"dragon blood?"

Heinlikai hearing this, her face suddenly became weird: "You mean House Targaryen's bloodline?"

Arthur: "From the beginning of the establishment of House Baratheon, it has been mixed with the bloodline of House Targaryen, and the two often intermarried. Is it strange to have dragon blood?"

The reason why Robert sits on the Iron Throne One is that House Baratheon is a distant relative of House Targaryen. It is not surprising to have dragon blood, but Fatty King once said to kill House Targaryen bloodline...

Can talk about extraordinary topics There are not many, especially Penelope is not quite clear, and everyone has nothing to say after a few sentences.

Only Jaina is still talking about magic with Arthur enthusiastically.

To join the crowd, apart from telling Arthur about the sorcerer, Priestess, the red-haired redhead who has been very low-key, came over at this time.

Softly said: "Arthur, as long as you come with me to Yaxia and meet your relatives, I promise that he will give you enough money to buy the Unsullied."

Also let me go to Yaxia and not give up?

Arthur said ill-humoredly: "The time to go to Asia is enough for me to go back to Westeros."

Seeing that the persuasion failed, the red-haired Priestess regained his silence.

The night in the Dothraki Sea is very quiet.

The night rider has been running for nearly a hundred miles, and the sky is already bright.

The soldiers take turns to rest.

Varian and Arthas, who took over the command at night, are already resting. Ryan and Lothar are preparing to find a place to camp and rest.

It’s very tiring to go on the road overnight, and we can’t continue, otherwise we will encounter danger and the exhausted soldiers will not be able to exert all their battle strength.

Enough rest, eat and drink, everyone set foot on the eastward journey again.

The four large tribes and three medium-sized tribes in the western part of the Dothraki Sea, Kao are still honest. They have all restrained the warrior under their command and stopped looting the team of Arthur and the others.

After a long journey, slave bay is already not far anymore.

Probably tomorrow, you will be able to enter the area where Lazarin people live.

The smoke of chatting rises.

The sun in the sky illuminates the blue sky clear, white clouds are floating, combining the green grass and horses is a picture.

At this time, a caravan of hundreds of people appeared in front.

Seeing that there is a camp here, obese men are surrounded by guards.

They also want to rest here, so they come to say hello to see if they have any acquaintances.

Leaving the Slave Bay and heading to the Nine Free Cities by land is extremely dangerous. Most of these businessmen know each other and make friends if they don’t know each other, and then *| conduct business conversations.

"After walking in the Dothraki Sea for so long, I finally saw the fat sheep." Robert, who wanted to grab the money to buy the unsullied man, was very happy for the appearance of the caravan and the arrival of the obese man.

Eddard: "Your Majesty, you will set a bad example like this!"

Francis: "It doesn't matter one or two times, besides, when we return to Westeros, the rebellion will be put back. "

"What are you doing?" Seeing Robert picking up Warhammer, Ryan loudly ordered the soldiers to line up with swords and shields. The fat man hurriedly pulled the horses.

"Robbery!" Robert on horseback urged his mount, and instantly rushed to kill the two guards, and then killed the frightened fat man sitting on the horse.

Ryan led the troops to surround the caravan: "The rebels die!"

"Immediately put down your weapons and surrender!"

In Essos, put down your weapons and surrender It means becoming a spoils of war and then being sold as a slave!

Accepted by the caravan, the mercenaries and guards of the edge of a knife licking blood know that they have only two paths, victory or death!

The mercenaries and guards are not soldiers of the army.

Even though they possess extraordinary battle strength or their abilities, they are essentially skirmishers.

Faced with the 1st Infantry Regiment, who was holding a large shield and wielding a longsword, it was not enough for Arthur to open the power halo to help the battle!

The mercenaries are like quacks.

No matter how you can fight, head-on combat is also impossible to be an army opponent!

"Surrender, we are from Westeros and will not sell you to slaves." Looking at the mercenaries and guards who resisted in vain, Arthur spoke loudly to them in high and low Valyrian Shout.

No one responded, no one paid attention to Arthur's call.

They still hold their weapons tightly.

Stubbornly want to make a way out.

Can't persuade me.

Ryan, Lothar, and Varian will not show mercy to the enemy.

Without drawing his sword, Arthur only held a shield, trying to put down the mercenaries and guards as much as possible, and then grabbed the soldiers around him.

Annie appreciates his kindness and kindness.

But the battle is fierce. There are really no people who can be subdued by her obediently, and the longsword attack is not strong enough, and there is a danger of injury if you keep your hands a little bit.

I am used to finding the enemy weak spot one strike certain kill, but I really can’t help the kind-hearted boy.

Especially now.

The three-handed wide, one-meter-long sword was danced by the short-haired female mercenary so that it could not enter.

Annie can only evade constantly, she can't get close with her flexible pace, and she can barely block the attack with the blessing of blessing.

Seeing Annie couldn't deal with this female mercenary, Heinlikai immediately drew a bow and archery to support, but the sharp arrow was easily blocked by the female mercenary with a big sword.

"Annie, give her to me."

Arthur hurriedly slammed into the female mercenary with his shield.

However, with the blessing of power, he was staggered by the sweeping sword!

There was no way to put the person down close, and the big sword slashed at lightning speed. Arthur quickly raised his shield to defend but was embarrassed, and was forced to surround by perils by the successive attacks of the female mercenaries.

"We don't want to hurt you, but come for money. If you don't believe us, you can leave directly."

Arthur couldn't fight back, holding on to the shield and defending completely became a target. .

Heyin Likai shot a few arrows without success, and some can't stand it: "Idiot, put away your useless kindness, and solve her immediately!"

Sigh helplessly.

Holding the shield, he and the female mercenaries became more and more embarrassed. In the end, they were helpless and drew their swords. While fighting, they said: "I will let the soldiers make way for you, so you can leave directly."

However, the female mercenary's answer was that the offensive was stronger.

All her companions, mercenaries and guards who resisted have fallen to the ground, and the soldiers who were still alive were caught.

Robert came over impatiently carrying Warhammer: "Boy, how long do you have to play? Fighting is not a playhouse, you can't be merciful when treating the enemy!"

Balistan's hands Longsword danced a sword flower: "Your Majesty, let me come."

"Your Majesty?"

Arthur, who drew the sword, used a shield to block the big sword several times. Opportunity to kill the female mercenary, but he is merciful and refuses to kill with a longsword.

The weight of the big sword is not light. The female mercenary’s offensive is no longer as violent as before, and she is surrounded by soldiers.

Always thinking about break through!

But I heard Barristan calling Fatty Your Majesty who holds Warhammer.

She immediately thought of the rewards passed from the Nine Free Cities some time ago for Westeros King and Hand of the King!

That fatty is King?

Thinking, the female mercenary stopped attacking Arthur, and asked vigilantly: "You really are me Westerosi?"

See the female mercenary stop and hear her speak Westeros. Speaking, Barristan who was about to kill him stopped: "Are you Westerosi?"

The nodded female mercenary: "Yes."

Then looked at Barristan Seriously asked: "Did you mention Your Majesty just now?"

Since she is Westerosi and wants King to salute as it should be by rights, Barristan said to the big fatty behind him: "This is Robert Baratheon Your Majesty."

hearing this, the mercenary hesitated, looked at Arthur who was retracting the sword, and knelt on one knee to the fatty King.

...to be continued...

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