With good reputation and extraordinary strength, everyone believes Arthur's words and believes that his holy light can solve the problem of negative energy outbreaks.

The ancient gods were defeated by the Lord of Light, and his servants magic creatures Others were all destroyed, and the resurrected dead that ravaged Westeros were all reduced to ashes in the valley. This war that affected all mankind finally came to an end. .


Standing next to the meteorite, Arthur, who did his best to suppress the darkness, cold, and death energy, watched everyone riding the dragon and leaving the Lands of Always Winter to go south. He knew very well that Westeros would not restore peace.

Cersei is not dead, Daenerys is obsessed with the Iron Throne, and Robert will not give up what he has struck down.

Has lost of life, Westeros is uninhabited.

There is still a long way to go to peace!

As Robert's legal bastard, the fiance who entered into a marriage contract with Daenerys, Arthur didn't want to get involved in this war at all.

Of course, he couldn't leave Lands of Always Winter because of the constant negative energy in the meteorite.

Robert and Daenerys chose to leave and returned to the south to continue the battle for the Iron Throne. Some people were willing to stay in the Lands of Always Winter to accompany the prince.

Except for Ambrosius, Jaina, Annie, Selena, Penelope, Lorian, Namelia, Trani, Gawain, Lancelot, Lan Mallok , Alonthos and Arthur's confidants and friends, there are also nobles and soldiers who are tired of war and don't want to participate in the iron chair battle.

"His Royal Highness, how long does it take to purify the negative energy of the meteorite?"

Perceiving the huge holy light being instilled into the meteorite, Ambrosius is keenly aware of Some abnormalities of the prince.

"I don't know." Arthur pondered then said, "It may take a while."

The old wizard said: "Your Highness, we can't live in the Lands of Always Winter, this Can a negative energy meteorite be moved?"

To remove the meteorite?

Looking at about two meters high, seventy-eighty centimeters wide, with the light-bringer lacquered black-shaped meteorite inserted in the heart, Arthur thinks that there should be no problem, but the point is that he may exhaust all the Holy Light Power. The darkness, cold, and Death Power condensed in the meteorite cannot be prevented from erupting.

I lied that he was sure to solve the problem. Arthur really didn’t want everyone to worry about, let alone let them die with him when the negative energy broke out, and said quickly: “No, I must stay still, and I can’t stop instilling holy light for a moment."

"Yes." Penelope opened the mouth and said: "The problem of your highness not being able to move is very easy to solve. As long as you don’t move the light messenger, your highness will sit down. On the meteorite, we can carry it slowly and move it slowly."


Arthur was speechless suddenly: "That...that's not so bad. Okay..."

"Gawain, Lancelot, Lan Mallok, call some more people to help."

I don’t want to hear this. Staying a lot in this bitter cold and eternal east, the old wizard immediately called for someone to move the ancient Ability God to the cornerstone of the mortal world.

"We are willing to do anything for your Highness."

Four of the six remaining people have experienced the Wall War, the Southward War, the Killing of the Night King, The battle of Eyrie, the battle of the ghouls of Vale of Arryn, among them the divine archer Tristan is more acquaintance, they are very aware of the prince's great achievements.

If you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off Arthur immediately didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Countless ideas flashed through my mind.

But knowing the characters of Annie, Ambrosius and the others, Arthur is very clear, telling the facts, they absolutely chose to accompany themselves to death without hesitation!

It is even impossible to drive them away.

For a while, Arthur was in utter exhaustion.

I don't want this negative energy meteorite time bomb to be moved at all!

Sea of ​​Consciousness connected rune has been dimmed by half. Although the consumed holy light will be restored, the recovery speed is obviously not as fast as the consumption speed!

If this continues, those who trust themselves will die in Lands of Always Winter!

No...you have to find a solution...

Transfer the holy light of grandiose into the meteorite, and Arthur, who is confused, can only hit the sea with his idea. of Consciousness Connected above the holy light rune.

This is the only possible way to get help.

Sitting on the meteorite and being lifted by everyone, Arthur immediately tried to instill energy, change the inscription rune, and tried to use rune to strengthen the suppression of negative energy by holy light.


This is useless at all.

The rune was not inscribed and completed, it was disintegrated by the violent darkness, cold, and Death Power.

No...holy light is too difficult to suppress the three Divine Grade energy...

"Ambrosius, Jaina, I need help."

The old wizard who heard this immediately asked: "What should I do? Instill mana into the meteorite?"

Arthur said: "Yes, but I need you to suppress the cold or Death Power. The dark energy of the cold god can be handed over to my holy light."

"It's not difficult." As long as she can help the prince, Jaina will act immediately and forcefully suppress the three powers of darkness, cold, and death and fail. She thinks she is good at ice magic and should have a way to suppress the cold energy of the ancient Ability God.

But as soon as the mana comes into contact with the cold power, the female mage is immediately backlashed by a strong mana, and the two forces are not of the same magnitude at all.

Being good at ice magic, there is no way to suppress a higher level of cold power.

Looking at Jaina who had finally recovered a little bit and was backlashed again, Ambrosius Xiuston stopped trying to suppress Death Power, and browsed tightly knit and said: "Jaina, you are a little bit like this Reckless."

"I'm okay." After experiencing backlash several times, Jaina already has experience. With a thought, she can straighten out the chaotic mana, and then boldly carry out the cold force that reverses the erosion of her body. refining: "And I have an idea..."

"Let’s talk about it in detail."

Perceiving the messy mana in her body returned to normal in a blink of an eye, not to mention it. When the force of cold hurts, Ambrosia Xiuston is interested.

Jaina: "I fixed the mana in my body, and when I received the backlash, I restored it according to the formula. Although the power of cold is higher than the ice magic that I am good at, I can slowly refining."


"I understand." Ambrosius eyes shined: "I can work with you to suppress the cold power. As for the remaining Death Power, if Greenseer Bran is there, it should be able to handle it."

Speaking of Bran, Arthur immediately thought that he himself had the power of nature.


On the other side, Zhuo Geng and Lei Ge, who returned from the south, are on their backs.

Daenerys, Marvin, Chora and Robert, Ryan, Varian, as well as Robb, Landau, Moroa and the others all know very well.

This war is over and their alliance will come to an end.

Everyone who was silent on the back of the dragon began to miss the iron throne in Red Keep.

Robert, who is impulsive and irritable, even wants to kill Daenerys directly with Warhammer!

However, considering that this woman is the bearer of the Lightbringer and saved the whole world, everyone owes her a love, and she is still her own daughter-in-law, and it is not now.

The Dragon Queen also doesn't like Robert who is vulgar.

Knowing that he has always wanted to kill himself, but his sanity still exists, considering the fiancé he has chosen, he will not immediately kill him.

Both sides maintain a tacit understanding on the dragon's back.

Ryan and Varian and the others agree that after returning to Eyrie, Daenerys will be allowed to leave safely with people, and then the battle for the Iron Throne will take place.

In the distant King's Landing.

In Red Keep, Cersei saw the darkness of the north fade away and the Celestial Phenomenon of the mutation returned to normal, and immediately realized that the Battle of Others had come to an end.

Having never seen the ice magic of magical creatures and the tide of the dead’s offensive, she never knows how terrifying the Others and the ghouls are, and even thinks that the victory of mankind is as it should be by rights !

Only prepare to plot against Daenerys who owns a giant dragon.

Kill the rude ex-husband!

Compared with the loss of all the troops, Loland and Dorag, who were unable to obtain troops from The North, River, Valley, Reach, Emperor, and Stormlands, sit on King's Landing and own the Iron Islands fleet. With the Lion Queen of the Golden Group, the winning ticket is already in hand!

With the current flying speeds of Zhuo Geng and Rego, it takes less than half a day to fly more than half a Westeros.

Back to Eyrie standing on the top of the mountain.

Daenerys and the others did not have much communication with Robert, Ryan, and Varian. Bring Tyrion, Missander and the others who stayed in the valley, and then ride the dragon back to the dragon queen first Occupied Dragonstone.

"The next time we meet, we are the enemy."

Farewell to Daenerys and his subordinates. In the castle of the Ai Lin Family, there was no immediate military meeting for the Iron Throne.

Robert, Ryan, Varian and the others returned to their rooms.

They fell asleep in high stress.

After getting up, Robert, who likes to enjoy himself, immediately gave a banquet to celebrate the defeat of the Others and the ghouls!

I haven’t forgotten the dragon queen and lion queen, knowing that the enemy will get into trouble at any time, but understanding Robert’s character, Ryan, Varian, Francis, they did not oppose the celebration banquet, they joined in drinking and eating meat, and discussed the next thing at the same time. Military operations.

For the nobles such as Fatty King, Robb, and Landau, I never thought that this warrior who could only fight would be a wise ruler.

The day after the banquet.

Robb took the younger brother younger sister into the hall, and did not intend to continue participating in their military meeting: "Your Majesty, your two majesty, The North has gone through too many wars, and the whole of The North is now waiting for nothing. Xing, please allow us to go home and rebuild Winterfell..."

Stark eldest son said, and the hall suddenly fell silent.

The first war broke out and the place that suffered the most damage was The North. To end this winter battle, The North, who suffered heavy losses, was indeed incapable and had no obligation to continue participating in the battle for the Iron Throne.

At this time, Landau Tali also took the opportunity to speak: "Your Majesty, your two majesty, House Tarly has responded to the call to join the war, and has lost all the soldiers, and received a lot of food and supplies from House Tyrell. The same I can't participate in the battle anymore..."

House Tarly is not the Lord of Reach.

Although they defeated House Tyrell, occupied the high court, obtained a large amount of food and supplies, and digested part of House Tyrell's forces, they were just a count family after all.

Like the war-torn The North, it has no ability and capital, and is mixed in the battle with the Dragon Queen for the Iron Throne.

Robert, Ryan, Varian, Old Francis, and Old Friedrich understand this very well.

However, when Stark and Tully are going home, others will miss the peace and peace when they see it, and the idea of ​​staying away from war arises.

I have seen the magic of Others and the horrible offensive of the ghouls. Eddard Mu Tully, who has been playing soy sauce on the battlefield, does not want to experience any threats of war: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, House Tully I experienced the battle of the Five Kings with the princes of the river, and the battle of Winter also suffered heavy losses. The entire Riverlands has ten rooms and nine empty..."

Listening to Eddard and Mu Tuli selling miserably.

Robert, Ryan, and the others were suddenly full of helplessness, ready to agree to all of them to leave.

But Blackfish Blington took hold of his nephew and said, "His Royal Highness, even if House Tully has no soldiers, we will stay. Eddard is willing to be a pawn and learn how to be a real pawn. warrior and commander."

Can even get the support of House Tully.

They still lack troops.

As for Vale of Arryn?

Because of the terrorist offensive of hundreds of thousands of ghouls, the princes of the valley led their troops to fight to the death, and their loss was second only to The North!

"So, Anders Ellenwood count, Franklin Fowler count, Harman Uller count, will you stay on behalf of Dorne?" Ryan looked to the other side Dorne noble standing.

hearing this, Anders Ellenwood looked at his old rival Franklin Fowler. Both of them had their own thoughts and thoughts on their faces, and neither answered nor expressed their opinions.

Prison Sect city count Harman Uller said: "Robert Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Ryan, His Royal Highness Varian, the most important reason for Dorne's participation in the war is to protect ourselves, and secondly because of His Highness Arthur."

"So, we Dorne will not participate in the war between the Holy Lorraine Royal Family and Queen Daenerys."

Prince Daenerys, who was proficient in strategy, died.

It does not mean that no one among the Dorne nobles has a strategic vision.

Sacred Lorraine’s allies, The North, Rivers, Valleys, and Reach were all maimed. As the fundamental Stormlands strength, the emperor was taken away by Cersei.

And Daenerys has two giant dragons and a slave bay opposite the Narrow Sea!

Whose chance of winning is obvious at a glance!

One more thing, Daenerys and Arthur are married and engaged. The two will become husband and wife in the future. The two are destined to shake hands and make peace. Now they have to fight again because of the grievances and grievances of the past and Robert refused to give up the iron. The sovereignty of the throne, as well as Ryan's self-motivated spirit.

Dorne people, don't want to fight this meaningless battle.

They just want to go home to recuperate like Stark and House Tarly!

As for the plan of the Dorne nobles, Robert, Ryan, Varian and the others knew that they would not stay and join the war. After all, Martel married Dorag for generations and did not marry the Dragon Queen. Leaving Eyrie together is the best result.

Although very helpless.

But the sensible Ryan still sent away allies who were leaving.

Looking at Robb and many of The North nobles, Landau Tali and Reach nobles, as well as the princes of Riverlands, the departure of the Dorne army, Eddard Mu was very flustered about the next battle for the Iron Throne: "No How do we fight with the army?"

"We can contact Iron Bank to hire mercenaries." Old Francis pondered then said: "And, I believe Queen Daenerys will not be in a hurry to fight."

Ryan nodded: "Yes, it takes time for her to transfer troops from Slave Bay to Westeros."

...to be continued...

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