Cross the eight thousand miles of clouds and the moon, looking at the dust and dirt of the Northland, the River, Reach, and the imperial collar.

The giant dragon is flying fast.

Everyone agreed to rescue Oldtown. After Bran woke up, he learned that the coalition forces had encountered ghouls on their way back to Sanshan City. They were already defeated and the entire army was almost destroyed. The news that Arthur, Ryan, Robert, Daenerys and the others can only hurriedly eliminate the Others that have entered Oldtown, and then ride a dragon back to the rear military town.

Fengyan Road, walk for tranquility and peace.

Even though the high altitude is bitter and cold, it’s hard to extinguish the anger in everyone’s hearts. I chose to stake all on one throw and finally successfully eliminated the Night King. Before I was about to reap a complete victory, I was behind many people’s The army was defeated by the ghouls!

At such an important critical moment, the black fish Blington Tully, Eddard Mu Tully, Dickon Tully, Davos Seaworth, these people have brain issues Yet?

The dark night.

holy light acts as a light illuminating.

Everyone rode a dragon, and soon saw the city of Sanshan, shrouded in darkness, without any light or fireworks.

"Something has happened here, we are late..."

Looking at the deserted fortress when landing on the ground, Ryan, Varian and the others looked It’s ugly, Robb quickly asked the younger brother who was the first druid in the world: "Bran, is the Three Mountain City smashed by Others?"

Bran ​​shook the head: "I don’t know, the power of the Cold God is still Yes."


In response to *|summon, the ancient Ability God who descended, is still paying attention to Arthur who masters Holy Light Power, and mastering the power of nature, once favored by Old Gods, the last Greenseer and Bran of the three-eyed crow in the world.

Darkness, coldness, and Death Power can't be heard.

For Arthur, it is like the sword of Damocles hanging over his head!

But for Bran, the evil divine force completely suppresses his natural power, prevents him from communicating with all things in nature, affects him to use any spells, envelops the green vision, and controls animals by changing shapes.

Losing eyes, everyone hurried on the road.

It is still too late to fly back to Sanshan City from Oldtown in a hurry.

"It shouldn’t be. We left the main force with the rock giant and the horn of winter. Even if the black fish Blington and the others are incompetent, knowing that the coalition is defeated, how can the Sanshan City fall silently and silently? "

Knowing the greatness of Kingdoms 1st Infantry and Arnold Corps Head, everyone does not understand why the fortress was suddenly breached.

"The cold god may have made it." Arthur speculated.

The mention of Evil God actually hurts morale.

Because, as mortals, they will find it difficult to deal with evil magical creatures. Facing the Spiritual God who masters infinite divine force, they become completely powerless and can only look up to insignificant ants.

Robert immediately looked at the priests like Melisandre and Penelope: "Isn't the Lord of Light coming?"

Melisandre nodded: "Yes. "

Robert stared at her, and asked irritably, "Why hasn't Evil God been eliminated?"

"Your Majesty, please pay attention to your words!" Hearing this , The red robe woman immediately put away her respect to the fatty King, showing strong dissatisfaction, and warned in a deep voice: "Lord of Light is the only True God of Supreme!"

Varian hearing this quickly Hold the violent warrior King: "Imperial Father, the most important thing now is to find my grandfather."

Ryan: "You must see the corpse!"

"I seem to perceive the rock giant moving north." Bran said at this time.

hearing this, on the back of the dragon, the dragon queen who cares about her subordinates immediately swift and decisively said: "Then what are you waiting for, come up!"

In Sanshan City, there is nothing wrong with people who are missing now.

But the cautious Arthur felt that something was wrong and thought there might be a trap here: "I think we should rest for a while before setting off."

"Time is not and the others!"

"We have the strength to deal with any danger, don't we?"

Not only Daenerys thinks so, but Robert, Ryan, Varian, Stannis, Robb, Landau, and the others. .

For the confident people, Arthur shook the head worriedly up to the dragon’s back, sat next to the druid, and asked: "Bran, what do you think?"

"Han God won't do it on us." Bran firmly said.

"What?" Hearing this, Arthur was very surprised: "Why?"

Bran ​​looked at the prince with deep eyes and said: "Because this is the human world, not Evil God Divine Kingdom, which can do whatever it wants, even if its divine force is strong, it can't be used."

"How do you know?" Arthur's eyes lit up.

Bran ​​said: "Nature told me."

Ambrosius, who followed the prince, couldn't help but interject: "Not Old Gods?"

"Old Gods have fallen." Bran replied faintly.

"But we have been involved in several battles and the Cold God has intervened, and what happened to us in The North personally?" Ambrosius frowned.

Bran: "Since the war in The North, has the Cold God made fewer and fewer shots?"

"That's right." Arthur nodded, and then looked thoughtful asked Said: "So, God of Cold is restricted by the environment?"

"No, it is because Old Gods self-destruct hurts the origin of God of Cold. Although it does not affect his strength, it can still fight against Lord. of Light, but it takes more consumption to come to the world." Bran explained.

Just when Arthur thought he could let go of his vigilance, Stark's second son immediately added: "But even if God of Cold is dragged by the Lord of Light, we can't fight with any slight force that we can release, so we still Don’t be careless."

Ambrosius nodded: "Of course."

Speaking, the old wizard pondered for a while, and then asked in a low voice: "Then, Bran Young Master , Do you know the way to deal with the cold god?"

To deal with the cold god?

Hearing the words of the old wizard with the white beard, the other people on the dragon's back showed their sorrow, and those who believed in the Lord of Light as priests were full of contempt.

The ancient god of darkness, cold and death is the deadly enemy of Lord of Light Rahlo.

Since ancient times, it has not been wiped out by the only True God in the world. A Messy Old Man who can do spells and a second son of House Stark who are disabled. Even if they have superhuman powers, what is there? Qualified to speak big words against God?

Many devout followers of Lord of Light sneered.

However, King, Crown Prince, prince, prince, and duke are all on the back of the dragon. They used to be a united army soldier or a noble-born apprentice priest who did not dare to be more impudent.

At this time.

The giant dragon flying fast in the air finally followed the direction Bran pointed out and caught up with the rock giant that ran to the ground with a thud.

In front of it, there are Others covered in blue ice armor and holding crystal blades.

Commanding tens of thousands of ghouls, they are marching in a hurry.

When I saw Arthur and many divine archers, with the help of the holy light, I saw a magical creature with a head*|Others with a fierce sharp horn!

Furthermore, many transcenders felt a little bit and found that this Others contained energy, which was exactly the same as the feeling the Night King gave them!

"Did we fake the killing of the Night King?" Arthur was startled.

On the ground.

The others of two giant dragons were found and attacked immediately.

The blue ice crystal spear shot all over the sky.

There is a holy light guard to form a shield, and the flying ice spear creates a tickling effect for Zhuo Geng and Lei Ge.


In long-range combat, the coalition warrior and Robert, Ryan and other melee transcenders can only watch.

Black Dragon and the bronze giant dragon open their mouths, and the violent dragon flames immediately illuminate the ground. With Melisandre, Penelope, and a group of apprentice priests, the flame divine technique immediately shines in red. Night sky.

Ambrosius, Jaina, Marvin, Aisara, and Moroya, who are the sorcerers, did not rush to take action.

With Zhuo Geng and Lei Ge dive.

Looking at the sharp horn, Arthur of Others, who is suspected of being the Night King, drew his sword and jumped straight down.

But evil cut!

Jumping down tens of meters, with a terrifying impact blessing, the holy light is condensed on the Valyrian Steel sword, and Arthur's sword cuts the long horns that are parrying Others half kneeling.

Robert also jumped after seeing this, but considering that jumping directly from the dragon's back not long ago was a lot of pain, he could only shout to Daenerys: "Let the dragon lower the height!"

Without the urging of the Fatty King, the fiance has already jumped down to fight the Others. The Dragon Queen will also let Zhuo Geng and Lei Ge fall to the ground, allowing the company warrior and all transcenders to support.

The giant dragon landed, the warrior attacked, the holy light blessed, and the divine technique gained.

Discover the location of Others, burn out the annoying ghouls, and the battle situation is one-sided, and humans have completely occupied the upper hand!

Roar~! ! !

Suddenly, the giant dragon let out a slightly painful growl.

Daenerys turned his head, the rock giant controlled by the Horn of Winter actually grabbed a large rock from the ground and fiercely hit Zhuo Geng's tail.

Qiaora immediately had a bad guess: "Is the horn of winter lost?"

The battle is fierce and has the upper hand. The Dragon Queen can't control so much at this time, just right The angry child said: "Zo Geng, Lei Ge, let's entangle the giant rock!"

Following Daenerys's command, the dragon roared on the battlefield!

The terrifying flames burned, and all the snow on the ground turned into water, or turned into steam to fill the battlefield.

Bran ​​can't move, sits firmly on the dragon saddle on Rego's back, but he won't be a spectator.

The power of nature was suddenly released, and the earth was revitalized in an instant, and countless verdure grew out of the ground, becoming magical creatures entwined with vines that were fighting against Arthur, Robert and the others.

"Prioritize killing the Others!"

"Don't save the Dragon Crystal arrow!"

Command the coalition warriors to fight, Ryan leads people to block all directions Ghoul, immediately give orders to the divine archer.

A single blow but evil slash is impossible to kill Others with the strength of the Night King. Arthur didn't think so either.

The heavy hit made Others kneel, and the divine impact immediately followed, making the magic creatures caught off guard unable to even stand up, and then relying on the holy light rune to connect with themselves, directly Cast the sacred star to fall from the sky.

The golden light shines.

With a sound, the ground shook for a while, and the long horns of the suspected Night King, Others, turned into ice debris.

This time Arthur didn't step back, but with his eyes on the impact of the falling of the sacred star, he watched the magical creature's ice body shatter into pieces.


Experienced people, simply and neatly solve all Others.

All around the densely packed resurrected dead, did not return to silence and turned back to corpses, but still maintained a tide of crazy offensive.

"Why didn't these ghouls turn back into corpses?"

Warhammer waved, smashed the dead into all split up and in pieces, smashed out*|The bloody Robert immediately found the youngest son .

Arthur shook the head blankly: "I don't know either."

Then his expression changed and he thought of the evil Spiritual God who will not return: "Maybe it was the cold god. Ghost, he is in charge of darkness, cold and Death Power."

"Is the cold god controlling these dead?"

Robert hearing this brows tightly knit, coldly snorted turned around and waved Warhammer opened the way and found Melisandre and many priests: "Arthur said these ghouls may be controlled by the Cold God, do you have a way to solve it?"

Hearing this, Melisandre immediately He didn't answer, but looked at the burning flame beside him.

After a moment of silence, red robe Priestess slowly said: "The dead was resurrected by Others, but the control was indeed transferred to the cold god."

Command the coalition warriors and protect the priests The surrounding Ryan immediately asked: "Then what shall we do?"

"Didn’t the Lord of Light have come?" Varian also asked, "Does the Lord of Light solve his mortal enemy? Is the cold god?"

Penelope shook the head: "The cold god is not simple. Even if Lord of Light is the only True God in the world, there is no way to easily defeat it."

Stannis asked: "Then these ghouls, can Lord of Light have a solution?"

Melisandra hearing this slightly frowned, said solemnly: "I need to ask the Oracle of Lord of Light "

Robert: "Then hurry up!"

Looking at the transcenders gathered together, Malwyn shook his head and said, "Everyone, I don’t think ghouls are It’s troublesome, the rock giants are the real trouble!"

Hearing the words of the old Academician, everyone immediately turned their attention to the giant who was fighting two giant dragons.

Ryan immediately asked: "We eliminated Others. Has anyone seen the Horn of Winter?"

"No!" "No!" "Neither did I see it!" "

Crown Prince asked loudly, and soon someone answered while fighting.

"Then the Horn of Winter is not here." Listening to the answers from the surrounding soldiers, everyone who had not received the good news secretly thought that it was bad.

I originally thought that if the Night King was eliminated, the war would end soon.

Unexpectedly, the main coalition forces were defeated without a trace before the action of purging and suppressing Others. The most important southern army town, Sanshan City, became an empty city. The resurrected dead were taken over by the Cold God, and the rock giant lost control. , Lost the Horn of Winter and other situations.

Not bad news again and again!

"Then let's go back to the dragon's back first!"

With the holy light guarding the body, everyone can ignore the sword in the hands of the ghoul.

Relying on this, Ryan, who has been deliberate and made up his mind to retreat, immediately speaks and wants everyone to board the dragon's back and leave the battlefield.

"I will let Daenerys bring Zhuo Geng and Rego back."

Arthur, who heard this, immediately sent sound transmission to the Dragon Queen, and then condensed the holy light into a very thick light line. moved towards the tall rock giant.

Others were eliminated, and the ghoul did not return to death.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the people want to withdraw first, and wait for Melisandre to get the Lord of Light Oracle before taking action, the evil Spiritual God hidden in the dark, but they don't want to give them a chance to win.

A bang appeared.

Thousands of cavalry and animals appeared outside the densely packed ghoul army.

——It's the ghoul cavalry, and the animal ghoul!

The silhouette of the cold light flashing on the body is a series of Others. The heads of these magical creatures are small but hideous in full length, like a crown-like sharp horn, they almost have the same night king. Terrifying power! be continued...

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