"You said Lannister is not monolithic, do you think they will be in conflict?"

Francis, who was touring the camp, passed by and just heard Arthur's words and asked intently: "From Where can I see it?"

"Don't say you also saw the future!"

Arthur shook the head, half-play said with a smile: "I'm afraid I only have this to say "

Francis glanced at the red robe Priestess who was following from Essos, walked to Arthur, waved to Annie, Selena, and Heinrich, and said, "Child, follow me. One paragraph."

The old Corps Head had something to say to the young man.

Annie and the others will not hinder, and Penelope also left with interest.

"You are very patient, much better than Ryan and Varian." Francis, who is always strong and full of armor, said to Arthur, who is quietly by his side and patrolling the camp together.

"But you have too many shortcomings. You have all the power that the warrior desires, but you are too benevolent. Whether in Westeros or Essos, danger is everywhere, and kindness is no good."

"I know your starting point is good, but some people may not accept your kindness."

Walking to the stable at the end of the camp, the old Corps Head stopped and continued:" Apart from being too kind and kind, you rarely make jokes on business matters.

So, the prophecies of the red god Priestess should be true, right?"

Arthur asked with a wry smile Said: "Don't you think the person who made this prediction would be stupid?"

Francis shook his head and said: "If it's someone else, I will, but you won't."

The teenager feels pretty good to be trusted.

"Can you elaborate on the prophecy?" Francis led him to answer that King was drinking, and Hand of the King was working on the camp.

"What?" Robert, who was impatiently listening to his friend's report on affairs, put down his glass, "Arthur finally turned that girl from the Wei Ting family into a man?"

"Your Majesty !"

Robert is so rude*|Russian, old Francis is also very unsightly, and he is one of the few highly prestigious old vassal, qualified to remind King to play his allegiance to his vassal orphan It's not a joke.

"I brought Arthur to talk about business."

Robert put away his vulgarity and waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, just say it."

Francis said resolutely: "Arthur has the ability to predict and can see the future."

Eddard: "Really?"

Still thinking about what to say to make people convincing, Arthur is somewhat Hesitating nodded.

Robert: "What do you see?"

Thinking about it carefully, Arthur whispered: "I saw Joffrey, Tywin, Tommen, Stannis all Die.

Recently, Margaret of House Tyrell will marry Joffrey, but I can guarantee that the wedding will not go smoothly."

"How to guarantee? You learned to let them all go directly Dead spell?" Robert, who didn't believe it, asked after pouring himself a glass of wine.

Rescued the lives of King Robert and Hand of the King Eddard, fled to Essos, and returned in time to save the young wolf lord and some of the vassals of The North. Arthur really didn’t know whether the intervened plot would become Beyond recognition.

So cautiously said: "If, I said, if Joffrey really poisoned to death at the wedding, just like the future I see, I hope Your Majesty will go north to calm The North, and then go Support Wall."

Eddard frowned: "Why?"

Arthur is quickly organizing the language, and he has to think clearly before answering.

Having suffered a spoiler loss, he really doesn't want to cause any more trouble.

Seeing Arthur silently thinking, Robert took a sip and said: "If Joffrey is really poisoned to death as you see in the future, you can try to convince me at that time!"

Arthur continued to lower his voice and said, "Margaret Tyrell is the jewel in the palm of House Tyrell, and Joffrey is a sadistic metamorphosis.

The Old Lady of the Queen of Thorns is cunning and clever. , The family interests are paramount, but will not push the baby granddaughter into the Fire Pit."

Eddard frowned: "So she will murder Joffrey?"

Francis immediately stood by Baalistan motioned for him to empty the people around the camp: "This news must not be leaked out, otherwise Lannister will be vigilant."

Joffrey is not his own species, so he has raised ten. In the past few years, when someone wanted to poison to kill him, Robert felt very complicated.

"If what happens in the future is exactly what you said, we can save a lot of things, and we can also clean up all hidden dangers at once and make the kingdom more stable."

Eddard's integrity Still unable to accept the murder, but seeing the stern look in the old Corps Head's eyes, he sighed and fell silent.

Pour the wine in the glass into his stomach, Robert solemnly asked: "Anything else?"

Arthur sat down and Francis pulled out the chair and continued beside Robert and Eddard:" Joffrey has taken the throne. He was poisoned to death. If the murderer is not found, someone will definitely be a scapegoat."

"Who would it be?" Eddard asked quickly.

“Joffrey’s personality has changed, and Cersei doesn’t care about it. Tywin Lannister is too lazy to do it. Jaime Lannister has no time to do it.”

Arthur said, “Only Imp, yes. Slap Joffrey when he says something wrong or does something wrong.

Joffrey’s seeking revenge for the slightest grievance character will surely humiliate his dwarf uncle fiercely, and Imp is not afraid, even Dare to curse.

As long as he has one sentence, one sentence of anger to the death of Joffrey, he will surely become the best scapegoat.

Moreover, Tywin Lannister will probably do it for To rule The North, Sansa has been betrothed to Tyrion."

"What?!" Hearing that his daughter was going to be ruined by the dwarf of Lannisters, Eddard, who listened with an expression on his face, immediately lost self-control.

Arthur quickly reassures him: "Calm down, my lord, Tyrion won't touch your daughter."

"It sounds like you admire that Imp?" Francis poured him a glass liquor.

The teenager does not deny, slightly nodded: "His body is not healthy, but his brain is well developed, unlike other Lannister."

"Not like Lannister's dwarf." Robert sneered. He whispered, "So Tywin was willing to have a Lannister?"

"That's right, after all, Imp killed his mother when he was born, the love of Tywin Lannister."

"And then, Lannister will fall apart like this?"

Arthur: "Your Majesty, Tyrion has a strong desire to survive and will not wait to die. It feels uncomfortable to be abandoned by the father. Under the guidance of some caring people And with help, he is very likely to kill his father!

And Lannister does not have Tywin, and the lion loses its fangs and sharp claw."

Francis agrees with nodded: "Lannister does not Tywin, it’s true that the lion loses its minions, but it’s hard to say whether Imp will kill its father."

"But our real enemy is not Lannister." To say this, Arthur was hesitant in his heart. It's been a long time.

Robert: "Who is that? House Targaryen that girl?"

King, who is sometimes very stupid, but sometimes very smart, Arthur said with a bitter smile: "May be our enemy, but she is not the strongest, trickiest, scariest enemy."

"She has a three-headed dragon, who is stronger than her, Trickier and more terrifying?" Robert really couldn't think of any enemies in the kingdom besides Lannister and the remnants of the previous regime.

Arthur: "You may not believe it, but I saw more than 100,000 Wildlings gathering north of Wall, preparing to attack the desperate Wall."

Eddard, who was hearing this, suddenly looked on. Sudden change, as the lord of The North, he knew too much about the total strength of the Night's Watch on the Wall, and he also knew that most of the Night's Watch castle was abandoned.

"Your Majesty, if Wildling really has a hundred thousand army, with the current number of Night's Watch, it will be difficult for them to defend Wall."

"But Your Majesty, Wildling’s attack on Wall southward would be Forced, I was forced to kill them to the last one and become Others controlled by ghouls!"

...to be continued...

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