Jon Snow's conversation with Benjen Stark quickly ended. After all, Benjen is the First Ranger of the Night's Watch, a pure man who doesn't know how to comfort Jon who is indignant about his life experience.

The moon is faint in the night sky, and the people on the ground seem a little lonely.

For Uncle Benjen who turned and walked away, Jon, who was looking at his back, was obviously very disappointed.

Also as a bastard, there is no mother, and father doesn’t consider himself a thing. It belongs to the person whose grandfather doesn’t care for grandfather. Arthur can understand Jon’s feelings at this time. There is no place for him in Winterfell, and he is loved every day. With a blank eye, he is not even allowed to attend a banquet and eat, he has no better choice other than to leave.

After coming out of the banquet hall, Arthur thought that he might meet Jon, so he took two glasses of wine with him when he took the food.

"I'll go over a little bit." Speaking to Annie who is next to him, he walked to Jon Snow with his glass of Annie, who usually doesn't drink much.

"Your Uncle is a Night's Watch?"

Imp Tyrion just finished enjoying Warm Countryside at this time, and came back to accompany big brother Jaime for a drink. I saw Jon who had finished talking with Benjen. Asked.

Jon: "Why are you here?"

"To prepare to spend tonight with your family." Tyrion carrying a wine bag took a sip and looked at the stake He said to Jon Snow, "I always want to see the Wall of Dilemma."

Jon: "Are you Tyrion Lannister? Queen's brother."

"Are you Jon Snow? Arthur came over with two glasses of wine and handed it to him friendly, "Hello, I am Arthur, Arthur Blackeye, king's bastard."

Tyrion asked Arthur nodded strangely:" You are not reading a book?"

Arthur was helplessly laughed, because he often borrows books from Tyrion, he has become a bookworm in Imp's impression: "It's dinner time now."

Listen When Arthur introduced himself as bastard, with a friendly smile on his face, Jon who looked at the two hesitated and took the glass: "Hello, I am Jon Snow, yes."

" Jon Snow, you’re the bastard of Ned Stark, right?” Tyrion’s wine in his wine pouch is almost drunk, but his wine is good and he is not willing to drink it so quickly. After all, there is still a section of the road from the banquet hall. So seeing Arthur still holding a glass in his hand, he snatched it away after speaking.

Jon didn't like others always mentioning his bastard status, and thanked Arthur nodded for his wine, so he turned around and didn't want to pay attention to Tyrion.

"Have I offended you? Sorry." Tyrion shrugged when he saw it: "But you are still a bastard."

Jon: "Lord Eddard Stark is my father."


"But Lady Stark is not your mother."

"So you are a bastard." Tyrion pricked his heart again, as if to belittle Jon and trouble him, but he said his tone slowly I got down and looked at Jon with an unhappy face and said earnestly: "Let you give you some advice, bastard, never forget who you are, because the world will never forget, use it to arm yourself, no one can use it to hurt You are here."

After hearing Tyrion’s words, Jon couldn’t help asking: "How do you know what it is like to be a bastard?"

After drinking Arthur’s wine, Tyrion hearing this that the wine glass threw to him stopped: "all dwarves are bastards in their father's eyes."

Looking at Tyrion who was walking away, Jon was stunned. After drinking it, he said to Arthur: "Thank you for your wine."

"No." Taking the empty glass, Arthur said: "Don't look at Tyrion living a very chic, noble background. You can’t spend enough money, but everyone has their own difficulties. Only by overcoming them can you have a wonderful life, whether it’s noble or bastard."

Jon nodded, asked: "I heard You will become Maester and have read a lot of books?"

"Being Maester does have a high status, but I don't really want to." Arthur looked helpless, "Because you become Maester, you can't marry Wife and child, I don’t want to be a forever, so I just heard you say so firmly that you want to join Night's Watch, I admire you very much."

"But...I also understand that you are just like me. , I’m nothing if I don’t become Maester, and if you don’t become Night's Watch, you don’t have a great time here."

Jon silently nodded again.

It’s not good to say that it’s too heavy. Even if you don’t know it well, you have to fill it with chicken soup. Arthur changed the subject: "By the way, Jon, you will become Night's Watch in the future. Must be Lord Commander of the Night's Watch."

"Why?" Jon asked in confusion.

Arthur: "Because if I become Maester, I might also go to Wall, so I hope you can become Lord Commander of the Night's Watch when the time comes and take care of me."

"Yes." Jon hearing this nodded with a smile.

"I will tell you secretly, wherever you go to Night's Watch, you will be cultivated because you are a great noble bastard, and you may become the next Lord Commander more than 70%. Work hard for this goal and become Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, let House Stark look at you differently."

Finally, draw a pie and a bowl of chicken soup. Arthur will go back to accompany the almost full Annie. Jon is also very motivated to pick it up. Picking up the lost sword and continuing to cut the grass target dummy.

"Arthur, will you go hunting tomorrow?" Annie asked.

The sport of hunting is very unfriendly to Arthur, who can’t even ride a horse. Since he came to this world, he went out hunting twice in a row on the way to the north, but he fell covered in dirt. Even being laughed at by Joffrey, he was completely uninterested in it.

"Still not working."

Annie asked again: "Will you practice swords tomorrow?"

It's like Song of Ice and Fire's here. World, there is no Royal Family asylum, leaving Royal Palace, there are no people around, even in King's Landing, it is dangerous lurks on every side, robbers, gangsters, thieves and other thieves only feel profitable, they will without theest hesitation pain Killer.

Walking to the wilderness, in this age similar to the Middle Ages, except for the towns and villages, there are tall trees and grass everywhere. I don’t know how many wild beasts hungry and hoping to have a full meal. There is no doubt that the boy who is bound to the chicken will die if he encounters it.

For the safety of his own life, it is necessary for Arthur to learn the sword skill to have self-protection skills. What's more, with the little beauty Annie taught by hand, how could he not practice?

"Of course!"

"Then you come to me on time tomorrow."

She was arranged to take care of Arthur, but Annie, as a female knight, most of her At that time, I always worked with the queen, the princess or the maids to protect them. At this time, I should go back to the smoky banquet hall to continue working when I am full.

Watching Annie return to the banquet hall and waited silently next to Princess. Seeing this, the rude nobles and knight dared not blatantly play hooligans on her.

Sitting on the eaves alone, Jon Snow is still working hard to practice sword not far away, and Arthur slowly eating food opens his golden finger attribute panel.

Name: Arthur Blackeye (King Arthur).

talent ——? ? ? ? ? ? , Magic awakening.

General Skills: Language (Intermediate), Literature (Elementary), Mathematics (Elementary), Art (Beginner), Medicine (Beginner), Cooking (Advanced Master), Riding (Beginner) ..... .

Combat Skills: Fighting (Elementary), Swordsmanship (Beginner), Archery (Beginner).


When the witch was burned to death, Arthur felt a burst of energy in his body.

Because of this energy, his attribute panel was turned on and he also awakened the talent of magic awakening.

But the magic talent alone is not enough. I haven't studied related magic books and spells, and I can't use magic at all.

And Song of Ice and Fire’s novels and TV series mentioned that there are books on magic and mysticism in Citadel. That’s why he studied so hard and showed great desire to go to Citadel to become Maester. be continued...

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