"We are here."

Looking at the North Army tent with a wolf flag standing beside The Twins, Eddard was afraid that his family would be in danger. The heart was relieved.

It was dusk, the gradual sunset did not reflect the light, and the breeze was blowing the flag to hunt.

The atmosphere of the camp ahead is lively and cheerful, and I don't know what conspiracy and crisis are hidden in the dark land.

Arthur said: "Then my lord, let's escort you to contact your vassals in secret."

Eddard hearing this nodded, he wears a cloak that protects against wind and rain when he gets off the horse. Hood.

The use of the castle to break through from the inside has reminded that there may be female gangsters.

It has been a long time since I left Westeros. I don't know much about the situation here. For the safety of my family and my own safety, I fear that the betrayers will be forced to jump over the wall. The North dare not care.

A group of more than thirty people appeared outside the camp.

It was full of strange faces. Immediately a patrolling northern man came up and stopped everyone and asked: "Who are you?"

"I remember you are the guard of Starks, Rui Where is Master Card? I need to see him."

Hiding his face under his hood, hiding his head and tail, Eddard knew it was hard to convince, so he wrote the letter that Arthur had asked the people in Rushing to prepare in advance. Take out.

There is an urgent letter from Runaway City, but Captain patrolling the squad is frowned, but it is not suspected that the letter is fraudulent.

"Master Rickard is dead."

Hearing this was a bit surprised, but Eddard knew that there were no undead in war, so he was silent for a moment and asked again: "Which adult is today? On duty to manage the guard?"

"Master Luce Bolton."

The Patrol Captain didn’t want to answer too much, but Eddard, who hid his face under the cloak, stance and It was majestic, the voice sounded familiar, and there was an urgent letter from Runaway City, so it didn't make things difficult.

Hearing this, Arthur quickly coughed and reminded the Hand of the King beside him.

Without explicitly saying Bolton’s betrayal, Eddard turned his head to look at him inexplicably, then pondered then said: "Where is Catherine Lady?"

"Lady is preparing for the wedding in The Twins I’ll lead the way for you."

Not ready to enter the castle of the Buddha Lei Family immediately, Eddard, hearing this, shook his head: "Besides Lord Bolton, who else is staying in the camp?"

"Sorry, sir, can you reveal your identity first?" After all, it was too suspicious.

Eddard: "You will know who I am, but not now. If you don’t trust me, you can ask Lord Jon Amber, Lady Maggie Mormont, and Harris Horwood. Anyone come to see me."

"Lady Maggie is in the camp, please wait a moment here."

Patrol Captain and return to the camp soon, please come and be Maggie Mormont Lady who ordered people to prepare gifts for the bride.

Maggie Mormont Lady: "Who are you?"

Eddard did not say anything, but passed the letter first.

The above content says: King and Hand of the King are back!

Meggie Lady suddenly smiled on her face, and immediately recognized the familiar man in the cloak. She was about to speak, but saw Eddard shaking her head, asking her to keep silent.

In a low voice: "Take me to see Amber and Horwood first."

Maggie Lady hearing this shook her head: "Horwood is dead, Amber is in The In Twins, you just caught up with Eddard Mu's wedding."

Hearing the news of the death of his vassal again, Eddard was silent for a while again, sighed and shook his head: "Let me Lady and Amber come out for a while. Don’t be discovered by the people of the Buddha Lei Family."

Although I don’t know why, but I noticed something is wrong, Maggie Lady did not ask much, and immediately went to The Twins to call out Catherine Lady and Amber.

Night is falling.

The wedding is about to begin!

Listening to the festive music from the city, the atmosphere of the camp of The North Army became more lively.

There are many things to be busy at the wedding.

Especially her elder younger brother, who lost her father, Catherine Lady felt that she should do her eldest sister's responsibility to Eddard.

She was overjoyed when she learned that her husband Eddard Stark was back. However, her son Robb regrets the marriage. The younger brother wants to marry Buddha Lei Family’s daughter and needs to deal with all kinds of wedding matters. So busy to spare time for a separate task.

So, she hopes her husband will join The Twins to attend the younger brother's wedding!

My son Robb, as the most important guest, should not leave suddenly, otherwise people will be suspicious.

I only saw the big Jon Amber brought by Lady Maggie. After learning that his wife was still in the city and wishing to go in for the wedding, Eddard immediately looked at Arthur.

At this time, what kind of wedding do you care about?

The helpless Arthur can only say to the second brother: "Varian, you stay here to meet us." Then with Eddard, put on the armor, the fully armed Jon Amber and Maggie Lady Walk to The Twins hall where the wedding is held.

The armored people on the ship put on clothes outside, looking a little bloated.

The Twins.

The bride has been sent by Wald Frey to complete the oath.

Everyone was drinking, chatting and enjoying the food in the banquet hall at this time.

Hurry up to the hall, Eddard happened to see the "black fish" Blington Tully, his wife Catelyn’s Uncle, who came out to find a place to pee.

"Amber, Lady Maggie, the banquet has already begun, why are you here so late?" He smiled and said hello, and found Eddard, who was wearing a cloak and a hood, covering his face, with a serious expression Arthur.

I can already see my wife and son sitting in the front of the hall. Eddard didn’t hide any more, he directly opened the mouth and said: "Blington, it’s me, Eddard."


Seeing that he didn't lower his hood, the black fish hearing this hurriedly leaned in front of Eddard, confirmed his identity, and said in surprise: "I thought you were dead."

"But why do you dress up like this?"

Eddard pulled him to the side and whispered: "It's hard to say a word, but Blington, let you be alert right away, there may be a fight later."

At this time, the lively banquet hall gave out cheers and shouts. At the suggestion of Wald Frey, the bride and groom were brought out, ready to haze the newlyweds!

Avoid the crowd who haze the newlyweds.

Looking at the closed door of the banquet hall and listening to the rainy season of Castelmayr inside, Arthur knew that Frey and Bolton were about to do it!

"My lord, we must go in."

The rainy season in Castelmay!

This song representing Lannister, Westerosi has basically heard about it. Eddard, who was talking to Heiyu about the possible conspiracy in the wedding, suddenly changed his face: "Quick!"

Looking at Eddard and the When others rushed to the banquet hall, Heiyu suddenly realized that the matter was serious, and hurried to the camp: "I'll go outside and call for someone!"

Besides The Twins, the soldiers of the Buddha Lei Family put on their armor and wind their crossbows. Ready to cooperate with the killing of the Bolton family!

At this time, Wald Frey raised his hand, and let the music in the banquet hall and the crowd quiet down to listen to him: "Your Majesty, I am afraid that my hospitality is a little negligent, I give it away Wine, meat and music, but I have not given you the hospitality you deserve.

My king is married, and I owe the new Queen a gift."

With the voice of the old Frey After falling, Catherine found Luce Bolton next to him wearing chain armor in his clothes!



One of Wald Frey’s son took out a dagger and walked towards Robb’s Queen, the door of the banquet hall The big Jon Amber and Eddard, who were blessed by the blessing power, collided with each other.


When he heard his mother yell, Robb turned his head in amazement, and saw his wife's abdomen being stabbed with a dagger by Foley, drenched with blood, with a full face Panic and pain!

But it was his father Eddard Stark who broke through the door of the banquet hall, and rushed in with Jon Amber, Maggie Mormon and the others!

This sudden scene made Robb completely stunned. Before he recovered from the screams of his wife, a crossbow arrow hit his right shoulder!

"Arthur, save him!"

When the crossbowman in the ambush of the Buddha Lei Family released his arrows, his son Robb hit the arrow and fell to the ground, Eddard hurriedly shouted.

...to be continued...

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