Resolve the fleet formed by the Telothian forces on the stone steps and disputed places, and clear the rebellion in the city-state. Arthur can guarantee that within the next year, Tailo The Westerners could not continue to create any rebellion in the city.

Controlled Taloxi's trade.

Iron Islands pirates and Dorne nobles and merchants all need a stable environment to make money.

For the sake of profit, the ferocious Iron Islands pirates will not have the slightest show mercy for the rebels trying to destroy their business!

Since the prince became the lord of Tylosi, the nobles and wealthy merchants were arrested and imprisoned, the Tylosi people have never stopped resisting.

The rebel who caused trouble.

The benevolent and forgiving prince only punishes the evil head, and then sentence the blind followers to labor reform!

Such punishment.

Asha Greyjoy and other Iron Islands people, as well as Dorne people such as Namelia, felt that the prince’s sentence was too light!


This time wiped out the fleet from the stone steps islands and disputed places. For the rebels in the city, in order to stop the rebellion and obtain a stable money-making environment, the pirates and Dorne people all gave birth to the idea of ​​once and for all, and then cruel Kill one-fifth of the Telosi in Telosi!

Arthur knew it was too late.

In order to avoid fighting with allies, the restrained prince talked badly with Asha and Namelia, and persuaded all the Iron Islands pirates and Dorne soldiers not to continue.

Fortunately, they scrupulously care about the kind prince.

I didn't do anything to the new civilians who were liberated from the slave, otherwise Arthur's efforts in Taloxi might be in vain.

Know that these powerful and brutal allies are murderous.

Without them, with the Mir and transcender alone, there is no way to take Taloxi so quickly, nor to occupy and control this place so quickly.

In the future, Arthur will definitely part ways with them.

But he must train enough talents to train his own army!

Under the scorching sun, on the balcony of the castle in the administrative center of Telosi, Arthur was full of thoughts as he watched the revival of the thriving harbor city once again.

"Your Majesty, the recruitment notice has been posted to all schools in the city."

Selena came over and said: "But only 16 to 18 teenagers are recruited in schools. Will it be a little unreliable?"

"There are some mercenaries here in Tyrosi, but they are still worthy of trust."

"Selena, our muskets have been sent over, I am going to form a musket army with muskets, you know the formidable power of the new muskets." Arthur shook his head.

After several improvements, the bronze blunderbuss have become a new type of musket, and the formidable power has reached the pinnacle of the pre-loaded gun!

If there is no time to solve the air tightness of the breech gun temporarily.

It is not possible to study important compounds such as picric acid, mercury fulvic acid, racolin, and nitroglycerin.

Arthur will even make modern firearms directly!

Looking at the birth of the new musket, and understanding the sharpness of this weapon, Selena understands that the prince why not recruit mercenaries: "But those sixteen to eighteen-year-old teenagers have never been on the battlefield. After blood, there is no battle strength at all.

And...Didn’t you say that school is a place to train Maester, master craftsmen, officials, accountants, doctors, architects, etc.?"

Maester, master craftsmen, officials, accountants, doctors, architects will be able to build a city, control Taloxi, and create a bright future. Maester, master craftsmen, officials, accountants, doctors, and architects will become ordinary soldiers...

Including Annie, Jaina, Ambrosius, Gawain, Lancelot, and all of them, they all thought that the prince was a dazed trick to recruiting students, and was stunned by the killings of the Iron Islands people.

Arthur laughed when he heard this.

"You know that more than 90% of the students in all schools in the city are from the poor and liberated slaves."

"They can have the life they are today, and they can be in school Learning is all because of me."

"I have learned knowledge and principles, in order to protect everything I have now, and for a better future, do you think they will be loyal to me? Will fierce and unafraid of death help Do I deal with the enemy?"

Selena also smiled: "Yes!"

Arthur said again: "Besides, we have muskets. We don’t need soldiers to be brave. They We only need to obey orders, and we can guarantee invincibility when we command properly!"


Westeros on the other side.

King's Landing.

Handle a series of business affairs, such as government affairs, civil affairs, taxation, etc., and instruct Jon to patrol the city wall to prevent the troubled Robert and Ryan from coming to harass, and the busy Daenerys can finally rest for a while.

Experienced the battle of the Five Kings and the Battle of Winter.

More than a year later, Westeros still hasn't recovered any vitality.

Royal Capital with a population of 500,000, Daenerys can't even find the nobles who govern here!

In the imperial domain, most of the nobles’ castles failed to survive the attacks of the Others and the ghouls, only three or two big cats and kittens escaped, all thinking about restoring the family’s vitality. Kong Li sees King's Landing where civil war will break out.

The high position and great wealth is very attractive.

But the castle was ruined, and the family members died horribly. They didn't pass on the line as soon as possible. They also went to blend in with the Royal Family civil war. It was obviously a joke on the inheritance of the family business for many years!

Even the nobles who stayed in King's Landing during the Winter War and escaped the ghoul butcher's knife did not have the ambition to rush home to take over the castle and Fiefdom.

Take over King's Landing, Daenerys got a big empty stall.

Tyrion, Malvin, Jon, Chora, Grey Insect, Missandei, and Varys are in charge of 500,000 people.

The tired dragon queen left the imperial hall and slowly walked back to Meige Tower.

Jon, who was sent out to patrol, suddenly ran over with a famous maid.

"What's going on?"

Daenerys was full of doubts when he saw it.

With the strength of Robert, Ryan, and Varian, there is no way to invade King's Landing, and there are powerful giant dragons, the priests of the Red God of the Rahlo Church, why do you need to be so panicked?

The nephew feels a little strange, but the person has already come before the dragon queen.

"He's not Jon!"

Next to the queen, Jora, who is the Queen's Iron Guard, saw Jon's waist in front of him at a glance. There is no one with the inheritance of the Mormont family. Valyrian Steel sword and claws!


I was found out*|identity, and the person impersonating Jon immediately drew his sword and stabs at the stunned Queen.

With a distance of three or two steps, the longsword will arrive in one pass.

Qiaora broke out to block the attack with all his strength, but the killer still had a back move. With the dagger in his other hand, the cold glow swept towards the queen's neck.


The maid beside the killer also shot.

But instead of using a dagger to assassinate the slightly panicked queen in front of her, she stabbed fiercely into the back of the killer next to her!


Looking at the fallen assassin who has the face of Jon, his expression is full of astonishment and perplexity.

Jorah and Missandei took a half step back while protecting the queen.

"Who are you?" Came back to his senses, Daenerys asked the maid in a deep voice.

The human skin mask was taken off, and the maid revealed her true face, then looked at the silver-haired dragon queen lightly, and said: "I am for my highness."

Daenerys Looking at the beautiful mixed-race woman who killed'Jon', solemnly asked: "Are you faceless?"

"Yes, Queen Your Majesty, be careful, I can only help you once, and The Faceless will not give up the assassination of you."

While speaking, the mixed-race woman retreated into the side passage.

Then disappeared into everyone's sight with the voice.

The expressions of the queen, knight, and maid hearing this suddenly became extremely solemn.

Qiao La quickly lifted the human skin on the killer's face, and found that there were some wrinkles on his ordinary face, and there was another face hidden underneath.

Tear off this face again.

Mormont immediately gave birth to the idea of ​​have one's hair stand on end. Under this face, there may be another face!

"He is the faceless."

At this time, Missandei opened the mouth and said: "He has no real face."

"Then we. ....."

Joola, who was hearing this, immediately threw away his human skin and looked at the dignified queen.

"Don't say anything about this." Daenerys pondered then said: "Quietly call everyone to discuss."


Westeros Of the north.

The North, Winterfell.

As the new City Lord and the new Grand Duke of The North, Robb is still working hard to restore the population and production of The North. Everyday all is very busy, but has a very fulfilling life.

It was hard to finish with the outstanding younger brother Bran.

Before sitting down in the restaurant and having dinner with Sansa and Arya, Winterfell ushered in uninvited guests wearing red robe.



"Don Delien count?!"

"You didn’t Die?!"

Looking at Sandor Clegane and Bailey Tandelien who were following the red robe female Melisandre, Robb, Sansa, and Arya were so surprised that they couldn't hear from ear to ear.

Melisandra shook her head lightly and said: "No, Lord Robb Stark, Sir Clegane and Dondelion Count are dead."

"They can stand here now because of me. God’s gift!"

Bran ​​looked at Hound and Lord Lightning blankly: "Resurrected?"

Lightning Lord Bailey nodded: "Yes, it’s resurrected again. I didn't expect that I missed the most important winter battle this time."

In the end, Greenseer heard this rare smile and shook his head: "It's okay, you can just go to Dorne and Aliria. Dane is married."

"Married?" Bailey smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid it won't work for the time being."

"I still have a mission."

" I understand." Bran said nothing more.

Arya looked at Hound and asked curiously: "When were you resurrected?"

Sandor Clegane shrugged: "the past few days."

"Where do you want to go next?" said the little wolf girl. Winterfell is too short of people. Although Hound is a scum, it is not bad enough. She has also protected herself and her elder sister. "Would you like to stay in Winterfell as our swordsmanship Instructor?"

Hound heard the words of the little wolf girl who had left herself to die, Hound couldn't believe it: "You invited me to be Winterfell's swordsmanship Instructor?"

Arya nodded: "That's right."

Sanduo: "Winterfell isn't your big brother in charge?"

Arya, who is hearing this, immediately looked at Robb: "I will convince He."

Considering that Hound once rescued Winterfell and sacrificed for it, and saved his two younger sisters, Robb has no much dislike for him.

But Hound shook his head and said, "I owe the red god a life."

Robb understood what Clegane meant, and nodded looked towards the red robe woman standing in front of the two:" So... Priest Melisandre, what are you doing in Winterfell?"

"Preaching." Melisandre said.

The expressionless Bran hearing this, his face suddenly became a little ugly: "The North people believe in Old Gods, even if Old Gods fall, they belong to all things in nature."

" The North people should belong to Lord of Light Rahlo."

Melisandre said, looking at the resurrected Sandor Clegane and Bailey Tandelien.

"Believe in the great Lord of Light. Those who died accidentally may be blessed and resurrected!"

As soon as this statement came out, Robb, Bran, Sansa, Arya, they all understood, The mission of Lahlo Church in The North is unimpeded!

Because the War of Winter did too much damage to The North, everyone is eager for their dead relatives to return!


Essos across the Narrow Sea.

Because the prince who occupied Taloxi declared war, feared the powerful military transcender, and feared the priest Drowned God who controlled the sea, now Mill has become turbulent.

At the governor’s meeting composed of local wealthy businessmen and nobles.

After the quarrelsome congressmen have shirked their responsibilities and blamed each other, they finally agreed to recruit troops to resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

"Everyone, an army composed of ordinary persons alone can't deal with the prince who ends the battle of Westeros in Winter, masters Holy Light Power and magic."

"There is no way to deal with it."

" Those Iron Islands pirates who have the sanctuary of evil gods."

"So, we Mill need the power of transcender!"

The rich congressman hearing this immediately stood up and waved to be waiting The ordinary outside the conference hall brought a brawny man who was two meters tall and had a back of a tiger and waist of a bear.

Then confidently introduced: "He is Conan, a transcender who can easily lift a heavy rock!"

"With his help, I believe we can definitely defeat that Prince Arthur, the sacred Lorraine!"

"It just so happens that I also have a mysterious transcender I want to introduce to everyone."

Seeing the wealthy businessman comes in with a giant man, a The nobles also invited in a female sorcerer holding a golden staff and wearing a golden black cloak.

"But... this lady mage... needs us to pay two boxes of magical gems to help Mill get through the storm."

The master lithe and graceful body, the fat-headed jewel business councillor hearing this, his eyes were bright, and he quickly said: "Two boxes of gems are not a problem. As for the gems with magic power...we don’t know what this gem looks like, so I hope the Master Miss can tell me the characteristics of this kind of gemstone."

At this time, a wizard with blue lips walked in: "There is no difference between the appearance of magical gemstones and ordinary gemstones. The only difference between the two is Magical power."

"Give me ten boxes of magical gems, and I will bring more wizards of Qars."

"Just help us defeat the enemy, magical gems It's not a problem!" The Chief Noble Member said solemnly.

Under the cloak, the female mage with a lithe and graceful figure and a golden staff shook her head and said: "If there is only such a transcender, I will not stay in Mill courting death for trifling two boxes of magic gems. "

"Yes, you are not transcenders. I don't know how terrifying the prince Arthur·Holy Lorrain is." The blue-lip wizard hearing this also nodded and said: "Even if I bring everything The wizard of Quells did not have full confidence to deal with him."

"Moreover, besides the prince, his knight is also a transcender of superior military force! There is also a way to communicate with Spiritual God and master the divine. The priest of the technique is an ally..."

"Only we are not enough!"

The chief of the noble congressman talked a few words with the congressmen around him, and then asked intently. "Then...can you recruit more transcenders for us?"

The wizard's stiff face squeezed a weird smile: "It depends on what Mill can give."

p> be continued...

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