to spirit strength Communications, Jaina told not to worry sneak attack, let Gawain, Annie and Nuomeiliya their planned action.

For a ride to keep their own carpool music Fran Buffett.

Ambrosius see his face, Arthur guess he saw something FlashForward, will be as beneficial in Winterfell with belt Asha Greyjoy, so they do not reject female Master requests, allowing her horse!

"Your Highness, you seem to not understand a woman had better."

Both a carpool ride, but found that Fran Le Prince in addition to pull themselves launched, there have been no follow their own any physical contact, he deliberately avoided their bodies.

As a prince, he was decent too far!

the end of the cold war Winter ran a trip to King's Landing, then to Dorne busy conducting experiments to conduct business, manage the factory, although everyday all with Natalie, Annie, Selena, Jaina, Nuomeiliya, Asha, Telei Ni, Penelope, Luo Lian contact with them.

As a twenty-year-old Wang anger * | Sheng, physically strong young man, Arthur has been remarkably indifferent to that aspect, there is no desire.

Natalie, Nameiliya, Telei Ni often tease yourself, Arthur had immunity.

hear the demon * | fawn female Master said, he rolled the eyes: "none of your business."

"talk will not work?"

Le Fran very confident of their looks and body, do not think the prince could have been Zuohuaibuluan: "? could it be ... Highness like men"

this matter has been referred to, Arthur abnormal silent : "I like a woman!"

hearing this music Fran suddenly the smile of lithe and graceful curvaceous body suddenly their eyes on the prince, Arthur subconsciously back, but just how much the place on horseback, this retreat is situated to the flattery * | on shares.

The location is not good to sit.

Le Fran was unsatisfied continue toward Arthur, so he no retreat, only to reach out to block.

"What do you want?"

Female Master reveal a charming smile:. "His Highness would not want to try keep gentleman"

Arthur very unhappy: "try out yet?"

side of Ambrosius shook the head, but did not say, riding silently direction found abnormal fluctuations in energy away.

See Prince looked unhappy, music Fran know enough is enough, silhouette flashed back to the original position, so that he can have a good horse.

After a street, Mill slum area east of the city appeared under the holy light.

intensive, simple wooden shed, house, hut, dirty environment full of feces, exudes a nauseating stench, enter here Arthur if returned to the previous life of King's Landing.

"in front!"

This time Arthur also found abnormal fluctuations in energy vague.

horse running short.

Montreal charred ruins and dark appeared in front of us.

perceive the charred ground and the dark residue obscure, strange, said the evil aura of energy, Arthur brows tightly knit up: "how is this going?"

into the the ruins of Ambrosius said solemnly: "a sacrificial offering spell."

"sacrificial offering bloodfiend law??"

Upon hearing this, Arthur face immediately becomes ugly while it turned around, while releasing spirit strength identify the circumstances around the ruins.

The Old Gods have blessed, he instantly perceived no life around the ruins.

No wonder all the way on horseback to did not see who, compared to the chaos of the city center and the marina area, so quiet here, was originally a resident of sacrificial offering ......

standing on the charred, dark land, Ambrosius saw the evil ways of hundreds of innocent people were tortured to death, the hearts of suppressed anger, look to carpool with the Prince of female mage, solemnly asked: "do you have to participate in it?"

"no." Le Fran shook his head: "I can not do such a thing."

Ambrosius: "how ? prove "

Le Fran exposed to the magic gold jewel at the top of the staff:" you can sense my magic there is no inherent energy here "

hearing this, Ann. Brosius did not ask again, but grabbed a charred hand in dark with dirt.

blackened ruins of the land, because evil ways, strange sacrificial offering spell.

dark red because of dry blood!

from Le Fran recently, holds the holy light, Arthur knows what Xieyi energy female mage magic which had not been contained.

in Ambrosius perceived charred earth time.

sky suddenly changeable situation!

Magic brilliant shine to illuminate the sky, blue beam of light from the sky, and a white horse, holding purple crystal wand blue robed old man appeared.


Ambrosius suddenly stopped detect abnormal energy, put away the magic of music Fran jumped off the horse, Arthur pulled blessing to everyone guardian of holy light .


pure and divine energy enveloped Ambrosius body.

but because of his contact with the soil charred hands, palms at the holy light was Xie Yi, filthy energy erosion, issued a "zi zi" sound.

"the evil wizard!"

blue robed old man seeing light beam emerging from suddenly thundered, holding the hands of amethyst wand waving, they motivate the sky clouds magic, dazzling bloom Blu-ray!

Riding old man suddenly appeared, apart from anything else for their release spell.

Ambrosius seeing the eyes squint, wind blown instantaneous release bloom blue blue robe elderly.

"open for me!"

is not wind blown back old white horse, will form blue shroud and impact towards all directions, hit offset Forcibly spell.

dark cloud in the night sky crest of the moon and stars.

temperature suddenly dropped colder!

between Heaven and Earth of Water Element violent agitation, have condensed the clouds.

Arthur feels very familiar with this situation.

- a blizzard!

violent winds sweeping down from the sky, significant elements into water, and then the winding up of ice crystals down!

"You're kidding!"

room suddenly come to such a wide range of spell, Arthur was really scared, and quickly give yourself, the music of Fran and Ambrosius increase defense shield light on top of the head.


Horse back wave blue robed old man and amethyst wand.

Water Element coalesced by the two together, the height of more than two meters strapping humanoid became apparent!

Water Element to see two giants, which contains a strong perception * | Mana, Arthur quickly towards the old wizard shouted: "! Ambrosius quickly retreat"

expert blows rapidly changing.

With the voice Prince, Ambrosius Wind Element spell has been released into a spiral lasing, giant fiercely hit Water Element.


Water Element not this giant dissipated.

cemented water body and instant recovery blasted, then marching flow, as high sea toward the old wizard.

combined with frost falling from the sky.

extraordinary strength Ambrosius even keep up with the rhythm of the enemy.

ground is frozen!

old wizard's feet could not move, I believe that holy light protection, and self-movement method technique, he decisively will release third spell out.

violent air blowing rate.

earthquake shaking vigorously ground.

Earth Element as cemented spikes thrusting spear!

However, the wind and the land still can not stop the pace of the Water Element, huge fist crashing hit Arthur blessing light shield old wizard's head.

powerful holy light skills, is now being broken giant fist hit of crack!

has a holy light body guard protection, Ambrosius has not been directly hurt, but boxing still produces vibrations caused collateral damage, and the entire people upside down!

Seeing this situation, Arthur also released a series of holy light impact and burst flash!

Water Element giant impact headed towards.

blue robed old man

magic flash bomb explosion.

wave dispersion and reunited but is not able to beat Water Element entities or intact.

The White Horse blue robe mage blessing to their protection in the face of extraordinary skill Prince formidable power but consume a lot of mana is completely blocked.

did not interrupt the spell, storm continued, and the more violent!

At this time, the music Fran also shot.

lasing mark, after another attack protection blue robed old man, the ripples continue playing.

chains flying about even the big ball shroud bundled together.

Arthur face a powerful holy light skills, as well as music Fran special spell, white horse back, consume large amounts of mana blue robed old man could not resist opening He Wen: "You keep the evil mage evil deeds? "

" evil sorcerers? "

hearing this, Arthur wrinkled frowned, which believes there may be a misunderstanding.

However, the old man of the storm did not weaken, even the holy light frost guard is also climb on!

Ambrosius never tasted so burned on spell duel.

Mana broke out, break ice up, he began to summon the fury of a small tornado!

Le Fran Arthur does not know how strong guardian of holy light.

see more hail fall greater.

ground ice condenses faster and faster, she was determined to give the old man interrupted spell, silhouette flash range will leave the storm.


Teleport music Fran a hit invisible Formation, again lost the ability to teleport.

space is blocked!

Arthur found little raging snowstorm range, affects only the ruins where people will not spread to the humble houses around it.

good precise control!

However, Arthur brewing skills to complete.

- holy light shock!


blue robed old man shield immediately break!

But he did not stay in place continue to bear the shock of the injury, magic brilliant flash of white horse teleport to the other side!

Moreover, the teleport, did not interrupt blizzard!

will teleport?

Arthur quickly stop seeing the holy light shock, put the holy light change shocks.

tornado shape, at Ambrosius manipulation, blatant shake storm, ice and wind violent collision.

extended hail and tornadoes at this time Le Fran very embarrassed, unable to cast teleport spell, only to run back around Prince: "Your Highness, this continues a disadvantage for us too!"

"I know."

Teleport avoid looking at blue robed old man holy light shock, do not want braved blizzards and tornadoes, Arthur quietly released the Holy Light Power.

With the idea of ​​holy light priming of dissipating all around.

His storm are manufactured out!

holy light storm!


Whether it is Ambrosius tornado, and blue robed old man snowstorm, under the impact of the storm formed in the holy light, are lax without a trace.

"? Can we talk about it"

hear the words of Prince, a white horse old man thought for a moment, nodded: "I can sense your energy is not evil."

"my strength is called holy light, is a pure, holy, righteous energy."

"then why do you want to help this evil mage?" with the staff the Ambrogio Hughes, blue robed old man would harshly questioned.

Arthur said: "? Not evil mage". "He is not evil Master, we are here to investigate what happened in the"

blue robed old man looked at the old wizard glances , coldly snorted and said: "Why do you energy conflict in him?"

Ambrosius: "because I touched the soil here."


blue robed old man glanced at the ground, then release the magic perception charred dirt, his face suddenly exposed the color suddenly:. "I'm sorry, I was reckless"

"If you're hurt, I have here a healing potion."

"healing potion?" blue robed old man heard the words, Ambrosius unhappy face: "I'm fine, you or keep their own use "

Arthur asked:". Old Mister, you come here ... to evil mage? "

blue robed old man nodded and said:" I detect someone using the evil spell. "

" Your Highness, what happened? "

perceived intense spell, element of volatility, found blizzards, tornadoes and holy light storm spate, Jaina then with Selena came in a hurry.

Arthur looked white horse blue robed old man a wry smile.

"Nothing, we met a friend."

blue robed old man to accept in good faith the prince, after all, holy light will not lie: "You can call me Antonio violet . "

" Hello, Mr. violet, I am Arthur · God Shengluo Lan, who is the music Fran Buffett, he is my magic consultant Ambrosius. "Arthur Road.

hearing this Antonio apologize to three again, and then look to the horse comes Jaina, asked: "? The lady is also a Master"

Jaina: "Yes, I am a Arcanist."

hear her words, Antonio suddenly his eyes shining, "I perceive a similar magic with my body, you" Arcanist? " ? Ice will spell "

the problem presumptuous, so Jaina frowned, but to see the prince nodded, did not hide:." to "

" frankly, I also studying Arcane. "

Antonio showed his magic, glorious clear blue charming.

Prince Jaina suddenly look.

Arcane not be presented to Arthur you do, why also said that he is Arcanist?

Arthur was to the interest: "Mr. Antonio, how do you see for Arcane, why use with a call?"

"philosophy Arcane earliest from sunset countries, but they just made . philosophy, and there is no perfect this new spell system, "Antonio exposed confident smile:" and I, it is the perfect person in this new spell system "

" perfect "

Jaina laughed, thinking that old man just telling their own stories, but to see Arthur and Ambrosius serious serious expression, she temporarily put away the contempt.

aristocratic contempt for the female mage, Antonio did not care, but also generous, said: "I will be divided into protective Arcane, Conjuration, prophecy, enchant, Illusion Technique, Undead, change, evocation of the eight lines, wherein the shield is ..... "

listen blue robe Antonio talk about Arcane, Arthur, Ambrosius, Jaina and Fran are all his music knowledge surprised.

a perfect system spell words.

not lying!

become transcender, but it did not awaken the magic and spirit strength, represents a loss of Serena did not understand.

"Your Highness, you just do not fight?"

...... to be continued ......

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