More than 300,000 ghouls outside Blood Sect were assembled, and Vale of Arryn embarked on an unprecedented difficult battle.

Five months passed in a hurry.

pale-gold holy light The pale-gold holy light, the transcender fought desperately, but the valley people still could not stop the terrorist attack of the dead army. They have retreated from the Blood Sect to the Longtian Fort. All the Vale of Arryn survived. Everyone was crowded in Eyrie, and even Heavenly Prison was transformed into a room full of people.

Put hope in God.

Even if the existence of Lord of Light Rahlo is not ethereal.

In the real world of war, after all, I still respond to the sentence if you want something done well, do it yourself!

With the large barn in the big city in Eyrie, it was barely able to sustain it in terms of food, but the Blood Sect was breached and when everyone retreated to the dangerous rock fort, Dorne's reinforcement fleet set off northward, waiting for them to approach On the coast of the valley, there is no way to support Eyrie on the mountain.

In the end, Dorne’s reinforcements can only choose to station on the coast of Vale of Arryn, each time the giant dragon helps transport supplies and take away a small number of soldiers.

In order to survive.

Everyone has done everything in the service of war.

In the five months of retreat, Arthur tried to make gunpowder and gunpowder in Eyrie. However, due to the backwardness of the times and the lack of materials for various reasons, the dung pit was scraped to make a little bit of gunpowder, and all the gunpowder was made directly. use.

The imaginary artillery fires and volleys of muskets cannot be realized on such precarious days!

Looking back on the past, Arthur really regretted that when he was in King's Landing, why didn't he build a large industrial area and set up a military factory.

Daenerys, Ryan, Varian, Stannis and the others who flew to Essos have returned from Braavos with meteorites and Valyrian Steel.

Actually, their negotiations with Iron Bank were very difficult.

If it wasn’t for Melisandre, he contacted the Lahlo church and asked the priest to bring Mitsune’s gold and jewellery to Iron Bank as a deposit, and then sign the Braavos tax exemption contract, Daenerys With Ryan, they can't take away the meteorite and Valyrian Steel at all!

Know the crisis in Westeros.

The Essos people can't wait for all Westerosi to be extinct, so that they can occupy everything in the kingdom of sunset after the winter is over and the Others and the ghouls leave!


Lahlo Church not to be trifled with!

Their red robe priest masters the divine technique!

Summon True God can come!

Even Iron Bank, which masters the entire world economy, is full of fear for the Rahlo church.

Fortunately, transcenders are still mortals who master various powers. They are not invincible. They can recruit transcenders who also master extraordinary powers to deal with them.

But it can fly and breathe fire. The dragon scales are extremely hard and can destroy the giant dragon of the city. No amount of transcender can deal with it.

Not to mention God!

So, Iron Bank finally agreed to sell meteorite and Valyrian Steel under the deterrence of God and Dragon's Might.

Five months have passed.

The Darkness Domain occupying the north of Westeros has expanded to the north of Eyrie.

It also appeared above the Narrow Sea!

Although the darkness did not continue to swallow south, the situation is already very critical.

However, even so, Robert, Ryan, Varian, Stannis and the others, because of the alien meteorite and Valyrian Steel, want to forge the Lightbringer in Oracle, they take turns to participate in defense Fighting, every day all only pays attention to the hammer...

Cersei of the alliance.

I have not fulfilled my promises and the duties of allies!

When Jaime Lannister led the Golden Group approaching the valley, he was tied up by the Golden Group leader Harry Strickland before he could give orders, ignoring the allies who rode the dragon, and finally because they had nothing The action caused Blood Sect to fall.

Now, the Golden Group has been far away from the battlefield and brought Kingslayer back to his twin sister.

The soldiers and people in Vale of Arryn.

And Arthur, they still have to rely on themselves!

So, Arthur really regrets that he didn't find a place to develop himself...

It's too late to say anything now.

Listening to the horn of winter being sounded, feeling the magic of ice condensing strikes, the resurrected dead who tried to climb to the top of the Brightmoon Mountains were suddenly knocked into the sky*|.

Use the buff holy light skill to activate the power aura.

Arthur drew his sword. I don’t know how many times he stood on the front line against Others and ghouls, sweating and dancing to emit golden light. The azure ice skates guard body protection and everyone behind them.

"His Royal Highness, please go to a break, leave it to us here."

Facing the daily offensive of the dead army.

The prince, as the most important battle strength, gives everyone holy light gain and protection. Gao Wen really does not want his Highness to be too tired.

"Don't take it lightly."

Although the ghoul can be strengthened with a single sword, and the longsword is enchanted by them, Arthur will not let everyone be negligent.

"You defend the defense line of Changtianbao, I will go to the sides and the rear to take a look."

"Your Highness, I will go with you."

Annie , Selena, Namelia, Gawain, Lancelot, Lan Mallok and the others hearing this all opened their mouths to ask.

Arthur shook his head: "Gawain, Lancelot stay, Annie, Lan Mallok, you follow me."

Eyrie at the top of the Brightmoon Mountains, except for the front moon gate , Dangerous Rock Fort, Snow Mountain Fort and Changtian Fort, there are no fortifications on both sides and rear.

While the ghouls are tireless, traversing mountains and rivers ignoring the terrain, they can forcibly climb the Brightmoon Mountains!

They must check the sides and rear of Eyrie, and eliminate the resurrected dead who are trying to climb close to the castle.

Five months have passed.

Eyrie has used up the rolling stones and woods that Eyrie has stored to defend the city.

To deal with these ghouls, because of the shortage of arrows, the soldiers can’t carry out long-range attacks. They can’t deal with swords and spears before they get close, so Arthur, Jaina and the others who master holy light and magic are just The most important main output.


Arthur, Jaina, Ambrosius, and Malvin, no matter how powerful they are, they are still mortals after all.

Even as the giant dragon of the Legendary magic creature.

In the face of tens of thousands, like endless resurrection of the dead, the transcender exhausts the holy light, magic and mana in the body, the giant dragon exhausts its physical strength, and there are still countless ghouls continuing to attack.

They are too many.

Most people who hide in Eyrie are desperate!

But no matter how bad the battle is, they have been fighting day and night for five months, Arthur and the others have never had the idea of ​​giving up.

Except there is no retreat.

They still have hope of victory!

"Ding~" "Ding~" "Ding~"

In Eyrie, the garden surrounded by towers was completely transformed into a sword-making workshop at this time.

Valyrian Steel's craftsmanship was lost after the catastrophe of Ancient Valyria, and non-common weapon craftsmen can forge it.

In order to forge the light messengers, Robert, Ryan, Varian, Daenerys, Stannis, Melisandre and the others, who specialize in King's Landing, will have the ability to melt House Stark's legacy Valyrian Steel Sword Frost, Tob Mott, who recasts the Howl of the Widow and the Swearing Sword, brought him to work in Eyrie.

In Street of Steel, Ryan and Varian, I also saw Gendry who had a relationship.

Jendelli suddenly saw the red robe woman who had captured herself and was almost burned to death as a sacrificial offering. This Robert bastard immediately picked up the hammer to take revenge.

No matter Robert, Ryan, Varian, Stannis, or Barristan, or Daenerys, the dragon queen with Jorah, Jon, and gray insects, will not watch Gendry kill in front of them The death of the red god Priestess is vital.

Only a brute force, the blacksmith who hadn't experienced Life and Death Battle was subdued in the blink of an eye.

Mei Li Shandro also quickly recognized that this blacksmith who tried to attack him was the bastard who was almost taken by his sacrificial offering during the Battle of the Five Kings.

Considering that he is a blacksmith, Robert’s bastard, or Tob Mott’s dísciple, the red robe woman immediately guessed that this might be the Lord of Light’s guideline, to let the Forging Master and The bastard dísciple with dragon blood helps everyone to cast the light messenger!

So, Gendry came to the dangerous Eyrie.

As if inspired by fate, together with the master blacksmith, sweat and rain every day to forge the legendary hero's red sword!

Terrible temperature.

Let the ground of Eyrie Garden dry and crack, without a bit of snowflakes, even cold air can't invade, and the surrounding towers also feel sultry!

The sword has been formed under the broken hammer of more than ten handles.

The bright red blade is like flames, only cooling and opening, a legendary hero of the light messenger can truly appear!

"No, this kind of temperature is too terrifying, it can't be cooled by water at all."

Looking at the sword blank like a little sun, and the sweaty weapon Forging Master Tob. ·Mott browses tightly knit, don't know how to complete the sword.

Mei Lishanzhuo, who has been involved in making swords and instilling strength for the light messenger, said: "Athor Yahai used his wife’s life, blood, soul, strength and courage to complete the sword. We Can be inspired by it!"

"Sacrifice your life?"

When I heard the words of the red robe woman, I knew that she bewitched Stannis and burned his daughter, Ryan, Varian and the others My heart is full of disgust.

Robert coldly said: "I can't do such a thing."

Daenerys, who helped add dragon blood to the sword, is also an idealist, and I can’t see plainly. Things that sacrifice other people's lives happen.

"Is there no other way?"

Ryan added: "We don't have a wife to sacrifice yet."

The red robe woman who is hearing this shook the head: "Your Majesty, Your Highness, Your Excellency, Yasor Yahai is Yasor Yahai, and we are us. Although there are many similarities in different times, but not Yasor Yahai is reborn, Even at the expense of his wife’s life, he cannot be made into a messenger of light."

Robb looked at Prince Dragonstone: "So, our hero is Prince Stannis?"

" no! "

Melisandre has always believed that Stannis is the rebirth of Azor Yahai, but Penelope, who is also the red god Priestess, has always opposed: "I don't think it is. "

"The ancient book of Yasha prophesied that after long summer, the stars weep blood, Azor Yahai will be reborn in the land of smoke and salt, and awaken the dragon in the stone."

"Prince Stannis did not awaken the dragon in the stone."

"So he is definitely not Azor Yahai born again!"

"That would Who is?" Mei Li Shanzhu frowned, "Do you think it is the Daenerys Queen who hatches giant dragon? Don't forget that the person who can resist the ancient gods in the prophecy is Prince, not the Queen or Princess!"

Wrangling is meaningless.

Seeing that the two Priestess were about to quarrel, Ryan hurriedly said: "Everyone, we should now discuss how to complete the light messenger instead of discussing the prophecy."

Melisandre said solemnly "But I don’t know who is the rebirth of Azor Yahai, the Prince in the prophecy, we can’t complete the Lightbringer."

"That, I want to remind you, Stannis Imperial Uncle There is no wife to sacrifice."

Varian, who was hearing this, couldn't help but reminded.

Mei Li Shandro: "I just say that Yasor Yahai sacrificed his wife to complete the deeds of the Lightbringer as a revelation, not necessarily at the expense of his wife."

"Naysuo What inspiration does the story of El Yahai give you?" Stannis asked.

"Perhaps, we can sacrifice the prince’s daughter."

"What did you say?!"

I heard the words of the red robe woman, Robert, Ryan, Varian, Daenerys, Robb and the others were all angry. The girl who was born with grayscale was pitiful enough.

Having finally recovered her life, she was going to kill her again?

However, Mei Li Shanzhuo gave everyone's irrefutable reason: "I hope Princess Lin has dragon blood in her body and is nourished by holy light, so she is the best candidate to cool the light messenger."

"For Westeros, for all mankind, we have to do this."

Penelope: "However, if Prince Stannis is not Azor Yahai reborn, he is not A hero who can hold the Lightbringer, then Princess Lin will die in vain, and the sword blanks we have worked so hard for so many days will also be shattered."

For Penelope’s reluctance, Melisandre suddenly became a little angry.

"Do you doubt the will of the Lord of Light?"

"You have misunderstood the will of the Lord of Light."

Looking at the giving tit for The two Priestess of tat, Robert, Ryan, Varian, Daenerys and Stannis all felt very headache.

Finally, the sword is forged.

It only takes two steps to cool down and open the front to succeed.

But didn't expect, Melisandre and Penelope would actually be at this critical juncture, because the heroes who held the sword in the prophecy had disputes with each other.

At this time, the mana is exhausted in the battle.

Because of the old arms and legs, there is no way to slash the ghouls. He returned to the castle to rest and restore his mana. Malvin Academician came to the garden to ask about the light messenger.

I saw the two red gods Priestess quarreling, and Robert, Ryan, Varian, Daenerys and the others brows tightly knit, all looked thoughtful, and there was no intention to stop them.

Malwin asked Daenerys immediately: "Queen Your Majesty, is there something wrong with the Lightbringer?"

The dragon queen shook her head: "No."

magician Grand Maester: "Then why are they arguing?"

"Because of the prophecy." Robb Stark immediately explained the whole sequence of events to the Dragon Queen's Grand Maester.

Marwin, who was hearing this, fell into a looked thoughtful state immediately, and then he muttered: "So, the prophetic Prince is the rebirth of Azor Yahai. Can the light messenger be used to drive away the darkness?"

Robb nodded: "Yes."

"Hehe." After receiving a positive answer, Malwin suddenly smiled deeply, "Then their quarrel is meaningless."

Ryan: "Why does Academician say that?"

Magician Malvin asked instead: "His Royal Highness wants to eliminate Others, drive away the darkness, and help Lord of Light end this war. The light messenger?" be continued...

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