The appearance of a large number of ghouls disturbed some of Bailey Dondelion’s thoughts. He just wanted to take the ghouls in the sacks back and break through with his men.

As a result, he failed to prevent Prince Arthur from getting involved in the danger, and he rushed along with Soros and the members of Brother Without Flags.


He did this because Arthur used spirit strength!

In addition to holy light, he also has magic talent and powerful spirit strength!

I can roughly study the use of spirit strength for sound transmission communication, but he is impossible to make no progress.

holy light blessing affinity.

It can make people feel kindness and sincerity, so he develops this aspect with spirit strength.

Don't want to confuse people.

There is no need to control the spirit of others.

He has been able to guide the idea of ​​the goal!

Leave Selena and Penelope outside the cave.

Arthur who was able to go in, without the slightest hesitation walked to see the three-eyed crow combined with the heart tree, the Duke of Blood Raven, and Brinden Hesitation.

"Hello, Duke Blinden Riverman, I am Arthur Lorrain."

After all, this three-eyed crow is flowing on the bloodline of the Royal Family, and Re-elected Hand of the King for two consecutive terms.

So Arthur didn't want to remind him that his cheap daddy, Robert, led the former Luo Lan Family to rebel and overthrew House Targaryen, which had ruled Westeros for many years, and became the holy Lorraine now.

One with the heart tree, but I don’t know what's happening on the Westeros continent.

Before becoming the three-eyed crow, Blinden River had already abandoned his former identity when he became Night's Watch. Hearing his words, he slightly shook the head and said: "I know you, light Son of Arthur · Holy Lorraine.

You have the kind character that a prince should have. This is commendable.

I heard that you came to me specifically, hoping to learn Greenseer and Knowledge of Skinchanger?"

Bran, Jiujian, and Mela listened quietly to their conversation.

"Yes." Arthur nodded and said, "I hope you can teach me."

Three-eyed crow: "You believe in Lord of Light Lakhlo, join Lakh Low church, but not religious, they also have spells, and they are not weaker than the magic of Greenseer and Skinchanger.

As long as you sincerely believe in Lord of Light Lahlo, you can learn how to use spells. Why do you stay close and farther away? ?"

Arthur said straightforwardly without concealment: "Believing in Lord of Light Lakhlo has hidden dangers, so I don't believe in him.

Besides, I don't really want to believe in Lakh. Luo, I only believe in myself, and I believe in the light in my heart."

"Is there a difference?"

The three-eyed crow doesn’t know that holy light coexists with Arthur’s soul and was born in him He believed that it was Rahlo bestowing divine force that he became the son of light and mastered the Holy Light Power.

Arthur nodded: "There is a big difference. Even if I spurn or even insult Lord of Light Lahlo, as long as the faith in my heart is still there, holy light will always coexist with my soul."

"God must not be humiliated." Hearing this, the three-eyed crow shook his head slightly, but he already had some understanding of the power he mastered.

Arthur: "I am not disrespectful or insulting to God. Lord of Light Rahlo is very good to believers, but he is evil to me."

The three-eyed crow hearing this I stayed silent for a moment, looked at him and asked: "What do you think of Old Gods?"

"I think Old Gods are nature, land, mountains, rivers, trees, and rocks." Arthur thought about it and said seriously. .

The three-eyed crow can feel his kindness towards Old Gods’ beliefs: “It’s not wrong for you to understand this way.”

“However, you said you would return before the Wildling army attacked Wall. It takes a lot of time to learn about Greenseer and Skinchanger in the Wall of Dilemma."

Arthur: "I can go back and come back again. It is not difficult to calm Wildling’s invasion of the South."

Knowing this, the three-eyed crow was silent for a moment, and finally nodded slowly agreed: "I can teach you the knowledge of Greenseer and Skinchanger.

I will even let Children of the Forest teach you them. Magic.

But...what can I get?"

Arthur thought for a while and said, "As long as you don’t go against your heart, you can agree to any request."


This answer is very cunning, but the three-eyed crow just smiled and didn't care too much. Instead, he changed to a solemn look and asked solemnly: "Will you swear against Others and death?"

"I swear to fight all evil and never allow Others to invade and cause Westeros loss of life!" The teenager hearing this immediately became solemn.

Getting this firm answer, the Three-eyed Crow is already satisfied.

Arthur: "I will also help train people who believe in Old Gods to become Skinchangers."

"Very good." Three-eyed crow: "Then what do you know about Greenseer and Skinchanger? "

"I don't know much. Skinchanger can enter the animal body with thoughts to control it. Among them, the one who is psychic with the fish beam will have the ability to look back at the past, watch the present and even predict the future. It is Greenseer."

Listening to the teenager saying what he knew, the three-eyed crow pondered for a moment, and said: "You already probably know the essence of Greenseer and Skinchanger, but I must tell you that learning knowledge does not mean that you will be able to Become a Skinchanger."

"I know this."

"Well, I will explain the knowledge of Skinchanger for you now, Bran, Jiujian, you guys come and listen together. "

Arthur wants to return to Wall before Wildling attacks. The Three-Eyed Crow will not talk nonsense and procrastinate, get straight to the subject, and begin to teach Skinchanger knowledge.

It is not a Skinchanger. The prince can learn relevant knowledge and can understand how to become a Skinchanger and how to control animals, but he cannot fully understand it.

Darkness covers the sky.

There are countless broken stars in the night.

Haoyue emits a soft light, and in the cave under the huge fish-beam-wood heart tree, the three-eyed crow who is aiming to teach Bran to become Greenseer suddenly opens his eyes, returning with Bran's consciousness looking back in the past.

Children of the Forest who taught Arthur the magic also stopped at this time.

"It's time for you to go back to Wall." Seeing the Wildling army approaching Wall, the three-eyed crow said to the studious prince.

"If you can, please try not to hurt innocent people."

"I will."

Farewell to everyone and leave the cave, and Arthur treats every day Selena, who endured the cold wind and cold snow outside the cave, lived boringly.

"We should go back."

Seeing her act immediately to pack things up, the boy shook the head: "Don't pack up, leave everything to Bran and the others, we bring some dry food Let’s go with torch right away."

"Let’s go."

Hearing this, Selena picked up a bag of dried meat and walked to the tent. Shabby stables.

Penelope frowned and looked at him: "His Royal Highness, you have the breath of Ability God on your body. It is no good to contact Ability God."

"I have a sense of measure." Arthur didn't bother to talk nonsense with her.

"No, you didn't take my words seriously, but tried to get in touch with Ability God." Penelope knew that he was perfunctory.

"Others are the servants of the cold god, right?"

Patience Penelope was nodded when he heard the boy's inquiry.

Arthur looked at her and said: "The Cold God is the eternal enemy of Lord of Light Lakhlo. Shouldn't we unite all the forces and destroy the Cold God before discussing other things?"

"You are confusing like this." The fact that Penelope has gained allies is undeniable, but she always feels that the son of light will betray her faith and even do something terrifying in the future.

"Let's go, we must rush back to Wall." Arthur turned on his horse and brought another war horse to Priestess.

Riding on the back of the horse, Penelope feels that the horse has been blessed and blessed quickly, and he can charge at any time when he hoofs the snow.

But looking at the evil servants hiding in the dark, said solemnly: "The ghoul has surrounded us. Are you sure you are sure to take us to charge ahead?"

"Of course."

tone barely fell, holy light appeared, illuminating the darkness, covering the bodies of the trio and the horse.

"Let's go!" be continued...

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