When I received the situation at King's Landing Cobain Grand Maester.

The former kingdom Master of Whisperers, the trainer of Pentos "mice", escaped from King's Landing, flew around the kings, Varys of Riverlands, and finally showed his talents in Lannisport.

Through an intelligence officer who had been trained by himself, after Cobain learned of the coalition intelligence, he received the same news the next day.

"Tyrion, I have news from Queen Your Majesty."

"Really? Good news...or good news?" Hearing the Octopus spider, Tyrion First, I was happy, and then I took a sip to show that I didn't want to hear any bad news.

Malwin, Jon, Missandi and the others are all sad and happy, looking forward to receiving news from the queen, and afraid of her accident.

Master of Whisperers did not sell off, and directly said: "The Queen Your Majesty is not in danger, and is leading the Unsullied, Dothraki warrior and the coalition forces to go south, and is also engaged to the Third Prince of the Luo Lan Family clan."

"Be engaged to the Third Prince of Holy Lorraine?"

Jon, Marvin, Moroa and the others all showed surprises. But Tyrion was stunned with a stunned expression. He was happy and worried about the news. Missandei and the Queen's subordinates didn't feel much about the engagement. After all, the Dragon Queen had a husband and lover in Slave Bay.

Seeing the different color on Imp's face, Varys quickly asked: "What's the matter, our queen's hand is not optimistic about this marriage?"

Tyrion shook the head of hearing this "No, I’m very optimistic about this marriage, but it doesn’t mean that this marriage is good for us." Malvin said, "No, Hand of the King, Queen Your Majesty." Marriage with His Royal Highness Arthur means that we are not invading the Unsullied and Dothraki with Essos, and we have also obtained the right to fight for the Iron Throne."

Imp’s irrefutable nodded: "I have all of these. I know, but we know better, whether Robert and his son abandon the Iron Throne, and the war will start sooner or later."

Jon hearing this shook the head, reminded: "These are too far away, Others It’s urgent to be with the army of the dead."

Jaime pondered then said: "Perhaps we can take the Golden Regiment to join the coalition."

Tyrion immediately bitterly laughed: "Cersei won't let You did this, and soon the Golden Group and the Iron Islands fleet will be recalled by her to defend King's Landing."

Malwin: "This is not good news. Westeros is dead and alive. Still thinking of internal fighting."

"I can try to go back to King's Landing and persuade her to form an alliance with the coalition forces."

Hearing Jaime's words, Tyrion suddenly showed joy, knowing that big Brother is very likely to persuade Cersei to let her join the alliance against Others and ghouls to save Westeros.


The giant dragon is escorted by the giant dragon, and the rock giant is guarded in the game.

The Arthur who mastered Holy Light Power rode with the Dothraki warrior and acted together as the vanguard cavalry unit of the Allied Forces to deal with the sharpest arrows of the Others and the army of the dead.

Facing the ghouls raging south like a tide.

Under the gloomy sky covered by dark clouds, the Dothraki cavalry rushed in the snow, all covered with pale-gold holy light, fearlessly transformed into an irresistible torrent, impacting tens of thousands of dead , Black Dragon Crystal scimitar passed, fearless of life and death and painful ghouls, fell in patches and returned to silence.

"The city of three mountains is in front of you."

On the shoulders of the rock giant, Ryan, as the supreme commander of the coalition army, gave the battle order and went up to the giant to observe the battle.

"Is there still no trace of Others?"

Heard the inquiry of Crown Prince, Lothar, as his adjutant in Kingdoms 1st Infantry and now his closest comrade-in-arms shook the head: "Not yet. It is estimated that Others have moved south from Lannister and attacked King's Landing directly."

Alsace sighed, King's Landing has a population of 500,000. If they all become ghouls, Others hides and refuses to show up again, and the advantage they finally get will be gone.

Looking at the ghouls falling back to death, and turning to the cavalry who continued to dig through the group of ghouls, Lothar couldn’t help feeling: "Dothraki is about to destroy this ghoul army, and His Royal Highness Arthur has control The Holy Light Power is really enviable."

Ryan: "Who doesn't envy?"

"His Royal Highness Arthur really shouldn't waste his power." Alsace is this one. It is a pity that the prince chooses to learn knowledge and become a character like Maester, instead of commanding the army to fight.

"This is his choice."

Ryan shook his head and said, and ordered the whole army to attack the troops, let them destroy the few ghouls left and then *|Enter Three Mountain City.

I didn't encounter Others, and the battle to support Sanshan City was very successful. Under the flames of the giant dragon, the Dothraki cavalry blessed with the charge of the holy light, and scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in a blink of an eye.

When I entered the city, I saw that I hadn't seen him for a long time, his complexion was a bit unpleasant, and he was in charge of the reconstruction of Commander of the Kingdoms 1st Infantry Francis Arnold Old Master.

"Grandpa, are you injured?"

Seeing Old Master, Ryan, as grandson, handed over the matter to the younger brother and Lothar, Arthas and the others, and immediately concerned The situation of a loved one.

Fighting with the ghouls shed a little blood, but Francis Old Master’s body is still very clear, shook the head said calmly: "I’m fine, I’ve bandaged the wound, Commander, let’s talk about it now. Let’s take a look at the situation in Sanshan City and its surroundings."

Ryan, who knew that there was nothing wrong with Old Master’s body and hadn’t forgotten his identity, hurriedly said: "Grandpa, you say it."

Back to the town hall of Sanshan City, serving as the command room of the military town, Arnold Old Master only saw the Dragon Queen, Varian, Robb and Stannis: "Where is Your Majesty?"

"Imperial Father went to brothel." Varian said in embarrassment.

Varian, Stannis, Robb and the others have a deep understanding of the virtues of this King. Even if Daenerys knew it, he still couldn't bear it because he didn't show up in important military meetings. Live to show contempt and disgust.

Perceiving the look of the Dragon Queen, Arnold Old Master immediately browses tightly knit. Even if the enemy temporarily forms an alliance with himself, the nature of the hostility will not change. When he is so unbearable in front of the enemy, Robert’s behavior is too much for him. disappointment.

"Where is Sir Barristan?"

"The old Sir is still directing the soldiers to clean up the battlefield." As the supreme commander, Ryan can give this job to Lothar and Arthas, of course, King can also leave it to Kingsguard Captain to do it.

Arnold Old Master: "Where is Arthur?"

Varian: "Help treat the wounded."

"Then we won't wait. "Arnold shook the head and directly stated the situation of Sanshan City and surrounding villages and towns.

The situation is not optimistic.

Three Mountain City relied on the location and the height of the walls, relying on Kingdoms 1st Infantry soldiers for their lives, and barely blocked the two ghoul attacks, but the surrounding villages and small towns could not stop them, and they all became undead. , Some survivors survived but I don’t know where they fled.

Food, supplies, etc., have also become in short supply after the Battle of Defensive City.

Moreover, the army of more than fifty thousand dead has already crossed the Sanshan City and headed south. According to their marching speed, I am afraid that they have entered the imperial domain!

The imperial collar is not far from King's Landing.

"According to the state of the coalition forces, I am afraid that I will not be able to stop them in front of the ghouls."

Varian: "Grandpa, it doesn't make sense to stop and destroy these ghouls. Just kill Resurrect the Others that control them, and we can decide in one battle!"

Hearing this, Daenerys, Stannis, Robb, Landau, and the others all agree with nodded, but as a way to help Robert win the War Francis Arnold, a veteran of the Usurper, shook his head and objected: "You take it for granted."

"Others have such a huge force, why should you find them?"

"It's nonsense that you want to find the King of Others!"

"Be steadfast, first concentrate your forces on the ghoul army, solve the crisis of King's Landing, stabilize the situation and survive the winter, We won’t regain our advantage until Winter is over!"

For Old Master, it’s not a transcender, no dragons and rock giants. It’s just that the ordinary warrior’s Landau Tali agrees very much, but does not take the initiative to attack. Destroying Others is actually more difficult to survive the long winter under the threat of magical creatures. Tens of thousands of coalition forces may eventually survive less than a hundred people.

Everyone has different opinions on how to win this Others war.

The public said that the public is reasonable, and the mother-in-law said that the mother is reasonable.

Arthur treated the wounded soldiers and helped the Maesters handle the logistics. Hearing Daenerys talk about the meeting, he became even more anxious to find the Night King.

Praying for help from Lord of Light cannot be answered.

This situation is actually quite normal, but Arthur chose to compromise, believing in Lord of Light to get the help of his divine force.

You can complete the ceremony and accept the Lahlo divine force imprint. The boy has not received any substantial benefits, but Melisandre trained hundreds of primary level priests in the coalition army, and the Lord of Light can be led by the son of light in the future Grace, the super divine technique of huge might.

Time is up to today.

Angela and Liadrin became the only remaining teaching transcenders of The Seven in the coalition. They did not have enough strength and eloquence to retain believers, allowing almost all nobles, civilians, and soldiers to master the divine technique. When the red god priests appeared, they all chose to transfer to Lord of Light Rahlo.

The Seven, who is overwhelmed by himself, can't help.

There is a problem, and Ambrosius, who is a magic consultant, can't solve it. Arthur can only go to the last Greenseer.

"His Royal Highness, I have already said that I don't have the ability to find the Night King directly." As for the prince, Bran knew exactly what the prince came from. The future changes the status quo and enhances the strength of all of us."

Arthur was depressed: "This easier said than done."

However, teenagers are not people who give up easily, they have enough Perseverance, I specifically came to Bran this time. In addition to asking if I can find the Night King, I also need to discuss some knowledge in Greenseer inheritance.

"Bran, can you still display the green vision, display the dream of prophecy or explore the past?"

The last Greenseer said: "I need to use the heart tree to explore the past. As for the dream of predicting the future, it has been a long time since the dream of predicting the future has not been passed. Apart from the transformation, with the fall of Old Gods, the power of nature can no longer be used."

Including the control of nature, the exploration of the past and the foresight In the future, these are the core of Greenseer's capabilities.

Inspecting the past and predicting the future can be done by many people.

And these people generally have the title of prophet.

But the ability to control nature, coupled with Skinchanger's ability to control animals, is very similar to an extraordinary class that Arthur is familiar with-Druid!

Bran ​​said that he can help Skinchanger create a new future.

It's like helping Jaina become an Arcanist!

Therefore, after asking about the knowledge that he didn't understand in inheritance, he immediately informed the last Greenseer in the wheelchair of everything he knew about the druid.

Communicate with nature, summon the power of nature, control nature, and master the power of nature. The first two are extraordinary powers that Greenseer has mastered. The Old Gods of rivers and trees can do it.

As for the deformed animal form...

Even if Bran, as a Greenseer, can control the wolf spirit of Direwolf in the summer, he does not believe that he can change his body structure and become an animal.

Because this involves sorcerer Transformation Technique!

Ambrosius, Jaina, and Arthur, as the pioneers and the sponsors of Sect, could not achieve this magical incomparable, only the spell in fantasy.

Bran ​​knows that his talent is only in Greenseer, and he doesn't think he can develop the Transformation Technique.


In the past countless times, Greenseer knows animals very well, and at the same time he thinks it is impossible, he gave birth to a trace of feasible guesses!

...to be continued...

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