White Harbor is one of Westeros Five Great Cities. Even the smallest of Five Great Cities, it is larger and more prosperous than Winterfell, the capital of The North.

Now the outer city and inner city are all burned to ruins.

Promise to help the Mandalay family rebuild, and to deal with Wildling and the Others, Robert, who needs the support of all the families of The North, will not break his word.

Even though he hates to deal with business matters, he still has the patience, and in the name of King, summons the civil servants to start work.

Of course, it is Hand of the King Eddard Stark who really presides over the reconstruction work.

As the most important trading port of The North.

The White Harbor Wharf was proposed by Friedrich August to be the first to be rebuilt. Because the city was turned into ruins, the port that can bring *|economics is even more important.

Even if White Harbor cannot accommodate people, there is no problem in setting up an open space around the pier to be used exclusively for trading.

"Your Majesty, Prince Stannis is here."

Get a report from the soldiers rotating at the wharf. He is in the camp in the city, and Robert, who is dealing with affairs with Eddard, froze. After a moment of stunned, he immediately put down the files in his hand and slowly got up.

"Eddard, let's go and see."

The two quickly went to the humble but busy new White Harbor pier in a frenzy.

Seeing the patterns of sails on the Dragonstone battleship, Robert sneered at the younger brother who came to him: "What kind of ghost pattern is that?"

There is no appearance or personality. The lovable Stannis didn't speak, but the red robe female Melisandre next to him said: "It's the flaming red-hearted griffon."

"hehe." Robert, who was hearing this, suddenly sneered.

Arthur said that the priests of the Lahlo church were not simple, they were very good at bewitching people's hearts.

I also heard rumors that the stupid younger brother Stannis burned the statue of The Seven, converted to Lord of Light, and let the red god Priestess use the bloodfiend method to kill Renly.

"Stannis, tell me, who is this woman? What is her identity? Did I ask her something?"

As King's majestic and domineering language spoke, Pakistan Listan, Francis, Ryan, and Varian all showed unkindness to this red robe girl.

They have all come into contact with the priests of Lord of Light Rahlo, whether the bald red robe monk, the red-haired Priestess, Penelope or Soros.

Some Arthur reminded these priests of the weirdness, none of them liked it, and they were very defensive.

On the Dragonstone side, there are many people who are loyal to their faith and devote their minds and bodies to Lord of Light Lakhlo. Seeing Barristan and the others reaching out and pressing the sword, they all not to be outdone.

The two sides confronted each other instantly.

When Robert saw this, he frowned, waved his hand, and asked the younger brother: "Okay, don't be so excited, Stannis, tell me, do you want to be King?"

Stannis: "Joffrey is not your bloodline, I am the first heir to the throne."

"That's right." Eddard said bitterly, "But... now Your Majesty will Ryan, Varian, and Arthur are all conferred as the prince..."

Stannis lowered his head and said solemnly: "I received the raven from Night's Watch, and Amon Maester said Wildling The army is going south and is about to attack Wall. I want to support it."

"Go to Wall?"

As Arthur saw in the future, Stannis mentioned that Stannis would go north to support Wall.

Robert also took this into consideration, so he didn't kill the younger brother who rebelled and claimed the king as soon as he met.


"But how much supplies do you have?"

Stannis thought that the big brother had suddenly changed for the better, so he prepared to supply him: "Probably last a month."

Robert: "Oh, give us half a month of food."

This bastard King won't get better, he is still such a bastard!

Stannis was upset, but King's request would not be rejected. Moreover, White Harbor was turned into ruins. It needs to be rebuilt here, and it must be short of manpower and food.

Francis, who heard that King wants to support Night's Watch, thinks that rebuilding White Harbor first and opening up the economic situation is the top priority, shook his head: "Your Majesty, our people must guard against Kaivon Lannister, and To rebuild White Harbor, the soldiers who can go north may not be able to mobilize much for the time being."

"You really need people everywhere." There are no soldiers, but Robert doesn't care, "Then I will bring a squad."

"What? No!" Eddard, Francis, Barristan, Ryan, and Varian hearing this all objected.

Robert coldly snorted: "I am King! You should follow my orders!"

Eddard: "..."

Very speechless , But everyone immediately thought of Arthur, with his bravely assisted Fatty King, I am afraid that he will be surrounded, and he is sure to kill him.

"Okay, I have decided. Barristan, Francis, and Ryan will pick people. Varian will stay here and supervise the reconstruction of White Harbor for me. Get ready quickly. We will set off tomorrow."

In White Harbor, which has become ruined here, the big fatty King has already stayed and felt like he was going to be moldy. Going north to support Wall, it can kill the enemy and relieve boredom, but also get rid of those annoying affairs. .

I heard that the Wildling spear woman is very wild and powerful.

To defeat Mans Reid, just to capture a few beautiful spear women for fun.

The big fatty King who is warlike and exuberant material desire must not stay long in the ruined White Harbor. Eddard, Barristan, Francis and the others who knew him would have expected it a long time ago.

Just when King Robert, Stannis, Barristan, Francis and Ryan and the others were preparing to go north to support Night's Watch.

Take a boat to Vale of Arryn and step into Eyrie.

Petyr Baelish quickly transformed from the Duke of Herrenborg and became the new husband of Lady Lysa, the ruler of Vale of Arryn!

Lysa who is obsessed with him is easy to control.

The power held by Littlefinger is no different from the Lord of the Valley!

But it’s not enough...

I don’t know the situation of Extremis Wall. I thought it was just an ordinary Wildling invasion. Littlefinger thought King and Eddard would defeat Wildling soon, and then waved The army went south to fight Lannister again.

Unfortunately, his abacus is cracking.

But I don’t know.

After King Robert took the Dragonstone battleship north to support Wall, Eddard immediately sent a raven to the Vale of Arryn to send a letter.

I grew up in Eyrie as Jon Arryn's foster son since he was eight years old.

Vale of Arryn Most nobles know him!

The Arthur who revealed the plot, and the Eddard family all know that the eldest daughter Sansa was brought to Eyrie by the conspirator Littlefinger.

When Lady Lysa fell from the moon gate and turned into mud.

Because of the Eddard Stark letter, the Royce family, the Wywood family, the Hunter family, the Redford family, the Belmore family, and the Temperton family have secretly established the Righteous Alliance.

As soon as they got the news of the death of Lady Lysa, Robin Ailin’s guardian, the successor in the valley, they immediately attacked Eyrie!

As the Kingdom Hand of the King, Eddard can do things under the name of King.

"Petyr Baelish, you have an accident!"

Littlefinger is still working hard to control Eyrie. Suddenly, all his men are under control, Jon Royce. and the others fully armed appeared.

Looking at these valley nobles, Littlefinger didn’t panic at all. He remained calm, still acting as if nothing had happened, and asked: "My lord, what do you mean by this?"

Jon Royce of hearing this was coldly snorted, and took out the letter sent by the raven sent by Eddard, which had a letter from King Robert.

Will loudly said: "Petyr Baelish, you murdered Hand of the King Jon Arryn before you murdered Lady Lysa, betrayed King Your Majesty and Hand of the King, it's time to stand trial!"

After that, I am to the red-haired girl who is claimed by Littlefinger to be her bastard daughter. Allen Shidong said: "Miss Sansa Stark, Hand of the King Eddard is waiting for you to go home."

The surrounding valley nobles and soldiers are murderous-looking.

He looks like he must put himself to death. On the surface, he is very calm, but Littlefinger is really panicked. He has a strong desire to survive: "Everyone, how could I betray Your Majesty and Hand of the King? "

"This must be a misunderstanding!"

Jon Royce: "It's useless no matter how you quibble. The signatures on the letter are Robert Baratheon Your Majesty and Eddard Stark Hand of the King is not King's Landing, those Lannister who are overwhelming!"

...to be continued...

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