The water waves are rippling, the ground of the Isle of Gods is shaking violently, in the large brick house of the sanctuary, from all over the world, the forgotten little Spiritual God is also overlooked, releasing a weak divine might. It can create a large-scale natural phenomenon, but it shows thousands of fuzzy shadows!

The wind stopped, the phantom light was blurred, and the sun in the sky became unremarkable.

Over the temple of the Moonsinger on the largest island of the gods, a round moon exuding a gentle and clean white light appeared in the sky. The raging flames were suppressed in the whiteness.

A vast and mighty force emerges from the Temple of Grace, which does not show the mountains and dews, but directly impacts the scorching sun that represents the Lord of Light in the sky.

After countless times of tearing down and rebuilding, the water of the temple of the Father of the Waters flew up, and the rain fell again.

The three gods, the black goat, and the night lion descend directly with their own natural phenomenon. The shadows of the three gods are overwhelming in all directions. The black goat is strange and terrifying. The other Spiritual God, who has temples and temples on the island, also slowly appeared and descended...

Their priests were more enthusiastic about their faith in ecstasy.

"The great Lord of Light will give us divine force!"

Looking at the appearance of false gods, Melisandre is not afraid of it, longsword enchants flames in her hand, The fireworks turned into an angry dragon roar.

"Clear all pagan believers!"

"Help Supreme True God eliminate these false gods!"


Not an elite warrior, but for their faith, the priests and monks of the Red God Sect acted more fearlessly than the Westeros soldiers. They displayed the divine technique and rushed towards the moon chanter's temple with the full moon in the sky.

Compared to the Lord of Light known as True God.

Spiritual Gods such as the Moon God, the Three Head Gods, the Night Lion, the Black Goat, and the Father of the Waters are far too short.

Many priests have contributed their pious beliefs, at most they can only lead them to come, they can't provide more shelter, and they can't give any divine technique.

Facing the priests and monks of the Lakhlo church who mastered the divine technique.

The priests such as the moon chanter, the priest of the three gods, and the priest of the night lion have no strength to fight back. They all fled in embarrassment while praying to their spiritual god.

The warrior and warrior guarding the temple and the temple cannot stop the Westeros soldiers in groups.


It happened just as all the priests in the Isle of Gods feared.

Spiritual God has not yet shot.

Ryan, who was afraid of divine might, caused the soldiers to slow down their attack on the Black and White House.

For Big Brother Yu's approach, Varian understood that, after all, the Spiritual God of the Isle of Gods is not comparable to the Lord of Light, but no matter how weak it is, it is still aloof and remote Spiritual God.

The courtyard of black and white has been surrounded.

Even if there is a secret passage inside that can be used by the faceless to escape, as long as this base camp is destroyed, all Iron Bank deposits are taken away, and financial support and shelter are lost, these guts that dare to be enemies of the two countries Mouse, it won't last a few days!

"Continue the shelling."

Not wanting to approach, but also wanting to evacuate at a critical moment, Ryan and Varian continued to command the artillery to fire.

Robert, who attacked Iron Bank, also found a natural phenomenon in the sky. He did not panic or stop, but accelerated the attack speed and entered the Iron Bank bank.

Under the onslaught of the Westeros army, Braavos could not stop it.

Iron Bank no matter how rich it is, it does not have a strong enough military force, and it does not have the protection of a powerhouse. In the face of greedy and murderous enemies, it is difficult for them to give up money and save their lives.

"Where is the vault?!"

I couldn't find anyone in charge of the vault key, but he knew where to interrogate the mine vault, so Robert immediately led someone to open the door violently.

Iron bars and thick gates, as well as guards.

For mastering transcender, it's all in vain!

Kill the blocking guards. They have too many ways to open the iron fences and thick doors, and then let the lord of the army and the nobles supervise the soldiers to carry the gold and silver treasures in the vault.

The sun, which seems to have become a background and set off, suddenly blooms ten thousand zhang red light, exuding the terrifying temperature of evaporating seawater.

"It's coming."

"The battle of gods is about to begin." Ryan said immediately: "Ready to retreat at any time!"


The blazing sun lowers its height, and the heat wave that burns everything evaporates water mist, covering the entire Braavos!

ten thousand zhang red light Like a magic knife, the full moon, the three gods, the black goat, the night lion and other false gods that have been attacked are all illusory and unstable!


The blazing sun sends out countless Fireballs and turns into meteors.

In a flash, all the temples and temples of the false gods on the islands of the gods were destroyed, resulting in a terrible explosion, causing a hurricane-like impact to disperse the water mist, revealing it into ruins, and shaking the island continuously.

With Lord of Light asylum, the priests and monks such as Melisandre are fine.

The Westeros lords, nobles and knights who have practiced the divine technique of the Lahlo church were also unscathed. The soldiers who followed them were injured, but there were no major casualties.

But the priests of the false gods.

The casualties are heavy!

Except for the lucky moon chanter, the priest of the three gods, the priest of the night lion, and the priest of the black goat, the weak Spiritual God who has no faith cannot protect those who devote themselves to their priesthood.

The resentment filled their eyes and chest.

Find the pagan priests who have survived in the ruins, Melisandre’s flame-wrapped longsword pointed a finger, and loudly said: "Destroy them for the Lord of Light!"


True God has appeared, and I have seen the power of Lord of Light destroying heaven extinguishing earth. Without priests and monks, the lords, nobles, knights and soldiers of Westeros roared and charged.

False gods can shelter their priests once.

Under the attack of Lord of Light, without the support of Power of Faith, the overwhelming false gods could not protect them for the second time. As flames swept the sky, the night lion’s realm burned and destroyed, and the waters The father sent a jet of water to the sky but could not pose a threat, and the strangeness of the black goat was cut by the light.

The white full moon collapsed between Heaven and Earth.

Butcher knife.

Unexpectedly, it fell on the only remaining moon chanter, black goat priest, night lion priest, and three god priests.

In Kohor, the Lakhlo church has already attempted to burn the black goat statue.

The destruction of temples and temples on the islands of Gods is only the beginning. For more faith, their followers will inevitably be eliminated by the Lord of Light!

Faith is the basis for the existence of Spiritual God.

In order to continue to exist.

They chose to fight to the death!

Facing the counterattack of the black goat, the night lion, and the three gods, Lord of Light responded easily. The flames occupying the sky dropped targeted fire rain, burning them all over with smoke, and then huge The shadow of the gods is getting smaller and smaller under the fire rain...


It's just a matter of time.

Ryan, Varian, and the others are far away from the Isle of Gods.

Robert, who emptied the vault, saw that the war of gods hadn't affected much, so he continued to let the soldiers carry iron, gold and silver treasures desperately.

The mine vault has been moved out, and there is also a vault at the new location of Iron Bank!

Seeing the three gods, night lion, and black goat getting smaller and smaller, divine might and power getting weaker and weaker, the black and white courtyard destroyed by shelling and the power of Lord of Light suddenly The appearance of Death Power, a negative energy of different evils, is a pure death!

"Does the God of Thousand Faces really exist?"

It didn't take long to retreat, and perceiving this death energy, Ryan and Varian suddenly glanced at each other with expressions Dignified, full of horror in my heart.

"Fortunately, I didn’t rush into the courtyard of black and white."

Varian tone barely fell, the three gods, night lion, and black goat in the sky finally Unable to hold it, it turned into pitch black smoke in the burning of the flame.

However, these three thick smoke did not drift between Heaven and Earth.

The Death Power of the Black and White House soars into the sky, the pure black energy absorbs three black smoke, and the mysterious black chaos is instantly condensed.

"The God of Thousand Faces?"

Looking at it will turn from a chaotic form to*|Man becomes a lion, a goat, a child, a mermaid, grows three heads or wears With a hood and a weird human figure ricketing and crying, Ryan immediately told the soldiers to retreat again.


In the sky, the Lord of Light, who controls the blazing sun, launched a pillar of heavenly punishment and hit the manifested God of a Thousand Faces. The black and white courtyard below him was completely destroyed, even the ground. Turned into a big pit, the horrible drama shook so that no one could stand firm, and the waves were frantically surging.

Can be bombarded by a pillar of flame like heavenly punishment, Death Power's ever-changing chaos still floats in the air unscathed.

Lord of Light immediately lowered the second heavenly punishment Yan Zhu, but this time the God of Thousand Faces was no longer beaten.

Death Power surged suddenly, and the chaos immediately blocked the strikes, and then sparks flew everywhere, and countless meteor-like Fireballs flew all around.

The retreating soldiers have run quite far.

But such a small aftermath of the battle of the gods made it difficult for humble mortals to survive, and when the meteor fell, soldiers turned into ashes die without a whole corpse.


Ryan and Varian were heartbroken for the soldier's loss: "Everyone pays attention to the rear, and finds a meteor coming to avoid!" "

The battle of gods has just begun.

The stubborn father of the waters has not fallen. The pirate in Braavos launched the heaven overflowing giant wave, and even the priest Drowned God, who moved with the army, could not control the water.

Because the priesthood is the same.

Drowned God also suddenly descended on the waves, competing with the father of all waters for control of the sea!

Drowned God appeared, and Varian felt a strong anxiety when he saw it: "Could it be that melee is going to break out here?"

"It is very likely that everyone ran away. Hurry up!" Ryan yelled.

Varian: "Go to the Imperial Father's side?"

"It's better than staying here."

"Then quickly!"

The Lord of Light, who controls the blazing sun, issued a 3rd heavenly punishment flame column, but it was still the god of a thousand faces who turned into the chaos of death.

The God of Thousand Faces only controls the divine force of death, and its function is indeed inferior to the power of Law Divine Power such as light, flame, and shadow. It has Lord of Light, the heart of holy flame, the god of shadow and fire, and heat. And God of Life.

But there are no prayers, no chants, no ceremony, no divine technique.

Even the priests have only a few priests, but they dare to claim that Myriad Incarnations and Spiritual Gods involving death are all incarnations!

You can gain the faith and prayers of the whole world!


He is death himself!

Based on strength.

The god of a thousand faces is stronger than Lord of Light!

Death chaos changes the lion, roars that mortals and living people cannot hear, and the invisible sound wave blows out the boundless flame instantly!

The Lieyang became a dim little Fireball under the influence of Death Power.

Mei Li Shanzhuo and other priests and monks of the Red God Sect saw this and quickly knelt down to the blazing sun and prayed for True God, dedicating their pious beliefs.

"The great Lord of Light will defeat the God of a Thousand Faces!"

The red robe woman is sonorous and powerful.

"Lord of Light won't win."


A faint voice sounded behind her, Melisandre and those present The red god priests and monks turned around, but found no outsiders.

"It's me."

The red robe monk who turned around tore off the human skin mask.

He is a faceless man!

"quickly retreat!"

Seeing the enemy, the priests and monks have used the divine technique to kill the weird assassin, don’t expect the faceless raised hand , There are two daggers to solve the two monks, body moved, I don’t know where to draw the sword, and kill the three priests moved towards Meili Shandro approached.

"die for me!"

Melisandre stepped back while casting a spell, and the flames instantly burned the Faceless.


There is more than one faceless!

"Be careful!"

The dagger was sent to the back of the heart by the priest beside Melisandre, fiercely, even though he was carrying a magic item and mastered the extraordinary divine technique, he did not perform it in time. Protection and avoidance of sneak attack.

She fell to the ground when it darkened in front of her eyes.

When other priests and monks saw this, they quickly killed the faceless person of the sneak attack high-ranking priest.


A faceless person who is proficient in assassination and sneak attack will always make you can't guard against it!

More than ten assassins ran out of the ruins all around.

In a hurry, the Red God priests and monks were approached, and then they also found that the soldiers who were arranged to protect them were all destroyed.

No one is helping.

As long as the divine technique is not performed fast enough.

The priests and monks immediately died tragically under the slaughter of the Faceless!

After a while.

The priests and monks of the Lakhlo church on the Isles of Gods were all cleaned up by the Faceless, and then these assassins quickly disappeared into the broken In the ruins.

Lord of Light is in the sky, fighting against the god of a thousand faces.

Priests and monks were killed under his nose. Rahlo broke out with unprecedented anger, and the suppression of death was reignited by the overwhelming anger.

ten thousand zhang red light like a knife, slashing and slashing to restore the volatile chaos of death.

On the ground.

The heart was pierced, and Melisandre, who fell to the ground, suddenly opened her eyes, and recovered completely from her injuries.

"Thank my god for the gift..."


Father and Drowned God fought inextricably. The death chaos turned into a black goat suddenly jumped, and immediately hit the sun and the flames shrank and flew high, and as soon as the direction turned, they rushed to the sea, knocking Drowned God's condensed shadow completely.

"Drowned God was repelled..."

The shocked priest Drowned God couldn't believe this scene.

At this moment, the water waves are surging, and the waves are scattered, as if something is coming out of the sea.

Is it a huge rock?

The god of a thousand faces turned into a black goat and stopped. The Lord of Light in the sky controls the sun to ignite the flames of the world, travels through time and space, and casts the divine force of destroying myriad things down. , Instantly regained the stunned death and chaotic shape of the black goat.


The big explosion of heaven shaking, earth shattering appeared, Braavos raised a mushroom cloud soaring, the northernmost part of the westernmost part of Essos, and the entire area The drama shook up.

But Lord of Light’s blow did not create a shock wave, nor did it have a terrifying high temperature. In the smoke and dust of the sky, the flames of the burning world only touched the death chaos of the god of a thousand faces and slowly burned.

The rocks in the sea emerge completely from the sea.

The temperature dropped suddenly!

Ryan, Varian, Robert and the others, who were not injured by the aftermath of Lord of Light’s blow, discovered that the smoke and dust all over the sky turned into frost and snow slowly falling.

"What's going on?"

The survivors all turned their heads around, wanting to know the number of casualties, but found that no one was suffering from an outbreak of heaven shaking, earth shattering.

Only a few unlucky ones were hit by rocks or fell into the sea.

Fire, smoke, and vibration will not harm people.

"What's that?"

Just when all the soldiers wondered and thanked Lord of Light for their shelter, someone discovered that it was almost as huge as the Titan Giant's silhouette.

Look intently.

The huge silhouette is not a collapsed Titan.

Nor is it the ordinary giant of Westeros Beyond the Wall.

Robert, Ryan, Varian, Barristan, Eddard, and the others all turned pale in fright: "It's actually a rock giant?!"

.... .. to be continued...

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