It’s better to ask God, if you want something done well, do it yourself!

Turning around and looking back, there is only a golden field of wild grasses, and now a forest has appeared!

Although the corpse mountain piled up by more than 300,000 coalition forces surrounded the lush woods and exuded a disgusting rancid smell, with human power, miracles were created from scratch, Arthur believed Science will cure the plague!


Believe in science!

Mil has established a scientific research institute.

Medicine Because of Citadel’s inheritance and medical knowledge from previous lives, many Academicians and Maesters who tried to grasp the truth have begun to explore the known diseases in the world, the discovery of viruses, human cells, etc. Various observations and studies.

Access to advanced medical concepts and tools.

There is also a magical assistance.

Arthur firmly believes that the Malvin Academician who returned to Mill will soon be able to figure out what the plague is.

Before this, he must let the soldiers survive the plague cure and medicine appear!

In the logistic materials, there is penicillin specially prepared for soldiers' injuries. Without a better and more effective medicine, he can only be a dead horse doctor.

As a medicine leading several times in this world.

Picillin may not cure the plague, but it can definitely help!


Picillin helped the soldiers with fever to go down, and the weak and sick soldiers were prevented from getting worse, and thunderous horseshoes came from a distance.

The enemy is here again...

Everyone in the army is infected with the plague.

Hundreds of people are sick and weak. Even if the condition is controlled, they don't have much battle strength. This situation is harmless, but Arthur is afraid that the soldiers will suddenly become sick and weak during the battle!

Landau Tully has ordered the soldiers to set up a belligerent formation.

Guns are available.

Arthur, who was worried, summoned Lego immediately.

Seeing the golden light giant dragon flying from the sky, the thunderous hoof sound weakened, and the leading Dothraki raised his long sword to stop the cavalry behind him.

After hesitating for a moment, Arthur gave up the idea of ​​releasing the fire storm and let Rego land in front of them.

"I'm Tagokaao."

Dothraki, holding a long knife, turned over and dismounted.

"Do you dare to have a duel with me according to the rules of the prairie?"

"Why not dare?"

Arthur who is hearing this has nothing He hesitated to jump off the dragon's back, still did not use holy and magic, because he wanted to defeat Dothraki!

One tick the silver moon is slanting and flashing.

The sword was too fast to be seen clearly, but the challenger Tagokao swung his long sword, bringing a raging wind raging, the blade shot straight like a rainbow, and then several gold and iron cried.

Land, Arthur has already played against Tago with seven or eight moves.

"You are very strong."

Kaor's face was dignified, panting slightly.

"You are not bad either."

Arthur used 50% of his strength, longsword made no move, no sword light, no sword style, longsword seemed to be between Heaven and Earth Dissipated invisible, but still killed!

Tiger's blood boiled all over, and at the same time his figure retreated, he smashed the shooting star with the long knife in his hand!


With more than ten steps back, the long knife in Tagokaao's hand has been chopped off, leaving only half a wooden handle.

But he was also unwilling to give in.

Two scimitars in hand, immediately charge like a tiger.

In the face of the fierce Tago, Arthur put the longsword into the sheath with a turn of his wrist, and then used a fist technique that was useless for a long time, but he had been practicing the fist technique against the enemy!


As soon as he combined his boxing technique, Arthur met Kao, who was wielding two knives, and his nosebleeds flowed across his pace with a punch.

"Do you want to continue?"

Seeing that Tago was beaten, Arthur stopped and asked. I still won't give up at the last moment.



The kick boxing skills combined with free combat, the thunderous kick, holding double knives Tago couldn't even touch Arthur, so he flew more than ten meters upside down and passed out.

"I won."

"You will leave according to the rules?"

When the dragon came down and defeated the powerhouse of Kao, Dothraki whispered for a while, and after they checked that the leader's injury was not serious, they cut off his whip and gave it to the winner, and then retreated in a dingy manner.

But before he returned to the army, another Dothraki appeared in the east!

In this case, he simply rode the dragon to fly over.

"Who is your Kao?"

"Do you dare to fight with me in accordance with the rules on the grassland?"

Listen to Heavenly Dragon roared, looking at the burning flames, Dothraki was not stupid, and would not be willing to meet force with force with a giant dragon that could fly. In accordance with the challenge of the prairie rules, this Kao of Karratha chose to accept it after a moment of indulgence.


Arthur got down from the dragon's back and started a battle with this Kaor. Two Dothraki cavalry appeared on the other side at the same time!

No one is riding a giant dragon to block the road head-to-head. They are rushing at full speed and are about to rush into the range of the artillery.

"You lost."

The sword flashed out of silver light and defeated the challenged Kao in the blink of an eye. Arthur didn't care if he still refuse to accept, he cut his braid directly, He jumped back on Rego's back, and wanted to go head-to-head with the two Karratha's Kao.



Kao was instantly defeated and his pigtails were cut off. There are still people who refuse to accept this Karratha!

Grab threw the spear, and Arthur was a little worried, very upset: "Are you going to violate the rules on the prairie?"

"You are not Dothraki, you are not qualified to tell us And the rules on the prairie!"

Hearing him coldly questioning, Dothraki, who throws a spear sneak attack, has never seen the power of a giant dragon, does not know the horror of dragon flames and magic, and draws his sword without fear. .

"Can you represent your Kao?"

Arthur looked at Kao, whose braid had been cut, and his face was gray with a scimitar.

"He lost, he is not qualified to be our Kao!"

"Only a powerhouse can be a Kao!" Dothraki raised the scimitar and shouted: "We are Dothraki warriors, We are fearless, and we have tens of thousands of fine riders. Don’t think that we will be afraid of you if you ride a dragon!"

"If you are a warrior, just kill him with me!"

"courting death."

The Arthur who heard this already understood that this guy was going to seize the right to the defeated Kao and use himself to stand up!


The dragon flames that burned steel and rock burned out, anger and storm raging, and in a flash, hundreds of Dothraki warriors became ash!

But the Dothraki who seized power was not burned to death by the dragon flames.

He is extremely fast!

Escape from the center of the dragon flames, running like a wind, and rushing onto the dragon's back, trying to kill Arthur.


"No wonder you dare to usurp power at this time." holy light guards the scimitar that is as fast as the wind, and condenses into a rope to bind the talent with speed, but no With sufficient strength, Arthur said coldly, "But your strength is too weak."


As Arthur grabs his knife's hand.

iron essence The scimitar turned into black lightning, and instantly cut off the owner's head.

"Do you want to continue?"

Choose to go to war, Dothraki will never back down!

Riding horses around the fire sea, the cavalry wielding machetes, spears, and long knives screamed, roared, and roared and charged for themselves!

"Don't blame me for being ruthless..."

The Dothraki cavalry on the other side ran into the artillery range, and there was no time to waste.



Giant dragon rises into the sky, burning to the sky!

The scimitar can't cut the powerful creatures flying in the sky, and bows and arrows are not a threat. Faced with the ruthless dragon flame and Fire Element magic, this unruly Karratha instantly loses hundreds of thousands. people.

In order to prevent the army from being flanked by the Dothraki cavalry on three sides, Arthur did not hesitate to use his magic power to unleash the Raging Flames Storm with Rego's dragon flames!

In a blink of an eye, Dothraki is surrounded by the fire sea.

It can only be cooked in the terrifying heat and heat!

Arthur suddenly discovered that using spell against tens of thousands of Dothraki's Karratha did not cost too much mana!

"boom~ boom~ ~!!!"

The artillery opened fire.

There have been too many experiences of exhausting magic power. Although it feels uncomfortable, in order to win and for the lives of his soldiers, Arthur rode Lego to the other side of the Dothraki cavalry and immediately released Raging Flames. Storm!

Raging Flames Storm and Dragon Flame appear.

The charge of the Dothraki cavalry came to a halt.

A body of flesh and blood, unable to cross the raging fire!

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of artillery, countless people fell before the battle of Mill's army, and they could not escape the shells even when they bypassed the fire sea.

It rushed through the area where the cannonballs were like meteors, and luckily was not burned by the dragon flames and fire storms.

The Dothraki cavalry finally entered the range of the musket, and fell under the invisible sickle of Death God with a crisp sound!

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ~!!!"

There is no heavy machine gun.

Relying on a volley of guns, the extremely fast light cavalry can actually rush into the battle formation and close combat.


The musket is not all of Mill's army.

They are also equipped with grenades!

"boom~ boom~ ~!!!"

The grenade can't be blown to death, Rulin's spear is waiting for Dothraki without armor!

The galloping cavalry has terrifying inertia and potential energy in the charge. The horse and Dothraki will also be broken when the ten-meter long spear stabbed, and then continue to crash into the array of soldiers.

Facing the charge of the cavalry.

Standing under the spear and in front of the spearmen, the specially trained musketeers did not panic at all, because they knew that chaos would die faster, and the only thing they could do if they wanted to survive , Is to speed up the ammunition loading speed and fire.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ~!!!"

"boom~ boom~ ~!!!"

"boom~ boom~ ~! !!!"

The artillery fire continued, the gunfire continued, and the grenade continued.

With Arthur riding a dragon and displaying Raging Flames Storm, Dothraki rushed for two waves, and gradually became weaker and further away from the enemy battle line about to breakthrough!

Two Dothraki cavalry with more than 10,000 men.

In this way, under muskets, artillery, grenades, dragon flames, and magic, all fell on the way of charging!

In the face of more than 300,000 coalition attacks, Mill's army can survive and continue to achieve brilliant results.

Two Dothraki of Karratha?

They really don't pay much attention to it.

Hiding in the distance.

The coalition scouts observed with the Mill telescope saw two Dothraki Karratha leave and the two Karratha were destroyed. They immediately mounted their horses to report the battle to the general.

Because of the benefits of slave trade.

There are also Golden Dragon, jewelry, beauties, weapons, supplies, etc. that Free Cities asked Dothraki for help.

Karratha from the sea of ​​grass came from afar one by one.

The scout turned around and met two tribes again. He showed his identity as a Free Cities scout, and he was quickly allowed to return to report the situation. Of course, the coalition scout did not tell them how the other Karratha and Mill troops were fighting.

But Dothraki is not stupid.

When they approached the battlefield, they found giant dragons flying in the sky, and dead bodies lying on the ground before the enemy battlefield.

Seeing that the Dothraki cavalry came, Arthur immediately let Rego fly over.

"Who is your Kao?"

"I am."

Hearing the inquiry, the fearless warrior immediately rode out.

"Are you willing to accept my challenge?"

"According to your rules on the grassland!"

"Challenge?" Looking at the dragon on the back Young man, Kao, who is hearing this, pondered for a while, and then asked with a sneer, "Are you willing to memorize the giant dragon?"

"No problem."

See Arthur just jump When he came down, Cao suddenly smiled, and his opponent ordered: "Give him a horse."

"No need."

The Cao said: "I I'm too lazy to dismount and fight."

"Then you can ride a horse." Arthur doesn't care about fighting or riding. "My strength is very strong. I have defeated three Kao from yesterday to today. "

Hearing this, Kao frowned and looked at the densely packed corpse in front of Mill’s army, showing a thoughtful look, some of which were not like other savage and martial Dothraki, and asked: "Then they Why are they dead?"

Arthur: "They didn't accept my challenge."

Kaor was silent for a moment, then looked at Karratha who was solved by Dragon Flame and Raging Flames Storm. "It's the same over there?"

"No, their Kao lost, but his subordinates refused to accept it and tried to seize power, and encouraged everyone to kill me, but didn't expect them Without this strength." Arthur said indifferently.

Having a giant dragon, strong strength, and a strong army as a backing, it can be said that this remark, Kao laughed hearing this, told the blood league guards around him to retreat and asked: "We You can have a regular duel."


"What can I get if I win?"

" What does Free Cities give you?" The wealthy and wayward Arthur lightly said with a smile: "In addition to slaves and women, other things, whether it is Golden Dragon, supplies or weapons, I will give it three times!"


"It's a tempting number, but how can I trust you?" The Kao didn't rush into the fight.

Arthur: "My wife is Daenerys."

"The dragon queen?" Kaola, who was hearing this, retreated with his horse, pulling Blade Dao: "I agree this time It's a duel."

"Very good."

Looking at Kao, who was pulling away and riding his horse to launch a charge, Arthur didn't draw his sword, but chose to win with his fist and let him watch. All Dothraki are convinced.

"Come on!"

Don't ride a horse, but also bare-handed.

Cao didn’t know whether Arthur despised himself or really possessed great strength, but he didn’t have the slightest show mercy.

Facing the blade.

Faced with the galloping horse, Arthur stepped out and immediately showed the momentum of blocking the river. He raised his hands and instantly raised the rushing horse above his head, then fiercely threw the horse and Kao away. !

"I won!"

Looking at the young man raising the horse that charged forward, Dothraki who was on the sidelines took a cold breath.

Absolute silence of the audience.

Kao, who got up from the ground, was full of astonishment. He came back to his senses, then retracted the scimitar, and said frankly: "It's a terrifying power. Although I am very unwilling, I really lost. ..... Those Kao who lost to you were not wronged.

No wonder you can tame the giant dragon and become the husband of the unburnt Kalixi."

"Don't know your name yet?"

"Arthur·Holy Lorland."

"Arthur·Holy Lorland?" Kao, who was hearing this, looked at the prince, nodded "I'm Kluno."

"Your eyes are black. Have you ever heard the name Arthur Blackeye?"

The second time I mentioned this name, Arthur felt It’s a little strange: "I used to be called Arthur Blackeye. Why did you ask about this?"

"Because there is a black-eyed tribe rising in the East." Klunokkaao said: "And you used to be with yours Father and brother swept across the western part of the Great Caohai Sea, and they are still very famous on the grassland."

"Well, powerful Arthur Blackeye, you have defeated me, what do you want me to do?"

"I won't embarrass you, leave here and stop participating in our war with Free Cities." Arthur said.

"Don't participate in the war?"

"It's very simple, we will retreat immediately." Corunocao said and paused, then pondered then said: "But forgive me to speak bluntly, no matter how strong you are, there is no way to change the rules in the last ages."

Arthur: "The rules in the last ages?"

"You Once you have been to the grassland, you should know how we will deal with prisoners of war." Coruno: "You and the Dragon Queen liberation slave... can be said to be enemies of the whole world. It's better to stop this matter."

"Axia and the Land of Shadows... are stronger." be continued...

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