"Although there have been some small accidents." Glancing around the lord, nobleman, and knight holding swords, Melisandre dissipated the brilliant flames around her body: "But...I I hope you can calm down..."

"After all, I represent not only the Lakhlo Church, but also the Lord of Light!"

The Red God Church is powerful, With the asylum of True God Lord of Light, I have seen the magical wars like dreams and witnessed the fall of Old Gods and The Seven warrior. The furious Robert took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down: "Lahlo Church Is it strong enough to not take my King seriously?"

"Or, do you want me to die?"

"Then let Daenerys come back to inherit the Iron Throne "

"There is no such thing." Melisandre shook her head: "We are here only to preach."

"Then the massacre will be forgotten" Robert solemnly asked.

Melisandre: "The attack on the Starry Church is between our Lakhlo Church and The Seven Church. We have done our best in the Winter War. I don’t think Your Majesty should I am biased towards The Seven Church."

Ryan: "The contribution of Lahlo Church in the Battle of Winter is indelible."

"But slaughter is slaughter, merit will never be , It’s also impossible to become your capital for evil!"

"We did not do evil." Melisandre emphasized: "This is a war between two churches. Our priests and monks are also caught by The Seven. People in the church have killed a lot!"

The foreign Red God sect competed with the native The Seven for faith. The conflict between the two is inevitable. However, many lords and nobles are not concerned about the two churches. The war between.

It is the interests and safety of all of them.

"What about the attack on Oldtown?"

Ryan said solemnly: "Don’t forget, the Hyttar family is still loyal to my younger brother Arthur. He is the son of light in your church. He His wife is Daenerys, the queen of your church’s loyalty in Mill and the Land of Strife!" Hearing this, Melisandre was silent for a moment: "Then...what will we do in Lahlo Church, Can I preach in Westeros?"

Robert, Ryan, and Varian exchanged glances immediately.

This is what they are waiting for!

The country, the Royal Family, and the nobles all value their interests. They know that the Red God Sect is powerful and cannot easily be an enemy. Even if the threat is huge, as long as there is enough benefit to the organizing committee to compensate, they are willing to treat the Warrior Group of the Holy Fire. Slaughter the Stars Temple turn a blind eye.

"We have always allowed the Red Gods to preach in Westeros."

"However, we want to clearly divide theocracy, church and monarchy, as well as the rights of lords."

Hearing this, Melisandre was not surprised.

After all, Arthur also said this in Mill and the Land of Strife, just to show that the church’s rights are not above the rights of the monarchs, and to prevent them from interfering in the rule. The interests of the church will not have much impact for the time being. accept.

"I can accept it on behalf of the church, but the details need to be discussed."

Robert returned to the Iron Throne.

Ryan: "Now, let’s talk about your church’s attack on Oldtown."

Melisandre thought for a while, looked at the Hytal family and asked intently Said: "Our church is willing to take responsibility for this."

"Dare to do and recognize, it is good." Ryan nodded: "Whether it is a red robe priest or a red robe monk, we have the power of extraordinary people. We You can be allowed to preach, but you cannot guarantee that there will be no second attack."

"So, your power must be limited."

"How to limit?"

The words made Melisandre frowned.

"I am not a sorcerer, I don't know how to restrict it, and I can't restrict it." Ryan shook the head, and his expression became extremely serious: "But..."

Aisara walked over and loudly said: "We hope you can hand over all the extraordinary books and books collected by the Red God Sect, as well as the methods for training priests and monks!"

"The books and books of our church Training method?"

Melisandra is somewhat astonished.

Standing down, the expressionless red robe woman made everyone completely unaware of what she was thinking about now. She was afraid of Robert, Ryan, Varian, Balistan and many lords and nobles who suddenly turned her face. Both knight and knight clenched the longsword in their hands.

"I can't do anything about this. I need to go back to Mill to discuss with the Supreme Pastor."

Without turning his face directly, there is room for negotiation, Ryan and the others immediately sighed in relief secretly: "How long will it take to reply?"

Mei Li Shanzhu: "Four months at the earliest."


Robert, Ryan and Varian immediately nodded and agreed.

Aisara: "I'll go with you."

For this Princess, whose strength suddenly skyrocketed and revealed a vaguely dangerous atmosphere, Melisandre became increasingly unable to see what she thought. What to do.

But after a moment of silence, nodded agreed.


The former Lancelot collar of Westeros.

This land was entrusted to the Battle of Winter, as well as the offensive heroes who helped Robert regain the Iron Throne. Among them, the most powerful was the August family where Jaina was located.

For the Lahlo church, because of a strong Grand Arcanist, they didn't have much fear.

Although Jaina did not get a reputation following Arthur, her strength became stronger and stronger, and strength was the root of everything. The August family didn’t think there was anything wrong with the prostitute going to block the prince’s lover. good.

Because of the news that the Red God Sect attacked Oldtown and slaughtered the Star Temple.

The August family is full of vigilance and rejection of them.

The power of The Seven Church is deeply rooted in the south of Westeros. In order to rule the territory, the old Friedrich and Frederick used the power of The Seven Church, and because of the six gods in The Seven, they are fighting in the winter. Fallen one after another for mankind.

The war of faith between the two churches.

They are completely on the side of The Seven.

Lost the base camp and hundreds of cultivators, The Seven sect steadily retreated under the attack of the Red God cult, and the only transcender was under siege.

I have been to Essos.

Old Friedrich and Frederick are very aware of the strength of the Red God Religion.

In short, it's just one sentence.

They don’t like the Rahlo church!

So, when The Seven taught the transcender to run around, they found that this was an acquaintance, and then without the slightest hesitation gave the most critical help.

Lord of Light is real and can lead the world.

The transcender many people of Lahlo Church, and The Seven Church has only the last blacksmith left.

The situation is very unfavorable.

Stay in Westeros only has a dead end.

Therefore, the August family contacted Ryan and Varian and secretly arranged for The Seven to teach the last transcender to Mill.

Although Mill became the new base camp of the Lakhlo Church.

But Mars and Mikal are still alive there today, which shows that Arthur and Daenerys are absolutely capable of providing shelter.


The Seven teaches the last transcender to leave.

Lord of Light, which has been silent for a long time, once again appeared in the mortal world.

A blaze appeared in the dark night, making Fanxing and Haoyue gloomy, the red flame burned the sky, and the earth shiver coldly under the divine might.

Westeros The Seven taught the last Spiritual God, and the blacksmith slowly appeared on the trembling earth.

It was not the initiative to come, but the Lord of Light forced to appear in the world, and He held the hammer very solemnly.

But in the face of the Lord of Light who created a monstrous natural phenomenon and terrifying power, the divine force can hardly affect all around and create a natural phenomenon, and it seems very weak.

Raise the hammer.


The last place, The Seven, blooms with the last glory.

But the monstrous anger instantly swallowed it.

In the crimson flames, the shadow of the blacksmith god cracked every inch and burst into pieces that filled the world...

The Seven Church.

It's nothing anymore.

If you are not in Westeros, you can't see the battle of Gods, but as believers, Mars, Mikal and the others all perceive the fall of the blacksmith and the collapse of Faith of the Seven invisibly.


Arthur's side.

Because of the appearance of the train.

Mill and the Land of Conflict became monolithic.

With the massive expansion of the army and the training of talents, with an advanced industrial foundation, the expansion of Mill and the Land of Strife has officially begun.

Because of the problem of stone people in Loina’s homeland, he hoped to completely solve this terrifying disease and rebuild the ancient city that was turned into ruins. Arthur personally led the South Road troops.

The north is in charge of the dragon queen.

Riding away on a dragon, with many transcenders and elite troops, at the same time, let the workers build railways toward the plains, golden fields, and Ge Duohe.

Bravos, Kohor, Novos, and Rollas, who were defeated in the First Battle of the Golden Field, have not recovered their vitality, and there is no way to threaten Daenerys' expansion.

Things are going well.

Malwin’s students, Godric, Salazar, Roina, and Helga also started their work to clear out the river pirates of the Lorne and Cynn, and build magic in Bishu Academy, without a powerful transcender, the river pirate entrenched in the river met four people and was destined to be unable to escape the trial of the law.

Construction of railways.

Connect Pentos and Mill together.

It is about unity and rule. Daenerys is most concerned about this matter, followed by the establishment of the Magic Academy.

As for Braavos, Rollas, Novos and Kohor?

She, like Arthur, doesn't take these defeated seriously.

Facts have proved that bad boats also have three catties.

Even with the impact of industrialization, Iron Bank not to be trifled with. Although Mill and Land of Strife have their own banks, the money war without gunpowder and blood still fought silently.

The ancients were not stupid.

Through learning and understanding.

Iron Bank quickly understood industry and banking, and even secretly ventured into Arthur's half-knowledge of finance.

Finance is a terrifying beast that devours people.

The prudent Arthur has very strict control over this aspect, and will stop immediately if the problem is found, and would rather cause a lot of economic losses, but also must solve the problem before continuing.

But he is more cautious.

Smart people will still find loopholes.


Because the Braavos Sea Territory was blocked by Iron Fleet and the southern land was blocked, Iron Bank had the idea of ​​secretly relocating.


Mill moved to become a financial center...

Without a slave, it has never shown the identity of a nobleman, ordinary foreign merchants, or even rich merchants, as long as It's not that it is heinous, no evil, no slaves, no sabotage, Arthur and Daenerys are very welcome.

Only trade can increase wealth.

The war with Free Cities is a war. They still have to make money to make money.

Royna's homeland.

Sad collar.

"Report to Your Highness, we have found 13 more stone people."

Before the broken city turned into ruins, the report disturbed Arthur in a daze, came back to his senses , He looked at Gao Wen: "Have you come into contact with them?"

Gao Wen: "Warriors are very careful."

"We still have to let the soldiers use disinfection potion* |Take one more bath."

Through hard work, the Academician and Maester, who are studying bacteria and viruses, have made significant progress, and will finally be able to study the grayscale disease that has been a disaster for countless years.

Understand the incidence and causes of infection of gray scale disease.

With the help of magic, Academician and Maester quickly developed effective suppression, prevention and treatment methods!

rich and imposing.

Arthur, who hopes to recover Loena’s homeland, brings a large number of medicines against gray scale disease.

He didn't want a soldier to die.

It is not easy to treat gray scale disease, skin hardening is easy to deal with, muscle hardening is not too difficult to treat, but skeleton and internal organs hardening...

Even with special effects medicine.

If Arthur consumes a lot of Holy Light Power, it will be difficult to save people back.

Shimin was abandoned, disgusted and rejected by all the living. To save these mortal patients, everyone disagreed. They all believed that Shimin was rescued and it was just a waste of medicine. To Mill There is no use in a place of conflict.


Alonthos very much agrees with the prince, because the priest of the holy light society can use these stone people with gray scale disease to practice treatment Surgery.

Arthur saw the stone people brought back by the soldiers.

Several priests of Uther have used healing techniques to cooperate with doctors to treat them.

The five-person Holy Light Power is getting stronger and stronger, and it has almost reached the golden rank. After all, Holy Light Power is different from ordinary extraordinary power, as long as it is pious and pure enough, Arthur and Alonthos will guide you. , The universal holy light improves extremely fast.

With enough manpower, Arthur doesn't have to do everything by himself now.

Looking at Shimin’s treatment, he found the architect who accompanied the army and discussed how to rebuild the ruined city in Loy’s homeland.

Disperse the fog, sit on the dragon's back and survey the terrain.

Arthur accidentally discovered that there was a hidden energy hidden under the river that had flooded the ruins.

Without riding Lei Ge's dragon back, he fully formed the source of power and stepped into the epic strength, and could not find this energy.


The fluctuation of the secret energy can resonate with the giant dragon!

Let the architect return to the ground. Arthur wanted to go into the river that flooded the ruins to investigate. He left the giant dragon but found nothing.

Think for a moment.

I immediately rode Lei Ge's dragon back again, and then controlled the giant dragon by changing his shape, releasing his huge spirit.


The Water Element between Heaven and Earth suddenly rioted.

The mysterious source at the bottom of the river also erupted with the terrifying Fire Element Energy, creating thick fog covering the heavens, shielding the sun in the ruins in the blink of an eye.

Think about it.

Arthur immediately thought of a possibility.

An ancient legend...

Loyna defeated Valyria’s Freedom Fortress, and 250,000 people died under the magic flames of 300 giant dragons. King Armament, the Gaelin pro-King Armament who led Loy's army in battle, was defeated and captured.

Having witnessed the destruction of the city, countless people died tragically, and Gaelin, who was tortured in a golden cage, summoned his mother before his death and cursed his enemy.


The Lorne River suddenly flooded, engulfing all the invaders and trapping the Fire King of Valyria’s Freedom Citadel underwater.

Under the ruins of the river...

It is possible that the legendary king of fire exists!

...to be continued...

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