Resurrection or something.

Most only think it is nonsense.


Seeing that he was fatally wounded with his own eyes, Berry Dondelion still appeared in front of him alive, everyone's thoughts were inevitably shaken.

When mastering the extraordinary power, King’s legal bastard, His Royal Highness Arthur confirmed that the resurrection is true and everyone should understand.

Robert even stopped his army to rest.

Only to listen to Soros who has resurrected Bailey six times about the incantion, ceremony, and related knowledge of the resurrection.

Soros and Penelope once thought they had a chance to preach Westeros.

But in the clouds and mists, after listening to the so-called incantion and ceremony.

Make sure that his son Arthur remembered that Robert suddenly lost interest.

It didn't take long.

The army marching in the Riverlands smoothly approached the mouth of the Green Fork River.

To the left, you can support Haijiang City.

To the right, you can attack The Twins of Buddha Lei Family.

The Twins straddles the Green Fork River.

When attacking one side, the Buddha Lei Family can get resources and support from the other side, surrounded by two sides, or can transport materials on the sea by ships. It is not so easy to besiege the city.

The difficulty of siege is extremely high!

However, the army of the Buddha Lei Family is now coming out. They are all besieging the Haijiang City. They want to get the Robb Stark who repented of marriage first, and there are three thousand people commanded by Ryan and Varian.

This is an opportunity!

The power of the Buddha Patriarch Lei can be eliminated in one fell swoop, and the difficulty of attacking The Twins, which lacks soldiers and horses, will be greatly reduced.

Robert looked at his friend: "Eddard, how about our two soldiers?"

The expression on his face, ordinary people can't see his thoughtful Grand Duke The North shook his head, and said cautiously:" Luce Bolton will not watch us kill The North, we must be careful."

"Then step by step." Francis said, "Clean up House Frey's main army first."

"Okay, head towards Haijiang City!"

Robert gave a loud order, "The scouts, please be careful not to be spotted by House Frey's sentry, we have to touch*| Sneak attack behind them!"

The evening glow came to an end.

The night is here as promised.

In the light of a few flames, Arthur was carrying a steel gun, sitting quietly on his horse and King Robert, Hand of the King Eddard, Kingsguard Captain Barristan and the others, waiting for the enemy scouts to report on the situation.

The North scout returned quickly on horseback: "House Frey's main force is about 5,000 people, all stationed outside the city of Haijiang."

Robert put on his helmet and made people I couldn’t see the expression clearly, but he was full of iron and power. Nodded asked: "Have you been in contact with Haijiang City?"

"We saw His Royal Highness Varian, who was guarding the city, and received the signal. , They will attack."

The siege of the Sea Territory by the soldiers of House Frey was trivial in the eyes of Robert, Eddard, Barristan, and Francis.

The sentry is simply a display.

I was touched by the scout, and checked the number of troops and the layout of the troops clearly, and he could still contact the people in the city. Eight thousand people appeared behind them even more unaware.

Such carelessness, the commander of House Frey is too wasteful!

Faced with such an enemy, Ryan, Varian, and Robb were besieged in Haijiang City for a week. Everyone could not understand why.

"The cavalry listened to the order, charge!"

The brave King gave an order, and the hooves smashed to the ground rang!

The House Frey camp that besieged the coastal city became chaotic in an instant.

They all panicked.

Frightened and picked up the weapon, but the cavalry armed with lances, spears, and swordsman has already raised the flag, murderous-looking, incarnation, and roaring!

In this battle, there is still no need for Arthur to kill the enemy bravely.

Use holy light to cast the blessing of power, the King waving Warhammer beside him is like War God cannot resist!

Everyone who sees it is discouraged!

The city gate of Haijiang City opens, Ryan, Varian, and Robb lead their troops out, and House Frey's five thousand soldiers are destined to be destroyed!

Besiege Ryan, Varian, and Robb. They couldn't leave. Arthur thought the enemy was very difficult.

Didn't expect King to run away with the cavalry as soon as he charged...

Tell Barristan and Francis to take people to clean up the broken soldiers, Let Eddard take over the command.

The angry Robert directly ordered people to bring Ryan, Varian and Robb.

The three people had high hopes, but they failed to go north.

When I saw them, Big Fatty cursed, "Even the Lei Family, the army of crooked melons and jujubes, can't win. Are you all shit in your mind?"

"Ryan, Varian, tell me that the soldiers of the Buddha Lei Family are so trash, why are your two idiots besieged in Haijiang City?"

The battlefield screamed, screamed and wailed. , The sound of fighting is more vigorous.

In the light of the fire, looking at the beard became angry*|Zhang's royal father, Ryan and Varian looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's not that they are ineffective.

It's the teammates who are dragging their feet!

House Frey captured Eddard Mu Tully, and these cunning weasels threatened them with hostages if they couldn't beat them.

There was the Catherine Lady who cared about her family, and they were also very aggrieved!

Robb hearing this on the side was full of embarrassment and explained: "Your Majesty, it was my mother who prevented the two highnesses from sending troops."

Robert was even more angry when he heard this:" Your mother has a brain problem?"

Not everyone can stand Fatty King's violent temper. Robb, who was scolded, flushed, and said helplessly, "They caught me uncle."

"Eddard Mu Tully?"

I still need the support of House Tully and the princes of Riverlands. I heard that this is the reason. Robert, who was annoyed, was coldly snorted and put his temper away. Continue to scold.

"Arthur, get out of here and rescue Lord Eddard Mu!"

"It's Your Majesty."

I'm afraid of being scolded for no reason. After Arthur, who was not in danger, hurriedly carried a steel gun to beat King who was far away from his head.

The camp is in chaos.

If Arthur, who is not holding a steel gun, has obvious characteristics and saved a lot of people on Red Wedding, and has seen most of Stark and Tully’s vassals, there may be a red-eyed guy who rushes over and stabbed him Two dollars.

Find Eddard who is commanding soldiers to pursue the enemy.

Arthur asked immediately: "My lord, Lord Eddard Mu is here. He was captured by House Frey at the wedding and then taken here as a hostage."

"You have Did anyone see Eddard Duke Mu?" Eddard quickly asked how many people were killed from Haijiang City.

One of Robb’s close guards, Jon Amber replied with father Jon Amber to kill the enemy: "Before sunset, Hayward of House Frey used Eddard to threaten us not Get out of the city, otherwise he will be executed."

Arthur frowned: "Then Lord Eddard Mu is in danger?"

Little Jon Amber shook his head: "No, it seems that someone has reported , Hiwad hijacked Eddard Mu and ran away."

"I know which direction they are running from!"

A tall female warrior said, she said she beat the horse to lead the way : "Come with me."

Following the female warrior, Arthur gave her a blessing of strength and gave the war horse a blessing quickly.

Speed ​​up the pursuit.

The few people walking through the dark road soon saw Eddard Mu, who was tied up on horseback and kidnapped by others.

With a quick blessing, everyone caught up with the Hayward several Freys who hijacked Eddard Mu Tuli in a blink of an eye.

Arthur sent a steel spear along the horse in his hand, and immediately knocked down a weasel.

Annie beside her shouted loudly: "Put down Eddard and Duke Mu surrenders, otherwise you will die!"

Arthur and Annie sat down on their horses and chased them even with the Freys.

Several cold light flashes, and in an instant, only Hayward, who puts the knife on Eddard Mu’s neck, is left.

"Don't come here! No..."

I saw a pale-gold holy light enveloped Eddard Mu, Selena had already rushed out, the big sword slashed with the wind Broken the head of the weasel in Heward.

The action is simply and neat!

Eddard Mu, who fell to the ground, hadn't figured out what was going on.

Arthur helped him up.

"Master Eddard, you are safe now. Come with us to see Your Majesty." be continued......


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