"His Royal Highness, have you seen it?"

I found that the half-dragon and half-human Fire King was quietly climbing in the night sky, madly absorbing the Lord of Light and the ancient difference The divine force is divine, the white beard old man raised his brows mischievously, and showed a triumphant smile.

"He is bringing about one's own destruction!"

Melisandra coldly snorted and said.

I don’t know what the half-dragon and half-human that makes him feel disgusted are doing, Daenerys frowned and asked, "He flew up to deal with the ancient gods?"

Arthur:" No, he wants to be a fisherman?"

When the sandpiper and the clam fight each other, it's the fisherman who benefits The husband once told himself, the dragon queen hearing this suddenly laughed: "Just rely on It dares to be the fisherman of Lord of Light and the ancient gods?"

"Let’s go."

Arthur shrugged, he is not interested in the Lord of Fire, nor does he want to be in the Lord Of Light and Divine Eyes, the ancient divine eye, stay alive under the skin.

"His Royal Highness is going to leave like this?"

Melisandre frowned immediately: "Lord of Light has not defeated the ancient god, the monster Evil God is still stealing The divine force of Lord of Light, Braavos and the remaining faceless, don't you care about anything?"

Speaking of the faceless, Arthur immediately thought of Hein Rikai’s death.

Looking at Vanessa on the side, she shook her head and said: "The faceless are gone."

"I can't find them now."

"The half-dragon, half-human monster is the point! You have all seen what it looks like when it swallows Robert Strong. If it continues to steal Lord of Light's divine force, it will definitely attack us!" Mei Li Shanzhuo excitedly said.

That kind of devouring ability is really scary.

But Arthur doesn’t think there is much threat to the Lord of Fire. First of all, although he became a god, he did not have his own Divine Spark, but only an Immortal Body. At most, his powerful life force reached Divine Grade and swallowed his fall. The Divine Spark of the gods has become a bomb that may explode at any time, because greed still refuses to be satisfied.

Death must be his final result.

"Melisandre, we have come to Braavos all the way, without any preparation, it would be good to be able to eliminate the rock giant."

"His Royal Highness Obviously do more!"

As the son of light of the church, but he is unwilling to devote his faith, and even less willing to contribute to True God, Melisandre is angry for him.

Daenerys also said: "I think we can do this enough."

Penelope: "Melisandra, it is our business to destroy that monster."


Melisandre was very angry by the fellow Priestess's Penelope, but considering that she really couldn't order the dragon queen and light The son, can only be coldly snorted, and said to Bailey and Sandor: "Let’s go, we will find a way!"

Watching Melisandre leave with embarrassed Bailey and Sandor Arthur and Daenerys returned Zhuo Geng and Rego Summon, and they were ready to leave Braavos directly.

Because they have a hunch.

Here is another fierce battle.


The fierce battle of Lord of Light and ancient Ability God gave them a feeling of weaker and weaker, and the energy-consuming Fire Lord exudes The pressure became stronger and stronger, and the energy revealed was even comparable to the old man in the river and the crab king that Arthur had seen at the bottom of the Lorne River.


Fight against the half-dragon and half-human Fire King, Arthur, Ambrosius, Jaina, they know very well how many catties and how many taels this guy.

The ending is doomed.

Keep away from bombs!

Zhuo Geng and Lei Ge took everyone out of Braavos, on the back of the dragon, Udyr looked at the unfinished battle in the sky, knowing what he could not do, and felt very depressed: "His Royal Highness, I'm sorry. We have not been able to help you at all."

"Needless to say, your willingness to come is the greatest help to us." Arthur said.

hong long long ————

The battle between Lord of Light and the ancient Ability God has finally come to an end.

The flame turns into a spear that can penetrate Heaven and Earth. With a single blow to the shatter space, it collapses the darkness, eliminates the little Death Power left by the ancient Ability God, and then bursts out and burns all the flames of destruction. !

The red light of Lieyang shrinks.

Bravos returns to the embrace of the stars and the night sky.

The power of cold was completely overcome by fire and heat, death was lost to Life Power, Law of Darkness was dispelled, and the ancient Ability God completely lost this time.

Under the burning of the flame of destruction, the gods have also become fuel, falling into colorful fireworks.

The ancient Ability God didn't even have a chance to stand up!

Completely fall!

Looking back, everyone can see the blazing sun transformed by the King of Fire, creating a raging fire sea in the night sky, which cannot illuminate the dark night of Essos, nor can it reflect the entire sky of Braavos, but The ancient Ability God was burned out, and only the dark meteor of Divine Spark fell rapidly.

The laws of Spiritual God are revealed.

The powerful power of darkness, death, and cold makes the Fire King extremely greedy!


Lord of Light wants to become the god of the world.

Consider the law of darkness, death, and cold of the enemy as forbidden!

The Lord of Fire is trying to condemn him?

courting death!

The devouring ability of half-dragon, half-human monster is very strong.

But the mortal enemy ancient Ability God also mastered the devouring ability, and also swallowed the God of Thousand Faces, but only temporarily increased the strength, without the strength soaring to win.

So it can be seen that the power gained from swallowing is still external force after all!

Relying on special means to become a god, the king of fire does not even have his own Divine Spark...

With his power, he swallowed so much Divine Spark and absorbed so much There are many different divine forces, and the energy to suppress the chaos in the body is already the limit!

Blinded by greed and reason.

Forgetting that the external force he swallowed is harmful, and preparing to seizing food from the tiger's mouth in front of Lord of Light!

The flame of destruction that burns everything hasn't burnt yet.

Lord of Light only split a little spark, forming a Fireball of two or three meters, and immediately smashed the half-dragon and half-human Fire King to the ground.

Master the power of flames.

Have the ability to swallow.

The King of Fire hit by the flame of destruction fell straight to the ground. The half-dragon and half-human body was wrapped in the flame of destruction, and even the soul was burned, making a cry of incomparable pain.

Relying on tyrannical life force, strength of Raging Flames and devouring ability.

He barely maintained consciousness in the burning of the flames of destruction.

For Lord of Light, the most important thing is to absorb and fuse the power of darkness, death, and cold left by the ancient gods!

Because of the same strength of Raging Flames.

The King of Fire struggled to save his life, but he did not fall into ashes like the ancient Ability God!

There are conflicts between the laws of darkness, death, and cold. Lord of Light cannot be used instantly, and it is impossible to integrate easily.

Busy business.

He didn't have time to pay attention to the half-dragon and half-human on the ground wailing in pain.

But flame divine force was stolen.

He also stole many Divine Spark as spoils of war.

As the future god of the world, Lord of Light will not allow threats to half-dragons and half-humans to survive. Complete death and fall is the end of the fire king!


I also want to collect Divine Spark of the fallen gods.

After leaving the mortal world, I don’t know how long it will take to reappear. Lord of Light is reluctant to leave immediately. If you want to continue to attack the Lord of Fire, you may not be able to continue to resist the rejection of the world.


Melisandre and Penelope have received True God’s Oracle!

Duo Geng and Lei Ge, who obeyed Daenerys and Arthur's orders, also suddenly turned back and moved towards the half-dragon and half-human Fire Lord swooping down.


Knowing what happened, Arthur couldn't help cursing.

I noticed that something is wrong with the giant dragon. Hearing the prince’s cursing, Bron quickly asked: "His Royal Highness, what happened?"

Penelope: "Lord of Light lowered the Oracle and asked us to kill the monster that stole the divine force."

"I expected it." Malvin was expressionless.

"His Royal Highness, I have a small question."

Ambrosius mused and said to the prince with spirit strength: "The Lord of Fire can threaten the Lord of Light, we may be able to use it to weaken the power of Lord of Light."

"I know."

Arthur communicated with spirit strength: "But I am even more afraid of the Lord of Light running away "

"Then force Lord of Light to do it himself!" Ambrosius promptly said: "He came to the world and needed to resist the rejection of the world. He did not leave without taking action against the Lord of Fire. It must be true. It is to digest the Divine Spark of the ancient Ability God!"

"Now if we want to take action, we must not let the Divine Spark swallowed by the King of Fire!"

"Go on!"

As an activist, Arthur who thought of these had drawn his sword, ran along the dragon's back to the dragon's head, swung his sword and jumped after Zhuo Geng dived and breathed fire!

The prince has done it.

Jaina, Ambrosius, and Malwyn will not cast spells immediately.

In response to her husband’s impulse to shook the head, Daenerys began to control Zhuo Geng. Jon hesitated for a while and also shot with Aunt. He shook the head to control Rego.

The flame burns.

Magic is booming.

After that, it was Arthur who jumped and cut!

The King of Fire burned by the flame of destruction was instantly split into two.


The powerful life force made the half dragon and half man recover completely in the blink of an eye, wailing in pain and trying to counterattack Arthur and the others.

The flame of destruction only burns the king of fire.

Arthur swung his sword without getting a fire star.

Udyr, Bron, Vanessa, Chora and the others all jumped to the ground to participate in close combat.

It was found that the sword and the sword were ineffective, and the extraordinary force hits like clay ox entering the sea. Udyr couldn't help but be surprised: "This will not die?"

"Peace Nalop, we can entangle him and quickly pray to Lord of Light for Divine Punishment to destroy it!"

Arthur swung his sword like an illusion. The Fire King’s hands and feet, wings, tail, and even his head were chopped off. After dropping countless times, but still stubbornly alive in the divine fire, he quickly proposed to Priestess on the dragon's back.

Penelope prayed quickly.

But Melisandre appeared: "There is no need for Lord of Light to lower the Divine Punishment. Together, we can exhaust his life force."

"Exhaust him Can his life force kill him?"

Ambrosius raised his brows, and then looked at the prince thoughtfully.

"That's right!"

The ancient gods fell, the gods ended, only Lord of Light standing high above the night sky, without violent and chaotic energy, restore the divine technique Mei Lisandra blessed everyone with a wave of hands.

Feel the gain of the divine technique.

Blon and Udir immediately played stronger battle strength.

Hound Sandor and Bailey completely treated the existence of half-dragon and half-human as a meat target and slashed. They were besieged by swords, magic, divine technique, and dragon flames, and the King of Fire kept falling from him. golden scales.

It can be felt that his life force has weakened.

But this weakening is subtle!

Frowned, looking at the blazing sun in the night sky, Arthur stopped swinging his sword and used the holy light skill instead.

"Stand back!"

The rays of divine energy flickered dazzlingly.

all around dyed with light gold.

holy light shock, holy light shock, and holy light storm are released one after another, drowning the draconian monster surrounded by the flames of destruction.


The painful fire king roared in the golden light.

But the wounds burned by the flames of destruction on his body were healed with a vague vitality, and healed a lot!

Yes, it was Arthur who used the healing technique on him!

Lord of Light is big.

Lahlo church wild ambition.

In order to guard against all possible disadvantages to him, Arthur decided to accept Ambrosius’s suggestion, and this Spiritual God is a good one!

There is a dazzling holy light cover, and he thinks that what he has done is quite secret.

But under the eyelids of Lord of Light.

Arthur is actually very bottomless.


He doesn't expect that his little actions can be concealed from Lord of Light.

I just hope that Ambrosius’s guess is correct.

Be favored by luck.

Lord of Light, as they guessed it, is busy fusing the laws of darkness, death, and cold of ancient Ability Gods, and is barely resisting the rejection of the world too busy to spare time for a separate task!

Not even Oracle has time to post again!

Mei Li Shanzhuo didn’t find the problem, and the King of Fire, who was given a breathing opportunity, immediately rose into the air, but the half-dragon and half-man wrapped in the flame of destruction did not fly too high, so Jon controlled it. Rego drew his tail back to the ground, and then was sieged fiercely.

It is not in the interest to kill it altogether.

The Lord of Light must be made trouble for Lord of Light!

Arthur once again cast the holy light skills one after another, instilling Life Power into the draconian monster in the dazzling golden light, and more obscurely used the holy light to blow all the flames of destruction.

Flame of Destruction is very difficult to deal with.

The holy light was forcibly impacted and was immediately burned by the backlash.

The fire king who masters the strength of Raging Flames is already very powerful to maintain life in the burning flames of destruction.

"Want to live?"

It's not enough to use small means. Arthur contacted the King of Fire with his spirit strength.

"Knock out Lord of Light, or you will be dead!"

Can't speak.

The King of Fire, who endured the power of burning, regained his sense of sanity before death, opened his mouth to spit out the part of Divine Spark that had been swallowed, and then burst out his own power to suppress the flame of destruction.

"Hurry up and stop him!"

Seeing the movement of the draconian monster, Melisandre hurriedly shouted.


Hearing this, Arthur will not stop him, and will cause everyone to stumble, the dazzling holy light blooms, and his body is wrapped in flames of destruction. The King of Fire soars to the sky!

Quickly bypass the Daenerys controlled Zhuo Geng, Jon controlled Rego, moved towards Lord of Light, the scorching sun!



Following Arthur's shout, everyone who mastered long-range attacks was immediately brought back by teleportation. The dragon was on his back, but the three priests Melisandre, Penelope, and Lorian were left behind.

"Help the King of Fire, and instill strength in him!"

Standing firmly on the back of the dragon, Ambrosius immediately sent Jaina and Love with spirit strength sound transmission Orchid.

Arthur has been continuously attacking, providing the Lord of Light with unprecedented pure energy, even more than the divine force he has absorbed from some Spiritual Gods that have already fallen.

Along with Ambrosius, Jaina, LeBlanc, and Malwen attacked with pure energy.

How much the Lord of Fire got their mana energy.

Spit out some undigested Divine Spark, but due to the existence of the flame of destruction, the half-dragon, half-human monster cannot use much power.


He is still a bomb!

Ambrosius intends to let Him come to self-destruct, and while killing herself, it will cause harm to Lord of Light!

Because greed does not have much sense.

Because of the swallowed Divine Spark, the absorbed power expands*|expands.

Because of the pain and sudden help, the Fire Lord regained a sense of sanity and had already guessed the old wizard's insidious plan.

Being sealed and living on the bottom of the river for thousands of years.

The King of Fire has a strong desire to survive. He has understood that the powerful Lord of Light will not allow threats to exist. Even if he can suppress the flames of destruction and escape, he will only survive for a while.

Want to live.

Want to truly become a god...

He can only defeat Lord who is busy digesting darkness, death, and cold too busy to spare time for a separate task of Light!


The King of Fire masters the strength of Raging Flames.

Inciting the flames of destruction that tortured him, the draconian monster began to counterattack.


Lord of Light is the heart of the holy flame!

He is the flame!

The flame of destruction was originally released by Him!

Busy to merge the power of darkness, death, and cold, Lord of Light is not stupid enough to care about everything. He knows the little actions of Arthur, Ambrosius and the others.

When the right time comes, I will definitely clean them up!

Ignore it for now.

But you can’t fight backhand!

As a Sovereign of flames and heat, the Lord of Fire drew his own flame of destruction to attack him, fusing Divine Spark with Lord of Light whose power was interrupted, and suddenly burst into Thunder's Fury.

The flames of the blazing sun have reddened the night sky of Braavos.

The flames of destruction turn into Fireball, falling like a meteor!

On the dragon's back, he perceives the horror of the flame of destruction, and Arthur can't care too much, blessing everyone with the strongest defense, and gritted his teeth to guard the fire king who is closest to Fireball holy light.


The flames of destruction burned down.

The King of Fire immediately disappeared from the human form, and the strength of Raging Flames began to be unable to suppress the Divine Spark and divine force in the body, and fell freely in the sky.

Compared to Lord of Light, He is so much worse!

The plan did not succeed, and Arthur and Ambrosius would not let him die like this.

mutually glanced at each other, everyone immediately knocked down the water dog and instilled pure mana into the fire king. Arthur simply uncovered his healing skills, and then tried his best to instill holy light.

Ambroseius waved his hand, and the wind sent the unsuccessful fire king to several hundred meters under the blazing sun.

"It's now!"

When instilling mana, the mana that Ambrosius specializes in stays in a dark hand, but the fire king can absorb it but has no time to refining:" Grand Maester, cooperate with me!"

The erudite Malwin knows what spell the old wizard has prepared.

Nian move incantion, immediately create a violent elemental conflict in the fire king's body!

Swallowed so many Divine Spark and divine force.

It is already extremely difficult to support under the flames of destruction. The Lord of Fire has no choice or ability to suppress the energy conflict in his body.


The painful and unwilling roar shook the sky!


"quickly retreat!"

The second star suddenly appeared!

Heaven and Earth is a shock!

The northwestern area of ​​Essos, where Braavos is located, was suddenly illuminated by glare, and the darkness of the night was once again dispersed!

As the fire king of biological bombs.

Finally exploded!

No matter how fast the giant dragon is, it can't lead everyone to avoid being triggered by elemental conflicts. The messy Divine Spark and chaotic divine force collide and form a terrible explosion.

Arthur tried his best to use the holy light, trying to guard the crowd and the giant dragon.


The impact smashed them to the ground instantly!

The holy light guard is constantly being broken, and then there is a cycle of Arthur's constant re-casting.

Giant dragon is hurting internally and vomiting blood!

LeBlanc and Jaina stubbornly carried their injuries, teleporting to bring everyone behind the prince, and then they couldn't help passing out.

Ambrosius and Malwin tried their best to gain protection.

However, the holy light guarded by Arthur's will, under the self-destruct of the King of Fire, it is as fragile as an eggshell!

The earth shook violently and cracked!

The sea is boiling!

"Give it to me!"

At this time, Bron carried his gate shield and stood in front of Arthur, bringing the endless flames and terrifying energy to mountains burst and ground The impact of split was completely blocked!

The strong light from the explosion dissipated.

The King of Fire has disappeared between Heaven and Earth.

In the sky, Lord of Light, who was repelled by the world, had weak rays of the sun, making it difficult to stay in the world. Divine Spark, which was swallowed by the King of Fire, was broken in the explosion and scattered.

"It's finally over..."

After the terrifying explosion, Bron's eyelids fell to the ground and fell asleep because of exhaustion.

Arthur's heart beats wildly, and he feels great malice.

It’s Lord of Light!


He lifts the head fearlessly, looking at the Lord of Light who is repelled by the world, unable to stay in the world, and slowly leaving.

In a low voice: "I have won time."

...to be continued...

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